# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Miller Puckette.
#(c) 2008 WordTech Communications LLC. License: standard Tcl license, http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/license.html
package provide pd_menus 0.1
package require pd_menucommands
package require pd_connect
# TODO figure out Undo/Redo/Cut/Copy/Paste state changes for menus
# since there is one menubar that is used for all windows, the menu -commands
# use {} quotes so that $::focused_window is interpreted when the menu item
# is called, not when the command is mapped to the menu item. This is the
# opposite of the 'bind' commands in pd_bindings.tcl
namespace eval ::pd_menus:: {
variable accelerator
variable menubar ".menubar"
namespace export create_menubar
namespace export configure_for_pdwindow
namespace export configure_for_canvas
namespace export configure_for_dialog
# turn off tearoff menus globally
option add *tearOff 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::pd_menus::create_menubar {} {
variable accelerator
variable menubar
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
set accelerator "Cmd"
} else {
set accelerator "Ctrl"
menu $menubar
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {create_apple_menu $menubar}
set menulist "file edit put find media window help"
foreach mymenu $menulist {
if {$mymenu eq "find"} {
set underlined 3
} {
set underlined 0
menu $menubar.$mymenu
$menubar add cascade -label [_ [string totitle $mymenu]] \
-underline $underlined -menu $menubar.$mymenu
[format build_%s_menu $mymenu] $menubar.$mymenu
if {$::windowingsystem eq "win32"} {create_system_menu $menubar}
. configure -menu $menubar
proc ::pd_menus::configure_for_pdwindow {} {
variable menubar
# these are meaningless for the Pd window, so disable them
# File menu
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Close"] -state disabled
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save"] -state disabled
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save As..."] -state normal
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Print..."] -state disabled
# Edit menu
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Paste Replace"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Duplicate"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Font"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom In"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom Out"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Tidy Up"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "(Dis)Connect Selection"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Triggerize"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Edit Mode"] -state disabled
pdtk_canvas_editmode .pdwindow 0
# Undo/Redo change names, they need to have the asterisk (*) after
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 0 -state disabled -label [_ "Undo"]
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 1 -state disabled -label [_ "Redo"]
# disable everything on the Put menu
for {set i 0} {$i <= [$menubar.put index end]} {incr i} {
# catch errors that happen when trying to disable separators
catch {$menubar.put entryconfigure $i -state disabled }
# Help menu
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
::pd_menus::reenable_help_items_aqua $menubar
proc ::pd_menus::configure_for_canvas {mytoplevel} {
variable menubar
# File menu
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Close"] -state normal
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save"] -state normal
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save As..."] -state normal
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Print..."] -state normal
# Edit menu
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Paste Replace"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Duplicate"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Font"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom In"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom Out"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Tidy Up"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "(Dis)Connect Selection"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Triggerize"] -state normal
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Edit Mode"] -state normal
pdtk_canvas_editmode $mytoplevel $::editmode($mytoplevel)
# Put menu
for {set i 0} {$i <= [$menubar.put index end]} {incr i} {
# catch errors that happen when trying to disable separators
if {[$menubar.put type $i] ne "separator"} {
$menubar.put entryconfigure $i -state normal
update_undo_on_menu $mytoplevel $::undo_actions($mytoplevel) $::redo_actions($mytoplevel)
# Help menu
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
::pd_menus::reenable_help_items_aqua $menubar
proc ::pd_menus::configure_for_dialog {mytoplevel} {
variable menubar
# these are meaningless for the dialog panels, so disable them except for
# the ones that make sense in the Find dialog panel and it's canvas
# File menu
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Close"] -state disabled
if {$mytoplevel eq ".find"} {
# these bindings are passed through Find to it's target search window
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save As..."] -state disabled
if {$mytoplevel ne ".pdwindow"} {
# these don't do anything in the pdwindow
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save"] -state disabled
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Print..."] -state disabled
} else {
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save"] -state disabled
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Save As..."] -state disabled
$menubar.file entryconfigure [_ "Print..."] -state disabled
# Edit menu
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Font"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Paste Replace"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Duplicate"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom In"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Zoom Out"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Tidy Up"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "(Dis)Connect Selection"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Triggerize"] -state disabled
$menubar.edit entryconfigure [_ "Edit Mode"] -state disabled
pdtk_canvas_editmode $mytoplevel 0
# Undo/Redo change names, they need to have the asterisk (*) after
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 0 -state disabled -label [_ "Undo"]
