This is the README file for the "extras" library, which contains Pd objects
which are too specialized or otherwise non-canonical for inclusion into Pd
proper. This library is part of the regular ("vanilla") Pd distribution. It
is all open source; see LICENSE.txt in the Pd distribution for details.
generally useful externs:
[sigmund~] - pitch and sinusoidal peak analysis
[bonk~] - percussion detector
[lrshift~] - left or right shift an audio vector (probably should be standard)
[hilbert~] - Hilbert transform for SSB modulation
[complex-mod~] - ring modulation for complex (real+imaginary) audio signals
[rev1~], etc. - reverberators
[output~] - stereo output abstraction for convenience
externs aimed at particular tasks:
[pd~] - embed one Pd inside another one
[stdout] - send messages to standard out (useful in pd~ sub-process)
[bob~] - Moog ladder filter simulation using a Runge-Kutte ODE solver
[choice] - find the best fit of a vector to a set of example vectors
[loop~] - sample looper
[pique] - fft-based peak finder (use [sigmund~] instead)
[fiddle~] - pitch tracker (use [sigmund~] instead)
The [sigmund~], [bonk~], and [fiddle~] objects have also been compiled for Max/MSP
by Ted Apel; see his website for details.