package provide dialog_array 0.1
namespace eval ::dialog_array:: {
namespace export pdtk_array_dialog
namespace export pdtk_array_listview_new
namespace export pdtk_array_listview_fillpage
namespace export pdtk_array_listview_setpage
namespace export pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow
# global variables for the listview
array set ::dialog_array::listview_entry {}
array set ::dialog_array::listview_id {}
array set ::dialog_array::listview_page {}
array set ::dialog_array::listview_numpages {}
set ::dialog_array::listview_pagesize 1000
# this stores the state of the "save me" check button
array set ::dialog_array::saveme_button {}
# this stores the state of the "draw as" radio buttons
array set ::dialog_array::drawas_button {}
# this stores the state of the "in new graph"/"in last graph" radio buttons
# and the "delete array" checkbutton
array set ::dialog_array::otherflag_button {}
############ pdtk_array_dialog -- dialog window for arrays #########
proc ::dialog_array::listview_windowname {arrayName} {
set id $::dialog_array::listview_id($arrayName)
return "${id}_listview"
proc ::dialog_array::listview_lbname {arrayName} {
set id $::dialog_array::listview_id($arrayName)
return "${id}"
proc ::dialog_array::listview_setpage {arrayName page {numpages {}} {pagesize {}}} {
set ::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName) $page
set ::dialog_array::listview_numpages($arrayName) $numpages
if {$pagesize ne {} && [string is double $pagesize]} {
set ::dialog_array::listview_pagesize $pagesize
proc ::dialog_array::listview_setdata {arrayName startIndex args} {
set lb [listview_lbname $arrayName]
if { [catch {
# treeview
${lb} delete [${lb} children {}]
set idx $startIndex
foreach x $args {
${lb} insert {} end -values [list $idx $x]
incr idx
} ] } {
# listbox
${lb} delete 0 end
set idx 0
foreach x $args {
${lb} insert $idx "[expr $startIndex + $idx]) $x"
incr idx
proc ::dialog_array::listview_focus {arrayName item} {
set lb [listview_lbname $arrayName]
${lb} yview $item
proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_setpage {arrayName page} {
listview_setpage $arrayName $page
proc ::dialog_array::listview_changepage {arrayName np} {
pdtk_array_listview_setpage \
$arrayName [expr $::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName) + $np]
pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName
proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_fillpage {arrayName} {
set lb [listview_lbname ${arrayName}]
# get the index of the topmost visible element
# (so the scroll does not change after updating the elements)
if {[winfo exists $lb]} {
if { [catch {
# treeview
# this is index of the 'selected' element
# (not what we want, but a good fallback...)
set topItem [$lb index [$lb focus]]
# search for the first visible cell
set xy 0
for { set xy 0 } { $xy < 500 } { incr xy } {
if { [$lb identify region $xy $xy ] eq "cell" } {
# usually the first cell we find is still hidden
# increment by one more pixel to get a valid one
incr xy
set item [$lb identify item $xy $xy]
set topItem [$lb index $item]
} ] } {
# listbox (much simpler)
set topItem [expr [lindex [$lb yview] 0] * [$lb size]]
set cmd "$::dialog_array::listview_id($arrayName) \
arrayviewlistfillpage \
$::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName) \
pdsend $cmd
proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_new {id arrayName page} {
set ::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName) $page
set ::dialog_array::listview_id($arrayName) $id
set windowName [listview_windowname ${arrayName}]
destroy $windowName
toplevel $windowName -class DialogWindow
wm group $windowName .
