/* Copyright (c) 2003, Miller Puckette and others.
* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
/* Audio back-end for connecting with the JACK audio interconnect system.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "m_private_utils.h"
#include "s_stuff.h"
#include "s_audio_paring.h"
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <jack/weakjack.h>
#elif defined _MSC_VER
# define strdup _strdup
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <regex.h>
#define MAX_CLIENTS 100
#define MAX_JACK_PORTS 128 /* higher values seem to give bad xrun problems */
#define BUF_JACK 4096
/* taken from the PipeWire libjack implementation: the larger of the
* `JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE` definitions I could find in the wild. */
#define MAX_ALLOCA_SAMPLES 16*1024
/* enable thread signaling instead of polling */
#if 1
static jack_nframes_t jack_out_max;
static jack_nframes_t jack_filled = 0;
static int jack_started = 0;
static jack_port_t *input_port[MAX_JACK_PORTS];
static jack_port_t *output_port[MAX_JACK_PORTS];
static jack_client_t *jack_client = NULL;
static char * desired_client_name = NULL;
static const char *jack_client_names[MAX_CLIENTS];
static volatile int jack_dio_error;
static volatile int jack_didshutdown;
static t_audiocallback jack_callback;
static int jack_should_autoconnect = 1;
static int jack_defaultsource = 0;
static int jack_defaultsink = 0;
static int jack_blocksize = 0; /* should this be PERTHREAD? */
t_semaphore *jack_sem;
static char *jack_outbuf;
static sys_ringbuf jack_outring;
static char *jack_inbuf;
static sys_ringbuf jack_inring;
/* callback routine for non-callback client... throw samples into
and read them out of a FIFO. Since we don't know at compile time
how many samples jack will treat us to, we interleave them in the
two FIFOs. So we have to mux/demux them both here and up at the
user level in jack_send_dacs(). */
static int jack_polling_callback(jack_nframes_t nframes, void *unused)
unsigned long infiforoom = sys_ringbuf_getwriteavailable(&jack_inring),
outfiforoom = sys_ringbuf_getreadavailable(&jack_outring);
const size_t muxbufsize = nframes *
(STUFF->st_inchannels > STUFF->st_outchannels ?
STUFF->st_inchannels : STUFF->st_outchannels);
t_sample *muxbuffer;
int j;
jack_default_audio_sample_t *jp;
ALLOCA(t_sample, muxbuffer, muxbufsize, MAX_ALLOCA_SAMPLES);
if (infiforoom < nframes * STUFF->st_inchannels * sizeof(t_sample) ||
outfiforoom < nframes * STUFF->st_outchannels * sizeof(t_sample))
/* data late: output zeros, drop inputs, and leave FIFOs untouched */
if (jack_started)
jack_dio_error = 1;
for (j = 0; j < STUFF->st_outchannels; j++)
if ((jp = jack_port_get_buffer(output_port[j], nframes)))
memset(jp, 0, sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t) * nframes);
t_sample *fp, *fp2;
int ch;
if (STUFF->st_inchannels)
for (fp = muxbuffer, ch = 0; ch < STUFF->st_inchannels; ch++, fp++)
jp = jack_port_get_buffer(input_port[ch], nframes);
for (j = 0, fp2 = fp; j < (int)nframes;
j++, fp2 += STUFF->st_inchannels)
*fp2 = jp[j];
sys_ringbuf_write(&jack_inring, muxbuffer,
nframes * STUFF->st_inchannels * sizeof(t_sample),
if (STUFF->st_outchannels)
sys_ringbuf_read(&jack_outring, muxbuffer,
nframes * STUFF->st_outchannels * sizeof(t_sample),
for (fp = muxbuffer, ch = 0; ch < STUFF->st_outchannels; ch++, fp++)
jp = jack_port_get_buffer(output_port[ch], nframes);
for (j = 0, fp2 = fp; j < (int)nframes;
j++, fp2 += STUFF->st_outchannels)
jp[j] = *fp2;
FREEA(t_sample, muxbuffer, muxbufsize, MAX_ALLOCA_SAMPLES);
return 0;
static int callbackprocess(jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg)
int chan, j, k;
