
from enum import Enum
import functools
import unittest

__all__ = [

from . import strategies

def given(*_args, **_kwargs):
    def decorator(f):
        if examples := getattr(f, "_examples", []):

            def test_function(self):
                for example_args, example_kwargs in examples:
                    with self.subTest(*example_args, **example_kwargs):
                        f(self, *example_args, **example_kwargs)

            # If we have found no examples, we must skip the test. If @example
            # is applied after @given, it will re-wrap the test to remove the
            # skip decorator.
            test_function = unittest.skip(
                "Hypothesis required for property test with no " +
                "specified examples"

        test_function._given = True
        return test_function

    return decorator

def example(*args, **kwargs):
    if bool(args) == bool(kwargs):
        raise ValueError("Must specify exactly one of *args or **kwargs")

    def decorator(f):
        base_func = getattr(f, "__wrapped__", f)
        if not hasattr(base_func, "_examples"):
            base_func._examples = []

        base_func._examples.append((args, kwargs))

        if getattr(f, "_given", False):
            # If the given decorator is below all the example decorators,
            # it would be erroneously skipped, so we need to re-wrap the new
            # base function.
            f = given()(base_func)

        return f

    return decorator

def assume(condition):
    if not condition:
        raise unittest.SkipTest("Unsatisfied assumption")
    return True

def reject():

def register_random(*args, **kwargs):
    pass  # pragma: no cover

def settings(*args, **kwargs):
    return lambda f: f  # pragma: nocover

class HealthCheck(Enum):
    data_too_large = 1
    filter_too_much = 2
    too_slow = 3
    return_value = 5
    large_base_example = 7
    not_a_test_method = 8

    def all(cls):
        return list(cls)

class Verbosity(Enum):
    quiet = 0
    normal = 1
    verbose = 2
    debug = 3

class Phase(Enum):
    explicit = 0
    reuse = 1
    generate = 2
    target = 3
    shrink = 4
    explain = 5