wm protocol $windowName WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
"::dialog_array::listview_close $id \{$arrayName\}"
wm title $windowName [concat $arrayName "(list view)"]
frame $
pack $ -fill "both" -side top -expand 1
frame $windowName.buttons
pack $windowName.buttons -fill "x" -side bottom
set lb $
set sb $
if { [ catch {
# treeview
ttk::treeview $lb \
-columns {index value} -show headings \
-height 20 \
-selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand "$sb set"
$lb heading index -text "#" -anchor center
$lb heading value -text $arrayName -anchor center
$lb column index -width 75 -anchor e
} stderr ] } {
# listview
listbox $lb -height 20 -width 25 \
-selectmode extended \
-relief solid -background white -borderwidth 1 \
-yscrollcommand "$sb set"
scrollbar $sb \
-command "$lb yview" -orient vertical
pack $lb -expand 1 -fill both -side left
pack $sb -fill y -side right
bind $lb <Double-ButtonPress-1> \
"::dialog_array::listview_edit \{$arrayName\} $page"
# handle copy/paste
catch {
# this probably only works on X11
selection handle $lb \
"::dialog_array::listview_lbselection \{$arrayName\}"
# a Copy/Paste popup menu
bind $lb <ButtonPress-3> \
"::dialog_array::listview_popup \{$arrayName\}"
bind $lb <<Paste>> \
"::dialog_array::listview_paste \{$arrayName\}; break"
bind $lb <<Copy>> \
"::dialog_array::listview_copy \{$arrayName\}; break"
button $windowName.buttons.prev -text "\u2190" \
-command "::dialog_array::listview_changepage \{$arrayName\} -1"
button $ -text "\u2192" \
-command "::dialog_array::listview_changepage \{$arrayName\} 1"
frame $
entry $ -textvariable ::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName) \
-validate key -validatecommand "string is double %P" \
-justify "right" -width 5
bind $ <Return> \
"::dialog_array::listview_changepage \{$arrayName\} 0"
label $ -text "/"
label $ -text 0 -textvariable ::dialog_array::listview_numpages($arrayName)
pack $ -side left
pack $ -side left
pack $ -side left
pack $windowName.buttons.prev -side left -ipadx 20 -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $ -side left -padx 20 -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $ -side right -ipadx 20 -pady 10 -anchor s
focus $windowName
proc ::dialog_array::listview_lbselection {arrayName off size} {
set lb [listview_lbname ${arrayName}]
set items {}
if { [catch {
foreach idx [$lb selection] {
lappend items [lindex [$lb item $idx -values] 1]
} ] } {
foreach idx [$lb curselection] {
set v [$lb get $idx]
lappend items [string range $v [string first ") " $v]+2 end]
return [join $items "\n"]
# parses 'data' into numbers, and sends them to the Pd-core so it
# can set the values in 'arrayName' starting from 'startIndex'
proc ::dialog_array::listview_edit+paste {arrayName startIndex data} {
set values {}
set offset [expr $startIndex \
+ $::dialog_array::listview_pagesize \
* $::dialog_array::listview_page($arrayName)]
foreach value [split $data ", \n"] {
if {$value eq {}} {continue}
if {! [string is double $value]} {continue}
lappend values $value
if { $values ne {} } {
pdsend "$::dialog_array::listview_id($arrayName) $offset $values"
pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName
# a popup menu for copy/paste
proc ::dialog_array::listview_popup {arrayName} {
set windowName [listview_windowname ${arrayName}]
set lb [listview_lbname ${arrayName}]
set popup ${lb}.popup
destroy $popup
# check if there's no selection, disable the popup
set cur {}
if { [catch {
set cur [$lb selection]
} ] } {
set cur [$lb curselection]
if { $cur eq {} } {
menu $popup -tearoff false
$popup add command -label [_ "Copy"] \
-command "::dialog_array::listview_copy \{$arrayName\}; \
destroy $popup"
$popup add command -label [_ "Paste"] \
-command "::dialog_array::listview_paste \{$arrayName\}; \
destroy $popup"
tk_popup $popup [winfo pointerx $windowName] \
[winfo pointery $windowName] 0