unsigned int n;
jack_default_audio_sample_t *out[MAX_JACK_PORTS], *in[MAX_JACK_PORTS], *jp;
if (nframes % DEFDACBLKSIZE)
fprintf(stderr, "jack: nframes %d not a multiple of blocksize %d\n",
nframes -= (nframes % DEFDACBLKSIZE);
for (chan = 0; chan < STUFF->st_inchannels; chan++)
in[chan] = jack_port_get_buffer(input_port[chan], nframes);
for (chan = 0; chan < STUFF->st_outchannels; chan++)
out[chan] = jack_port_get_buffer(output_port[chan], nframes);
for (n = 0; n < nframes; n += DEFDACBLKSIZE)
t_sample *fp;
for (chan = 0; chan < STUFF->st_inchannels; chan++)
if (in[chan])
for (fp = STUFF->st_soundin + chan*DEFDACBLKSIZE,
jp = in[chan] + n, j=0; j < DEFDACBLKSIZE; j++)
*fp++ = *jp++;
for (chan = 0; chan < STUFF->st_outchannels; chan++)
for (fp = STUFF->st_soundout + chan*DEFDACBLKSIZE,
j = 0; j < DEFDACBLKSIZE; j++)
*fp++ = 0;
for (chan = 0; chan < STUFF->st_outchannels; chan++)
if (out[chan])
for (fp = STUFF->st_soundout + chan*DEFDACBLKSIZE, jp = out[chan] + n,
j=0; j < DEFDACBLKSIZE; j++)
*jp++ = *fp++;
return 0;
static int jack_srate(jack_nframes_t srate, void *arg)
if (srate != STUFF->st_dacsr)
STUFF->st_dacsr = srate;
return 0;
static int jack_bsize(jack_nframes_t bufsize, void *arg)
jack_blocksize = bufsize;
return 0;
/* This callback function must be async-signal-safe, so the only thing
we can really do is set a flag and wake up the scheduler. The shutdown
is actually handled in jack_send_dacs() or sys_try_reopen_audio();
the latter is called by the callback scheduler once it has noticed that
audio processing has halted. */
static void jack_shutdown(void *arg)
jack_didshutdown = 1;
/* sem_post() is async-signal-safe */
static int jack_xrun(void* arg)
jack_dio_error = 1;
return 0;
typedef struct _jclient {
const char*name;
int input;
int output;
struct _jclient *next;
} t_jclient;
static const char** jack_get_clients(void)
int jack_physicalsource = -1;
int jack_physicalsink = -1;
const char **jack_ports;
int tmp_client_name_size = jack_client_name_size ?
jack_client_name_size() : CLIENT_NAME_SIZE_FALLBACK;
char* tmp_client_name = (char*)getbytes(tmp_client_name_size);
int i;
int num_clients = 0;
t_jclient*available_clients = 0;
regex_t port_regex;
regcomp(&port_regex, "^[^:]*", REG_EXTENDED);
for (i=0; i< MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
jack_client_names[i] = NULL;
jack_ports = jack_get_ports(jack_client, "", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, 0);
if(jack_ports) {
for (i = 0; jack_ports[i] != NULL; i++)
regmatch_t match_info;
jack_port_t*port = 0;
port = jack_port_by_name(jack_client, jack_ports[i]);
/* extract the client name from the port name, using a regex
* that parses the clientname:portname syntax */
regexec(&port_regex, jack_ports[i], 1, &match_info, 0);
memcpy(tmp_client_name, &jack_ports[i][match_info.rm_so],
match_info.rm_eo - match_info.rm_so);
tmp_client_name[ match_info.rm_eo - match_info.rm_so ] = '\0';
/* check if we already have this port */
for(tmp_client=available_clients; tmp_client; tmp_client=tmp_client->next)
last_client = tmp_client;
if(strcmp(tmp_client_name, tmp_client->name) == 0) {
/* append the new port */
if(!tmp_client) {
tmp_client = getbytes(sizeof(*tmp_client));
tmp_client->name = strdup(tmp_client_name);
/* The alsa_pcm client should go in spot 0. */
if(strcmp("alsa_pcm", tmp_client_name) == 0) {
tmp_client->next = available_clients;
available_clients = tmp_client;
} else if(!available_clients) {
available_clients = tmp_client;
} else {
last_client->next = tmp_client;
/* remember the capabilities of this client;
* we keep input and output separate,
* so we can distinguish between physical inputs and outputs
