// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var assertTrue = chrome.test.assertTrue;
var EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
var RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
var allTests = [
function testLocationInWebView() {
rootNode.addEventListener(EventType.LOAD_COMPLETE, function() {
var outerButton = rootNode.find({ attributes: { name: 'Outer' } });
var innerButton = rootNode.find({ attributes: { name: 'Inner' } });
if (outerButton && innerButton) {
var outerRect = outerButton.location;
var innerRect = innerButton.location;
// The outer button should be at (50, 150). Allow one pixel off
// for rounding errors.
assertTrue(Math.abs(outerRect.left - 50) <= 1);
assertTrue(Math.abs(outerRect.top - 150) <= 1);
// The inner button should be exactly 100 x 200 pixels offset from
// the outer button.
assertTrue(Math.abs(innerRect.left - outerRect.left - 100) <= 1);
assertTrue(Math.abs(innerRect.top - outerRect.top - 200) <= 1);
}, false);
chrome.app.window.create('webview_frame.html', {
'innerBounds': {
'left': 50,
'top': 150,
'width': 400,
'height': 400
chrome.automation.getDesktop(function(rootNodeArg) {
window.rootNode = rootNodeArg;