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 1 -state disabled -label [_ "Redo"]
# disable everything on the Put menu
for {set i 0} {$i <= [$menubar.put index end]} {incr i} {
# catch errors that happen when trying to disable separators
catch {$menubar.put entryconfigure $i -state disabled }
# Help menu
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
::pd_menus::reenable_help_items_aqua $menubar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# menu building functions
proc ::pd_menus::build_file_menu {mymenu} {
# run the platform-specific build_file_menu_* procs first, and config them
[format build_file_menu_%s $::windowingsystem] $mymenu
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "New"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_new}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Open"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_open}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Save"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window menusave}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Save As..."] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window menusaveas}
#$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Revert*"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_revert $::focused_window}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Close"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pd_bindings::window_close $::focused_window}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Message..."] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_message_dialog}
$mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Print..."] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_print $::focused_window}
# update recent files
if {[llength $::recentfiles_list] > 0} {
::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_menu false
proc ::pd_menus::build_edit_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Undo"] -accelerator "$accelerator+Z" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_undo}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Redo"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+Z" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_redo}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Cut"] -accelerator "$accelerator+X" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window cut}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Copy"] -accelerator "$accelerator+C" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window copy}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Paste"] -accelerator "$accelerator+V" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window paste}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Duplicate"] -accelerator "$accelerator+D" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window duplicate}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Paste Replace" ] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window paste-replace}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Select All"] -accelerator "$accelerator+A" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window selectall}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Font"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_font_dialog}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Zoom In"] -accelerator "$accelerator++" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window zoom 2}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Zoom Out"] -accelerator "$accelerator+-" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window zoom 1}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Tidy Up"] -accelerator "$accelerator+Shift+R" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window tidy}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "(Dis)Connect Selection"] -accelerator "$accelerator+K" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window connect_selection}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Triggerize"] -accelerator "$accelerator+T" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window triggerize}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Clear Console"] \
-accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+L" -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_clear_console}
$mymenu add separator
#TODO madness! how to set the state of the check box without invoking the menu!
$mymenu add check -label [_ "Edit Mode"] -accelerator "$accelerator+E" \
-variable ::editmode_button \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_editmode $::editmode_button}
proc ::pd_menus::build_put_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
# The trailing 0 in menu_send_float basically means leave the object box
# sticking to the mouse cursor. The iemguis always do that when created
# from the menu, as defined in canvas_iemguis()
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Object"] -accelerator "$accelerator+1" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window obj 0}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Message"] -accelerator "$accelerator+2" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window msg 0}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Number"] -accelerator "$accelerator+3" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window floatatom 0}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "List"] -accelerator "$accelerator+4" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window listbox 0}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Symbol"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window symbolatom 0}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Comment"] -accelerator "$accelerator+5" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send_float $::focused_window text 0}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Bang"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+B" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window bng}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Toggle"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+T" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window toggle}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Number2"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+N" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window numbox}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Vslider"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+V" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window