// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var listenOnce = chrome.test.listenOnce;
var listenForever = chrome.test.listenForever;
// Keep track of the tab that we're running tests in, for simplicity.
var testTab = null;
function compareSenders(expected, actual) {
// The `tab` property on the sender is the full tabs.Tab definition of the
// tab that the message was sent from. This includes a *bunch* of extraneous
// data, like dimensions, loading status, etc, which can change over the
// course of the test. In order to help ensure determinism, only compare the
// properties we really care about.
if (expected.tab) {
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.tab.id, actual.tab.id);
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.tab.url, actual.tab.url);
} else {
chrome.test.assertEq('active', actual.documentLifecycle);
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.frameId, actual.frameId);
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.url, actual.url);
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.origin, actual.origin);
chrome.test.assertEq(expected.id, actual.id);
function createExpectedSenderWithOrigin(tab, frameId, url, origin, id) {
return {tab: tab, frameId: frameId, url: url, origin: origin, id: id};
function createExpectedSender(tab, frameId, url, id) {
var originUrl = null;
if (tab.url) {
var tabUrl = new URL(tab.url);
originUrl = tabUrl.origin;
return createExpectedSenderWithOrigin(tab, frameId, url, originUrl, id);
chrome.test.getConfig(function(config) {
const url =
async function setupTestTab() {
chrome.test.log("Creating tab...");
const {openTab} =
await import('/_test_resources/test_util/tabs_util.js');
testTab = await openTab(url);
// Tests that postMessage to the tab and its response works.
function postMessage() {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testPostMessage: true});
listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
// Tests that port name is sent & received correctly.
function portName() {
var portName = "lemonjello";
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id, {name: portName});
chrome.test.assertEq(portName, port.name);
port.postMessage({testPortName: true});
listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
chrome.test.assertEq(msg.portName, portName);
// Tests that postMessage from the tab and its response works.
function postMessageFromTab() {
listenOnce(chrome.runtime.onConnect, function(port) {
expectedSender = createExpectedSender(
0, // Main frame
testTab.url, chrome.runtime.id);
compareSenders(expectedSender, port.sender);
listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
port.postMessage({success: true, portName: port.name});
chrome.test.log("postMessageFromTab: got message from tab");
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testPostMessageFromTab: true});
chrome.test.log("postMessageFromTab: sent first message to tab");
listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
// Tests receiving a request from a content script and responding.
function sendMessageFromTab() {
var doneListening = listenForever(
chrome.runtime.onMessage, function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
expectedSender = createExpectedSender(
0, // Main frame
testTab.url, chrome.runtime.id);
compareSenders(expectedSender, sender);
if (request.step == 1) {
// Step 1: Page should send another request for step 2.
chrome.test.log('sendMessageFromTab: got step 1');
sendResponse({nextStep: true});
} else {
// Step 2.
chrome.test.assertEq(request.step, 2);
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testSendMessageFromTab: true});
chrome.test.log("sendMessageFromTab: sent first message to tab");
// Tests that a message from a child frame is constructed properly.
function sendMessageFromFrameInTab() {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testSendMessageFromFrame: true});
chrome.test.log('sendMessageFromFrameInTab: send 1st message to tab');
// Tests that a message sent from a sandboxed child frame in a tab is
// constructed properly.
function sendMessageFromSandboxFrameInTab() {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testSendMessageFromSandboxedFrame: true});
'sendMessageFromSandboxFrameInTab: send 1st message to tab');
// connect to frameId 0 should trigger onConnect in the main frame only.
function sendMessageToMainFrameInTab() {
connectToTabWithFrameId(0, ['from_main']);
// connect without frameId should trigger onConnect in every frame.
function sendMessageToAllFramesInTab() {
undefined, ['from_main', 'from_0', 'from_1', 'from_2', 'from_3']);
// connect with frameId null should trigger onConnect in every frame.
function sendMessageToAllFramesInTab() {
null, ['from_main', 'from_0', 'from_1', 'from_2', 'from_3']);
// connect with a positive frameId should trigger onConnect in that specific
// frame only.
function sendMessageToFrameInTab() {
tabId: testTab.id
}, function(details) {
var frames = details.filter(function(frame) {
return /\?testSendMessageFromFrame1$/.test(frame.url);
chrome.test.assertEq(1, frames.length);
connectToTabWithFrameId(frames[0].frameId, ['from_1']);
// sendMessage with an invalid frameId should fail.
function sendMessageToInvalidFrameInTab() {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(testTab.id, {}, {
frameId: 999999999 // Some (hopefully) invalid frameId.
}, chrome.test.callbackFail(
'Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.'));
// connect with a valid documentId should trigger onConnect in that specific
// document only.
function sendMessageToDocumentInTab() {
tabId: testTab.id
}, function(details) {
var frames = details.filter(function(frame) {
return /\?testSendMessageFromFrame1$/.test(frame.url);
chrome.test.assertEq(1, frames.length);
connectToTabWithDocumentId(frames[0].documentId, ['from_1']);
// connect with a valid frameId and documentId should trigger onConnect in
// that specific document only.
function sendMessageToDocumentInTab() {
tabId: testTab.id
}, function(details) {
var frames = details.filter(function(frame) {
return /\?testSendMessageFromFrame1$/.test(frame.url);
chrome.test.assertEq(1, frames.length);
connectToTabWithOptions({documentId: frames[0].documentId,
frameId: frames[0].frameId
}, ['from_1']);
// sendMessage with a valid documentId but invalid frameId should fail.
function sendMessageToInvalidDocumentFrameIdInTab() {
tabId: testTab.id
}, function(details) {
var frames = details.filter(function(frame) {
return /\?testSendMessageFromFrame1$/.test(frame.url);
chrome.test.assertEq(1, frames.length);
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(testTab.id, {}, {
documentId: frames[0].documentId,
// Some (hopefully) invalid frameId.
frameId: 999999999
}, chrome.test.callbackFail(
'Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.'));
// sendMessage with an invalid documentId should fail.
function sendMessageToInvalidDocumentInTab() {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(testTab.id, {}, {
documentId: '0123456789ABCDEF' // A truncated documentId.
}, chrome.test.callbackFail(
'Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.'));
// Tests error handling when sending a request from a content script to an
// invalid extension.
function sendMessageFromTabError() {
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (!request.success)
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testSendMessageFromTabError: true});
chrome.test.log("testSendMessageFromTabError: send 1st message to tab");
// Tests error handling when connecting to an invalid extension from a
// content script.
function connectFromTabError() {
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (!request.success)
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testConnectFromTabError: true});
chrome.test.log("testConnectFromTabError: sent 1st message to tab");
// Tests sending a request to a tab and receiving a response.
function sendMessage() {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(testTab.id, {step2: 1}, function(response) {
// Tests that we get the disconnect event when the tab disconnect.
function disconnect() {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testDisconnect: true});
listenOnce(port.onDisconnect, function() {});
// Tests that a message which fails to serialize prints an error and
// doesn't send (http://crbug.com/263077).
function unserializableMessage() {
try {
chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id).postMessage(function() {
// This shouldn't ever be called, so it's a bit pointless.
// The call above should have thrown an error.
} catch (e) {
// Tests that reloading a child frame disconnects the port if it was the
// only recipient of the port (i.e. no onConnect in main frame).
function connectChildFrameAndNavigate() {
listenOnce(chrome.runtime.onMessage, function(msg) {
chrome.test.assertEq('testConnectChildFrameAndNavigateSetupDone', msg);
// Now we have set up a frame and ensured that there is no onConnect
// handler in the main frame. Run the actual test:
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
listenOnce(port.onDisconnect, function() {});
port.postMessage({testConnectChildFrameAndNavigate: true});
.postMessage({testConnectChildFrameAndNavigateSetup: true});
// The previous test removed the onConnect listener. Add it back.
function reloadTabForTest() {
var doneListening = listenForever(chrome.tabs.onUpdated,
function(tabId, info) {
if (tabId === testTab.id && info.status == 'complete') {
// Tests that the port is still available even if the page is salvaged
// from back/forward cache.
function keepConnectionOnNavigationWithBfcache() {
// Skip test if bfcache is disabled or the extension port will be
// disconnected after the page enters bfcache, because this test expects
// the port will remain open when the page is salvaged from the
// back/forward cache.
if (config.customArg !== 'bfcache/without_disconnection') {
listenOnce(chrome.runtime.onConnect, function(portFromTab) {
listenOnce(portFromTab.onMessage, function(msg) {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
// The port is still available even if the page is salvaged
// from back/forward cache.
port.postMessage({testNavigateAwayAndHistoryBack: true});
// Tests that we get the disconnect event when the tab context closes.
function disconnectOnClose() {
// Skip test if bfcache is enabled because the port will not be
// closed immediately if the page is cached.
if (config.customArg === 'bfcache/without_disconnection') {
listenOnce(chrome.runtime.onConnect, function(portFromTab) {
listenOnce(portFromTab.onDisconnect, function() {
if (config.customArg === 'bfcache') {
'The page keeping the extension port is moved into ' +
'back/forward cache, so the message channel is closed.'
