package provide pdtk_text 0.1
# these procs are currently all in the global namespace because all of them
# are used by 'pd' and therefore need to be in the global namespace.
namespace eval ::pdtk_text:: {
# proc to sanitize the 'text'
proc unescape {text} {
return [subst -nocommands -novariables $text]
# create a new text object (ie. obj, msg, comment)
# the initializing string ends in an extra space. This is done in case
# the last character should have been a backslash ('\') which would have
# had the effect of escaping the closing brace. We trim off the last
# character in the string to compensate via [string range].
proc pdtk_text_new {tkcanvas tags x y text font_size color} {
$tkcanvas create text $x $y -tags $tags \
-text [::pdtk_text::unescape $text] \
-fill $color -anchor nw -font [get_font_for_size $font_size]
set mytag [lindex $tags 0]
$tkcanvas bind $mytag <Home> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag 0"
$tkcanvas bind $mytag <End> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag end"
# select all
$tkcanvas bind $mytag <Triple-ButtonRelease-1> \
"pdtk_text_selectall $tkcanvas $mytag"
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} { # emacs bindings for Mac OS X
$tkcanvas bind $mytag <Control-a> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag 0"
$tkcanvas bind $mytag <Control-e> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag end"
# change the text in an existing text box
proc pdtk_text_set {tkcanvas tag text} {
$tkcanvas itemconfig $tag -text [::pdtk_text::unescape $text]
# paste into an existing text box by literally "typing" the contents of the
# clipboard, i.e. send the contents one character at a time via 'pd key'
proc pdtk_pastetext {tkcanvas} {
if { [catch {set buf [clipboard get]}] } {
# no selection... do nothing
} else {
# turn unicode-encoded stuff (\u...) into unicode characters
# 'unescape' needs a trailing space...
set buf [::pdtk_text::unescape "${buf} " ]
for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [string length $buf] - 1]} {incr i 1} {
set cha [string index $buf $i]
scan $cha %c keynum
pdsend "[winfo toplevel $tkcanvas] key 1 $keynum 0"
# select all of the text in an existing text box
proc pdtk_text_selectall {tkcanvas mytag} {
if {$::editmode([winfo toplevel $tkcanvas])} {
$tkcanvas select from $mytag 0
$tkcanvas select to $mytag end
# de/activate a text box for editing based on $editing flag
proc pdtk_text_editing {mytoplevel tag editing} {
set tkcanvas [tkcanvas_name $mytoplevel]
if {$editing == 0} {selection clear $tkcanvas}
$tkcanvas focus $tag
set ::editingtext($mytoplevel) $editing