// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handle processing for richly editable text.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '/common/automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '/common/automation_util.js';
import {constants} from '/common/constants.js';
import {Cursor} from '/common/cursors/cursor.js';
import {CursorRange} from '/common/cursors/range.js';
import {NavBraille} from '../../common/braille/nav_braille.js';
import {Msgs} from '../../common/msgs.js';
import {SettingsManager} from '../../common/settings_manager.js';
import {MultiSpannable} from '../../common/spannable.js';
import {Personality, QueueMode} from '../../common/tts_types.js';
import {LibLouis} from '../braille/liblouis.js';
import {BrailleTextStyleSpan, ValueSelectionSpan, ValueSpan} from '../braille/spans.js';
import {ChromeVox} from '../chromevox.js';
import {ChromeVoxState} from '../chromevox_state.js';
import {Color} from '../color.js';
import {Output} from '../output/output.js';
import {OutputCustomEvent, SPACE} from '../output/output_types.js';
import {EditableLine} from './editable_line.js';
import {AutomationEditableText} from './editable_text.js';
import {TextChangeEvent} from './editable_text_base.js';
import {IntentHandler} from './intent_handler.js';
import AutomationIntent = chrome.automation.AutomationIntent;
import AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
import Dir = constants.Dir;
import FormType = LibLouis.FormType;
import MarkerType = chrome.automation.MarkerType;
import RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
import StateType = chrome.automation.StateType;
* A |ChromeVoxEditableTextBase| that implements text editing feedback
* for automation tree text fields using anchor and focus selection.
export class RichEditableText extends AutomationEditableText {
private startLine_?: EditableLine;
private endLine_?: EditableLine;
private line_?: EditableLine;
private misspelled = false;
private grammarError = false;
private bold_ = false;
private italic_ = false;
private underline_ = false;
private lineThrough_ = false;
private fontFamily_: string|undefined;
private fontSize_: number|undefined;
private fontColor_: string|undefined;
private linked_: boolean|undefined;
private subscript_: boolean|undefined;
private superscript_: boolean|undefined;
constructor(node: AutomationNode) {
const root = this.node_.root;
if (!root || !root.selectionStartObject || !root.selectionEndObject ||
root.selectionStartOffset === undefined ||
root.selectionEndOffset === undefined) {
this.startLine_ = new EditableLine(
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset,
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset);
this.endLine_ = new EditableLine(
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset,
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset);
this.line_ = new EditableLine(
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset,
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset);
override isSelectionOnFirstLine(): boolean {
let deep = this.line_!.end.node;
while (deep.previousOnLine) {
deep = deep.previousOnLine;
const next = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
deep, Dir.BACKWARD, AutomationPredicate.inlineTextBox,
{root: r => r === this.node_});
if (!next) {
return true;
const exited = AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(next, deep);
return exited.includes(this.node_);
override isSelectionOnLastLine(): boolean {
let deep = this.line_!.end.node;
while (deep.nextOnLine) {
deep = deep.nextOnLine;
const next = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
deep, Dir.FORWARD, AutomationPredicate.inlineTextBox,
{root: r => r === this.node_});
if (!next) {
return true;
const exited = AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(next, deep);
return exited.includes(this.node_);
override onUpdate(intents: AutomationIntent[]): void {
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
const root = this.node_.root!;
if (!root.selectionStartObject || !root.selectionEndObject ||
root.selectionStartOffset === undefined ||
root.selectionEndOffset === undefined) {
const startLine = new EditableLine(
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset,
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset);
const endLine = new EditableLine(
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset,
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset);
const prevStartLine = this.startLine_!;
const prevEndLine = this.endLine_!;
this.startLine_ = startLine;
this.endLine_ = endLine;
const baseLineOnStart = prevEndLine.isSameLineAndSelection(endLine);
const isSameSelection =
baseLineOnStart && prevStartLine.isSameLineAndSelection(startLine);
const cur = new EditableLine(
root.selectionStartObject, root.selectionStartOffset,
root.selectionEndObject, root.selectionEndOffset, baseLineOnStart);
if (isSameSelection && this.line_ && this.line_.text === cur.text) {
// Nothing changed, return.
const prev = this.line_!;
this.line_ = cur;
cur, prev, startLine, endLine, prevStartLine, prevEndLine,
baseLineOnStart, intents);
private handleSpeech_(
cur: EditableLine, prev: EditableLine, startLine: EditableLine,
endLine: EditableLine, prevStartLine: EditableLine,
prevEndLine: EditableLine, baseLineOnStart: boolean,
intents: AutomationIntent[]): void {
// During continuous read, skip speech (which gets handled in
// CommandHandler). We use the speech end callback to trigger additional
// speech.