vslider}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Hslider"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+J" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window hslider}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Vradio"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+D" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window vradio}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Hradio"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+I" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window hradio}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "VU Meter"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+U" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window vumeter}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Canvas"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+C" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window mycnv}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Graph"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+G" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window graph}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Array"] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+A" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window menuarray}
proc ::pd_menus::build_find_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Find..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+F" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_find_dialog}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Find Again"] -accelerator "$accelerator+G" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window findagain}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Find Last Error"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend {pd finderror}}
proc ::pd_menus::build_media_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add radiobutton -label [_ "DSP On"] -accelerator "$accelerator+/" \
-variable ::dsp -value 1 -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd dsp 1"}
$mymenu add radiobutton -label [_ "DSP Off"] -accelerator "$accelerator+." \
-variable ::dsp -value 0 -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd dsp 0"}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Test Audio and MIDI..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools testtone.pd}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Load Meter"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools load-meter.pd}
set audio_apilist_length [llength $::audio_apilist]
if {$audio_apilist_length > 0} {$mymenu add separator}
for {set x 0} {$x<$audio_apilist_length} {incr x} {
$mymenu add radiobutton -label [lindex [lindex $::audio_apilist $x] 0] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_audio 0} -variable ::pd_whichapi \
-value [lindex [lindex $::audio_apilist $x] 1]\
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd audio-setapi $::pd_whichapi"}
set midi_apilist_length [llength $::midi_apilist]
if {$midi_apilist_length > 0} {$mymenu add separator}
for {set x 0} {$x<$midi_apilist_length} {incr x} {
$mymenu add radiobutton -label [lindex [lindex $::midi_apilist $x] 0] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_midi 0} -variable ::pd_whichmidiapi \
-value [lindex [lindex $::midi_apilist $x] 1]\
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd midi-setapi $::pd_whichmidiapi"}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Audio Settings..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd audio-properties"}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "MIDI Settings..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd midi-properties"}
proc ::pd_menus::build_window_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
# Tk 8.5+ automatically adds default Mac window menu items
if {$::tcl_version < 8.5} {
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Minimize"] -accelerator "$accelerator+M" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_minimize $::focused_window}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Zoom"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_maximize $::focused_window}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Bring All to Front"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_bringalltofront}
} else {
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Minimize"] -accelerator "$accelerator+M" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_minimize $::focused_window}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Next Window"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_raisenextwindow} \
-accelerator [_ "$accelerator+Page Down"]
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Previous Window"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_raisepreviouswindow} \
-accelerator [_ "$accelerator+Page Up"]
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Pd window"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_raise_pdwindow} \
-accelerator "$accelerator+R"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Parent Window"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_send $::focused_window findparent}
$mymenu add separator
proc ::pd_menus::build_help_menu {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
if {$::windowingsystem ne "aqua"} {
# Tk creates this automatically on Mac
$mymenu add command -label [_ "About Pd"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_aboutpd}
if {$::windowingsystem ne "aqua" || $::tcl_version < 8.5} {
# TK 8.5+ on Mac creates this automatically, other platforms do not
$mymenu add command -label [_ "HTML Manual..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_manual}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Browser..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+B" \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_helpbrowser}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "List of objects..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_objectlist}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "puredata.info"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_openfile {https://puredata.info}}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Check for updates"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_openfile \
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Report a bug"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_openfile \
# undo/redo menu items
proc ::pd_menus::update_undo_on_menu {mytoplevel undo redo} {
variable menubar
if {$undo eq "no"} { set undo "" }
if {$redo eq "no"} { set redo "" }
if {$undo ne ""} {
