from __future__ import annotations
import os
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import libclinic
from libclinic import fail, warn
from libclinic.function import Class
from libclinic.block_parser import Block, BlockParser
from libclinic.codegen import BlockPrinter, Destination, CodeGen
from libclinic.parser import Parser, PythonParser
from libclinic.dsl_parser import DSLParser
from libclinic.clanguage import CLanguage
from libclinic.function import (
Module, Function, ClassDict, ModuleDict)
from libclinic.codegen import DestinationDict
# maps strings to callables.
# the callable should return an object
# that implements the clinic parser
# interface (__init__ and parse).
# example parsers:
# "clinic", handles the Clinic DSL
# "python", handles running Python code
parsers: dict[str, Callable[[Clinic], Parser]] = {
'clinic': DSLParser,
'python': PythonParser,
class Clinic:
presets_text = """
preset block
everything block
methoddef_ifndef buffer 1
docstring_prototype suppress
parser_prototype suppress
cpp_if suppress
cpp_endif suppress
preset original
everything block
methoddef_ifndef buffer 1
docstring_prototype suppress
parser_prototype suppress
cpp_if suppress
cpp_endif suppress
preset file
everything file
methoddef_ifndef file 1
docstring_prototype suppress
parser_prototype suppress
impl_definition block
preset buffer
everything buffer
methoddef_ifndef buffer 1
impl_definition block
docstring_prototype suppress
impl_prototype suppress
parser_prototype suppress
preset partial-buffer
everything buffer
methoddef_ifndef buffer 1
docstring_prototype block
impl_prototype suppress
methoddef_define block
parser_prototype block
impl_definition block
def __init__(
language: CLanguage,
printer: BlockPrinter | None = None,
filename: str,
limited_capi: bool,
verify: bool = True,
) -> None:
# maps strings to Parser objects.
# (instantiated from the "parsers" global.)
self.parsers: dict[str, Parser] = {}
self.language: CLanguage = language
if printer:
fail("Custom printers are broken right now")
self.printer = printer or BlockPrinter(language)
self.verify = verify
self.limited_capi = limited_capi
self.filename = filename
self.modules: ModuleDict = {}
self.classes: ClassDict = {}
self.functions: list[Function] = []
self.codegen = CodeGen(self.limited_capi)
self.line_prefix = self.line_suffix = ''
self.destinations: DestinationDict = {}
self.add_destination("block", "buffer")
self.add_destination("suppress", "suppress")
self.add_destination("buffer", "buffer")
if filename:
self.add_destination("file", "file", "{dirname}/clinic/{basename}.h")
d = self.get_destination_buffer
self.destination_buffers = {
'cpp_if': d('file'),
'docstring_prototype': d('suppress'),
'docstring_definition': d('file'),
'methoddef_define': d('file'),
'impl_prototype': d('file'),
'parser_prototype': d('suppress'),
'parser_definition': d('file'),
'cpp_endif': d('file'),
'methoddef_ifndef': d('file', 1),
'impl_definition': d('block'),
DestBufferType = dict[str, list[str]]
DestBufferList = list[DestBufferType]
self.destination_buffers_stack: DestBufferList = []
self.presets: dict[str, dict[Any, Any]] = {}
preset = None
for line in self.presets_text.strip().split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
name, value, *options = line.split()
if name == 'preset':
self.presets[value] = preset = {}
if len(options):
index = int(options[0])
index = 0
buffer = self.get_destination_buffer(value, index)
if name == 'everything':
for name in self.destination_buffers:
preset[name] = buffer
assert name in self.destination_buffers
preset[name] = buffer
def add_destination(
name: str,
type: str,
*args: str
) -> None:
if name in self.destinations:
fail(f"Destination already exists: {name!r}")
self.destinations[name] = Destination(name, type, self, args)
def get_destination(self, name: str) -> Destination:
d = self.destinations.get(name)
if not d:
fail(f"Destination does not exist: {name!r}")
return d
def get_destination_buffer(
name: str,
item: int = 0
) -> list[str]:
d = self.get_destination(name)
return d.buffers[item]
def parse(self, input: str) -> str:
printer = self.printer
self.block_parser = BlockParser(input, self.language, verify=self.verify)
for block in self.block_parser:
dsl_name = block.dsl_name
if dsl_name:
if dsl_name not in self.parsers:
assert dsl_name in parsers, f"No parser to handle {dsl_name!r} block."
self.parsers[dsl_name] = parsers[dsl_name](self)
parser = self.parsers[dsl_name]
# these are destinations not buffers
for name, destination in self.destinations.items():
if destination.type == 'suppress':
output = destination.dump()
if output:
block = Block("", dsl_name="clinic", output=output)
if destination.type == 'buffer':
block.input = "dump " + name + "\n"
warn("Destination buffer " + repr(name) + " not empty at end of file, emptying.")
if destination.type == 'file':
dirname = os.path.dirname(destination.filename)
except FileExistsError:
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
fail(f"Can't write to destination "
f"{destination.filename!r}; "
f"can't make directory {dirname!r}!")
if self.verify:
with open(destination.filename) as f:
parser_2 = BlockParser(, language=self.language)
blocks = list(parser_2)
if (len(blocks) != 1) or (blocks[0].input != 'preserve\n'):
fail(f"Modified destination file "
f"{destination.filename!r}; not overwriting!")
except FileNotFoundError:
block.input = 'preserve\n'
includes = self.codegen.get_includes()
printer_2 = BlockPrinter(self.language)
printer_2.print_block(block, header_includes=includes)
return printer.f.getvalue()
def _module_and_class(
self, fields: Sequence[str]
) -> tuple[Module | Clinic, Class | None]:
fields should be an iterable of field names.
returns a tuple of (module, class).
the module object could actually be self (a clinic object).
this function is only ever used to find the parent of where
a new class/module should go.
parent: Clinic | Module | Class = self
module: Clinic | Module = self
cls: Class | None = None
for idx, field in enumerate(fields):
if not isinstance(parent, Class):
if field in parent.modules:
parent = module = parent.modules[field]
if field in parent.classes:
parent = cls = parent.classes[field]
fullname = ".".join(fields[idx:])
fail(f"Parent class or module {fullname!r} does not exist.")
return module, cls
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<clinic.Clinic object>"