"""Helpers for introspecting and wrapping annotations."""
import ast
import enum
import functools
import sys
import types
__all__ = [
class Format(enum.IntEnum):
_Union = None
_sentinel = object()
# Slots shared by ForwardRef and _Stringifier. The __forward__ names must be
# preserved for compatibility with the old typing.ForwardRef class. The remaining
# names are private.
_SLOTS = (
class ForwardRef:
"""Wrapper that holds a forward reference."""
__slots__ = _SLOTS
def __init__(
if not isinstance(arg, str):
raise TypeError(f"Forward reference must be a string -- got {arg!r}")
self.__arg__ = arg
self.__forward_evaluated__ = False
self.__forward_value__ = None
self.__forward_is_argument__ = is_argument
self.__forward_is_class__ = is_class
self.__forward_module__ = module
self.__code__ = None
self.__ast_node__ = None
self.__globals__ = _globals
self.__cell__ = _cell
self.__owner__ = owner
def __init_subclass__(cls, /, *args, **kwds):
raise TypeError("Cannot subclass ForwardRef")
def evaluate(self, *, globals=None, locals=None, type_params=None, owner=None):
"""Evaluate the forward reference and return the value.
If the forward reference cannot be evaluated, raise an exception.
if self.__forward_evaluated__:
return self.__forward_value__
if self.__cell__ is not None:
value = self.__cell__.cell_contents
except ValueError:
self.__forward_evaluated__ = True
self.__forward_value__ = value
return value
if owner is None:
owner = self.__owner__
if globals is None and self.__forward_module__ is not None:
globals = getattr(
sys.modules.get(self.__forward_module__, None), "__dict__", None
if globals is None:
globals = self.__globals__
if globals is None:
if isinstance(owner, type):
module_name = getattr(owner, "__module__", None)
if module_name:
module = sys.modules.get(module_name, None)
if module:
globals = getattr(module, "__dict__", None)
elif isinstance(owner, types.ModuleType):
globals = getattr(owner, "__dict__", None)
elif callable(owner):
globals = getattr(owner, "__globals__", None)
if locals is None:
locals = {}
if isinstance(owner, type):
if type_params is None and owner is not None:
# "Inject" type parameters into the local namespace
# (unless they are shadowed by assignments *in* the local namespace),
# as a way of emulating annotation scopes when calling `eval()`
type_params = getattr(owner, "__type_params__", None)
# type parameters require some special handling,
# as they exist in their own scope
# but `eval()` does not have a dedicated parameter for that scope.
# For classes, names in type parameter scopes should override
# names in the global scope (which here are called `localns`!),
# but should in turn be overridden by names in the class scope
# (which here are called `globalns`!)
if type_params is not None:
if globals is None:
globals = {}
globals = dict(globals)
if locals is None:
locals = {}
locals = dict(locals)
for param in type_params:
param_name = param.__name__
if not self.__forward_is_class__ or param_name not in globals:
globals[param_name] = param
locals.pop(param_name, None)
code = self.__forward_code__
value = eval(code, globals=globals, locals=locals)
self.__forward_evaluated__ = True
self.__forward_value__ = value
return value
def _evaluate(self, globalns, localns, type_params=_sentinel, *, recursive_guard):
import typing
import warnings
if type_params is _sentinel:
type_params = ()
"{name} is a private API and is retained for compatibility, but will be removed"
" in Python 3.16. Use ForwardRef.evaluate() or typing.evaluate_forward_ref() instead.",
remove=(3, 16),
return typing.evaluate_forward_ref(
def __forward_arg__(self):
if self.__arg__ is not None:
return self.__arg__
if self.__ast_node__ is not None:
self.__arg__ = ast.unparse(self.__ast_node__)
return self.__arg__
raise AssertionError(
"Attempted to access '__forward_arg__' on an uninitialized ForwardRef"
def __forward_code__(self):
if self.__code__ is not None:
