import re
from ._regexes import (
from ._common import (
from ._compound_decl_body import DECL_BODY_PARSERS
LOCAL = set_capture_groups(_LOCAL, (
LOCAL_RE = re.compile(rf'^ \s* {LOCAL}', re.VERBOSE)
# Note that parse_function_body() still has trouble with a few files
# in the CPython codebase.
def parse_function_body(source, name, anon_name):
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_function_body(name, text, resolve, source, anon_name, parent):
raise NotImplementedError
# For now we do not worry about locals declared in for loop "headers".
depth = 1;
while depth > 0:
m = LOCAL_RE.match(text)
while not m:
text, resolve = continue_text(source, text or '{', resolve)
m = LOCAL_RE.match(text)
text = text[m.end():]
inline_leading, inline_pre, inline_kind, inline_name,
storage, decl,
var_init, var_ending,
compound_bare, compound_labeled, compound_paren,
block_leading, block_open,
simple_stmt, simple_ending,
) = m.groups()
if empty:
log_match('', m, depth)
resolve(None, None, None, text)
yield None, text
elif inline_kind:
log_match('', m, depth)
kind = inline_kind
name = inline_name or anon_name('inline-')
data = [] # members
# We must set the internal "text" from _iter_source() to the
# start of the inline compound body,
# Note that this is effectively like a forward reference that
# we do not emit.
resolve(kind, None, name, text, None)
_parse_body = DECL_BODY_PARSERS[kind]
before = []
ident = f'{kind} {name}'
for member, inline, text in _parse_body(text, resolve, source, anon_name, ident):
if member:
if inline:
yield from inline
# un-inline the decl. Note that it might not actually be inline.
# We handle the case in the "maybe_inline_actual" branch.
text = f'{inline_leading or ""} {inline_pre or ""} {kind} {name} {text}'
# XXX Should "parent" really be None for inline type decls?
yield resolve(kind, data, name, text, None), text
elif block_close:
log_match('', m, depth)
depth -= 1
resolve(None, None, None, text)
# XXX This isn't great. Calling resolve() should have
# cleared the closing bracket. However, some code relies
# on the yielded value instead of the resolved one. That
# needs to be fixed.
yield None, text
elif compound_bare:
log_match('', m, depth)
yield resolve('statement', compound_bare, None, text, parent), text
elif compound_labeled:
log_match('', m, depth)
yield resolve('statement', compound_labeled, None, text, parent), text
elif compound_paren:
log_match('', m, depth)
pos = match_paren(text)
except ValueError:
text = f'{compound_paren} {text}'
#resolve(None, None, None, text)
text, resolve = continue_text(source, text, resolve)
yield None, text
head = text[:pos]
text = text[pos:]
if compound_paren == 'for':
# XXX Parse "head" as a compound statement.
stmt1, stmt2, stmt3 = head.split(';', 2)
data = {
'compound': compound_paren,
'statements': (stmt1, stmt2, stmt3),
data = {
'compound': compound_paren,
'statement': head,
yield resolve('statement', data, None, text, parent), text
elif block_open:
log_match('', m, depth)
depth += 1
if block_leading:
# An inline block: the last evaluated expression is used
# in place of the block.
# XXX Combine it with the remainder after the block close.
stmt = f'{block_open}{{<expr>}}...;'
yield resolve('statement', stmt, None, text, parent), text
resolve(None, None, None, text)
yield None, text
elif simple_ending:
log_match('', m, depth)
yield resolve('statement', simple_stmt, None, text, parent), text
elif var_ending:
log_match('', m, depth)
kind = 'variable'
_, name, vartype = parse_var_decl(decl)
data = {
'storage': storage,
'vartype': vartype,
after = ()
if var_ending == ',':
# It was a multi-declaration, so queue up the next one.
_, qual, typespec, _ = vartype.values()
text = f'{storage or ""} {qual or ""} {typespec} {text}'
yield resolve(kind, data, name, text, parent), text
if var_init:
_data = f'{name} = {var_init.strip()}'
yield resolve('statement', _data, None, text, parent), text
# This should be unreachable.
raise NotImplementedError
# static local variables
LOCAL_STATICS = set_capture_groups(_LOCAL_STATICS, (
LOCAL_STATICS_RE = re.compile(rf'^ \s* {LOCAL_STATICS}', re.VERBOSE)
def parse_function_statics(source, func, anon_name):
# For now we do not worry about locals declared in for loop "headers".
depth = 1;
while depth > 0:
for srcinfo in source:
m = LOCAL_STATICS_RE.match(srcinfo.text)
if m:
# We ran out of lines.
if srcinfo is not None:
for item, depth in _parse_next_local_static(m, srcinfo,
anon_name, func, depth):
if callable(item):
parse_body = item
yield from parse_body(source)
elif item is not None:
yield item
def _parse_next_local_static(m, srcinfo, anon_name, func, depth):
(inline_leading, inline_pre, inline_kind, inline_name,
static_decl, static_init, static_ending,
) = m.groups()
remainder = srcinfo.text[m.end():]
if inline_kind:
log_match('func inline', m, depth, depth)
kind = inline_kind
name = inline_name or anon_name('inline-')
# Immediately emit a forward declaration.
yield srcinfo.resolve(kind, name=name, data=None), depth
# un-inline the decl. Note that it might not actually be inline.
# We handle the case in the "maybe_inline_actual" branch.
f'{inline_leading or ""} {inline_pre or ""} {kind} {name}'
def parse_body(source):
_parse_body = DECL_BODY_PARSERS[kind]
data = [] # members
ident = f'{kind} {name}'
for item in _parse_body(source, anon_name, ident):
if item.kind == 'field':
yield item
# XXX Should "parent" really be None for inline type decls?
yield srcinfo.resolve(kind, data, name, parent=None)
yield parse_body, depth
elif static_decl:
log_match('local variable', m, depth, depth)
_, name, data = parse_var_decl(static_decl)
yield srcinfo.resolve('variable', data, name, parent=func), depth
if static_init:
srcinfo.advance(f'{name} {static_init} {remainder}')
elif static_ending == ',':
# It was a multi-declaration, so queue up the next one.
_, qual, typespec, _ = data.values()
srcinfo.advance(f'static {qual or ""} {typespec} {remainder}')
log_match('func other', m)
if block_open:
log_match('func other', None, depth, depth + 1)
depth += 1
elif block_close:
log_match('func other', None, depth, depth - 1)
depth -= 1
elif stmt_end:
log_match('func other', None, depth, depth)
# This should be unreachable.
raise NotImplementedError
yield None, depth