# copy current selection to clipboard (called from the copy/paste popup)
proc ::dialog_array::listview_copy {arrayName} {
set sel [listview_lbselection $arrayName {} {}]
clipboard clear
clipboard append $sel
# when data is pasted (called from the copy/paste popup), update the values
proc ::dialog_array::listview_paste {arrayName} {
set sel {}
set itemNum {}
# get data from CLIPBOARD
if { $sel eq {} } {catch { set sel [selection get -selection CLIPBOARD] }}
# if that failed, get it from the PRIMARY copy buffer
if { $sel eq {} } {catch { set sel [selection get -selection PRIMARY] }}
if { $sel eq {} } {
# giving up
# get the selection start, so we know where to paste to
set lb [::dialog_array::listview_lbname $arrayName]
if { [catch {
set itemId [lindex [$lb selection] 0]
if { $itemId ne {} } {
set itemNum [$lb index ${itemId} ]
} ] } {
set itemNum [lindex [$lb curselection] 0]
if { $itemNum ne {} } {
::dialog_array::listview_edit+paste $arrayName $itemNum $sel
proc ::dialog_array::listview_edit {arrayName page {font {}}} {
set lb [listview_lbname ${arrayName}]
set entry ${lb}.entry
if {[winfo exists $entry]} {
::dialog_array::listview_update_entry \
$arrayName $::dialog_array::listview_entry($arrayName)
unset ::dialog_array::listview_entry($arrayName)
destroy $entry
if { [catch {
set focus [$lb focus]
foreach {x y w h} [$lb bbox $focus 1] {break}
entry $entry
place configure ${lb}.entry -x ${x} -y ${y} -width ${w} -height ${h}
set itemNum [$lb index $focus]
} stderr ] } {
set itemNum [$lb index active]
set bbox [$lb bbox $itemNum]
set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] - 4]
entry $entry
place configure $entry -relx 0 -y $y -relwidth 1
set ::dialog_array::listview_entry($arrayName) $itemNum
$entry insert 0 []
lower $entry
focus $entry
bind $entry <Return> \
"::dialog_array::listview_update_entry \{$arrayName\} $itemNum; break"
bind $entry <Escape> \
"destroy $entry; break"
proc ::dialog_array::listview_update_entry {arrayName itemNum} {
set entry [listview_lbname $arrayName].entry
::dialog_array::listview_edit+paste $arrayName $itemNum [$entry get]
destroy $entry
proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow {arrayName} {
destroy [listview_windowname ${arrayName}]
proc ::dialog_array::listview_close {mytoplevel arrayName} {
pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow $arrayName
pdsend "$mytoplevel arrayviewclose"
proc ::dialog_array::apply {mytoplevel} {
pdsend "$mytoplevel arraydialog \
[::dialog_gatom::escape [$ get]] \
[$mytoplevel.array.size.entry get] \
[expr $::dialog_array::saveme_button($mytoplevel) + (2 * $::dialog_array::drawas_button($mytoplevel))] \
proc ::dialog_array::openlistview {mytoplevel} {
pdsend "$mytoplevel arrayviewlistnew"
proc ::dialog_array::cancel {mytoplevel} {
pdsend "$mytoplevel cancel"
proc ::dialog_array::ok {mytoplevel} {
::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel
::dialog_array::cancel $mytoplevel
proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {mytoplevel name size flags newone} {
if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
wm deiconify $mytoplevel
raise $mytoplevel
focus $mytoplevel
} else {
create_dialog $mytoplevel $newone
$ insert 0 [::dialog_gatom::unescape $name]
$mytoplevel.array.size.entry insert 0 $size
set ::dialog_array::saveme_button($mytoplevel) [expr $flags & 1]
set ::dialog_array::drawas_button($mytoplevel) [expr ( $flags & 6 ) >> 1]
set ::dialog_array::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) 0
# pd -> tcl
# 2 * (int)(template_getfloat(template_findbyname(sc->sc_template), gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1)));
# tcl->pd
# int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1);
proc ::dialog_array::create_dialog {mytoplevel newone} {
toplevel $mytoplevel -class DialogWindow
wm title $mytoplevel [_ "Array Properties"]
wm group $mytoplevel .
