
/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
 * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
 * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */

/* g_7_guis.c written by Thomas Musil (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2000-2001 */
/* thanks to Miller Puckette, Guenther Geiger and Krzystof Czaja */

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "m_pd.h"

#include "g_all_guis.h"

#define HMARGIN
#define VMARGIN

/* ----- vu  gui-peak- & rms- vu-meter-display ---------- */

t_widgetbehavior vu_widgetbehavior;
static t_class *vu_class;

/* widget helper functions */

static void vu_update_rms(t_vu *x, t_glist *glist)

static void vu_update_peak(t_vu *x, t_glist *glist)

static void vu_draw_update(t_gobj *client, t_glist *glist);

static void vu_draw_io(t_vu* x, t_glist* glist, int old_snd_rcv_flags)

static void vu_draw_config(t_vu* x, t_glist* glist)

static void vu_draw_new(t_vu *x, t_glist *glist)

static void vu_draw_select(t_vu* x,t_glist* glist)

static void vu_draw_update(t_gobj *client, t_glist *glist)

/* ------------------------ vu widgetbehaviour----------------------------- */

static void vu_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
                       int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)

static void vu_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b)

void vu_check_height(t_vu *x, int h)

static void vu_scale(t_vu *x, t_floatarg fscale)

static void vu_properties(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner)

static void vu_dialog(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)

static void vu_size(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_delta(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_pos(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_color(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_receive(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s)

static void vu_label(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s)

static void vu_label_pos(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_label_font(t_vu *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)

static void vu_float(t_vu *x, t_floatarg rms)

static void vu_ft1(t_vu *x, t_floatarg peak)

static void vu_bang(t_vu *x)

static void *vu_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)

void g_vumeter_setup(void)