

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
#  error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"

// _PyObjectStack is a stack of Python objects implemented as a linked list of
// fixed size buffers.

// Chosen so that _PyObjectStackChunk is a power-of-two size.



extern _PyObjectStackChunk *

extern void
_PyObjectStackChunk_Free(_PyObjectStackChunk *);

// Push an item onto the stack. Return -1 on allocation failure, 0 on success.
static inline int
_PyObjectStack_Push(_PyObjectStack *stack, PyObject *obj)

// Pop the top item from the stack.  Return NULL if the stack is empty.
static inline PyObject *
_PyObjectStack_Pop(_PyObjectStack *stack)

// Merge src into dst, leaving src empty
extern void
_PyObjectStack_Merge(_PyObjectStack *dst, _PyObjectStack *src);

// Remove all items from the stack
extern void
_PyObjectStack_Clear(_PyObjectStack *stack);

#ifdef __cplusplus