return self.__code__
arg = self.__forward_arg__
# If we do `def f(*args: *Ts)`, then we'll have `arg = '*Ts'`.
# Unfortunately, this isn't a valid expression on its own, so we
# do the unpacking manually.
if arg.startswith("*"):
arg_to_compile = f"({arg},)[0]" # E.g. (*Ts,)[0] or (*tuple[int, int],)[0]
arg_to_compile = arg
self.__code__ = compile(arg_to_compile, "<string>", "eval")
except SyntaxError:
raise SyntaxError(f"Forward reference must be an expression -- got {arg!r}")
return self.__code__
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ForwardRef):
return NotImplemented
if self.__forward_evaluated__ and other.__forward_evaluated__:
return (
self.__forward_arg__ == other.__forward_arg__
and self.__forward_value__ == other.__forward_value__
return (
self.__forward_arg__ == other.__forward_arg__
and self.__forward_module__ == other.__forward_module__
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__forward_arg__, self.__forward_module__))
def __or__(self, other):
global _Union
if _Union is None:
from typing import Union as _Union
return _Union[self, other]
def __ror__(self, other):
global _Union
if _Union is None:
from typing import Union as _Union
return _Union[other, self]
def __repr__(self):
if self.__forward_module__ is None:
module_repr = ""
module_repr = f", module={self.__forward_module__!r}"
return f"ForwardRef({self.__forward_arg__!r}{module_repr})"
class _Stringifier:
# Must match the slots on ForwardRef, so we can turn an instance of one into an
# instance of the other in place.
__slots__ = _SLOTS
def __init__(self, node, globals=None, owner=None, is_class=False, cell=None):
assert isinstance(node, ast.AST)
self.__arg__ = None
self.__forward_evaluated__ = False
self.__forward_value__ = None
self.__forward_is_argument__ = False
self.__forward_is_class__ = is_class
self.__forward_module__ = None
self.__code__ = None
self.__ast_node__ = node
self.__globals__ = globals
self.__cell__ = cell
self.__owner__ = owner
def __convert(self, other):
if isinstance(other, _Stringifier):
return other.__ast_node__
elif isinstance(other, slice):
return ast.Slice(
lower=self.__convert(other.start) if other.start is not None else None,
upper=self.__convert(other.stop) if other.stop is not None else None,
step=self.__convert(other.step) if other.step is not None else None,
return ast.Constant(value=other)
def __make_new(self, node):
return _Stringifier(
node, self.__globals__, self.__owner__, self.__forward_is_class__
# Must implement this since we set __eq__. We hash by identity so that
# stringifiers in dict keys are kept separate.
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
def __getitem__(self, other):
# Special case, to avoid stringifying references to class-scoped variables
# as '__classdict__["x"]'.
if (
isinstance(self.__ast_node__, ast.Name)
and self.__ast_node__.id == "__classdict__"
raise KeyError
if isinstance(other, tuple):
elts = [self.__convert(elt) for elt in other]
other = ast.Tuple(elts)
other = self.__convert(other)
assert isinstance(other, ast.AST), repr(other)
return self.__make_new(ast.Subscript(self.__ast_node__, other))
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.__make_new(ast.Attribute(self.__ast_node__, attr))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__make_new(
[self.__convert(arg) for arg in args],
ast.keyword(key, self.__convert(value))
for key, value in kwargs.items()
def __iter__(self):
yield self.__make_new(ast.Starred(self.__ast_node__))
def __repr__(self):
return ast.unparse(self.__ast_node__)
def __format__(self, format_spec):
raise TypeError("Cannot stringify annotation containing string formatting")
def _make_binop(op: ast.AST):
def binop(self, other):
return self.__make_new(
ast.BinOp(self.__ast_node__, op, self.__convert(other))
return binop
__add__ = _make_binop(ast.Add())
__sub__ = _make_binop(ast.Sub())
__mul__ = _make_binop(ast.Mult())
__matmul__ = _make_binop(ast.MatMult())
__truediv__ = _make_binop(ast.Div())
__mod__ = _make_binop(ast.Mod())
__lshift__ = _make_binop(ast.LShift())
__rshift__ = _make_binop(ast.RShift())
__or__ = _make_binop(ast.BitOr())
__xor__ = _make_binop(ast.BitXor())
__and__ = _make_binop(ast.BitAnd())
__floordiv__ = _make_binop(ast.FloorDiv())
__pow__ = _make_binop(ast.Pow())
del _make_binop
def _make_rbinop(op: ast.AST):
def rbinop(self, other):
return self.__make_new(
ast.BinOp(self.__convert(other), op, self.__ast_node__)
return rbinop
__radd__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Add())
__rsub__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Sub())
__rmul__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Mult())
__rmatmul__ = _make_rbinop(ast.MatMult())
__rtruediv__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Div())
__rmod__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Mod())
__rlshift__ = _make_rbinop(ast.LShift())
__rrshift__ = _make_rbinop(ast.RShift())
__ror__ = _make_rbinop(ast.BitOr())
__rxor__ = _make_rbinop(ast.BitXor())
__rand__ = _make_rbinop(ast.BitAnd())
__rfloordiv__ = _make_rbinop(ast.FloorDiv())
__rpow__ = _make_rbinop(ast.Pow())
del _make_rbinop
def _make_compare(op):
def compare(self, other):
return self.__make_new(
return compare
__lt__ = _make_compare(ast.Lt())
__le__ = _make_compare(ast.LtE())
__eq__ = _make_compare(ast.Eq())
__ne__ = _make_compare(ast.NotEq())
__gt__ = _make_compare(ast.Gt())
__ge__ = _make_compare(ast.GtE())
del _make_compare
def _make_unary_op(op):
def unary_op(self):
return self.__make_new(ast.UnaryOp(op, self.__ast_node__))
return unary_op
__invert__ = _make_unary_op(ast.Invert())
__pos__ = _make_unary_op(ast.UAdd())
__neg__ = _make_unary_op(ast.USub())
del _make_unary_op
class _StringifierDict(dict):
def __init__(self, namespace, globals=None, owner=None, is_class=False):
self.namespace = namespace
self.globals = globals
self.owner = owner
self.is_class = is_class
self.stringifiers = []
def __missing__(self, key):
fwdref = _Stringifier(
return fwdref
def call_evaluate_function(evaluate, format, *, owner=None):
"""Call an evaluate function. Evaluate functions are normally generated for
the value of type aliases and the bounds, constraints, and defaults of
type parameter objects.