wm resizable $mytoplevel 0 0
wm transient $mytoplevel $::focused_window
$mytoplevel configure -menu $::dialog_menubar
$mytoplevel configure -padx 0 -pady 0
::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings $mytoplevel "array"
# array
labelframe $mytoplevel.array -borderwidth 1 -text [_ "Array"] -padx 5
pack $mytoplevel.array -side top -fill x
frame $ -height 7 -padx 5
pack $ -side top -anchor e
label $ -text [_ "Name:"]
entry $ -width 17
pack $ $ -side right
frame $mytoplevel.array.size -height 7 -padx 5
pack $mytoplevel.array.size -side top -anchor e
label $mytoplevel.array.size.label -text [_ "Size:"]
entry $mytoplevel.array.size.entry -width 17
pack $mytoplevel.array.size.entry $mytoplevel.array.size.label -side right
checkbutton $mytoplevel.array.saveme -text [_ "Save contents"] \
-variable ::dialog_array::saveme_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
pack $mytoplevel.array.saveme -side top
# draw as
labelframe $mytoplevel.drawas -text [_ "Draw as:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
pack $mytoplevel.drawas -side top -fill x
radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.points -value 0 \
-variable ::dialog_array::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Polygon"]
radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.polygon -value 1 \
-variable ::dialog_array::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Points"]
radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -value 2 \
-variable ::dialog_array::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Bezier curve"]
pack $mytoplevel.drawas.points -side top -anchor w
pack $mytoplevel.drawas.polygon -side top -anchor w
pack $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -side top -anchor w
# options
if {$newone == 1} {
labelframe $mytoplevel.options -text [_ "Put array into:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
pack $mytoplevel.options -side top -fill x
radiobutton $mytoplevel.options.radio0 -value 0 \
-variable ::dialog_array::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "New graph"]
radiobutton $mytoplevel.options.radio1 -value 1 \
-variable ::dialog_array::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Last graph"]
pack $mytoplevel.options.radio0 -side top -anchor w
pack $mytoplevel.options.radio1 -side top -anchor w
} else {
labelframe $mytoplevel.options -text [_ "Options"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
pack $mytoplevel.options -side top -fill x
button $mytoplevel.options.listview -text [_ "Open List View..."] \
-command "::dialog_array::openlistview $mytoplevel [$ get]"
pack $mytoplevel.options.listview -side top
checkbutton $mytoplevel.options.deletearray -text [_ "Delete array"] \
-variable ::dialog_array::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
pack $mytoplevel.options.deletearray -side top
# buttons
frame $mytoplevel.buttonframe
pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe -side bottom -pady 2m
button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel -text [_ "Cancel"] \
-command "::dialog_array::cancel $mytoplevel"
pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
if {$newone == 0 && $::windowingsystem ne "aqua"} {
button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.apply -text [_ "Apply"] \
-command "::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel"
pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok -text [_ "OK"]\
-command "::dialog_array::ok $mytoplevel" -default active
pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
# live widget updates on OSX in lieu of Apply button
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
# only bind if there is an existing array to edit
if {$newone == 0} {
# call apply on button changes
$mytoplevel.array.saveme config -command [ concat ::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel ]
$mytoplevel.drawas.points config -command [ concat ::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel ]
$mytoplevel.drawas.polygon config -command [ concat ::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel ]
$mytoplevel.drawas.bezier config -command [ concat ::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel ]
# call apply on Return in entry boxes that are in focus & rebind Return to ok button
bind $ <KeyPress-Return> "::dialog_array::apply_and_rebind_return $mytoplevel"
bind $mytoplevel.array.size.entry <KeyPress-Return> "::dialog_array::apply_and_rebind_return $mytoplevel"
# unbind Return from ok button when an entry takes focus
$ config -validate focusin -vcmd "::dialog_array::unbind_return $mytoplevel"
$mytoplevel.array.size.entry config -validate focusin -vcmd "::dialog_array::unbind_return $mytoplevel"
# remove cancel button from focus list since it's not activated on Return
$mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel config -takefocus 0
# show active focus on the ok button as it *is* activated on Return
$mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok config -default normal
bind $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok <FocusIn> "$mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok config -default active"
bind $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok <FocusOut> "$mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok config -default normal"
# since we show the active focus, disable the highlight outline
$mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok config -highlightthickness 0
$mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel config -highlightthickness 0
position_over_window ${mytoplevel} ${::focused_window}
# for live widget updates on OSX
proc ::dialog_array::apply_and_rebind_return {mytoplevel} {
::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> "::dialog_array::ok $mytoplevel"
focus $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok
return 0
# for live widget updates on OSX
proc ::dialog_array::unbind_return {mytoplevel} {
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> break
return 1