// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/picker/picker_search_result.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/link.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class BoxLayoutView;
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class PickerAssetFetcher;
class PickerImageItemGridView;
class PickerImageItemView;
class PickerItemWithSubmenuView;
class PickerItemView;
class PickerListItemContainerView;
class PickerListItemView;
class PickerPreviewBubbleController;
class PickerSubmenuController;
class PickerTraversableItemContainer;
enum class PickerActionType;
// View for a Picker section with a title and related items.
class ASH_EXPORT PickerSectionView : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(PickerSectionView, views::View)
using SelectResultCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
// Describes the way local file results are visually presented.
enum class LocalFileResultStyle {
// Shown as list items with the name of the file as the label.
// Shown as a grid of thumbnail previews.
explicit PickerSectionView(int section_width,
PickerAssetFetcher* asset_fetcher,
PickerSubmenuController* submenu_controller);
PickerSectionView(const PickerSectionView&) = delete;
PickerSectionView& operator=(const PickerSectionView&) = delete;
~PickerSectionView() override;
// Creates an item based on `result` and adds it to the section view.
// `preview_controller` can be null if previews are not needed.
// `asset_fetcher` can be null for most result types.
// Both `preview_controller` and `asset_fetcher` must outlive the return
// value.
static std::unique_ptr<PickerItemView> CreateItemFromResult(
const PickerSearchResult& result,
PickerPreviewBubbleController* preview_controller,
PickerAssetFetcher* asset_fetcher,
int available_width,
LocalFileResultStyle local_file_result_style,
SelectResultCallback select_result_callback);
void AddTitleLabel(const std::u16string& title_text);
void AddTitleTrailingLink(const std::u16string& link_text,
const std::u16string& accessible_name,
views::Link::ClickedCallback link_callback);
// Adds a list item. These are displayed in a vertical list, each item
// spanning the width of the section.
PickerListItemView* AddListItem(
std::unique_ptr<PickerListItemView> list_item);
// Adds an image item to the section. These are displayed in a grid with two
// columns.
PickerImageItemView* AddImageGridItem(
std::unique_ptr<PickerImageItemView> image_item);
// Adds an item with submenu to the section.
PickerItemWithSubmenuView* AddItemWithSubmenu(
std::unique_ptr<PickerItemWithSubmenuView> item_with_submenu);
// Same as `CreateItemFromResult`, but additionally adds the item to this
// section.
PickerItemView* AddResult(const PickerSearchResult& result,
PickerPreviewBubbleController* preview_controller,
LocalFileResultStyle local_file_result_style,
SelectResultCallback select_result_callback);
void ClearItems();
// Returns the item to highlight to when navigating to this section from the
// top, or nullptr if the section is empty.
views::View* GetTopItem();
// Returns the item to highlight to when navigating to this section from the
// bottom, or nullptr if the section is empty.
views::View* GetBottomItem();
// Returns the item directly above `item`, or nullptr if there is no such item
// in the section.
views::View* GetItemAbove(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly below `item`, or nullptr if there is no such item
// in the section.
views::View* GetItemBelow(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly to the left of `item`, or nullptr if there is no
// such item in the section.
views::View* GetItemLeftOf(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly to the right of `item`, or nullptr if there is no
// such item in the section.
views::View* GetItemRightOf(views::View* item);
const views::Label* title_label_for_testing() const { return title_label_; }
const views::Link* title_trailing_link_for_testing() const {
return title_trailing_link_;
views::Link* title_trailing_link_for_testing() {
return title_trailing_link_;
// TODO: b/322900302 - Figure out a nice way to access the item views for
// keyboard navigation (e.g. how to handle grid items).
base::span<const raw_ptr<PickerItemView>> item_views() const {
return item_views_;
base::span<const raw_ptr<PickerItemView>> item_views_for_testing() const {
return item_views_;
// Returns a non-null item container if the section has one, otherwise returns
// nullptr.
// TODO: b/322900302 - Determine whether sections can have multiple item
// containers. If so, `GetItemContainer` will need to get the right item
// container. If not, just track a single PickerTraversableItemContainer and
// then we won't need this method anymore.
PickerTraversableItemContainer* GetItemContainer();
// Width available for laying out section items. This is needed to determine
// row and column widths for grid items in the section.
int section_width_ = 0;
// Container for the section title contents, which can have a title label and
// a trailing link.
raw_ptr<views::BoxLayoutView> title_container_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Label> title_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Link> title_trailing_link_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerListItemContainerView> list_item_container_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerImageItemGridView> image_item_grid_ = nullptr;
// The views for each result item.
std::vector<raw_ptr<PickerItemView>> item_views_;
// `asset_fetcher` outlives `this`.
raw_ptr<PickerAssetFetcher> asset_fetcher_ = nullptr;
// `submenu_controller` outlives `this`.
raw_ptr<PickerSubmenuController> submenu_controller_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ash