

#include "Python.h"
// windows.h must be included before pycore internal headers
#ifdef MS_WIN32
#  include <windows.h>

#include "pycore_call.h"          // _PyObject_CallNoArgs()
#include "pycore_dict.h"          // _PyDict_SizeOf()
#include <ffi.h>
#ifdef MS_WIN32
#  include <malloc.h>
#include "ctypes.h"

/* This file relates to StgInfo -- type-specific information for ctypes.
 * See ctypes.h for details.

PyCStgInfo_clone(StgInfo *dst_info, StgInfo *src_info)

/* descr is the descriptor for a field marked as anonymous.  Get all the
 _fields_ descriptors from descr->proto, create new descriptors with offset
 and index adjusted, and stuff them into type.
static int
MakeFields(PyObject *type, CFieldObject *descr,
           Py_ssize_t index, Py_ssize_t offset)

/* Iterate over the names in the type's _anonymous_ attribute, if present,
static int
MakeAnonFields(PyObject *type)

  Allocate a memory block for a pep3118 format string, copy prefix (if
  non-null) into it and append `{padding}x` to the end.
  Returns NULL on failure, with the error indicator set.
char *
_ctypes_alloc_format_padding(const char *prefix, Py_ssize_t padding)

  Retrieve the (optional) _pack_ attribute from a type, the _fields_ attribute,
  and initialize StgInfo.  Used for Structure and Union subclasses.
PyCStructUnionType_update_stginfo(PyObject *type, PyObject *fields, int isStruct)