return call_annotate_function(evaluate, format, owner=owner, _is_evaluate=True)
def call_annotate_function(annotate, format, *, owner=None, _is_evaluate=False):
"""Call an __annotate__ function. __annotate__ functions are normally
generated by the compiler to defer the evaluation of annotations. They
can be called with any of the format arguments in the Format enum, but
compiler-generated __annotate__ functions only support the VALUE format.
This function provides additional functionality to call __annotate__
functions with the FORWARDREF and SOURCE formats.
*annotate* must be an __annotate__ function, which takes a single argument
and returns a dict of annotations.
*format* must be a member of the Format enum or one of the corresponding
integer values.
*owner* can be the object that owns the annotations (i.e., the module,
class, or function that the __annotate__ function derives from). With the
FORWARDREF format, it is used to provide better evaluation capabilities
on the generated ForwardRef objects.
return annotate(format)
except NotImplementedError:
if format == Format.SOURCE:
# SOURCE is implemented by calling the annotate function in a special
# environment where every name lookup results in an instance of _Stringifier.
# _Stringifier supports every dunder operation and returns a new _Stringifier.
# At the end, we get a dictionary that mostly contains _Stringifier objects (or
# possibly constants if the annotate function uses them directly). We then
# convert each of those into a string to get an approximation of the
# original source.
globals = _StringifierDict({})
if annotate.__closure__:
freevars = annotate.__code__.co_freevars
new_closure = []
for i, cell in enumerate(annotate.__closure__):
if i < len(freevars):
name = freevars[i]
name = "__cell__"
fwdref = _Stringifier(ast.Name(id=name))
closure = tuple(new_closure)
closure = None
func = types.FunctionType(
annos = func(Format.VALUE)
if _is_evaluate:
return annos if isinstance(annos, str) else repr(annos)
return {
key: val if isinstance(val, str) else repr(val)
for key, val in annos.items()
elif format == Format.FORWARDREF:
# FORWARDREF is implemented similarly to SOURCE, but there are two changes,
# at the beginning and the end of the process.
# First, while SOURCE uses an empty dictionary as the namespace, so that all
# name lookups result in _Stringifier objects, FORWARDREF uses the globals
# and builtins, so that defined names map to their real values.
# Second, instead of returning strings, we want to return either real values
# or ForwardRef objects. To do this, we keep track of all _Stringifier objects
# created while the annotation is being evaluated, and at the end we convert
# them all to ForwardRef objects by assigning to __class__. To make this
# technique work, we have to ensure that the _Stringifier and ForwardRef
# classes share the same attributes.
# We use this technique because while the annotations are being evaluated,
# we want to support all operations that the language allows, including even
# __getattr__ and __eq__, and return new _Stringifier objects so we can accurately
# reconstruct the source. But in the dictionary that we eventually return, we
# want to return objects with more user-friendly behavior, such as an __eq__
# that returns a bool and an defined set of attributes.
namespace = {**annotate.__builtins__, **annotate.__globals__}
is_class = isinstance(owner, type)
globals = _StringifierDict(namespace, annotate.__globals__, owner, is_class)
if annotate.__closure__:
freevars = annotate.__code__.co_freevars
new_closure = []
for i, cell in enumerate(annotate.__closure__):
except ValueError:
if i < len(freevars):
name = freevars[i]
name = "__cell__"
fwdref = _Stringifier(
closure = tuple(new_closure)
closure = None
func = types.FunctionType(
result = func(Format.VALUE)
for obj in globals.stringifiers:
obj.__class__ = ForwardRef
return result
elif format == Format.VALUE:
# Should be impossible because __annotate__ functions must not raise
# NotImplementedError for this format.
raise RuntimeError("annotate function does not support VALUE format")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {format!r}")
# We use the descriptors from builtins.type instead of accessing
# .__annotations__ and .__annotate__ directly on class objects, because
# otherwise we could get wrong results in some cases involving metaclasses.
# See PEP 749.
_BASE_GET_ANNOTATE = type.__dict__["__annotate__"].__get__
_BASE_GET_ANNOTATIONS = type.__dict__["__annotations__"].__get__
def get_annotate_function(obj):
"""Get the __annotate__ function for an object.
obj may be a function, class, or module, or a user-defined type with
an `__annotate__` attribute.
