
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses as dc
import copy
import enum
import functools
import inspect
from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Final, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from libclinic.converter import CConverter
    from libclinic.converters import self_converter
    from libclinic.return_converters import CReturnConverter
    from libclinic.app import Clinic

from libclinic import VersionTuple, unspecified

ClassDict = dict[str, "Class"]
ModuleDict = dict[str, "Module"]
ParamDict = dict[str, "Parameter"]

class Module:
    name: str
    module: Module | Clinic

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        self.parent = self.module
        self.modules: ModuleDict = {}
        self.classes: ClassDict = {}
        self.functions: list[Function] = []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "<clinic.Module " + repr(self.name) + " at " + str(id(self)) + ">"

class Class:
    name: str
    module: Module | Clinic
    cls: Class | None
    typedef: str
    type_object: str

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        self.parent = self.cls or self.module
        self.classes: ClassDict = {}
        self.functions: list[Function] = []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "<clinic.Class " + repr(self.name) + " at " + str(id(self)) + ">"

class FunctionKind(enum.Enum):
    CALLABLE        = enum.auto()
    STATIC_METHOD   = enum.auto()
    CLASS_METHOD    = enum.auto()
    METHOD_INIT     = enum.auto()
    METHOD_NEW      = enum.auto()
    GETTER          = enum.auto()
    SETTER          = enum.auto()

    def new_or_init(self) -> bool:
        return self in {FunctionKind.METHOD_INIT, FunctionKind.METHOD_NEW}

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<clinic.FunctionKind.{self.name}>"

CALLABLE: Final = FunctionKind.CALLABLE
METHOD_NEW: Final = FunctionKind.METHOD_NEW
GETTER: Final = FunctionKind.GETTER
SETTER: Final = FunctionKind.SETTER

class Function:
    Mutable duck type for inspect.Function.

    docstring - a str containing
        * embedded line breaks
        * text outdented to the left margin
        * no trailing whitespace.
        It will always be true that
            (not docstring) or ((not docstring[0].isspace()) and (docstring.rstrip() == docstring))
    parameters: ParamDict = dc.field(default_factory=dict)
    _: dc.KW_ONLY
    name: str
    module: Module | Clinic
    cls: Class | None
    c_basename: str
    full_name: str
    return_converter: CReturnConverter
    kind: FunctionKind
    coexist: bool
    return_annotation: object = inspect.Signature.empty
    docstring: str = ''
    # docstring_only means "don't generate a machine-readable
    # signature, just a normal docstring".  it's True for
    # functions with optional groups because we can't represent
    # those accurately with inspect.Signature in 3.4.
    docstring_only: bool = False
    forced_text_signature: str | None = None
    critical_section: bool = False
    target_critical_section: list[str] = dc.field(default_factory=list)

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        self.parent = self.cls or self.module
        self.self_converter: self_converter | None = None
        self.__render_parameters__: list[Parameter] | None = None

    def displayname(self) -> str:
        """Pretty-printable name."""
        if self.kind.new_or_init:
            assert isinstance(self.cls, Class)
            return self.cls.name
            return self.name

    def fulldisplayname(self) -> str:
        parent: Class | Module | Clinic | None
        if self.kind.new_or_init:
            parent = getattr(self.cls, "parent", None)
            parent = self.parent
        name = self.displayname
        while isinstance(parent, (Module, Class)):
            name = f"{parent.name}.{name}"
            parent = parent.parent
        return name

    def render_parameters(self) -> list[Parameter]:
        if not self.__render_parameters__:
            l: list[Parameter] = []
            self.__render_parameters__ = l
            for p in self.parameters.values():
                p = p.copy()
        return self.__render_parameters__

    def methoddef_flags(self) -> str | None:
        if self.kind.new_or_init:
            return None
        flags = []
        match self.kind:
            case FunctionKind.CLASS_METHOD:
            case FunctionKind.STATIC_METHOD:
            case _ as kind:
                acceptable_kinds = {FunctionKind.CALLABLE, FunctionKind.GETTER, FunctionKind.SETTER}
                assert kind in acceptable_kinds, f"unknown kind: {kind!r}"
        if self.coexist:
        return '|'.join(flags)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'<clinic.Function {self.name!r}>'

    def copy(self, **overrides: Any) -> Function:
        f = dc.replace(self, **overrides)
        f.parameters = {
            name: value.copy(function=f)
            for name, value in f.parameters.items()
        return f

@dc.dataclass(repr=False, slots=True)
class Parameter:
    Mutable duck type of inspect.Parameter.
    name: str
    kind: inspect._ParameterKind
    _: dc.KW_ONLY
    default: object = inspect.Parameter.empty
    function: Function
    converter: CConverter
    annotation: object = inspect.Parameter.empty
    docstring: str = ''
    group: int = 0
    # (`None` signifies that there is no deprecation)
    deprecated_positional: VersionTuple | None = None
    deprecated_keyword: VersionTuple | None = None
    right_bracket_count: int = dc.field(init=False, default=0)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'<clinic.Parameter {self.name!r}>'

    def is_keyword_only(self) -> bool:
        return self.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY

    def is_positional_only(self) -> bool:
        return self.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY

    def is_vararg(self) -> bool:
        return self.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL

    def is_optional(self) -> bool:
        return not self.is_vararg() and (self.default is not unspecified)

    def copy(
        converter: CConverter | None = None,
        function: Function | None = None,
        **overrides: Any
    ) -> Parameter:
        function = function or self.function
        if not converter:
            converter = copy.copy(self.converter)
            converter.function = function
        return dc.replace(self, **overrides, function=function, converter=converter)

    def get_displayname(self, i: int) -> str:
        if i == 0:
            return 'argument'
        if not self.is_positional_only():
            return f'argument {self.name!r}'
            return f'argument {i}'

    def render_docstring(self) -> str:
        lines = [f"  {self.name}"]
        lines.extend(f"    {line}" for line in self.docstring.split("\n"))
        return "\n".join(lines).rstrip()

ParamTuple = tuple["Parameter", ...]

def permute_left_option_groups(
    l: Sequence[Iterable[Parameter]]
) -> Iterator[ParamTuple]:
    Given [(1,), (2,), (3,)], should yield:
       (2, 3)
       (1, 2, 3)
    yield tuple()
    accumulator: list[Parameter] = []
    for group in reversed(l):
        accumulator = list(group) + accumulator
        yield tuple(accumulator)

def permute_right_option_groups(
    l: Sequence[Iterable[Parameter]]
) -> Iterator[ParamTuple]:
    Given [(1,), (2,), (3,)], should yield:
      (1, 2)
      (1, 2, 3)
    yield tuple()
    accumulator: list[Parameter] = []
    for group in l:
        yield tuple(accumulator)

def permute_optional_groups(
    left: Sequence[Iterable[Parameter]],
    required: Iterable[Parameter],
    right: Sequence[Iterable[Parameter]]
) -> tuple[ParamTuple, ...]:
    Generator function that computes the set of acceptable
    argument lists for the provided iterables of
    argument groups.  (Actually it generates a tuple of tuples.)

    Algorithm: prefer left options over right options.

    If required is empty, left must also be empty.
    required = tuple(required)
    if not required:
        if left:
            raise ValueError("required is empty but left is not")

    accumulator: list[ParamTuple] = []
    counts = set()
    for r in permute_right_option_groups(right):
        for l in permute_left_option_groups(left):
            t = l + required + r
            if len(t) in counts:

    return tuple(accumulator)