} else {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id);
port.postMessage({testDisconnectOnClose: true});
listenOnce(port.onDisconnect, function() {
testTab = null; // the tab is about:blank now.
// Tests that the sendRequest API is disabled.
function sendRequest() {
var error;
try {
} catch(e) {
error = e;
chrome.test.assertNe(undefined, error);
error = undefined;
try {
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function() {});
} catch(e) {
error = e;
chrome.test.assertNe(undefined, error);
// Tests that chrome.runtime.sendMessage is *not* delivered to the current
// context, consistent behavior with chrome.runtime.connect() and web APIs
// like localStorage changed listeners.
// Regression test for http://crbug.com/479951.
function sendMessageToCurrentContextFails() {
var stopFailing = failWhileListening(chrome.runtime.onMessage);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage('ping', chrome.test.callbackFail(
'Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.',
function() {
// Like sendMessageToCurrentContextFails, but with the sendMessage call not
// given a callback. This requires a more creative test setup because there
// is no callback to signal when it's supposed to have been done.
// Regression test for http://crbug.com/479951.
// NOTE(kalman): This test is correct. However, the patch which fixes it
// (see bug) was reverted, and I don't plan on resubmitting, so instead
// I'll comment out this test, and leave it here for the record.
// function sendMessageToCurrentTextWithoutCallbackFails() {
// // Make the iframe - in a different context - watch for the message
// // event. It *should* get it, while the current context's one doesn't.
// var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
// iframe.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('blank_iframe.html');
// document.body.appendChild(iframe);
// var stopFailing = failWhileListening(chrome.runtime.onMessage);
// chrome.test.listenOnce(
// iframe.contentWindow.chrome.runtime.onMessage,
// function(msg, sender) {
// chrome.test.assertEq('ping', msg);
// chrome.test.assertEq(chrome.runtime.id, sender.id);
// chrome.test.assertEq(location.href, sender.url);
// setTimeout(function() {
// stopFailing();
// }, 0);
// }
// );
// chrome.runtime.sendMessage('ping');
// },
function connectToTabWithOptions(options, expectedMessages) {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTab.id, options);
var messages = [];
var isDone = false;
port.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {
if (isDone) { // Should not get any messages after completing the test.
'Unexpected message from port to frame ' + JSON.stringify(options) +
': ' + message);
isDone = messages.length == expectedMessages.length;
if (isDone) {
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedMessages.sort(), messages.sort());
port.onDisconnect.addListener(function() {
if (!isDone) // The event should never be triggered when we expect messages.
chrome.test.fail('Unexpected disconnect from port to frame ' +
port.postMessage({testSendMessageToFrame: true});
chrome.test.log('connectToTabWithOptions: port to frame ' +
function connectToTabWithFrameId(frameId, expectedMessages) {
frameId: frameId
}, expectedMessages);
function connectToTabWithDocumentId(documentId, expectedMessages) {
documentId: documentId
}, expectedMessages);
// Listens to |event| and returns a callback to run to stop listening. While
// listening, if |event| is fired, calls chrome.test.fail().
function failWhileListening(event, doneListening) {
var failListener = function() {
chrome.test.fail('Event listener ran, but it shouldn\'t have. ' +
'It\'s possible that may be triggered flakily, but this ' +
'really is a real failure, not flaky sadness. Promise!');
var release = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
return function() {
// Tests that a message from a child frame has the correct frameId and that the
// message is constructed with the expected properties.
function constructMessageSenderFromFrameInTab(isSandbox) {
// In page.js testSendMessageFromFrame() adds 2 frames, after which
// testSendMessageFromSandboxedFrame() adds 2 sandboxed frames that are given
// frameIds in the order in which they were added. Make sure we are checking
// the correct frames and excluding the main frame.
var minFrameId = isSandbox ? 2 : 0;
var actualSenders = [];
var doneListening = listenForever(
chrome.runtime.onMessage, function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// testSendMessageFromFrame() in page.js adds 2 frames. Wait for
// messages from each.
if (actualSenders.length < 2)
{tabId: testTab.id}, function(details) {
function sortByFrameId(a, b) {
return a.frameId < b.frameId ? 1 : -1;
var expectedSenders =
.filter(function(frame) {
return frame.frameId > minFrameId;
.map(function(frame) {
if (isSandbox) {
return createExpectedSenderWithOrigin(
testTab, frame.frameId, frame.url, 'null',
return createExpectedSender(
testTab, frame.frameId, frame.url,
compareSenders(expectedSenders[0], actualSenders[0]);
compareSenders(expectedSenders[1], actualSenders[1]);