* (e.g. a client that has physical outputs but no physical inputs)
if(port && jack_port_flags) {
int flags = jack_port_flags(port);
if (flags & JackPortIsInput)
tmp_client->input |= flags;
if (flags & JackPortIsOutput)
tmp_client->output |= flags;
/* now that we have a list of usable JACK clients,
filter for inputs and outputs
jack_defaultsource = jack_defaultsink = -1;
if(available_clients) {
for(num_clients=0, tmp_client = available_clients;
num_clients < MAX_CLIENTS && tmp_client;
tmp_client = tmp_client->next)
#if 0
printf("JACK client#%d: '%s' source:%d sink:%d\n", num_clients, tmp_client->name, tmp_client->output, tmp_client->input);
jack_client_names[num_clients] = tmp_client->name;
tmp_client->name = 0; /* so we don't free it later */
if(tmp_client->input) {
if(jack_defaultsink < 0)
jack_defaultsink = num_clients;
if ((jack_physicalsink < 0) && (tmp_client->input & JackPortIsPhysical))
jack_physicalsink = num_clients;
if(tmp_client->output) {
if(jack_defaultsource < 0)
jack_defaultsource = num_clients;
if ((jack_physicalsource < 0) && (tmp_client->output & JackPortIsPhysical))
jack_physicalsource = num_clients;
/* clean up */
tmp_client = available_clients;
while(tmp_client) {
t_jclient*next = tmp_client->next;
freebytes(tmp_client, sizeof(*tmp_client));
tmp_client = next;
#if 0
for (i=0;i<num_clients;i++) post("client: %s",jack_client_names[i]);
freebytes(tmp_client_name, tmp_client_name_size);
/* if we have a physical client, prefer that */
if(jack_physicalsource >= 0)
jack_defaultsource = jack_physicalsource;
if(jack_physicalsink >= 0)
jack_defaultsink = jack_physicalsink;
if (jack_defaultsource < 0)
jack_defaultsource = 0;
if (jack_defaultsink < 0)
jack_defaultsink = 0;
return jack_client_names;
* Wire up all the ports of one client.
static int jack_connect_ports(const char* source, const char* sink)
char regex_pattern[100]; /* its always the same, ... */
int i;
const char **jack_ports;
int ret = -1;
if (source && strlen(source) <= 96) {
sprintf(regex_pattern, "%s:.*", source);
jack_ports = jack_get_ports(jack_client, regex_pattern,
NULL, JackPortIsOutput);
if (jack_ports)
for (i=0;jack_ports[i] != NULL && i < STUFF->st_inchannels;i++)
if (jack_connect (jack_client, jack_ports[i],
jack_port_name (input_port[i])))
pd_error(0, "JACK: cannot connect input ports %s -> %s",
jack_ports[i],jack_port_name (input_port[i]));
ret = 0;
if (sink && strlen(sink) <= 96) {
sprintf(regex_pattern, "%s:.*", sink);
jack_ports = jack_get_ports(jack_client, regex_pattern,
NULL, JackPortIsInput);
if (jack_ports)
for (i=0;jack_ports[i] != NULL && i < STUFF->st_outchannels;i++)
if (jack_connect (jack_client, jack_port_name(output_port[i]),
pd_error(0, "JACK: cannot connect output ports %s -> %s",
jack_port_name (output_port[i]),jack_ports[i]);
ret = 0;
return ret;
static void pd_jack_error_callback(const char *desc)
logpost(0, PD_DEBUG, "JACK error: %s", desc);
int jack_open_audio(int inchans, int outchans, t_audiocallback callback)
int j, advance_samples;
char port_name[80] = "";
char client_name[80] = "";
int client_iterator = 0;
jack_status_t status;
if (!jack_client_open)
pd_error(0, "Can't open Jack (it seems not to be installed)");
return 1;
if (jack_client)
jack_sem = sys_semaphore_create();
jack_didshutdown = 0;
jack_dio_error = 0;
if ((inchans == 0) && (outchans == 0)) return 1;
if (outchans > MAX_JACK_PORTS) {
pd_error(0, "JACK: %d output ports not supported, setting to %d",
outchans, MAX_JACK_PORTS);
outchans = MAX_JACK_PORTS;
if (inchans > MAX_JACK_PORTS) {
pd_error(0, "JACK: %d input ports not supported, setting to %d",
inchans, MAX_JACK_PORTS);
inchans = MAX_JACK_PORTS;
