
#include <Python.h>

#include "pegen.h"
#include "string_parser.h"
#include "pycore_runtime.h"         // _PyRuntime
#include "pycore_pystate.h"         // _PyInterpreterState_GET()

void *
_PyPegen_dummy_name(Parser *p, ...)

/* Creates a single-element asdl_seq* that contains a */
asdl_seq *
_PyPegen_singleton_seq(Parser *p, void *a)

/* Creates a copy of seq and prepends a to it */
asdl_seq *
_PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(Parser *p, void *a, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Creates a copy of seq and appends a to it */
asdl_seq *
_PyPegen_seq_append_to_end(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq, void *a)

static Py_ssize_t
_get_flattened_seq_size(asdl_seq *seqs)

/* Flattens an asdl_seq* of asdl_seq*s */
asdl_seq *
_PyPegen_seq_flatten(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seqs)

void *
_PyPegen_seq_last_item(asdl_seq *seq)

void *
_PyPegen_seq_first_item(asdl_seq *seq)

/* Creates a new name of the form <first_name>.<second_name> */
_PyPegen_join_names_with_dot(Parser *p, expr_ty first_name, expr_ty second_name)

/* Counts the total number of dots in seq's tokens */
_PyPegen_seq_count_dots(asdl_seq *seq)

/* Creates an alias with '*' as the identifier name */
_PyPegen_alias_for_star(Parser *p, int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
                        int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena) {}

/* Creates a new asdl_seq* with the identifiers of all the names in seq */
asdl_identifier_seq *
_PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *seq)

/* Constructs a CmpopExprPair */
CmpopExprPair *
_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(Parser *p, cmpop_ty cmpop, expr_ty expr)

asdl_int_seq *
_PyPegen_get_cmpops(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

asdl_expr_seq *
_PyPegen_get_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Creates an asdl_seq* where all the elements have been changed to have ctx as context */
static asdl_expr_seq *
_set_seq_context(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *seq, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_name_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_tuple_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_list_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_subscript_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_attribute_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

static expr_ty
_set_starred_context(Parser *p, expr_ty e, expr_context_ty ctx)

/* Creates an `expr_ty` equivalent to `expr` but with `ctx` as context */
_PyPegen_set_expr_context(Parser *p, expr_ty expr, expr_context_ty ctx)

/* Constructs a KeyValuePair that is used when parsing a dict's key value pairs */
KeyValuePair *
_PyPegen_key_value_pair(Parser *p, expr_ty key, expr_ty value)

/* Extracts all keys from an asdl_seq* of KeyValuePair*'s */
asdl_expr_seq *
_PyPegen_get_keys(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Extracts all values from an asdl_seq* of KeyValuePair*'s */
asdl_expr_seq *
_PyPegen_get_values(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Constructs a KeyPatternPair that is used when parsing mapping & class patterns */
KeyPatternPair *
_PyPegen_key_pattern_pair(Parser *p, expr_ty key, pattern_ty pattern)

/* Extracts all keys from an asdl_seq* of KeyPatternPair*'s */
asdl_expr_seq *
_PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Extracts all patterns from an asdl_seq* of KeyPatternPair*'s */
asdl_pattern_seq *
_PyPegen_get_patterns(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)

/* Constructs a NameDefaultPair */
NameDefaultPair *
_PyPegen_name_default_pair(Parser *p, arg_ty arg, expr_ty value, Token *tc)

/* Constructs a SlashWithDefault */
SlashWithDefault *
_PyPegen_slash_with_default(Parser *p, asdl_arg_seq *plain_names, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)

/* Constructs a StarEtc */
StarEtc *
_PyPegen_star_etc(Parser *p, arg_ty vararg, asdl_seq *kwonlyargs, arg_ty kwarg)

asdl_seq *
_PyPegen_join_sequences(Parser *p, asdl_seq *a, asdl_seq *b)

static asdl_arg_seq*
_get_names(Parser *p, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)

static asdl_expr_seq *
_get_defaults(Parser *p, asdl_seq *names_with_defaults)

static int
_make_posonlyargs(Parser *p,
                  asdl_arg_seq *slash_without_default,
                  SlashWithDefault *slash_with_default,
                  asdl_arg_seq **posonlyargs) {}

static int
_make_posargs(Parser *p,
              asdl_arg_seq *plain_names,
              asdl_seq *names_with_default,
              asdl_arg_seq **posargs) {}

static int
_make_posdefaults(Parser *p,
                  SlashWithDefault *slash_with_default,
                  asdl_seq *names_with_default,
                  asdl_expr_seq **posdefaults) {}

static int
_make_kwargs(Parser *p, StarEtc *star_etc,
             asdl_arg_seq **kwonlyargs,
             asdl_expr_seq **kwdefaults) {}

