"""PEP 366 ("Main module explicit relative imports") specifies the
semantics for the __package__ attribute on modules. This attribute is
used, when available, to detect which package a module belongs to (instead
of using the typical __path__/__name__ test).
import unittest
import warnings
from test.test_importlib import util
class Using__package__:
"""Use of __package__ supersedes the use of __name__/__path__ to calculate
what package a module belongs to. The basic algorithm is [__package__]::
def resolve_name(name, package, level):
level -= 1
base = package.rsplit('.', level)[0]
return '{0}.{1}'.format(base, name)
But since there is no guarantee that __package__ has been set (or not been
set to None [None]), there has to be a way to calculate the attribute's value
def calc_package(caller_name, has___path__):
if has__path__:
return caller_name
return caller_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
Then the normal algorithm for relative name imports can proceed as if
__package__ had been set.
def import_module(self, globals_):
with self.mock_modules('pkg.__init__', 'pkg.fake') as importer:
with util.import_state(meta_path=[importer]):
module = self.__import__('',
fromlist=['attr'], level=2)
return module
def test_using___package__(self):
# [__package__]
module = self.import_module({'__package__': 'pkg.fake'})
self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg')
def test_using___name__(self):
# [__name__]
with warnings.catch_warnings():
module = self.import_module({'__name__': 'pkg.fake',
'__path__': []})
self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg')
def test_warn_when_using___name__(self):
with self.assertWarns(ImportWarning):
self.import_module({'__name__': 'pkg.fake', '__path__': []})
def test_None_as___package__(self):
# [None]
with warnings.catch_warnings():
module = self.import_module({
'__name__': 'pkg.fake', '__path__': [], '__package__': None })
self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg')
def test_spec_fallback(self):
# If __package__ isn't defined, fall back on __spec__.parent.
module = self.import_module({'__spec__': FakeSpec('pkg.fake')})
self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg')
def test_warn_when_package_and_spec_disagree(self):
# Raise a DeprecationWarning if __package__ != __spec__.parent.
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
self.import_module({'__package__': 'pkg.fake',
'__spec__': FakeSpec('pkg.fakefake')})
def test_bad__package__(self):
globals = {'__package__': '<not real>'}
with self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError):
self.__import__('', globals, {}, ['relimport'], 1)
def test_bunk__package__(self):
globals = {'__package__': 42}
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self.__import__('', globals, {}, ['relimport'], 1)
class FakeSpec:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
class Using__package__PEP451(Using__package__):
mock_modules = util.mock_spec
) = util.test_both(Using__package__PEP451, __import__=util.__import__)
class Setting__package__:
"""Because __package__ is a new feature, it is not always set by a loader.
Import will set it as needed to help with the transition to relying on
For a top-level module, __package__ is set to None [top-level]. For a
package __name__ is used for __package__ [package]. For submodules the
value is __name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0] [submodule].
__import__ = util.__import__['Source']
# [top-level]
def test_top_level(self):
with self.mock_modules('top_level') as mock:
with util.import_state(meta_path=[mock]):
del mock['top_level'].__package__
module = self.__import__('top_level')
self.assertEqual(module.__package__, '')
# [package]
def test_package(self):
with self.mock_modules('pkg.__init__') as mock:
with util.import_state(meta_path=[mock]):
del mock['pkg'].__package__
module = self.__import__('pkg')
self.assertEqual(module.__package__, 'pkg')
# [submodule]
def test_submodule(self):
with self.mock_modules('pkg.__init__', 'pkg.mod') as mock:
with util.import_state(meta_path=[mock]):
del mock['pkg.mod'].__package__
pkg = self.__import__('pkg.mod')
module = getattr(pkg, 'mod')
self.assertEqual(module.__package__, 'pkg')
class Setting__package__PEP451(Setting__package__, unittest.TestCase):
mock_modules = util.mock_spec
if __name__ == '__main__':