// Also, skip speech based on the predicate.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (ChromeVoxState.instance!.isReadingContinuously ||
this.node_)) {
// End of document announcements are special because it's the only situation
// in which there's no more content to the right of the linecursor. This
// condition has to detect a precise state change where a user moves (not
// changes) within the last line.
if (this.isSelectionOnLastLine() && cur.hasCollapsedSelection() &&
cur.text.length === cur.endOffset && prev.isSameLine(cur) &&
cur.text === prev.text) {
// Omit announcements if the document is completely empty.
if (!this.isSelectionOnFirstLine() || cur.text.length > 0) {
Msgs.getMsg('end_of_text_verbose'), QueueMode.CATEGORY_FLUSH);
// Before entering into our state machine below, use selected intents to
// decipher ambiguous cases.
if (this.maybeSpeakUsingIntents_(intents, cur, prev)) {
// We must validate the previous lines below as state changes in the
// accessibility tree may have invalidated the lines.
// Selection stayed within the same line(s) and didn't cross into new lines.
// Handle speech output for collapsed selections and all selections on text
// areas using EditableTextBase.
// TODO(accessibility): eventually remove usage of the EditableTextBase
// plain text state machine by migrating all cases to be handled by
// EditableLine.
if ((cur.hasCollapsedSelection() || this.node_.htmlTag === 'textarea') &&
startLine.isSameLine(prevStartLine) &&
endLine.isSameLine(prevEndLine)) {
// Intra-line changes.
if (cur.hasTextSelection()) {
if (!prev.hasTextSelection() && cur.hasCollapsedSelection() &&
cur.startOffset > prev.startOffset) {
// EditableTextBase cannot handle this state transition (moving
// forward from rich text to a caret in plain text). Fall back to
// simply reading the character to the right of the caret. We achieve
// this by updating the indices first, then sending the new change.
// These members come from EditableTextBase.
this.start = cur.endOffset > 0 ? cur.endOffset - 1 : 0;
this.end = this.start;
// Delegate to EditableTextBase (via |changed|), which handles plain
// text state output.
let text = cur.text;
if (text === '\n') {
text = '';
new TextChangeEvent(text, cur.startOffset, cur.endOffset, true));
} else {
// Handle description of non-textual lines.
new Output()
new CursorRange(cur.start, cur.end),
new CursorRange(prev.start, prev.end),
// Be careful to update state in EditableTextBase since we don't
// explicitly call through to it here.
const curBase = baseLineOnStart ? endLine : startLine;
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if ((cur.startContainer!.role === RoleType.TEXT_FIELD ||
(cur.startContainer === prev.startContainer &&
cur.endContainer === prev.endContainer)) &&
cur.startContainerValue !== prev.startContainerValue) {
// This block catches text changes between |prev| and | cur|. Note that
// we can end up here if |prevStartLine| or |prevEndLine| were invalid
// above for intra-line changes. This block therefore catches all text
// changes including those that occur within a single line and up to those
// that occur within a static text. It also catches text changes that
// result in an empty text field, so we handle the case where the
// container is the text field itself.
// Take the difference of the text at the paragraph level (i.e. the value
// of the container) and speak that.
new TextChangeEvent(
prev.startContainerValue, prev.localContainerStartOffset,
prev.localContainerEndOffset, true),
new TextChangeEvent(
cur.startContainerValue, cur.localContainerStartOffset,
cur.localContainerEndOffset, true));
} else if (cur.text === '') {
// This line has no text content. Describe the DOM selection.
new Output()
new CursorRange(cur.start, cur.end),
new CursorRange(prev.start, prev.end), OutputCustomEvent.NAVIGATE)
} else if (
!prev.hasCollapsedSelection() && !cur.hasCollapsedSelection() &&
(curBase.isSameLineAndSelection(prevStartLine) ||
curBase.isSameLineAndSelection(prevEndLine))) {
// This is a selection that gets extended from the same anchor.
