
/* SHA1 module */

/* This module provides an interface to the SHA1 algorithm */

/* See below for information about the original code this module was
   based upon. Additional work performed by:

   Andrew Kuchling ([email protected])
   Greg Stein ([email protected])
   Trevor Perrin ([email protected])

   Copyright (C) 2005-2007   Gregory P. Smith ([email protected])
   Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.


/* SHA1 objects */

#include "Python.h"
#include "hashlib.h"
#include "pycore_strhex.h"        // _Py_strhex()
#include "pycore_typeobject.h"    // _PyType_GetModuleState()

/*[clinic input]
module _sha1
class SHA1Type "SHA1object *" "&PyType_Type"
[clinic start generated code]*/
/*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=3dc9a20d1becb759]*/

/* Some useful types */

#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
SHA1_INT32;        /* 32-bit integer */
SHA1_INT64;        /* 64-bit integer */
/* not defined. compilation will die. */

/* The SHA1 block size and message digest sizes, in bytes */


#include "_hacl/Hacl_Hash_SHA1.h"


#include "clinic/sha1module.c.h"


static inline SHA1State*
sha1_get_state(PyObject *module)

static SHA1object *
newSHA1object(SHA1State *st)

/* Internal methods for a hash object */
static int
SHA1_traverse(PyObject *ptr, visitproc visit, void *arg)

static void
SHA1_dealloc(SHA1object *ptr)

/* External methods for a hash object */

/*[clinic input]

    cls: defining_class

Return a copy of the hash object.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
SHA1Type_copy_impl(SHA1object *self, PyTypeObject *cls)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=b32d4461ce8bc7a7 input=6c22e66fcc34c58e]*/

/*[clinic input]

Return the digest value as a bytes object.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
SHA1Type_digest_impl(SHA1object *self)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=2f05302a7aa2b5cb input=13824b35407444bd]*/

/*[clinic input]

Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
SHA1Type_hexdigest_impl(SHA1object *self)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=4161fd71e68c6659 input=97691055c0c74ab0]*/

static void update(Hacl_Hash_SHA1_state_t *state, uint8_t *buf, Py_ssize_t len) {}

/*[clinic input]

    obj: object

Update this hash object's state with the provided string.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
SHA1Type_update(SHA1object *self, PyObject *obj)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=d9902f0e5015e9ae input=aad8e07812edbba3]*/

static PyMethodDef SHA1_methods[] =;

static PyObject *
SHA1_get_block_size(PyObject *self, void *closure)

static PyObject *
SHA1_get_name(PyObject *self, void *closure)

static PyObject *
sha1_get_digest_size(PyObject *self, void *closure)

static PyGetSetDef SHA1_getseters[] =;

static PyType_Slot sha1_type_slots[] =;

static PyType_Spec sha1_type_spec =;

/* The single module-level function: new() */

/*[clinic input]

    string: object(c_default="NULL") = b''
    usedforsecurity: bool = True

Return a new SHA1 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
_sha1_sha1_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *string, int usedforsecurity)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=6f8b3af05126e18e input=bd54b68e2bf36a8a]*/

/* List of functions exported by this module */

static struct PyMethodDef SHA1_functions[] =;

static int
_sha1_traverse(PyObject *module, visitproc visit, void *arg)

static int
_sha1_clear(PyObject *module)

static void
_sha1_free(void *module)

static int
_sha1_exec(PyObject *module)

/* Initialize this module. */

static PyModuleDef_Slot _sha1_slots[] =;

static struct PyModuleDef _sha1module =;
