
/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.  */

#include "m_pd.h"
#include "m_imp.h"
#include "g_canvas.h"   /* just for LB_LOAD */

    /* FIXME no out-of-memory testing yet! */

t_pd *pd_new(t_class *c)


void pd_free(t_pd *x)

void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b)

/* deal with several objects bound to the same symbol.  If more than one, we
actually bind a collection object to the symbol, which forwards messages sent
to the symbol. */

static t_class *bindlist_class;



static void bindlist_bang(t_bindlist *x)

static void bindlist_float(t_bindlist *x, t_float f)

static void bindlist_symbol(t_bindlist *x, t_symbol *s)

static void bindlist_pointer(t_bindlist *x, t_gpointer *gp)

static void bindlist_list(t_bindlist *x, t_symbol *s,
    int argc, t_atom *argv)

static void bindlist_anything(t_bindlist *x, t_symbol *s,
    int argc, t_atom *argv)

void m_pd_setup(void)

void pd_bind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s)

void pd_unbind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s)

t_pd *pd_findbyclass(t_symbol *s, const t_class *c)

/* stack for maintaining bindings for the #X symbol during nestable loads.


static t_gstack *gstack_head =;
static t_pd *lastpopped;
static t_symbol *pd_loadingabstraction;

int pd_setloadingabstraction(t_symbol *sym)

void pd_pushsym(t_pd *x)

void pd_popsym(t_pd *x)

void pd_doloadbang(void)

void pd_bang(t_pd *x)

void pd_float(t_pd *x, t_float f)

void pd_pointer(t_pd *x, t_gpointer *gp)

void pd_symbol(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s)

void pd_list(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)

void pd_anything(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)

void mess_init(void);
void sched_init(void);
void obj_init(void);
void conf_init(void);
void glob_init(void);
void garray_init(void);
void ooura_term(void);

void pd_init(void)

void pd_term(void)

void pd_init_systems(void)

void pd_term_systems(void)

t_canvas *pd_getcanvaslist(void)