/* try to become a client of the JACK server. (If no JACK server exists,
jack_client_open() don't start one up by default. It's not clear
whether or not this is desirable; see long Pd list thread started by
yvan volochine, June 2013) */
if (!desired_client_name || !strlen(desired_client_name))
jack_client = jack_client_open (desired_client_name, JackNoStartServer,
&status, NULL);
if (status & JackFailure) {
pd_error(0, "JACK: couldn't connect to server, is JACK running?");
logpost(NULL, PD_VERBOSE, "JACK: returned status is: %d", status);
/* jack spits out enough messages already, do not warn */
STUFF->st_inchannels = STUFF->st_outchannels = 0;
return 1;
if (status & JackNameNotUnique)
logpost(NULL, PD_VERBOSE, "JACK: registered as '%s'", desired_client_name);
STUFF->st_inchannels = inchans;
STUFF->st_outchannels = outchans;
/* set JACK callback functions */
jack_callback = callback;
(callback? callbackprocess : jack_polling_callback), 0);
jack_set_error_function (pd_jack_error_callback);
#ifdef JACK_XRUN
jack_set_xrun_callback (jack_client, jack_xrun, NULL);
/* tell the JACK server to call `jack_srate()' whenever
the sample rate of the system changes.
jack_set_sample_rate_callback (jack_client, jack_srate, 0);
/* tell the JACK server to call `jack_bsize()' whenever
the buffer size of the system changes.
jack_set_buffer_size_callback (jack_client, jack_bsize, 0);
/* tell the JACK server to call `jack_shutdown()' if
it ever shuts down, either entirely, or if it
just decides to stop calling us.
jack_on_shutdown (jack_client, jack_shutdown, 0);
for (j=0; j<STUFF->st_inchannels; j++)
for (j=0; j<STUFF->st_outchannels; j++)
output_port[j] = NULL;
/* display the current sample rate & block size. once the client is activated
(see below), you should rely on your own sample rate
callback (see above) for this value.
STUFF->st_dacsr = jack_get_sample_rate (jack_client);
jack_blocksize = jack_get_buffer_size (jack_client);
advance_samples = sys_schedadvance * (double)STUFF->st_dacsr / 1.e6;
advance_samples -= (advance_samples % DEFDACBLKSIZE);
/* make sure that the delay is not smaller than the Jack blocksize! */
if (!callback && advance_samples < jack_blocksize)
int delay = ((double)sys_schedadvance / 1000.) + 0.5;
int limit = ceil(jack_blocksize * 1000. / (double)STUFF->st_dacsr);
advance_samples = jack_blocksize;
post("warning: 'delay' setting (%d ms) too small for current blocksize "
"(%d samples); falling back to minimum value (%d ms)",
delay, jack_blocksize, limit);
/* create the ports */
for (j = 0; j < inchans; j++)
sprintf(port_name, "input_%d", j+1);
if (!input_port[j]) input_port[j] = jack_port_register (jack_client,
port_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0);
if (!input_port[j])
pd_error(0, "JACK: can only register %d input ports (of %d requested)",
j, inchans);
STUFF->st_inchannels = inchans = j;
for (j = 0; j < outchans; j++)
sprintf(port_name, "output_%d", j+1);
if (!output_port[j]) output_port[j] = jack_port_register (jack_client,
port_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0);
if (!output_port[j])
pd_error(0, "JACK: can only register %d output ports (of %d requested)",
j, outchans);
STUFF->st_outchannels = outchans = j;
/* create ring buffers (if not callback) */
if (!callback && STUFF->st_inchannels)
jack_inbuf = malloc(sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_inchannels
* advance_samples);
sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_inchannels * advance_samples,
sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_inchannels * advance_samples);
if (!callback && STUFF->st_outchannels)
jack_outbuf = malloc(sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_outchannels