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 0 -state normal \
-label [_ "Undo $undo"]
} else {
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 0 -state disabled -label [_ "Undo"]
if {$redo ne ""} {
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 1 -state normal \
-label [_ "Redo $redo"]
} else {
$menubar.edit entryconfigure 1 -state disabled -label [_ "Redo"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update the menu entries for opening recent files (write arg should always be true except the first time when pd is opened)
proc ::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_menu {{write true}} {
variable menubar
switch -- $::windowingsystem {
"aqua" {::pd_menus::update_openrecent_menu_aqua .openrecent $write}
"win32" {::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_on_menu $menubar.file $write}
"x11" {::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_on_menu $menubar.file $write}
proc ::pd_menus::clear_recentfiles_menu {} {
# empty recentfiles in preferences (write empty array)
set ::recentfiles_list {}
proc ::pd_menus::update_openrecent_menu_aqua {mymenu {write}} {
if {! [winfo exists $mymenu]} {menu $mymenu}
$mymenu delete 0 end
# now the list is last first so we just add
foreach filename $::recentfiles_list {
$mymenu add command -label [file tail $filename] \
-command "::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction open_file {$filename}"
# clear button
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Clear Menu"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pd_menus::clear_recentfiles_menu}
# write to config file
if {$write == true} { ::pd_guiprefs::write_recentfiles }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this expects to be run on the File menu, and to insert above the last separator
proc ::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_on_menu {mymenu {write}} {
set lastitem [$mymenu index end]
set i 1
while {[$mymenu type [expr $lastitem-$i]] ne "separator"} {incr i}
set bottom_separator [expr $lastitem-$i]
incr i
while {[$mymenu type [expr $lastitem-$i]] ne "separator"} {incr i}
set top_separator [expr $lastitem-$i]
if {$top_separator < [expr $bottom_separator-1]} {
$mymenu delete [expr $top_separator+1] [expr $bottom_separator-1]
# insert the list from the end because we insert each element on the top
set i [llength $::recentfiles_list]
while {[incr i -1] > -1} {
set filename [lindex $::recentfiles_list $i]
set j [expr $i + 1]
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
set label [file tail $filename]
} else {
set label [concat "$j. " [file tail $filename]]
$mymenu insert [expr $top_separator+1] command \
-label $label -command "::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction open_file {$filename}" -underline 0
# write to config file
if {$write == true} { ::pd_guiprefs::write_recentfiles }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# lots of crazy recursion to update the Window menu
# find the first parent patch that has a mapped window
proc ::pd_menus::find_mapped_parent {parentlist} {
if {[llength $parentlist] == 0} {return "none"}
set firstparent [lindex $parentlist 0]
if {[winfo exists $firstparent]} {
return $firstparent
} elseif {[llength $parentlist] > 1} {
return [find_mapped_parent [lrange $parentlist 1 end]]
} else {
# we must be the first menu item to be inserted
return "none"
# find the first parent patch that has a mapped window
proc ::pd_menus::insert_into_menu {mymenu entry parent} {
set insertat [$mymenu index end]
for {set i 0} {$i <= [$mymenu index end]} {incr i} {
if {[$mymenu type $i] ne "command"} {continue}
set currentcommand [$mymenu entrycget $i -command]
if {$currentcommand eq "::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction raise $entry"} {return} ;# it exists already
if {$currentcommand eq "raise $parent"} {
set insertat $i
incr insertat
set label ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $::parentwindows($entry)]} {incr i} {
append label " "
append label $::windowname($entry)
$mymenu insert $insertat command -label $label -command "::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction raise $entry"
# recurse through a list of parent windows and add to the menu
proc ::pd_menus::add_list_to_menu {mymenu window parentlist} {
if {[llength $parentlist] == 0} {
insert_into_menu $mymenu $window {}
} else {
set entry [lindex $parentlist end]
if {[winfo exists $entry]} {
insert_into_menu $mymenu $entry \
[find_mapped_parent $::parentwindows($entry)]
if {[llength $parentlist] > 1} {
add_list_to_menu $mymenu $window [lrange $parentlist 0 end-1]
# update the list of windows on the Window menu. This expects run on the
# Window menu, and to insert below the last separator
proc ::pd_menus::update_window_menu {} {
# TK 8.5+ Cocoa on Mac handles the window list for us
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua" && $::tcl_version >= 8.5} {
return 0
set mymenu $::patch_menubar.window
# find the last separator and delete everything after that
for {set i 0} {$i <= [$mymenu index end]} {incr i} {
if {[$mymenu type $i] eq "separator"} {
set deleteat $i
$mymenu delete $deleteat end
$mymenu add separator
foreach window [array names ::parentwindows] {
set parentlist $::parentwindows($window)
add_list_to_menu $mymenu $window $parentlist
insert_into_menu $mymenu $window [find_mapped_parent $parentlist]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# submenu for Preferences, now used on all platforms
proc ::pd_menus::savepreferences {} {
# TODO localize "Untitled" & make sure translations do not contain spaces
set filename [tk_getSaveFile \
-initialdir $::fileopendir \
-defaultextension .pdsettings \
-initialfile Untitled.pdsettings]
if {$filename ne ""} {pdsend "pd save-preferences $filename"}
proc ::pd_menus::loadpreferences {} {
set filename [tk_getOpenFile \
-initialdir $::fileopendir \
-defaultextension .pdsettings]
if {$filename ne ""} {pdsend "pd load-preferences $filename"}
proc ::pd_menus::forgetpreferences {} {
if {[pdtk_yesnodialog .pdwindow \
[_ "Delete all preferences?\n(takes effect when Pd is restarted)"] \
yes]} {
pdsend "pd forget-preferences"
if {[::pd_guiprefs::delete_config]} {
::pdwindow::post [_ "removed GUI settings" ]
} {
::pdwindow::post [_ "no Pd-GUI settings to clear" ]
::pdwindow::post "\n"
proc ::pd_menus::create_preferences_menu {mymenu} {
menu $mymenu
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Edit Preferences..."] \
