package provide dialog_path 0.1
package require scrollboxwindow
namespace eval ::dialog_path:: {
variable use_standard_paths_button 1
variable verbose_button 0
variable docspath ""
variable installpath ""
namespace export pdtk_path_dialog
############ pdtk_path_dialog -- run a path dialog #########
proc ::dialog_path::cancel {mytoplevel} {
::scrollboxwindow::cancel $mytoplevel
proc ::dialog_path::ok {mytoplevel} {
::scrollboxwindow::ok $mytoplevel dialog_path::commit
# set up the panel with the info from pd
proc ::dialog_path::pdtk_path_dialog {mytoplevel extrapath verbose} {
set ::sys_use_stdpath $extrapath
set ::sys_verbose $verbose
if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
# this doesn't seem to be called...
wm deiconify $mytoplevel
raise $mytoplevel
focus $mytoplevel
} else {
create_dialog $mytoplevel
proc ::dialog_path::fill_frame {frame {with_verbose 0}} {
# 'frame' is a frame, rather than a toplevel window
set readonly_color [lindex [$frame configure -background] end]
if {[namespace exists ::deken]} {set ::dialog_path::installpath $::deken::installpath}
# scrollbox
::scrollbox::make ${frame} $::sys_searchpath \
::dialog_path::add dialog_path::edit \
[_ "Pd search path for objects, help, audio, text and other files"]
# path options
frame $frame.extraframe
pack $frame.extraframe -side top -anchor s -fill x
checkbutton $frame.extraframe.extra -text [_ "Use standard paths"] \
-variable ::sys_use_stdpath -anchor w
pack $frame.extraframe.extra -side left -expand 1
if { ${with_verbose} ne 0 } {
checkbutton $frame.extraframe.verbose -text [_ "Verbose"] \
-variable ::sys_verbose -anchor w
pack $frame.extraframe.verbose -side right -expand 1
# add docsdir path widgets if pd_docsdir is loaded
if {[namespace exists ::pd_docsdir]} {
set ::dialog_path::docspath $::pd_docsdir::docspath
labelframe $frame.docspath -text [_ "Pd Documents Directory"] \
-borderwidth 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $frame.docspath -side top -anchor s -fill x -padx {2m 4m} -pady 2m
frame $frame.docspath.path
pack $frame.docspath.path -fill x
entry $frame.docspath.path.entry -textvariable ::dialog_path::docspath \
-takefocus 0 -state readonly -readonlybackground $readonly_color
button $frame.docspath.path.browse -text [_ "Browse"] \
-command "::dialog_path::browse_docspath $frame"
pack $frame.docspath.path.browse -side right -fill x -ipadx 8
pack $frame.docspath.path.entry -side right -expand 1 -fill x
frame $frame.docspath.buttons
pack $frame.docspath.buttons -fill x
button $frame.docspath.buttons.reset -text [_ "Reset"] \
-command "::dialog_path::reset_docspath $frame"
button $frame.docspath.buttons.disable -text [_ "Disable"] \
-command "::dialog_path::disable_docspath $frame"
pack $frame.docspath.buttons.reset -side left -ipadx 8
pack $frame.docspath.buttons.disable -side left -ipadx 8
# scroll to right for long paths
$frame.docspath.path.entry xview moveto 1
# add deken path widgets if deken is loaded
if {[namespace exists ::deken]} {
labelframe $frame.installpath -text [_ "Externals Install Directory"] \
-borderwidth 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $frame.installpath -fill x -anchor s -padx {2m 4m} -pady 2m
frame $frame.installpath.path
pack $frame.installpath.path -fill x
entry $frame.installpath.path.entry -textvariable ::dialog_path::installpath \
-takefocus 0 -state readonly -readonlybackground $readonly_color
button $frame.installpath.path.browse -text [_ "Browse"] \
-command "::dialog_path::browse_installpath $frame"
pack $frame.installpath.path.browse -side right -fill x -ipadx 8
pack $frame.installpath.path.entry -side right -expand 1 -fill x
frame $frame.installpath.buttons
pack $frame.installpath.buttons -fill x
button $frame.installpath.buttons.reset -text [_ "Reset"] \
-command "::dialog_path::reset_installpath $frame"
button $frame.installpath.buttons.clear -text [_ "Clear"] \
-command "::dialog_path::clear_installpath $frame"
pack $frame.installpath.buttons.reset -side left -ipadx 8
pack $frame.installpath.buttons.clear -side left -ipadx 8
# scroll to right for long paths
$frame.installpath.path.entry xview moveto 1
::preferencewindow::simplefocus $
proc ::dialog_path::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
::preferencewindow::create ${mytoplevel} [_ "Pd search path for objects, help, audio, text and other files"] {450 300}
wm withdraw $mytoplevel
set my [::preferencewindow::add_frame ${mytoplevel} [_ "path preferences"]]
# add widgets
fill_frame $my 1