* advance_samples);
sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_outchannels * advance_samples,
jack_outbuf, 0);
/* tell the JACK server that we are ready to roll */
if (jack_activate (jack_client))
pd_error(0, "cannot activate client");
STUFF->st_inchannels = STUFF->st_outchannels = 0;
return 1;
if (jack_client_names[0] && jack_should_autoconnect)
jack_connect_ports(jack_client_names[jack_defaultsource], jack_client_names[jack_defaultsink]);
return 0;
void jack_close_audio(void)
if (jack_client){
jack_deactivate (jack_client);
jack_client = 0;
if (jack_inbuf)
free(jack_inbuf), jack_inbuf = 0;
if (jack_outbuf)
free(jack_outbuf), jack_outbuf = 0;
jack_started = 0;
jack_blocksize = 0;
if (jack_sem)
jack_sem = 0;
void sys_do_close_audio(void);
int jack_reopen_audio(void)
/* we don't actually try to reopen (yet?) */
if (jack_didshutdown)
pd_error(0, "JACK: server shutdown");
jack_didshutdown = 0;
return 0;
int sched_idletask(void);
int jack_send_dacs(void)
t_sample *muxbuffer;
t_sample *fp, *fp2, *jp;
int j, ch;
const size_t muxbufsize = DEFDACBLKSIZE *
(STUFF->st_inchannels > STUFF->st_outchannels ?
STUFF->st_inchannels : STUFF->st_outchannels);
int retval = SENDDACS_YES;
/* this shouldn't really happen... */
if (!jack_client || (!STUFF->st_inchannels && !STUFF->st_outchannels))
return (SENDDACS_NO);
while (
(sys_ringbuf_getreadavailable(&jack_inring) <
(long)(STUFF->st_inchannels * DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample))) ||
(sys_ringbuf_getwriteavailable(&jack_outring) <
(long)(STUFF->st_outchannels * DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample))))
if (jack_didshutdown)
jack_reopen_audio(); /* handle server shutdown */
return (SENDDACS_NO);
if (sched_idletask())
/* only go to sleep if there is nothing else to do. */
return (SENDDACS_NO);
if (jack_dio_error)
jack_dio_error = 0;
jack_started = 1;
ALLOCA(t_sample, muxbuffer, muxbufsize, MAX_ALLOCA_SAMPLES);
if (STUFF->st_inchannels)
sys_ringbuf_read(&jack_inring, muxbuffer,
DEFDACBLKSIZE * STUFF->st_inchannels * sizeof(t_sample),
for (fp = muxbuffer, ch = 0; ch < STUFF->st_inchannels; ch++, fp++)
jp = STUFF->st_soundin + ch * DEFDACBLKSIZE;
for (j = 0, fp2 = fp; j < DEFDACBLKSIZE;
j++, fp2 += STUFF->st_inchannels)
jp[j] = *fp2;
if (STUFF->st_outchannels)
for (fp = muxbuffer, ch = 0; ch < STUFF->st_outchannels; ch++, fp++)
jp = STUFF->st_soundout + ch * DEFDACBLKSIZE;
for (j = 0, fp2 = fp; j < DEFDACBLKSIZE;
j++, fp2 += STUFF->st_outchannels)
*fp2 = jp[j];
sys_ringbuf_write(&jack_outring, muxbuffer,
DEFDACBLKSIZE * STUFF->st_outchannels * sizeof(t_sample),
memset(STUFF->st_soundout, 0,
DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample) * STUFF->st_outchannels);
FREEA(t_sample, muxbuffer, muxbufsize, MAX_ALLOCA_SAMPLES);
return retval;
void jack_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs,
char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti,
int maxndev, int devdescsize)
int i, ndev;
*canmulti = 0; /* supports multiple devices */
ndev = 1;
for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++)
sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "JACK");
sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "JACK");
*nindevs = *noutdevs = ndev;
void jack_listdevs(void)
post("device listing not implemented for jack yet\n");
void jack_autoconnect(int v)
jack_should_autoconnect = v;
void jack_client_name(const char *name)
if (desired_client_name) {
desired_client_name = NULL;
if (name) {
desired_client_name = (char*)getbytes(strlen(name) + 1);
strcpy(desired_client_name, name);
int jack_get_blocksize(void)
return jack_blocksize;
#endif /* JACK */