// Speech requires many more states than braille.
const curExtent = baseLineOnStart ? startLine : endLine;
let suffixMsg = '';
if (curBase.isBeforeLine(curExtent)) {
// Forward selection.
if (prev.isBeforeLine(curBase) && !prev.start.equals(curBase.start)) {
// Wrapped across the baseline. Read out the new selection.
suffixMsg = 'selected';
curBase.startContainer, curBase.localStartOffset,
curExtent.endContainer, curExtent.localEndOffset);
} else {
if (prev.isBeforeLine(curExtent)) {
// Grew.
suffixMsg = 'selected';
prev.endContainer, prev.localEndOffset, curExtent.endContainer,
} else {
// Shrank.
suffixMsg = 'unselected';
curExtent.endContainer, curExtent.localEndOffset,
prev.endContainer, prev.localEndOffset);
} else {
// Backward selection.
if (curBase.isBeforeLine(prev)) {
// Wrapped across the baseline. Read out the new selection.
suffixMsg = 'selected';
curExtent.startContainer, curExtent.localStartOffset,
curBase.endContainer, curBase.localEndOffset);
} else {
if (curExtent.isBeforeLine(prev)) {
// Grew.
suffixMsg = 'selected';
curExtent.startContainer, curExtent.localStartOffset,
prev.startContainer, prev.localStartOffset);
} else {
// Shrank.
suffixMsg = 'unselected';
prev.startContainer, prev.localStartOffset,
curExtent.startContainer, curExtent.localStartOffset);
ChromeVox.tts.speak(Msgs.getMsg(suffixMsg), QueueMode.QUEUE);
} else if (!cur.hasCollapsedSelection()) {
// Without any other information, try describing the selection. This state
// catches things like select all.
cur.startContainer, cur.localStartOffset, cur.endContainer,
ChromeVox.tts.speak(Msgs.getMsg('selected'), QueueMode.QUEUE);
} else {
// A catch-all for any other transitions.
// Describe the current line. This accounts for previous/current
// selections and picking the line edge boundary that changed (as computed
// above). This is also the code path for describing paste. It also covers
// jump commands which are non-overlapping selections from prev to cur.
* @param baseLineOnStart When true, the brailled line will show
* ancestry context based on the start of the selection. When false, it
* will use the end of the selection.
private handleBraille_(baseLineOnStart: boolean): void {
const isEmpty = !this.node_.find({role: RoleType.STATIC_TEXT});
const isFirstLine = this.isSelectionOnFirstLine();
const cur = this.line_!;
if (cur.value === null) {
let value = new MultiSpannable(isEmpty ? '' : cur.value);
if (!this.node_.constructor) {
value.getSpansInstanceOf(this.node_.constructor).forEach(spanObj => {
const span = spanObj as {role: RoleType, parent: Object};
const styleObj =
span.role === RoleType.INLINE_TEXT_BOX ? span.parent : span;
if (!styleObj) {
const style =
styleObj as {bold: boolean, italic: boolean, underline: boolean};
let formType = FormType.PLAIN_TEXT;
// Currently no support for sub/superscript in 3rd party liblouis library.
if (style.bold) {
formType |= FormType.BOLD;
if (style.italic) {
formType |= FormType.ITALIC;
if (style.underline) {
formType |= FormType.UNDERLINE;
if (formType === FormType.PLAIN_TEXT) {
const start = value.getSpanStart(span);
const end = value.getSpanEnd(span);
value.setSpan(new BrailleTextStyleSpan(formType as FormType), start, end);
value.setSpan(new ValueSpan(0), 0, value.length);
// Provide context for the current selection.
const context = baseLineOnStart ? cur.startContainer : cur.endContainer;
if (context && context.role !== RoleType.TEXT_FIELD) {
const output = new Output().suppress('name').withBraille(
CursorRange.fromNode(context), CursorRange.fromNode(this.node_),
if (output.braille.length) {
const end = cur.containerEndOffset + 1;
const prefix = value.substring(0, end);
const suffix = value.substring(end, value.length);
value = prefix;
if (suffix.length) {
if (suffix.toString()[0] !== SPACE) {
let start = cur.startOffset;
let end = cur.endOffset;
if (isFirstLine) {
if (!/\s/.test(value.toString()[value.length - 1])) {
if (isEmpty) {
// When the text field is empty, place the selection cursor immediately
// after the space and before the 'ed' role msg indicator below.
start = value.length - 1;
end = start;
value.setSpan(new ValueSelectionSpan(), start, end);
new NavBraille({text: value, startIndex: start, endIndex: end}));
private speakTextSelection_(
startNode: AutomationNode|undefined, startOffset: number,
endNode: AutomationNode|undefined, endOffset: number): void {
if (!startNode || !endNode) {
const selectedRange = new CursorRange(
new Cursor(startNode, startOffset), new Cursor(endNode, endOffset));
new Output()
selectedRange, CursorRange.fromNode(this.node_),
private speakTextMarker_(
container: AutomationNode, selStart: number, selEnd: number): void {
const markersWithinSelection: Record<string, boolean> = {};
const markers = container.markers;
if (markers) {
for (const marker of markers) {
// See if our selection intersects with this marker.
