
#N canvas 158 23 1062 700 12;
#X obj 696 555 unpack;
#X msg 515 416 print;
#X obj 779 555 unpack;
#X obj 862 555 unpack;
#X obj 510 528 unpack;
#X obj 404 548 print attack;
#X obj 313 548 print pitch;
#X text 701 463 number of pitch outlets (1-3 \, default 1), f 43;
#X text 701 480 number of peaks to find (1-100 \, default 20);
#X msg 404 66 amp-range 40 50;
#X msg 440 187 reattack 100 10;
#X msg 453 246 npartial 7;
#X msg 427 122 vibrato 50 0.5;
#X text 542 110 A period in milliseconds (50) over which the raw pitch may not deviate more than an interval in half-tones (0.5) from the average pitch to report it as a note to the "cooked" pitch outlet., f 70;
#X text 560 172 A period in milliseconds (100) over which a re-attack is reported if the amplitude rises more than (1) dB. The re-attack will result in a "bang" in the attack outlet and may give rise to repeated notes in the cooked pitch output., f 68;
#X obj 445 482 fiddle~ 1024 1 20 3;
#X text 694 627 individual sinusoidal components;
#X text 607 600 amplitude;
#X text 621 615 (dB), f 7;
#X msg 466 285 auto 1;
#X msg 473 307 auto 0;
#X text 536 236 Higher partials are weighed less strongly than lower ones in determining the pitch. This specifies the number of the partial (7) which will be weighted half as strongly as the fundamental., f 72;
#X text 528 288 start and stop "auto" mode (on by default.) If off \, output only appears on "bang" (poll mode)., f 51;
#X text 560 415 print out all settings;
#X text 701 446 window size (128-2048 \, default 1024), f 43;
#X msg 498 364 npoints 2048;
#X text 601 366 number of points in analysis window (power of 2 \, 128-2048), f 29;
#X msg 504 385 npoints 1024;
#X obj 184 78 sigmund~;
#X obj 34 11 fiddle~;
#X text 92 10 - pitch estimator and sinusoidal peak finder;
#X text 588 481 ---- arguments:;
#X text 308 570 cooked pitch output, f 12;
#X obj 696 525 route 1 2 3, f 36;
#N canvas 481 154 288 293 test-input 0;
#X obj 85 166 phasor~;
#X floatatom 85 144 4 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X obj 85 120 mtof;
#X floatatom 85 98 4 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X obj 137 195 *~;
#X obj 155 29 loadbang;
#X text 37 76 test input pitch, f 5;
#X msg 85 76 57;
#X obj 137 229 outlet~;
#X obj 155 163 tgl 17 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 #fcfcfc #000000 #000000 0 1;
#X text 175 154 test input amplitude, f 10;
#X connect 0 0 4 0;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 1 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 8 0;
#X connect 5 0 7 0;
#X connect 5 0 9 0;
#X connect 7 0 3 0;
#X connect 9 0 4 1;
#X restore 530 447 pd test-input;
#X text 527 55 A low and high amplitude threshold: if signal amplitude is below the low threshold \, no pitches or peaks are output. The high threshold is a minimum at which "cooked" outputs may appear., f 68;
#X msg 140 563 \; pd dsp \$1;
#X floatatom 510 578 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 696 605 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 710 582 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 779 605 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 793 582 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 862 605 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 876 582 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 618 578 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X floatatom 524 555 7 0 0 0 - - - 0;
#X obj 4 42 cnv 1 1050 1 empty empty empty 8 12 0 13 #000000 #000000 0;
#X text 932 10 <= click;
#N canvas 555 109 718 492 reference 0;
#X obj 6 35 cnv 5 700 5 empty empty INLET: 8 18 0 13 #202020 #000000 0;
#X obj 6 207 cnv 2 700 2 empty empty OUTLETS: 8 12 0 13 #202020 #000000 0;
#X obj 6 378 cnv 2 700 2 empty empty ARGUMENTS: 8 12 0 13 #202020 #000000 0;
#X obj 5 466 cnv 5 700 5 empty empty empty 8 18 0 13 #202020 #000000 0;
#X obj 5 230 cnv 1 700 1 empty empty 1st: 8 12 0 13 #9f9f9f #000000 0;
#X obj 5 257 cnv 1 700 1 empty empty 2nd: 8 12 0 13 #9f9f9f #000000 0;
#X text 147 45 signal - signal input to be analyzed., f 74;
#X obj 32 8 fiddle~;
