// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles automation from ChromeVox's current range.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '/common/automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '/common/automation_util.js';
import {CursorRange} from '/common/cursors/range.js';
import {ChromeVoxEvent, CustomAutomationEvent} from '../../common/custom_automation_event.js';
import {Msgs} from '../../common/msgs.js';
import {ChromeVox} from '../chromevox.js';
import {ChromeVoxRange, ChromeVoxRangeObserver} from '../chromevox_range.js';
import {FocusBounds} from '../focus_bounds.js';
import {Output} from '../output/output.js';
import {OutputCustomEvent} from '../output/output_types.js';
import {BaseAutomationHandler} from './base_automation_handler.js';
type ActionType = chrome.automation.ActionType;
type AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
type Rect = chrome.automation.Rect;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
const StateType = chrome.automation.StateType;
export class RangeAutomationHandler extends BaseAutomationHandler
implements ChromeVoxRangeObserver {
private lastAttributeTarget_?: AutomationNode;
private lastAttributeOutput_?: Output;
private delayedAttributeOutputId_ = -1;
private static instance: RangeAutomationHandler;
private constructor() {
static init(): void {
if (RangeAutomationHandler.instance) {
throw new Error(
'Trying to create two copies of singleton RangeAutomationHandler');
RangeAutomationHandler.instance = new RangeAutomationHandler();
onCurrentRangeChanged(newRange: CursorRange, _fromEditing?: boolean): void {
if (this.node_) {
this.node_ = undefined;
if (!newRange || !newRange.start.node || !newRange.end.node) {
this.node_ = AutomationUtil.getLeastCommonAncestor(
newRange.start.node, newRange.end.node) ||
// Some re-targeting is needed for cases like tables.
let retarget: AutomationNode | undefined = this.node_;
while (retarget && retarget !== retarget.root) {
// Table headers require retargeting for events because they often have
// event types we care about e.g. sort direction.
if (AutomationPredicate.tableHeader(retarget)) {
this.node_ = retarget;
retarget = retarget.parent;
// TODO: some of the events mapped to onAttributeChanged need to have
// specific handlers that only output the specific attribute. There also
// needs to be an audit of all attribute change events to ensure they get
// outputted.
// TODO(crbug.com/1464633) Fully remove ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED_DEPRECATED
// starting in 122, because although it was removed in 118, it is still
// present in earlier versions of LaCros.
EventType.ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED_DEPRECATED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.AUTO_COMPLETE_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
EventType.IMAGE_ANNOTATION_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.NAME_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.ROLE_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.AUTOCORRECTION_OCCURED, this.onEventIfInRange);
EventType.CHECKED_STATE_CHANGED, this.onCheckedStateChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.COLLAPSED, this.onEventIfInRange);
this.addListener_(EventType.CONTROLS_CHANGED, this.onControlsChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.EXPANDED, this.onEventIfInRange);
this.addListener_(EventType.IMAGE_FRAME_UPDATED, this.onImageFrameUpdated_);
this.addListener_(EventType.INVALID_STATUS_CHANGED, this.onEventIfInRange);
this.addListener_(EventType.LOCATION_CHANGED, this.onLocationChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.RELATED_NODE_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.ROW_COLLAPSED, this.onEventIfInRange);
this.addListener_(EventType.ROW_EXPANDED, this.onEventIfInRange);
this.addListener_(EventType.STATE_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
this.addListener_(EventType.SORT_CHANGED, this.onAttributeChanged);
onEventIfInRange(evt: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
if (BaseAutomationHandler.disallowEventFromAction(evt)) {
const prev = ChromeVoxRange.current;
if (!prev) {
// TODO: we need more fine grained filters for attribute changes.
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (prev.contentEquals(CursorRange.fromNode(evt.target)) ||
evt.target.state![StateType.FOCUSED]) {
const prevTarget = this.lastAttributeTarget_;
// Re-target to active descendant if it exists.
const prevOutput = this.lastAttributeOutput_;
this.lastAttributeTarget_ = evt.target.activeDescendant || evt.target;
this.lastAttributeOutput_ = new Output().withRichSpeechAndBraille(
CursorRange.fromNode(this.lastAttributeTarget_), prev,
if (this.lastAttributeTarget_ === prevTarget && prevOutput &&
prevOutput.equals(this.lastAttributeOutput_)) {
// If the target or an ancestor is controlled by another control, we may
// want to delay the output.
let maybeControlledBy: AutomationNode | undefined = evt.target;
while (maybeControlledBy) {
if (maybeControlledBy.controlledBy &&
maybeControlledBy.controlledBy.find(n => Boolean(n.autoComplete))) {
this.delayedAttributeOutputId_ = setTimeout(
() => this.lastAttributeOutput_!.go(), ATTRIBUTE_DELAY_MS);
maybeControlledBy = maybeControlledBy.parent;
onAttributeChanged(evt: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
// Don't report changes on editable nodes since they interfere with text
// selection changes. Users can query via Search+k for the current state
// of the text field (which would also report the entire value).
// TODO(b/314203187): Not null asserted, check that this is correct.
if (evt.target.state![StateType.EDITABLE]) {
// Don't report changes in static text nodes which can be extremely noisy.
if (evt.target.role === RoleType.STATIC_TEXT) {
// To avoid output of stale information, don't report changes in IME
// candidates. IME candidate output is handled during selection events.
if (evt.target.role === RoleType.IME_CANDIDATE) {
// Report attribute changes for specific generated events.
if (evt.type === chrome.automation.EventType.SORT_CHANGED) {
let msgId;
if (evt.target.sortDirection ===
chrome.automation.SortDirectionType.ASCENDING) {
msgId = 'sort_ascending';
} else if (
evt.target.sortDirection ===
chrome.automation.SortDirectionType.DESCENDING) {
msgId = 'sort_descending';
if (msgId) {
new Output().withString(Msgs.getMsg(msgId)).go();
// Only report attribute changes on some *Option roles if it is selected.
if (AutomationPredicate.listOption(evt.target) && !evt.target.selected) {
/** Provides all feedback once a checked state changed event fires. */
onCheckedStateChanged(evt: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
if (!AutomationPredicate.checkable(evt.target)) {
const event =
new CustomAutomationEvent(EventType.CHECKED_STATE_CHANGED, evt.target, {
eventFrom: evt.eventFrom,
(evt as CustomAutomationEvent).eventFromAction as ActionType,
intents: evt.intents,
onControlsChanged(event: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
if (event.target.role === RoleType.TAB) {
new Output()
.withSpeech(CursorRange.fromNode(event.target), undefined, event.type)
* Updates the focus ring if the location of the current range, or
* an descendant of the current range, changes.
onLocationChanged(evt: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
const cur = ChromeVoxRange.current;
if (!cur || !cur.isValid()) {
if (FocusBounds.get().length) {
// Rather than trying to figure out if the current range falls somewhere
// in |evt.target|, just update it if our cached bounds don't match.
const oldFocusBounds = FocusBounds.get();
let startRect = cur.start.node.location;
let endRect = cur.end.node.location;
if (cur.start.node.activeDescendant) {
startRect = cur.start.node.activeDescendant.location;
if (cur.end.node.activeDescendant) {
endRect = cur.end.node.activeDescendant.location;
const found =
(rect: Rect) => this.areRectsEqual_(rect, startRect)) &&
(rect: Rect) => this.areRectsEqual_(rect, endRect));
if (found) {
// Currently only considers if there's an active descendant on the
// start node.
const activeDescendant = cur.start.node.activeDescendant;
if (activeDescendant) {
new Output()
CursorRange.fromNode(activeDescendant), undefined, evt.type)
} else {
new Output().withLocation(cur, undefined, evt.type).go();
/** Called when an image frame is received on a node. */
private onImageFrameUpdated_(evt: ChromeVoxEvent): void {
const target = evt.target;
if (target.imageDataUrl) {
private areRectsEqual_(rectA: Rect, rectB: Rect): boolean {
return rectA.left === rectB.left && rectA.top === rectB.top &&
rectA.width === rectB.width && rectA.height === rectB.height;
// Local to module.
* Time to wait before announcing attribute changes that are otherwise too
* disruptive.
const ATTRIBUTE_DELAY_MS = 1500;