if (marker.startOffset >= selStart || selEnd < marker.endOffset) {
for (const key in marker.flags) {
markersWithinSelection[key] = true;
const msgs: string[] = [];
if (this.misspelled === !(markersWithinSelection[MarkerType.SPELLING])) {
this.misspelled = !this.misspelled;
msgs.push(this.misspelled ? 'misspelling_start' : 'misspelling_end');
if (this.grammarError === !(markersWithinSelection[MarkerType.GRAMMAR])) {
this.grammarError = !this.grammarError;
msgs.push(this.grammarError ? 'grammar_start' : 'grammar_end');
if (msgs.length) {
msg => ChromeVox.tts.speak(
Msgs.getMsg(msg), QueueMode.QUEUE, Personality.ANNOTATION));
private speakTextStyle_(style: AutomationNode): void {
const msgs: Array<{msg: string, opt_subs?: string[]}> = [];
const fontSize = style.fontSize;
const fontColor = Color.getColorDescription(style.color);
const linked = style.state![StateType.LINKED];
const subscript = style.state!['subscript'];
const superscript = style.state!['superscript'];
const bold = style.bold;
const italic = style.italic;
const underline = style.underline;
const lineThrough = style.lineThrough;
const fontFamily = style.fontFamily;
// Only report text style attributes if they change.
if (fontSize && (fontSize !== this.fontSize_)) {
this.fontSize_ = fontSize;
msgs.push({msg: 'font_size', opt_subs: [String(this.fontSize_)]});
if (fontColor && (fontColor !== this.fontColor_)) {
this.fontColor_ = fontColor;
msgs.push({msg: 'font_color', opt_subs: [this.fontColor_]});
if (linked !== this.linked_) {
this.linked_ = linked;
msgs.push(this.linked_ ? {msg: 'link'} : {msg: 'not_link'});
if (style.subscript !== this.subscript_) {
this.subscript_ = subscript;
msgs.push(this.subscript_ ? {msg: 'subscript'} : {msg: 'not_subscript'});
if (style.superscript !== this.superscript_) {
this.superscript_ = superscript;
this.superscript_ ? {msg: 'superscript'} : {msg: 'not_superscript'});
if (bold !== this.bold_) {
this.bold_ = bold;
msgs.push(this.bold_ ? {msg: 'bold'} : {msg: 'not_bold'});
if (italic !== this.italic_) {
this.italic_ = italic;
msgs.push(this.italic_ ? {msg: 'italic'} : {msg: 'not_italic'});
if (underline !== this.underline_) {
this.underline_ = underline;
msgs.push(this.underline_ ? {msg: 'underline'} : {msg: 'not_underline'});
if (lineThrough !== this.lineThrough_) {
this.lineThrough_ = lineThrough;
this.lineThrough_ ? {msg: 'linethrough'} : {msg: 'not_linethrough'});
if (fontFamily && (fontFamily !== this.fontFamily_)) {
this.fontFamily_ = fontFamily;
msgs.push({msg: 'font_family', opt_subs: [this.fontFamily_!]});
if (msgs.length) {
msgObject => ChromeVox.tts.speak(
Msgs.getMsg(msgObject.msg, msgObject.opt_subs), QueueMode.QUEUE,
override describeSelectionChanged(evt: TextChangeEvent): void {
// Note that since Chrome allows for selection to be placed immediately at
// the end of a line (i.e. end === value.length) and since we try to describe
// the character to the right, just describe it as a new line.
if ((this.start + 1) === evt.start && evt.start === this.value.length) {
this.speak('\n', evt.triggeredByUser);
this, evt);
override getLineIndex(_charIndex: number): number {
return 0;
override getLineStart(_lineIndex: number): number {
return 0;
override getLineEnd(_lineIndex: number): number {
return this.value.length;
override changed(evt: TextChangeEvent): void {
// This path does not use the Output module to synthesize speech.
AutomationEditableText.prototype.changed.call(this, evt);
private updateIntraLineState_(cur: EditableLine): void {
let text = cur.text;
if (text === '\n') {
text = '';
this.value = text;
this.start = cur.startOffset;
this.end = cur.endOffset;
private maybeSpeakUsingIntents_(
intents: AutomationIntent[], cur: EditableLine,
prev: EditableLine): boolean {
if (IntentHandler.onIntents(intents, cur, prev)) {
return true;
return false;
private speakAllMarkers_(cur: EditableLine): void {
const container = cur.startContainer;
if (!container) {
this.speakTextMarker_(container, cur.localStartOffset, cur.localEndOffset);
if (SettingsManager.get('announceRichTextAttributes')) {