#X text 90 7 - pitch estimator and sinusoidal peak finder;
#X obj 5 284 cnv 1 700 1 empty empty 3rd: 8 12 0 13 #9f9f9f #000000 0;
#X obj 5 313 cnv 1 700 1 empty empty 4th: 8 12 0 13 #9f9f9f #000000 0;
#X obj 5 344 cnv 1 700 1 empty empty 5th: 8 12 0 13 #9f9f9f #000000 0;
#X text 154 386 1) float - window size (128-2048 \, default 1024);
#X text 154 403 2) float - number of pitch outlets (1-3 \, default 1);
#X text 154 420 3) float - number of peaks to find (1-100 \, default 20);
#X text 154 437 4) float - number of peaks to output (default 0);
#X text 197 262 bang - a bang is sent on new attacks., f 57;
#X text 197 289 list - continuous raw pitch and amplitude., f 57;
#X text 190 233 float - cooked pitch output., f 58;
#X text 21 62 amp-range <float \, float> - set low and high amplitude threshold, f 92;
#X text 35 79 vibrato <float \, float> - set period in msec and pitch deviation for "cooked" pitch outlet., f 90;
#X text 28 96 reattack <float \, float> - set period in msec and amplitude in dB to report re-attack., f 91;
#X text 77 113 npartial <float> - set partial number to be weighted half as strongly as the fundamental., f 89;
#X text 105 130 auto <float> - nonzero sets to auto mode (default) and zero sets it off., f 85;
#X text 161 147 bang - poll current values (useful when auto mode is off)., f 73;
#X text 84 164 npoints <float> - sets number of points in analysis window., f 84;
#X text 98 181 print <float> - print out settings., f 82;
#X text 190 318 float - amplitude in dB., f 58;
#X text 197 350 list - peak number \, frequency and amplitude., f 56;
#X restore 838 11 pd reference;
#X text 484 596 raw pitch and amplitude (up to 3 outputs), f 13;
#X text 415 568 bang on attack, f 7;
#X obj 4 657 cnv 1 1050 1 empty empty empty 8 12 0 13 #000000 #000000 0;
#X text 701 497 number of peaks to output (default 0), f 43;
#X text 510 335 poll current values (useful when not in auto mode);
#X text 30 668 see also:;
#X obj 108 668 sigmund~;
#X text 19 117 The [fiddle~] object estimates the pitch and amplitude of an incoming sound \, both continuously and as a stream of discrete "note" events. It optionally outputs a list of detected sinusoidal peaks used to make the pitch determination. The [fiddle~] object is described theoretically in the 1998 ICMC proceedings \, reprinted on msp.ucsd.edu., f 52;
#X text 19 234 [fiddle~]'s creation arguments specify an analysis window size \, the maximum polyphony (i.e. \, the number of simultaneous "pitches" to try to find) \, the number of peaks in the spectrum to consider \, and the number of peaks \, if any \, to output "raw." The outlets give discrete pitch (a number) \, detected attacks in the amplitude envelope (a bang) \, one or more voices of continuous pitch and amplitude \, overall amplitude \, and optionally a sequence of messages with the peaks., f 51;
#X text 19 388 The analysis hop size is half the window size so in the example shown here \, one analysis is done every 512 samples (11.6 msec at 44K1) \, and the analysis uses the most recent 1024 samples (23.2 msec at 44K1). The minimum frequency that [fiddle~] will report is 2-1/2 cycles per analysis windows \, or about 108 Hz. (just below MIDI 45.), f 51;
#X obj 487 336 bng 19 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 #dfdfdf #000000 #000000;
#X text 174 667 (newer and better replacement for [fiddle~]);
#X text 68 58 NOTE: [fiddle~] is obsolete! consider using, f 28;
#X text 172 529 DSP on/off;
#X obj 140 527 ../../doc/5.reference/set-dsp-tgl;
#X connect 0 0 38 0;
#X connect 0 1 39 0;
#X connect 1 0 15 0;
#X connect 2 0 40 0;
#X connect 2 1 41 0;
#X connect 3 0 42 0;
#X connect 3 1 43 0;
#X connect 4 0 37 0;
#X connect 4 1 45 0;
#X connect 9 0 15 0;
#X connect 10 0 15 0;
#X connect 11 0 15 0;
#X connect 12 0 15 0;
#X connect 15 0 6 0;
#X connect 15 1 5 0;
#X connect 15 2 4 0;
#X connect 15 3 44 0;
#X connect 15 4 33 0;
#X connect 19 0 15 0;
#X connect 20 0 15 0;
#X connect 25 0 15 0;
#X connect 27 0 15 0;
#X connect 33 0 0 0;
#X connect 33 1 2 0;
#X connect 33 2 3 0;
#X connect 34 0 15 0;
#X connect 59 0 15 0;
#X connect 63 0 36 0;