
# This module is used in `test_doctest`.
# It must not have a docstring.

def func_with_docstring():
    """Some unrelated info."""

def func_without_docstring():

def func_with_doctest():
    This function really contains a test case.

    >>> func_with_doctest.__name__
    return 3

class ClassWithDocstring:
    """Some unrelated class information."""

class ClassWithoutDocstring:

class ClassWithDoctest:
    """This class really has a test case in it.

    >>> ClassWithDoctest.__name__

class MethodWrapper:
    def method_with_docstring(self):
        """Method with a docstring."""

    def method_without_docstring(self):

    def method_with_doctest(self):
        This has a doctest!
        >>> MethodWrapper.method_with_doctest.__name__

    def classmethod_with_doctest(cls):
        This has a doctest!
        >>> MethodWrapper.classmethod_with_doctest.__name__

    def property_with_doctest(self):
        This has a doctest!
        >>> MethodWrapper.property_with_doctest.__name__

# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/99433
str_wrapper = object().__str__

# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/115392
from test.test_doctest.decorator_mod import decorator

def func_with_docstring_wrapped():
    """Some unrelated info."""