// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {catchError, getVolumeInfo, promisifyWithLastError, remoteProvider, unmount} from '/_test_resources/api_test/file_system_provider/service_worker/helpers.js';
* Listens for a single onMountCompleted event.
* @returns {!Promise<!chrome.fileManagerPrivate.MountCompletedEvent>}
async function nextOnMountCompletedEvent() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const handler = (e) => {
async function main() {
await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
const firstFileSystemId = 'vanilla';
const secondFileSystemId = 'ice-cream';
await Promise.all([
{fileSystemId: firstFileSystemId, displayName: 'vanilla.zip'}),
{fileSystemId: secondFileSystemId, displayName: 'ice-cream.zip'}),
// Tests the fileSystemProvider.unmount(). Verifies if the unmount event
// is emitted by VolumeManager.
async function unmountSuccessful() {
const unmountEventPromise = nextOnMountCompletedEvent();
await unmount(firstFileSystemId);
const e = await unmountEventPromise;
chrome.test.assertEq('unmount', e.eventType);
chrome.test.assertEq('success', e.status);
// For extension based providers, provider id is the same as
// extension id.
chrome.test.assertEq(chrome.runtime.id, e.volumeMetadata.providerId);
chrome.test.assertEq(firstFileSystemId, e.volumeMetadata.fileSystemId);
// Tests the fileSystemProvider.unmount() with a wrong id. Verifies that
// it fails with a correct error code.
async function unmountWrongId() {
await remoteProvider.resetState();
const error = await catchError(unmount('wrong-fs-id'));
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!error, 'Unmount should have failed.');
chrome.test.assertEq('NOT_FOUND', error.message);
// Tests if fileManagerPrivate.removeMount() for provided file systems emits
// the onMountRequested() event with correct arguments.
async function requestUnmountSuccess() {
await remoteProvider.resetState();
const volumeInfo = await getVolumeInfo(secondFileSystemId);
await promisifyWithLastError(
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.removeMount, volumeInfo.volumeId);
const {fileSystemId} =
await remoteProvider.waitForEvent('onUnmountRequested');
chrome.test.assertEq(secondFileSystemId, fileSystemId);
// End-to-end test with a failure. Invokes fileSystemProvider.removeMount()
// on a provided file system, and verifies (1) if the onMountRequested()
// event is called with correct arguments, and (2) if calling onError(),
// results in an unmount event fired from the VolumeManager instance.
async function requestUnmountError() {
await remoteProvider.resetState();
// Next call to unmount should return error.
await remoteProvider.setConfig(
const unmountEventPromise = nextOnMountCompletedEvent();
const volumeInfo = await getVolumeInfo(secondFileSystemId);
await promisifyWithLastError(
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.removeMount, volumeInfo.volumeId);
const {fileSystemId} =
await remoteProvider.waitForEvent('onUnmountRequested');
chrome.test.assertEq(secondFileSystemId, fileSystemId);
const e = await unmountEventPromise;
chrome.test.assertEq('unmount', e.eventType);
chrome.test.assertEq('unknown_error', e.status);
// For extension based providers, provider id is the same as
// extension id.
chrome.test.assertEq(chrome.runtime.id, e.volumeMetadata.providerId);
chrome.test.assertEq(secondFileSystemId, e.volumeMetadata.fileSystemId);