// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.test.transit.testhtmls;
import android.view.View;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.Condition;
import org.chromium.base.test.transit.Elements;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.transit.context_menu.LinkContextMenuFacility;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.transit.page.PageStation;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.transit.page.WebPageStation;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.transit.HtmlElement;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.transit.HtmlElementSpec;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.TouchCommon;
* Station that has a top and bottom page. The test page contains a link on the top, and one at the
* bottom. The links are separated with 1.5x the size of viewport, so it's guaranteed these two
* links does not show up the same time on screen.
public class TopBottomLinksPageStation extends WebPageStation {
private static final String PATH =
private static final HtmlElementSpec TOP_LINK = new HtmlElementSpec("top_link");
private static final HtmlElementSpec BOTTOM_LINK = new HtmlElementSpec("bottom_link");
protected <T extends TopBottomLinksPageStation> TopBottomLinksPageStation(Builder<T> builder) {
protected HtmlElement mTopElement;
protected HtmlElement mBottomElement;
public void declareElements(Elements.Builder elements) {
mTopElement = elements.declareElement(new HtmlElement(TOP_LINK, mWebContentsSupplier));
mBottomElement =
elements.declareElement(new HtmlElement(BOTTOM_LINK, mWebContentsSupplier));
/** Load the page and lands on a {@link TopBottomLinksPageStation}. */
public static TopBottomLinksPageStation loadPage(
ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule activityTestRule, PageStation currentPageStation) {
String url = activityTestRule.getTestServer().getURL(PATH);
return currentPageStation.loadPageProgrammatically(
url, new Builder<TopBottomLinksPageStation>(TopBottomLinksPageStation::new));
// TODO(crbug.com/362995902): Make this more generic and move to WebPageStation.
/** Scroll to the bottom of the page. */
public TopBottomLinksPageStation scrollToBottom() {
this::scrollDown, new ScrollToBottomCondition(mWebContentsSupplier));
return this;
/** Open context menu on the top link. */
public LinkContextMenuFacility openContextMenuOnTopLink() {
return enterFacilitySync(new LinkContextMenuFacility(), mTopElement::longPress);
/** Open context menu on the bottom link. */
public LinkContextMenuFacility openContextMenuOnBottomLink() {
return enterFacilitySync(new LinkContextMenuFacility(), mBottomElement::longPress);
private void scrollDown() {
View contentView = mActivityTabSupplier.get().getView();
float width = contentView.getWidth();
float height = contentView.getHeight();
// Start the scroll with some height to avoid touching the nav bar region.
float fromY = height - height / 10;
float toY = 0;
width / 2,
width / 2,
/* steps= */ 50,
/* duration= */ 500);
private void scrollUp() {
View contentView = mActivityTabSupplier.get().getView();
float width = contentView.getWidth();
float height = contentView.getHeight();
float fromY = height - height / 10;
float toY = height / 10;
width / 2,
width / 2,
/* steps= */ 50,
/* duration= */ 500);