
#ifndef S_UTF8_H
#define S_UTF8_H

#include "m_pd.h"

#ifndef UCS4
#define UCS4

 *  define this to support the full potential range of UCS-4 codepoints
 *  (in anticipation of a future UTF-8 standard)
/*#define UTF8_SUPPORT_FULL_UCS4 1*/

 *   maximum number of bytes required to represent a single character in UTF-8
 *  maximum bytes per character including NUL terminator
# ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES
# endif
# ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES1
#define UTF8_MAXBYTES1
# endif
# ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES
# endif
# ifndef UTF8_MAXBYTES1
#define UTF8_MAXBYTES1
# endif

/* is c the start of a utf8 sequence? */
#define isutf(c)

/* convert UTF-8 data to UCS-2 wide character */
int u8_utf8toucs2(uint16_t *dest, int sz, const char *src, int srcsz);

/* the opposite conversion */
int u8_ucs2toutf8(char *dest, int sz, const uint16_t *src, int srcsz);

/* moo: get byte length of character number, or 0 if not supported */
int u8_wc_nbytes(uint32_t ch);

/* moo: compute required storage for UTF-8 encoding of 's[0..n-1]' */
int u8_wcs_nbytes(const uint32_t *ucs, int size);

/* single character to UTF-8, no NUL termination */
int u8_wc_toutf8(char *dest, uint32_t ch);

/* moo: single character to UTF-8, with NUL termination */
int u8_wc_toutf8_nul(char *dest, uint32_t ch);

/* character number to byte offset */
int u8_offset(const char *str, int charnum);

/* byte offset to character number */
int u8_charnum(const char *s, int offset);

/* return next character, updating an index variable */
uint32_t u8_nextchar(const char *s, int *i);

/* move to next character */
void u8_inc(const char *s, int *i);

/* move to previous character */
void u8_dec(const char *s, int *i);

/* moo: move pointer to next character */
void u8_inc_ptr(char **sp);

/* moo: move pointer to previous character */
void u8_dec_ptr(char **sp);

/* returns length of next utf-8 sequence */
int u8_seqlen(const char *s);

/* convert a string in the current encoding to UTF-8 */
int u8_nativetoutf8(char* dest, int sz, const char* src, int srcsz);

#endif /* S_UTF8_H */