/* Constructs an arguments_ty object out of all the parsed constructs in the parameters rule */
_PyPegen_make_arguments(Parser *p, asdl_arg_seq *slash_without_default,
                        SlashWithDefault *slash_with_default, asdl_arg_seq *plain_names,
                        asdl_seq *names_with_default, StarEtc *star_etc)

/* Constructs an empty arguments_ty object, that gets used when a function accepts no
 * arguments. */
_PyPegen_empty_arguments(Parser *p)

/* Encapsulates the value of an operator_ty into an AugOperator struct */
AugOperator *
_PyPegen_augoperator(Parser *p, operator_ty kind)

/* Construct a FunctionDef equivalent to function_def, but with decorators */
_PyPegen_function_def_decorators(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *decorators, stmt_ty function_def)

/* Construct a ClassDef equivalent to class_def, but with decorators */
_PyPegen_class_def_decorators(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *decorators, stmt_ty class_def)

/* Construct a KeywordOrStarred */
KeywordOrStarred *
_PyPegen_keyword_or_starred(Parser *p, void *element, int is_keyword)

/* Get the number of starred expressions in an asdl_seq* of KeywordOrStarred*s */
static int
_seq_number_of_starred_exprs(asdl_seq *seq)

/* Extract the starred expressions of an asdl_seq* of KeywordOrStarred*s */
asdl_expr_seq *
_PyPegen_seq_extract_starred_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *kwargs)

/* Return a new asdl_seq* with only the keywords in kwargs */
_PyPegen_seq_delete_starred_exprs(Parser *p, asdl_seq *kwargs)

_PyPegen_ensure_imaginary(Parser *p, expr_ty exp)

_PyPegen_ensure_real(Parser *p, expr_ty exp)

_PyPegen_make_module(Parser *p, asdl_stmt_seq *a) {}

PyObject *
_PyPegen_new_type_comment(Parser *p, const char *s)

_PyPegen_add_type_comment_to_arg(Parser *p, arg_ty a, Token *tc)

/* Checks if the NOTEQUAL token is valid given the current parser flags
0 indicates success and nonzero indicates failure (an exception may be set) */
_PyPegen_check_barry_as_flufl(Parser *p, Token* t) {}

_PyPegen_check_legacy_stmt(Parser *p, expr_ty name) {}

static ResultTokenWithMetadata *
result_token_with_metadata(Parser *p, void *result, PyObject *metadata)

ResultTokenWithMetadata *
_PyPegen_check_fstring_conversion(Parser *p, Token* conv_token, expr_ty conv)

static asdl_expr_seq *
unpack_top_level_joined_strs(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *raw_expressions);
ResultTokenWithMetadata *
_PyPegen_setup_full_format_spec(Parser *p, Token *colon, asdl_expr_seq *spec, int lineno, int col_offset,
                                int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)

const char *
_PyPegen_get_expr_name(expr_ty e)

_PyPegen_get_last_comprehension_item(comprehension_ty comprehension) {}

expr_ty _PyPegen_collect_call_seqs(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *a, asdl_seq *b,
                     int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
                     int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena) {}

// AST Error reporting helpers

_PyPegen_get_invalid_target(expr_ty e, TARGETS_TYPE targets_type)

void *_PyPegen_arguments_parsing_error(Parser *p, expr_ty e) {}

void *
_PyPegen_nonparen_genexp_in_call(Parser *p, expr_ty args, asdl_comprehension_seq *comprehensions)

// Fstring stuff

static expr_ty
_PyPegen_decode_fstring_part(Parser* p, int is_raw, expr_ty constant, Token* token) {}

static asdl_expr_seq *
unpack_top_level_joined_strs(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *raw_expressions)

_PyPegen_joined_str(Parser *p, Token* a, asdl_expr_seq* raw_expressions, Token*b) {}

expr_ty _PyPegen_decoded_constant_from_token(Parser* p, Token* tok) {}

expr_ty _PyPegen_constant_from_token(Parser* p, Token* tok) {}

expr_ty _PyPegen_constant_from_string(Parser* p, Token* tok) {}

expr_ty _PyPegen_formatted_value(Parser *p, expr_ty expression, Token *debug, ResultTokenWithMetadata *conversion,
                                 ResultTokenWithMetadata *format, Token *closing_brace, int lineno, int col_offset,
                                 int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena) {}

_PyPegen_concatenate_strings(Parser *p, asdl_expr_seq *strings,
                             int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
                             int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)