-command {menu_preference_dialog}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save All Preferences"] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction pdsend "pd save-preferences"}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save to..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pd_menus::savepreferences}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Load from..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pd_menus::loadpreferences}
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Forget All..."] \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pd_menus::forgetpreferences}
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add check -label [_ "Tabbed preferences"] \
-variable ::dialog_preferences::use_ttknotebook \
-command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::dialog_preferences::write_usettknotebook}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# menu building functions for Mac OS X/aqua
# for Mac OS X only
proc ::pd_menus::create_apple_menu {mymenu} {
# TODO this should open a Pd patch called about.pd
menu $mymenu.apple
$mymenu.apple add command -label [_ "About Pd"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction menu_aboutpd}
$mymenu.apple add separator
create_preferences_menu $mymenu.apple.preferences
$mymenu.apple add cascade -label [_ "Preferences"] \
-menu $mymenu.apple.preferences
# this needs to be last for things to function properly
$mymenu add cascade -label "Apple" -menu $mymenu.apple
proc ::pd_menus::build_file_menu_aqua {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "New"] -accelerator "$accelerator+N"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Open"] -accelerator "$accelerator+O"
# this is now done in main ::pd_menus::build_file_menu
#::pd_menus::update_openrecent_menu_aqua .openrecent
$mymenu add cascade -label [_ "Open Recent"] -menu .openrecent
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Close"] -accelerator "$accelerator+W"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save"] -accelerator "$accelerator+S"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save As..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+Shift+S"
#$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save All"]
#$mymenu add command -label [_ "Revert to Saved"]
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Message..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+Shift+M"
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Print..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+P"
# the "Edit", "Put", and "Find" menus do not have cross-platform differences
proc ::pd_menus::build_media_menu_aqua {mymenu} {
proc ::pd_menus::build_window_menu_aqua {mymenu} {
# FIXME: remove this when it is no longer necessary
# there is a Tk Cocoa bug where Help menu items after separators may be
# disabled after windows are cycled, as of Nov 2020 this is fixed via a fresh
# upstream patch in our Tk 8.6.10 build distributed with Pd but we keep this in
# case other versions of Tk are used such as those installed to the system
proc ::pd_menus::reenable_help_items_aqua {mymenu} {
#if {$::tcl_version < 8.6} {
$mymenu.help entryconfigure [_ "List of objects..."] -state normal
$mymenu.help entryconfigure [_ "Report a bug"] -state normal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# menu building functions for UNIX/X11
proc ::pd_menus::build_file_menu_x11 {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "New"] -accelerator "$accelerator+N"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Open"] -accelerator "$accelerator+O"
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save"] -accelerator "$accelerator+S"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save As..."] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+S"
# $mymenu add command -label "Revert"
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Message..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+Shift+M"
create_preferences_menu $mymenu.preferences
$mymenu add cascade -label [_ "Preferences"] -menu $mymenu.preferences
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Print..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+P"
$mymenu add separator
# the recent files get inserted in here by update_recentfiles_on_menu
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Close"] -accelerator "$accelerator+W"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Quit"] -accelerator "$accelerator+Q" \
-command {::pd_connect::menu_quit}
# the "Edit", "Put", and "Find" menus do not have cross-platform differences
proc ::pd_menus::build_media_menu_x11 {mymenu} {
proc ::pd_menus::build_window_menu_x11 {mymenu} {
# the "Help" does not have cross-platform differences
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# menu building functions for Windows/Win32
# for Windows only
proc ::pd_menus::create_system_menu {mymenubar} {
set mymenu $mymenubar.system
$mymenubar add cascade -label System -menu $mymenu
menu $mymenu -tearoff 0
# placeholders
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Edit Mode"] -command {::pd_menucommands::scheduleAction ::pdwindow::verbose 0 systemmenu}
# TODO add Close, Minimize, etc and whatever else is on the little menu
# that is on the top left corner of the window frame
# http://wiki.tcl.tk/1006
# TODO add Edit Mode here
proc ::pd_menus::build_file_menu_win32 {mymenu} {
variable accelerator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "New"] -accelerator "$accelerator+N"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Open"] -accelerator "$accelerator+O"
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save"] -accelerator "$accelerator+S"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Save As..."] -accelerator "Shift+$accelerator+S"
# $mymenu add command -label "Revert"
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Message..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+Shift+M"
create_preferences_menu $mymenu.preferences
$mymenu add cascade -label [_ "Preferences"] -menu $mymenu.preferences
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Print..."] -accelerator "$accelerator+P"
$mymenu add separator
# the recent files get inserted in here by update_recentfiles_on_menu
$mymenu add separator
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Close"] -accelerator "$accelerator+W"
$mymenu add command -label [_ "Quit"] -accelerator "$accelerator+Q" \
-command {::pd_connect::menu_quit}
# the "Edit", "Put", and "Find" menus do not have cross-platform differences
proc ::pd_menus::build_media_menu_win32 {mymenu} {
proc ::pd_menus::build_window_menu_win32 {mymenu} {
# the "Help" does not have cross-platform differences