// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {catchError, getAllFsInfos, mountTestFileSystem, promisifyWithLastError, remoteProvider} from '/_test_resources/api_test/file_system_provider/service_worker/helpers.js';
import {TestFileSystemProvider} from '/_test_resources/api_test/file_system_provider/service_worker/provider.js';
/** @param {!Entry} entry */
async function addFileWatch(entry) {
return promisifyWithLastError(chrome.fileManagerPrivate.addFileWatch, entry);
/** @param {!Entry} entry */
async function removeFileWatch(entry) {
return promisifyWithLastError(
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.removeFileWatch, entry);
async function main() {
await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
const fileSystem = await mountTestFileSystem();
const fileName = TestFileSystemProvider.FILE_READ_SUCCESS;
const fileEntry = await fileSystem.getFileEntry(fileName, {create: false});
// Add and remove an entry watcher on an existing file.
async function removeWatcher() {
// Add the file watch.
const watching = await addFileWatch(fileEntry);
// Remove the file watch.
const result = await removeFileWatch(fileEntry);
const fsInfos = await getAllFsInfos();
chrome.test.assertEq(1, fsInfos.length);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, fsInfos[0].watchers.length);
// Remove a non-existing watcher, it should fail.
async function removeNonExistingFileWatcher() {
// Should start without watcher.
let fsInfos = await getAllFsInfos();
chrome.test.assertEq(1, fsInfos.length);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, fsInfos[0].watchers.length);
const error = await catchError(removeFileWatch(fileEntry));
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!error, 'Removing a watcher should have failed.');
chrome.test.assertEq('Unknown error.', error.message);
// Shouldn't change the number of watchers.
fsInfos = await getAllFsInfos();
chrome.test.assertEq(1, fsInfos.length);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, fsInfos[0].watchers.length);
// Add an entry watcher and tries removes it. The providing extension
// returns an error, but the watcher should be removed anyway.
async function removeBrokenFileWatcher() {
// Add file watch.
const watching = await addFileWatch(fileEntry);
// Configure the FSP to return error for remove watcher.
await remoteProvider.setConfig(
// This API returns success
const result = await removeFileWatch(fileEntry);
// Despite the "error" in the FSP, the watcher should be removed.
const fsInfos = await getAllFsInfos();
chrome.test.assertEq(1, fsInfos.length);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, fsInfos[0].watchers.length);