Returns the __annotate__ function or None.
if isinstance(obj, type):
return _BASE_GET_ANNOTATE(obj)
return getattr(obj, "__annotate__", None)
def get_annotations(
obj, *, globals=None, locals=None, eval_str=False, format=Format.VALUE
"""Compute the annotations dict for an object.
obj may be a callable, class, or module.
Passing in an object of any other type raises TypeError.
Returns a dict. get_annotations() returns a new dict every time
it's called; calling it twice on the same object will return two
different but equivalent dicts.
This function handles several details for you:
* If eval_str is true, values of type str will
be un-stringized using eval(). This is intended
for use with stringized annotations
("from __future__ import annotations").
* If obj doesn't have an annotations dict, returns an
empty dict. (Functions and methods always have an
annotations dict; classes, modules, and other types of
callables may not.)
* Ignores inherited annotations on classes. If a class
doesn't have its own annotations dict, returns an empty dict.
* All accesses to object members and dict values are done
using getattr() and dict.get() for safety.
* Always, always, always returns a freshly-created dict.
eval_str controls whether or not values of type str are replaced
with the result of calling eval() on those values:
* If eval_str is true, eval() is called on values of type str.
* If eval_str is false (the default), values of type str are unchanged.
globals and locals are passed in to eval(); see the documentation
for eval() for more information. If either globals or locals is
None, this function may replace that value with a context-specific
default, contingent on type(obj):
* If obj is a module, globals defaults to obj.__dict__.
* If obj is a class, globals defaults to
sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__ and locals
defaults to the obj class namespace.
* If obj is a callable, globals defaults to obj.__globals__,
although if obj is a wrapped function (using
functools.update_wrapper()) it is first unwrapped.
if eval_str and format != Format.VALUE:
raise ValueError("eval_str=True is only supported with format=Format.VALUE")
# For VALUE format, we look at __annotations__ directly.
if format != Format.VALUE:
annotate = get_annotate_function(obj)
if annotate is not None:
ann = call_annotate_function(annotate, format, owner=obj)
if not isinstance(ann, dict):
raise ValueError(f"{obj!r}.__annotate__ returned a non-dict")
return dict(ann)
if isinstance(obj, type):
except AttributeError:
# For static types, the descriptor raises AttributeError.
return {}
ann = getattr(obj, "__annotations__", None)
if ann is None:
return {}
if not isinstance(ann, dict):
raise ValueError(f"{obj!r}.__annotations__ is neither a dict nor None")
if not ann:
return {}
if not eval_str:
return dict(ann)
if isinstance(obj, type):
# class
obj_globals = None
module_name = getattr(obj, "__module__", None)
if module_name:
module = sys.modules.get(module_name, None)
if module:
obj_globals = getattr(module, "__dict__", None)
obj_locals = dict(vars(obj))
unwrap = obj
elif isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
# module
obj_globals = getattr(obj, "__dict__")
obj_locals = None
unwrap = None
elif callable(obj):
# this includes types.Function, types.BuiltinFunctionType,
# types.BuiltinMethodType, functools.partial, functools.singledispatch,
# "class funclike" from Lib/test/test_inspect... on and on it goes.
obj_globals = getattr(obj, "__globals__", None)
obj_locals = None
unwrap = obj
elif ann is not None:
obj_globals = obj_locals = unwrap = None
raise TypeError(f"{obj!r} is not a module, class, or callable.")
if unwrap is not None:
while True:
if hasattr(unwrap, "__wrapped__"):
unwrap = unwrap.__wrapped__
if isinstance(unwrap, functools.partial):
unwrap = unwrap.func
if hasattr(unwrap, "__globals__"):
obj_globals = unwrap.__globals__
if globals is None:
globals = obj_globals
if locals is None:
locals = obj_locals
# "Inject" type parameters into the local namespace
# (unless they are shadowed by assignments *in* the local namespace),
# as a way of emulating annotation scopes when calling `eval()`
if type_params := getattr(obj, "__type_params__", ()):
if locals is None:
locals = {}
locals = {param.__name__: param for param in type_params} | locals
return_value = {
key: value if not isinstance(value, str) else eval(value, globals, locals)
for key, value in ann.items()
return return_value