
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
#  error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>               // offsetof()
#include "pycore_code.h"          // STATS
#include "pycore_stackref.h"      // _PyStackRef

/* See InternalDocs/frames.md for an explanation of the frame stack
 * including explanation of the PyFrameObject and _PyInterpreterFrame
 * structs. */

struct _frame {};

extern PyFrameObject* _PyFrame_New_NoTrack(PyCodeObject *code);

/* other API */



enum _frameowner {};


#define _PyInterpreterFrame_LASTI(IF)

static inline PyCodeObject *_PyFrame_GetCode(_PyInterpreterFrame *f) {}

static inline _PyStackRef *_PyFrame_Stackbase(_PyInterpreterFrame *f) {}

static inline _PyStackRef _PyFrame_StackPeek(_PyInterpreterFrame *f) {}

static inline _PyStackRef _PyFrame_StackPop(_PyInterpreterFrame *f) {}

static inline void _PyFrame_StackPush(_PyInterpreterFrame *f, _PyStackRef value) {}


static inline int
_PyFrame_NumSlotsForCodeObject(PyCodeObject *code)

static inline void _PyFrame_Copy(_PyInterpreterFrame *src, _PyInterpreterFrame *dest)

/* Consumes reference to func and locals.
   Does not initialize frame->previous, which happens
   when frame is linked into the frame stack.
static inline void
    _PyInterpreterFrame *frame, PyFunctionObject *func,
    PyObject *locals, PyCodeObject *code, int null_locals_from, _PyInterpreterFrame *previous)

/* Gets the pointer to the locals array
 * that precedes this frame.
static inline _PyStackRef*
_PyFrame_GetLocalsArray(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame)

/* Fetches the stack pointer, and sets stackpointer to NULL.
   Having stackpointer == NULL ensures that invalid
   values are not visible to the cycle GC. */
static inline _PyStackRef*
_PyFrame_GetStackPointer(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame)

static inline void
_PyFrame_SetStackPointer(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame, _PyStackRef *stack_pointer)

/* Determine whether a frame is incomplete.
 * A frame is incomplete if it is part way through
 * creating cell objects or a generator or coroutine.
 * Frames on the frame stack are incomplete until the
 * first RESUME instruction.
 * Frames owned by a generator are always complete.
static inline bool
_PyFrame_IsIncomplete(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame)

static inline _PyInterpreterFrame *
_PyFrame_GetFirstComplete(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame)

static inline _PyInterpreterFrame *
_PyThreadState_GetFrame(PyThreadState *tstate)

/* For use by _PyFrame_GetFrameObject
  Do not call directly. */
PyFrameObject *
_PyFrame_MakeAndSetFrameObject(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame);

/* Gets the PyFrameObject for this frame, lazily
 * creating it if necessary.
 * Returns a borrowed reference */
static inline PyFrameObject *
_PyFrame_GetFrameObject(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame)

_PyFrame_ClearLocals(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame);

/* Clears all references in the frame.
 * If take is non-zero, then the _PyInterpreterFrame frame
 * may be transferred to the frame object it references
 * instead of being cleared. Either way
 * the caller no longer owns the references
 * in the frame.
 * take should  be set to 1 for heap allocated
 * frames like the ones in generators and coroutines.
_PyFrame_ClearExceptCode(_PyInterpreterFrame * frame);

_PyFrame_Traverse(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame, visitproc visit, void *arg);

_PyFrame_HasHiddenLocals(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame);

PyObject *
_PyFrame_GetLocals(_PyInterpreterFrame *frame);

static inline bool
_PyThreadState_HasStackSpace(PyThreadState *tstate, int size)

extern _PyInterpreterFrame *
_PyThreadState_PushFrame(PyThreadState *tstate, size_t size);

PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyThreadState_PopFrame(PyThreadState *tstate, _PyInterpreterFrame *frame);

/* Pushes a frame without checking for space.
 * Must be guarded by _PyThreadState_HasStackSpace()
 * Consumes reference to func. */
static inline _PyInterpreterFrame *
_PyFrame_PushUnchecked(PyThreadState *tstate, PyFunctionObject *func, int null_locals_from, _PyInterpreterFrame * previous)

/* Pushes a trampoline frame without checking for space.
 * Must be guarded by _PyThreadState_HasStackSpace() */
static inline _PyInterpreterFrame *
_PyFrame_PushTrampolineUnchecked(PyThreadState *tstate, PyCodeObject *code, int stackdepth, _PyInterpreterFrame * previous)

PyAPI_FUNC(_PyInterpreterFrame *)
_PyEvalFramePushAndInit(PyThreadState *tstate, PyFunctionObject *func,
                        PyObject *locals, _PyStackRef const* args,
                        size_t argcount, PyObject *kwnames,
                        _PyInterpreterFrame *previous);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_INTERNAL_FRAME_H */