# focus handling on OSX
::preferencewindow::simplefocus $ $mytoplevel.nb.buttonframe.ok "::dialog_path::ok $mytoplevel" "::dialog_path::cancel $mytoplevel"
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
# unbind ok button when in listbox
bind $ <FocusIn> "::dialog_path::unbind_return $mytoplevel"
bind $ <FocusOut> "::dialog_path::rebind_return $mytoplevel"
pack $my -side top -fill x -expand 1
# add actions
::preferencewindow::add_cancel ${mytoplevel} "::scrollboxwindow::cancel ${mytoplevel}"
::preferencewindow::add_apply ${mytoplevel} "::scrollboxwindow::apply ${my} ::dialog_path::commit"
::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings $mytoplevel "path"
# re-adjust height based on optional sections
wm minsize $mytoplevel [winfo width $mytoplevel] [winfo reqheight $mytoplevel]
position_over_window $mytoplevel .pdwindow
raise $mytoplevel
# browse for a new Pd user docs path
proc ::dialog_path::browse_docspath {mytoplevel} {
# set the new docs dir
set newpath [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $::env(HOME) \
-title [_ "Choose Pd documents directory:"]]
if {$newpath ne ""} {
set ::dialog_path::docspath $newpath
set ::dialog_path::installpath [::pd_docsdir::get_externals_path "$::dialog_path::docspath"]
$mytoplevel.docspath.path.entry xview moveto 1
return 1
return 0
# ignore the Pd user docs path
proc ::dialog_path::disable_docspath {mytoplevel} {
set ::dialog_path::docspath [::pd_docsdir::get_disabled_path]
return 1
# reset to the default Pd user docs path
proc ::dialog_path::reset_docspath {mytoplevel} {
set ::dialog_path::docspath [::pd_docsdir::get_default_path]
set ::dialog_path::installpath [::pd_docsdir::get_externals_path "$::dialog_path::docspath"]
$mytoplevel.docspath.path.entry xview moveto 1
return 1
# browse for a new deken installpath, this assumes deken is available
proc ::dialog_path::browse_installpath {mytoplevel} {
if {![file isdirectory $::dialog_path::installpath]} {
set initialdir $::env(HOME)
} else {
set initialdir $::dialog_path::installpath
set newpath [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $initialdir \
-title [_ "Install externals to directory:"]]
if {$newpath ne ""} {
set ::dialog_path::installpath $newpath
$mytoplevel.installpath.path.entry xview moveto 1
return 1
return 0
# reset to default deken installpath
proc ::dialog_path::reset_installpath {mytoplevel} {
set ::dialog_path::installpath [::deken::find_installpath true]
$mytoplevel.installpath.path.entry xview moveto 1
# clear the deken installpath
proc ::dialog_path::clear_installpath {mytoplevel} {
set ::dialog_path::installpath ""
# for focus handling on OSX
proc ::dialog_path::rebind_return {mytoplevel} {
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Escape> "::dialog_path::cancel $mytoplevel"
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> "::dialog_path::ok $mytoplevel"
focus $mytoplevel.nb.buttonframe.ok
return 0
# for focus handling on OSX
proc ::dialog_path::unbind_return {mytoplevel} {
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Escape> break
bind $mytoplevel <KeyPress-Return> break
return 1
############ pdtk_path_dialog -- dialog window for search path #########
proc ::dialog_path::choosePath {currentpath title} {
if {$currentpath == ""} {
set currentpath $::env(HOME)
return [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $currentpath -title $title]
proc ::dialog_path::add {} {
return [::dialog_path::choosePath "" [_ "Add a new path"]]
proc ::dialog_path::edit {currentpath} {
return [::dialog_path::choosePath $currentpath [_ "Edit existing path \[%s\]" $currentpath] ]
proc ::dialog_path::commit {new_path} {
# save buttons and search paths
set changed false
if {"$new_path" ne "$::sys_searchpath"} {set changed true}
set ::sys_searchpath $new_path
pdsend "pd path-dialog $::sys_use_stdpath $::sys_verbose [pdtk_encode $::sys_searchpath]"
if {$changed} {::helpbrowser::refresh}
# save installpath
if {[namespace exists ::deken]} {
# clear first so set_installpath doesn't pick up prev value from guiprefs
set ::deken::installpath ""
::deken::set_installpath $::dialog_path::installpath
# save docspath
if {[namespace exists ::pd_docsdir]} {
# run this after since it checks ::deken::installpath value
::pd_docsdir::update_path $::dialog_path::docspath
# procs for setting variables from the Pd-core
proc ::dialog_path::set_paths {searchpath temppath staticpath} {
set ::sys_searchpath $searchpath
set ::sys_temppath $temppath
set ::sys_staticpath $staticpath