package provide dialog_midi 0.1
package require pdtcl_compat
namespace eval ::dialog_midi:: {
namespace export pdtk_midi_dialog
namespace export pdtk_alsa_midi_dialog
variable referenceconfig ""
# reference configuration string (to detect whether the config has changed)
set ::dialog_midi::referenceconfig ""
# the length of the 'currently used' lists is currently hardcoded to 9
# (to match Pd's "midi-dialog")
set ::dialog_midi::max_devices 9
# selected devices
# a value of '0' indicates no-device; a value of '1' is the first valid MIDI device,...
#::dialog_midi::indev1 -- ::dialog_midi::indev${max_devices}
#::dialog_midi::outdev1 -- ::dialog_midi::outdev${max_devices}
## midi devices (available and used)
# ::midi_*devlist: a list of available input devices (type:string)
# ::midi_*devices: currently used input devices (type:index)
# ::midi_*devcechannels: currently used channels per input device (type:int)
# the length of the 'currently used' lists is $max_devices
# '-1' indicates no-device; '0' is the first valid MIDI device...
# (WARNING: this is different from ::dialog_midi::iodevN!!!)
set ::midi_indevlist {}
set ::midi_indevices {-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1}
set ::midi_outdevlist {}
set ::midi_outdevices {-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1}
####################### midi dialog ##################
proc ::dialog_midi::config2string { } {
set result {}
foreach dir {in out} {
upvar ::midi_${dir}devlist devlist
upvar ::dialog_midi::ports${dir} ports
for {set i 1} {$i <= $::dialog_midi::max_devices} {incr i} {
upvar ::dialog_midi::${dir}dev${i} dev
if { $dev < 0 || $dev > [llength $devlist] } {
set dev 0
lappend result $dev
set ports [expr $ports + 0]
lappend result $::dialog_midi::portsin $::dialog_midi::portsout
return $result
proc ::dialog_midi::apply {mytoplevel {force ""}} {
set config [config2string]
if { $force ne "" || $config ne $::dialog_midi::referenceconfig} {
pdsend "pd midi-dialog ${config}"
set ::dialog_midi::referenceconfig $config
proc ::dialog_midi::cancel {mytoplevel} {
destroy $mytoplevel
proc ::dialog_midi::ok {mytoplevel} {
::dialog_midi::apply $mytoplevel 1
::dialog_midi::cancel $mytoplevel
proc ::dialog_midi::fill_frame_device {frame direction port} {
## create a single device-pulldown
# - <frame>: where to create the pull-down
# - <direction>: 'in' or 'out'
# - <port>: port
upvar ::dialog_midi::${direction}dev${port} selected
upvar ::midi_${direction}devlist devlist
set x $selected
set device [lindex $devlist $x]
set nodevice_name [format "(%s)" [_ "no device" ]]
# the 1st device is typically 'none', which really means "no device"
if { $x == 0 && ( $device eq "" || $device eq "none" ) } {
set device ${nodevice_name}
# invalid device selected
if { "$x" < 0 || $x >= [llength $devlist ]} {
set device ${nodevice_name}
# create the pull-down button (using the currently selected device name as text)
label $frame.l1 -text "${port}:"
menubutton $frame.x1 -indicatoron 1 -menu $ \
-relief raised -highlightthickness 1 -anchor c \
-direction flush \
-text ${device}
menu $
# create the pull-down options
set idx 0
foreach dev $devlist {
if { $idx == 0 && ( $dev eq "" || $dev eq "none") } {
set dev ${nodevice_name}
$ add radiobutton \
-label "${dev}" \
-value ${idx} -variable ::dialog_midi::${direction}dev${port} \
-command [list $frame.x1 configure -text ${dev}]
incr idx
pack $frame.l1 -side left
pack $frame.x1 -side left -fill x -expand 1
proc ::dialog_midi::fill_frame_devices {frame direction maxports} {
## create a list of device pull-downs (one for each port)
# side effects:
## ro: devlist_midi_${direction}devlist
upvar ::midi_${direction}devlist devlist
# NB: don't create entry for 'none' device
set numdevs [expr [llength $devlist] - 1]
if { $maxports > $numdevs } { set maxports $numdevs }
for {set p 1} {$p <= $maxports} {incr p} {
set w ${frame}.${p}f
frame $w
pack $w -side top -fill x
fill_frame_device $w ${direction} ${p}
if {$maxports < 1} {
label $frame.label -text [_ "no input devices" ]
pack $frame.label -side top -fill x
proc ::dialog_midi::make_frame_iodevices {frame maxdevs longform} {
# device-selection dialog (OSS, PortMidi)
# side effects: none
if {[winfo exists $frame]} {
destroy $frame
frame $frame
pack $frame -side top -fill x -anchor n -expand 1
set showdevs $maxdevs
if {$longform == 0} {
set showdevs 1
# input devices
labelframe $frame.inputs -text [_ "Input Devices"] -padx 5 -pady 5 -borderwidth 1
pack $frame.inputs -side top -fill x -pady 5
::dialog_midi::fill_frame_devices $frame.inputs in ${showdevs}
# output devices
labelframe $frame.outputs -text [_ "Output Devices"] -padx 5 -pady 5 -borderwidth 1
