// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_controller.h"
#include "ash/system/focus_mode/focus_mode_task_view.h"
#include "ash/system/model/clock_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_detailed_view.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view_observer.h"
namespace views {
class BoxLayoutView;
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class FocusModeCountdownView;
class FocusModeSoundsView;
class FocusModeTaskView;
class HoverHighlightView;
class IconButton;
class RoundedContainer;
class Switch;
class SystemTextfield;
// This view displays the focus panel settings that a user can set.
class ASH_EXPORT FocusModeDetailedView : public TrayDetailedView,
public FocusModeController::Observer,
public views::ViewObserver,
public ClockObserver {
METADATA_HEADER(FocusModeDetailedView, TrayDetailedView)
// Ids to easily find child views in `FocusModeDetailedView`. Unique only
// within the `FocusModeDetailedView`.
enum ViewId {
kTimerView = 1000,
explicit FocusModeDetailedView(DetailedViewDelegate* delegate);
FocusModeDetailedView(const FocusModeDetailedView&) = delete;
FocusModeDetailedView& operator=(const FocusModeDetailedView&) = delete;
~FocusModeDetailedView() override;
// views::ViewObserver:
void OnViewBoundsChanged(View* observed_view) override;
// ClockObserver:
void OnDateFormatChanged() override;
void OnSystemClockTimeUpdated() override;
void OnSystemClockCanSetTimeChanged(bool can_set_time) override;
void Refresh() override;
class TimerTextfieldController;
friend class FocusModeDetailedViewTest;
// TrayDetailedView:
void HandleViewClicked(views::View* view) override {}
void AddedToWidget() override;
// FocusModeController::Observer:
void OnFocusModeChanged(bool in_focus_session) override;
void OnTimerTick(const FocusModeSession::Snapshot& session_snapshot) override;
void OnActiveSessionDurationChanged(
const FocusModeSession::Snapshot& session_snapshot) override;
// Creates the row with functionality to start and stop focus mode.
void CreateToggleView();
// Updates the accessibility text of the toggle button based on whether focus
// is in session and the current session duration.
void UpdateToggleButtonAccessibility(bool in_focus_session);
// Updates the accessibility text of the timer adjustment buttons.
void UpdateTimerAdjustmentButtonAccessibility();
// Creates the row with the timer and functionality to add time to the focus
// session.
void CreateTimerView();
// Updates the row with the timer and functionality to add time to the focus
// session based on whether focus is in session.
void UpdateTimerView(bool in_focus_session);
// Clear the focus for `timer_textfield_` when it's be inactive and update the
// session duration.
void HandleTextfieldActivationChange();
// Creates the row with the task elements. Creates the textfield to allow a
// user to manually input a task and creates a chip carousel list of tasks to
// allow the user to select a task. Once the user enters a task in the
// textfield or selects a task from the list, this view only shows the
// selected saved task item view and the header.
void CreateTaskView(bool is_network_connected);
// Performs an animation to shift the visible container views below
// `task_view_container_`.
void OnTaskViewAnimate(const int shift_height);
// Creates the DND rounded container. This view will be visible only when
// there is no active focus session. The toggle button in this view will
// represent if we should toggle on the system DND state for a new focus
// session.
void CreateDoNotDisturbContainer();
// Handles clicks on the do not disturb toggle button.
void OnDoNotDisturbToggleClicked();
// Called whenever `clock_timer_` finishes running to update the subheading
// and reset the clock timer for the next minute.
void OnClockMinutePassed();
// Starts `clock_timer_`.
void StartClockTimer();
// Increments or decrements the session duration by one step.
// This is only used outside of a focus session.
void AdjustInactiveSessionDuration(bool decrement);
// Called whenever the session duration is adjusted. Updates the labels and
// button visibilities in the timer setting view.
void UpdateTimerSettingViewUI();
// Sets the session duration for the focus controller and calls
// `UpdateTimerSettingViewUI`.
void SetInactiveSessionDuration(base::TimeDelta duration);
// Updates the `toggle_view_` sub text if a focus session is active and
// `end_time_label_` if it isn't.
void UpdateEndTimeLabel();
// This view contains a description of the focus session, as well as a toggle
// button for staring/ending focus mode.
raw_ptr<HoverHighlightView> toggle_view_ = nullptr;
// This view contains the timer view for the user to adjust the focus session
// duration.
raw_ptr<RoundedContainer> timer_view_container_ = nullptr;
// The countdown view inside `timer_view_container_` when focus is in session.
raw_ptr<FocusModeCountdownView> timer_countdown_view_ = nullptr;
// This view contains the timer view for the user to adjust the focus session
// duration when we are not in a focus session.
raw_ptr<views::BoxLayoutView> timer_setting_view_ = nullptr;
// Textfield that the user can use to set the timer duration.
raw_ptr<SystemTextfield> timer_textfield_ = nullptr;
// Handles input validation and events for the `timer_textfield`.
std::unique_ptr<TimerTextfieldController> timer_textfield_controller_;
// The decrement and increment buttons in the `timer_setting_view_`.
raw_ptr<IconButton> timer_decrement_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<IconButton> timer_increment_button_ = nullptr;
// The visual "minutes" label that pairs with the `timer_textfield_` timer
// duration.
raw_ptr<views::Label> minutes_label_ = nullptr;
// A label that displays the end time of the focus session when focus is
// not active.
raw_ptr<views::Label> end_time_label_ = nullptr;
// Records the height of the `task_view_container_`.
int task_view_container_height_ = 0;
// The view contains a header view and a `focus_mode_task_view_`.
raw_ptr<RoundedContainer> task_view_container_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<FocusModeTaskView> focus_mode_task_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<FocusModeSoundsView> focus_mode_sounds_view_ = nullptr;
// This view contains a toggle for turning on/off DND.
raw_ptr<RoundedContainer> do_not_disturb_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<Switch> do_not_disturb_toggle_button_ = nullptr;
// Updates `end_time_label_` so that it can correctly show what time the focus
// mode session will end. This is activated when the panel is open but focus
// mode is not active, because we still need to update the label to say what
// time the focus mode session would end. In order to track this, this timer
// fires when the clock minute changes.
base::OneShotTimer clock_timer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FocusModeDetailedView> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash