/* * Python interface to the garbage collector. * * See Python/gc.c for the implementation of the garbage collector. */ #include "Python.h" #include "pycore_gc.h" #include "pycore_object.h" // _PyObject_IS_GC() #include "pycore_pystate.h" // _PyInterpreterState_GET() GCState; static GCState * get_gc_state(void) { … } /*[clinic input] module gc [clinic start generated code]*/ /*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=b5c9690ecc842d79]*/ #include "clinic/gcmodule.c.h" /*[clinic input] gc.enable Enable automatic garbage collection. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_enable_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=45a427e9dce9155c input=81ac4940ca579707]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.disable Disable automatic garbage collection. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_disable_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=97d1030f7aa9d279 input=8c2e5a14e800d83b]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.isenabled -> bool Returns true if automatic garbage collection is enabled. [clinic start generated code]*/ static int gc_isenabled_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=1874298331c49130 input=30005e0422373b31]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.collect -> Py_ssize_t generation: int(c_default="NUM_GENERATIONS - 1") = 2 Run the garbage collector. With no arguments, run a full collection. The optional argument may be an integer specifying which generation to collect. A ValueError is raised if the generation number is invalid. The number of unreachable objects is returned. [clinic start generated code]*/ static Py_ssize_t gc_collect_impl(PyObject *module, int generation) /*[clinic end generated code: output=b697e633043233c7 input=40720128b682d879]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.set_debug flags: int An integer that can have the following bits turned on: DEBUG_STATS - Print statistics during collection. DEBUG_COLLECTABLE - Print collectable objects found. DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE - Print unreachable but uncollectable objects found. DEBUG_SAVEALL - Save objects to gc.garbage rather than freeing them. DEBUG_LEAK - Debug leaking programs (everything but STATS). / Set the garbage collection debugging flags. Debugging information is written to sys.stderr. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_set_debug_impl(PyObject *module, int flags) /*[clinic end generated code: output=7c8366575486b228 input=5e5ce15e84fbed15]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_debug -> int Get the garbage collection debugging flags. [clinic start generated code]*/ static int gc_get_debug_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=91242f3506cd1e50 input=91a101e1c3b98366]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.set_threshold threshold0: int [ threshold1: int [ threshold2: int ] ] / Set the collection thresholds (the collection frequency). Setting 'threshold0' to zero disables collection. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_set_threshold_impl(PyObject *module, int threshold0, int group_right_1, int threshold1, int group_right_2, int threshold2) /*[clinic end generated code: output=2e3c7c7dd59060f3 input=0d9612db50984eec]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_threshold Return the current collection thresholds. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_threshold_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=7902bc9f41ecbbd8 input=286d79918034d6e6]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_count Return a three-tuple of the current collection counts. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_count_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=354012e67b16398f input=a392794a08251751]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_referrers *objs as args: object Return the list of objects that directly refer to any of 'objs'. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_referrers_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) /*[clinic end generated code: output=296a09587f6a86b5 input=bae96961b14a0922]*/ { … } /* Append obj to list; return true if error (out of memory), false if OK. */ static int referentsvisit(PyObject *obj, void *arg) { … } static int append_referrents(PyObject *result, PyObject *args) { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_referents *objs as args: object Return the list of objects that are directly referred to by 'objs'. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_referents_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) /*[clinic end generated code: output=d47dc02cefd06fe8 input=b3ceab0c34038cbf]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_objects generation: Py_ssize_t(accept={int, NoneType}, c_default="-1") = None Generation to extract the objects from. Return a list of objects tracked by the collector (excluding the list returned). If generation is not None, return only the objects tracked by the collector that are in that generation. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_objects_impl(PyObject *module, Py_ssize_t generation) /*[clinic end generated code: output=48b35fea4ba6cb0e input=ef7da9df9806754c]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_stats Return a list of dictionaries containing per-generation statistics. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_get_stats_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=a8ab1d8a5d26f3ab input=1ef4ed9d17b1a470]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.is_tracked -> bool obj: object / Returns true if the object is tracked by the garbage collector. Simple atomic objects will return false. [clinic start generated code]*/ static int gc_is_tracked_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj) /*[clinic end generated code: output=91c8d086b7f47a33 input=423b98ec680c3126]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.is_finalized -> bool obj: object / Returns true if the object has been already finalized by the GC. [clinic start generated code]*/ static int gc_is_finalized_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj) /*[clinic end generated code: output=401ff5d6fc660429 input=ca4d111c8f8c4e3a]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.freeze Freeze all current tracked objects and ignore them for future collections. This can be used before a POSIX fork() call to make the gc copy-on-write friendly. Note: collection before a POSIX fork() call may free pages for future allocation which can cause copy-on-write. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_freeze_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=502159d9cdc4c139 input=b602b16ac5febbe5]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.unfreeze Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation. Put all objects in the permanent generation back into oldest generation. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * gc_unfreeze_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=1c15f2043b25e169 input=2dd52b170f4cef6c]*/ { … } /*[clinic input] gc.get_freeze_count -> Py_ssize_t Return the number of objects in the permanent generation. [clinic start generated code]*/ static Py_ssize_t gc_get_freeze_count_impl(PyObject *module) /*[clinic end generated code: output=61cbd9f43aa032e1 input=45ffbc65cfe2a6ed]*/ { … } PyDoc_STRVAR(gc__doc__, "This module provides access to the garbage collector for reference cycles.\n" "\n" "enable() -- Enable automatic garbage collection.\n" "disable() -- Disable automatic garbage collection.\n" "isenabled() -- Returns true if automatic collection is enabled.\n" "collect() -- Do a full collection right now.\n" "get_count() -- Return the current collection counts.\n" "get_stats() -- Return list of dictionaries containing per-generation stats.\n" "set_debug() -- Set debugging flags.\n" "get_debug() -- Get debugging flags.\n" "set_threshold() -- Set the collection thresholds.\n" "get_threshold() -- Return the current the collection thresholds.\n" "get_objects() -- Return a list of all objects tracked by the collector.\n" "is_tracked() -- Returns true if a given object is tracked.\n" "is_finalized() -- Returns true if a given object has been already finalized.\n" "get_referrers() -- Return the list of objects that refer to an object.\n" "get_referents() -- Return the list of objects that an object refers to.\n" "freeze() -- Freeze all tracked objects and ignore them for future collections.\n" "unfreeze() -- Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation.\n" "get_freeze_count() -- Return the number of objects in the permanent generation.\n"); static PyMethodDef GcMethods[] = …; static int gcmodule_exec(PyObject *module) { … } static PyModuleDef_Slot gcmodule_slots[] = …; static struct PyModuleDef gcmodule = …; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_gc(void) { … }