pack $frame.outputs -side top -fill x -pady 5
::dialog_midi::fill_frame_devices $frame.outputs out ${showdevs}
# If not the "long form" but if "multi" is 2, make a button to
# restart with longform set.
if {$longform == 0 && $maxdevs > 1} {
frame $frame.longbutton
pack $frame.longbutton -side right -fill x
button $frame.longbutton.b -text [_ "Use Multiple Devices"] \
-command "::dialog_midi::make_frame_iodevices $frame $maxdevs 1"
pack $frame.longbutton.b -expand 1 -ipadx 10 -pady 5
proc ::dialog_midi::make_frame_ports {frame inportsvar outportsvar} {
# ALSA-like MIDI dialog
# - just declare how many input/output ports are used
# - (no need for a device-list to pick from)
if {[winfo exists $frame]} {
destroy $frame
frame $frame
pack $frame -side top -fill x -anchor n -expand 1
label $frame.l1 -text [_ "In Ports:"]
entry $frame.x1 -textvariable $inportsvar -width 4
pack $frame.l1 $frame.x1 -side left
label $frame.l2 -text [_ "Out Ports:"]
entry $frame.x2 -textvariable $outportsvar -width 4
pack $frame.l2 $frame.x2 -side left
proc ::dialog_midi::fill_frame {frame {include_backends 1}} {
set longform 0
if { $include_backends != 0 && [llength $::midi_apilist] > 1} {
labelframe $frame.backend -text [_ "MIDI system"] -padx 5 -pady 5 -borderwidth 1
pack $frame.backend -side top -fill x -pady 5
menubutton $frame.backend.api -indicatoron 1 -menu $ \
-relief raised -highlightthickness 1 -anchor c \
-direction flush \
-text [_ "MIDI system" ]
menu $ -tearoff 0
foreach api $::midi_apilist {
foreach {api_name api_id} $api {
$ add radiobutton \
-label "${api_name}" \
-value ${api_id} -variable ::pd_whichmidiapi \
-command {pdsend "pd midi-setapi $::pd_whichmidiapi"}
if { ${api_id} == ${::pd_whichmidiapi} } {
$frame.backend.api configure -text "${api_name}"
pack $frame.backend.api -side left -fill x -expand 1
if { $::dialog_midi::portsin > 1 || $::dialog_midi::portsout > 1 } {
set longform 1
switch -- $::pd_whichmidiapi {
1 {::dialog_midi::make_frame_ports $frame.contentf ::dialog_midi::portsin ::dialog_midi::portsout }
default {::dialog_midi::make_frame_iodevices $frame.contentf $::dialog_midi::max_devices $longform}
proc ::dialog_midi::init_devicevars {} {
# initializes
# - the number of ports (::dialog_midi::portsin, ::dialog_midi::portsout)
# - the selected device for each port (::dialog_midi::{in,out}dev[0-9])
foreach direction {in out} {
# input vars
## list of selected devices for each port in the current direction
upvar ::midi_${direction}devices devices
# output vars
## the number of used ports
upvar ::dialog_midi::ports${direction} ports
# 'i' is the 1-based port-index
for {set i 1} {$i <= $::dialog_midi::max_devices} {incr i} {
# output vars
## the device selected for this port
upvar ::dialog_midi::${direction}dev${i} dev
set d ""
if { [llength $devices] > 0 } {
set d [lindex $devices ${i}-1]
if { "${d}" eq "" } {
set dev 0
} else {
set dev $d
# how many ports are actually used?
# with ALSA, this is the value to be displayed
set ports 0
set i 0
foreach x $devices {
if { $x > 0 } {
set ports [incr i]
set ::dialog_midi::referenceconfig [config2string]
proc ::dialog_midi::set_configuration {API inputdevices indevs outputdevices outdevs} {
set ::pd_whichmidiapi $API
set ::midi_indevlist ${inputdevices}
# use integer indices (and filter out invalid(=negative) values)
set ::midi_indevices [lmap _ $indevs {set _ [expr int($_) ]; if {$_ < 0} continue; set _}]
set ::midi_outdevlist ${outputdevices}
set ::midi_outdevices [lmap _ $outdevs {set _ [expr int($_) ]; if {$_ < 0} continue; set _}]
