
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
#  error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"

#include <stdbool.h>

#include "pycore_ast.h"       // mod_ty
#include "pycore_symtable.h"  // _Py_SourceLocation
#include "pycore_instruction_sequence.h"

struct _arena;   // Type defined in pycore_pyarena.h
struct _mod;     // Type defined in pycore_ast.h

// Export for 'test_peg_generator' shared extension
PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject*) _PyAST_Compile(
    struct _mod *mod,
    PyObject *filename,
    PyCompilerFlags *flags,
    int optimize,
    struct _arena *arena);

/* AST optimizations */
extern int _PyCompile_AstOptimize(
    struct _mod *mod,
    PyObject *filename,
    PyCompilerFlags *flags,
    int optimize,
    struct _arena *arena);

extern int _PyAST_Optimize(
    struct _mod *,
    struct _arena *arena,
    int optimize,
    int ff_features);


struct _PyCompiler;


/* _PyCompile_FBlockInfo tracks the current frame block.
 * A frame block is used to handle loops, try/except, and try/finally.
 * It's called a frame block to distinguish it from a basic block in the
 * compiler IR.

enum _PyCompile_FBlockType {};


int _PyCompile_PushFBlock(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc,
                          enum _PyCompile_FBlockType t,
                          _PyJumpTargetLabel block_label,
                          _PyJumpTargetLabel exit, void *datum);
void _PyCompile_PopFBlock(struct _PyCompiler *c, enum _PyCompile_FBlockType t,
                          _PyJumpTargetLabel block_label);
_PyCompile_FBlockInfo *_PyCompile_TopFBlock(struct _PyCompiler *c);

int _PyCompile_EnterScope(struct _PyCompiler *c, identifier name, int scope_type,
                          void *key, int lineno, PyObject *private,
                          _PyCompile_CodeUnitMetadata *umd);
void _PyCompile_ExitScope(struct _PyCompiler *c);
Py_ssize_t _PyCompile_AddConst(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *o);
_PyInstructionSequence *_PyCompile_InstrSequence(struct _PyCompiler *c);
int _PyCompile_FutureFeatures(struct _PyCompiler *c);
PyObject *_PyCompile_DeferredAnnotations(struct _PyCompiler *c);
PyObject *_PyCompile_Mangle(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *name);
PyObject *_PyCompile_MaybeMangle(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *name);
int _PyCompile_MaybeAddStaticAttributeToClass(struct _PyCompiler *c, expr_ty e);
int _PyCompile_GetRefType(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *name);
int _PyCompile_LookupCellvar(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *name);
int _PyCompile_ResolveNameop(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyObject *mangled, int scope,
                             _PyCompile_optype *optype, Py_ssize_t *arg);

int _PyCompile_IsInteractiveTopLevel(struct _PyCompiler *c);
int _PyCompile_IsInInlinedComp(struct _PyCompiler *c);
int _PyCompile_ScopeType(struct _PyCompiler *c);
int _PyCompile_OptimizationLevel(struct _PyCompiler *c);
int _PyCompile_LookupArg(struct _PyCompiler *c, PyCodeObject *co, PyObject *name);
PyObject *_PyCompile_Qualname(struct _PyCompiler *c);
_PyCompile_CodeUnitMetadata *_PyCompile_Metadata(struct _PyCompiler *c);
PyObject *_PyCompile_StaticAttributesAsTuple(struct _PyCompiler *c);

struct symtable *_PyCompile_Symtable(struct _PyCompiler *c);
PySTEntryObject *_PyCompile_SymtableEntry(struct _PyCompiler *c);

enum {};


int _PyCompile_TweakInlinedComprehensionScopes(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc,
                                               PySTEntryObject *entry,
                                               _PyCompile_InlinedComprehensionState *state);
int _PyCompile_RevertInlinedComprehensionScopes(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc,
                                                _PyCompile_InlinedComprehensionState *state);
int _PyCompile_AddDeferredAnnotaion(struct _PyCompiler *c, stmt_ty s);

int _PyCodegen_AddReturnAtEnd(struct _PyCompiler *c, int addNone);
int _PyCodegen_EnterAnonymousScope(struct _PyCompiler* c, mod_ty mod);
int _PyCodegen_Expression(struct _PyCompiler *c, expr_ty e);
int _PyCodegen_Body(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc, asdl_stmt_seq *stmts,
                    bool is_interactive);

/* Utility for a number of growing arrays used in the compiler */
int _PyCompile_EnsureArrayLargeEnough(
        int idx,
        void **array,
        int *alloc,
        int default_alloc,
        size_t item_size);

int _PyCompile_ConstCacheMergeOne(PyObject *const_cache, PyObject **obj);

PyCodeObject *_PyCompile_OptimizeAndAssemble(struct _PyCompiler *c, int addNone);

Py_ssize_t _PyCompile_DictAddObj(PyObject *dict, PyObject *o);
int _PyCompile_Error(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc, const char *format, ...);
int _PyCompile_Warn(struct _PyCompiler *c, _Py_SourceLocation loc, const char *format, ...);

// Export for '_opcode' extension module
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCompile_GetUnaryIntrinsicName(int index);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCompile_GetBinaryIntrinsicName(int index);

/* Access compiler internals for unit testing */

// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCompile_CleanDoc(PyObject *doc);

// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCompile_CodeGen(
        PyObject *ast,
        PyObject *filename,
        PyCompilerFlags *flags,
        int optimize,
        int compile_mode);

// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension
_PyCompile_Assemble(_PyCompile_CodeUnitMetadata *umd, PyObject *filename,
                    PyObject *instructions);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_INTERNAL_COMPILE_H */