# start a dialog window to select midi devices. "longform" asks us to make
# controls for opening several devices; if not, we get an extra button to
# turn longform on and restart the dialog.
# iodev==0 indicates that it is disabled
proc ::dialog_midi::pdtk_midi_dialog {id \
indev1 indev2 indev3 indev4 indev5 indev6 indev7 indev8 indev9 \
outdev1 outdev2 outdev3 outdev4 outdev5 outdev6 outdev7 outdev8 outdev9 \
{longform ignored}} {
::dialog_midi::set_configuration ${::pd_whichmidiapi} \
${::midi_indevlist} \
[list $indev1 $indev2 $indev3 $indev4 $indev5 $indev6 $indev7 $indev8 $indev9] \
${::midi_outdevlist} \
[list $outdev1 $outdev2 $outdev3 $outdev4 $outdev5 $outdev6 $outdev7 $outdev8 $outdev9]
::dialog_midi::create $id
proc ::dialog_midi::create {id} {
# check if there's already an open gui-preference
# where we can splat the new midi preferences into
if {[winfo exists ${::dialog_preferences::midi_frame}]} {
::preferencewindow::removechildren ${::dialog_preferences::midi_frame}
::dialog_midi::fill_frame ${::dialog_preferences::midi_frame}
return {}
# destroy leftover dialogs
destroy $id
# create a dialog window
toplevel $id -class DialogWindow
wm withdraw $id
wm title $id [_ "MIDI Settings"]
wm group $id .
wm resizable $id 0 0
wm transient $id
wm minsize $id 240 260
$id configure -menu $::dialog_menubar
$id configure -padx 10 -pady 5
::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings $id "midi"
frame $id.midi
pack $id.midi -side top -anchor n -fill x -expand 1
::dialog_midi::fill_frame $id.midi 0
# save all settings button
button $id.saveall -text [_ "Save All Settings"] \
-command "::dialog_midi::apply $id 1; pdsend \"pd save-preferences\""
pack $id.saveall -side top -expand 1 -ipadx 10 -pady 5
# buttons
frame $id.buttonframe
pack $id.buttonframe -side top -after $id.saveall -pady 2m
button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text [_ "Cancel"] \
-command "::dialog_midi::cancel $id"
pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
if {$::windowingsystem ne "aqua"} {
button $id.buttonframe.apply -text [_ "Apply"] \
-command "::dialog_midi::apply $id 1"
pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
button $id.buttonframe.ok -text [_ "OK"] \
-command "::dialog_midi::ok $id" -default active
pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 15 -ipadx 10
# set focus
focus $id.buttonframe.ok
# for focus handling on OSX
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
# remove cancel button from focus list since it's not activated on Return
$id.buttonframe.cancel config -takefocus 0
# show active focus on multiple device button
if {[winfo exists $id.longbutton.b]} {
bind $id.longbutton.b <KeyPress-Return> "$id.longbutton.b invoke"
bind $id.longbutton.b <FocusIn> "::dialog_midi::unbind_return $id; $id.longbutton.b config -default active"
bind $id.longbutton.b <FocusOut> "::dialog_midi::rebind_return $id; $id.longbutton.b config -default normal"
# show active focus on save settings button
bind $id.saveall <KeyPress-Return> "$id.saveall invoke"
bind $id.saveall <FocusIn> "::dialog_midi::unbind_return $id; $id.saveall config -default active"
bind $id.saveall <FocusOut> "::dialog_midi::rebind_return $id; $id.saveall config -default normal"
# show active focus on the ok button as it *is* activated on Return
$id.buttonframe.ok config -default normal
bind $id.buttonframe.ok <FocusIn> "$id.buttonframe.ok config -default active"
bind $id.buttonframe.ok <FocusOut> "$id.buttonframe.ok config -default normal"
# since we show the active focus, disable the highlight outline
if {[winfo exists $id.longbutton.b]} {
$id.longbutton.b config -highlightthickness 0
$id.saveall config -highlightthickness 0
$id.buttonframe.ok config -highlightthickness 0
$id.buttonframe.cancel config -highlightthickness 0
# set min size based on widget sizing & pos over pdwindow
wm minsize $id [winfo reqwidth $id] [winfo reqheight $id]
position_over_window $id .pdwindow
raise $id
proc ::dialog_midi::pdtk_alsa_midi_dialog {id \
indev1 indev2 indev3 indev4 \
outdev1 outdev2 outdev3 outdev4 \
longform alsa} {
if {$alsa} {
set ::pd_whichmidiapi 1
::dialog_midi::pdtk_midi_dialog $id \
$indev1 $indev2 $indev3 $indev4 0 0 0 0 0 \
$outdev1 $outdev2 $outdev3 $outdev4 0 0 0 0 0 \
if {[winfo exists $id]} {
wm title $id [_ "ALSA MIDI Settings"]
# for focus handling on OSX
proc ::dialog_midi::rebind_return {mytoplevel} {
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> "::dialog_midi::ok $mytoplevel"
focus $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok
return 0
# for focus handling on OSX
proc ::dialog_midi::unbind_return {mytoplevel} {
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> break
return 1