
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s performance-move-const-arg %t

namespace std {
template <typename>
struct remove_reference;

template <typename _Tp>
struct remove_reference {
  typedef _Tp type;

template <typename _Tp>
struct remove_reference<_Tp &> {
  typedef _Tp type;

template <typename _Tp>
struct remove_reference<_Tp &&> {
  typedef _Tp type;

template <typename _Tp>
constexpr typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&move(_Tp &&__t) {
  return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&>(__t);

template <typename _Tp>
constexpr _Tp &&
forward(typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type &__t) noexcept {
  return static_cast<_Tp &&>(__t);

} // namespace std

class A {
  A() {}
  A(const A &rhs) {}
  A(A &&rhs) {}

using AlsoA = A;

struct TriviallyCopyable {
  int i;

using TrivialAlias = TriviallyCopyable;

void f(TriviallyCopyable) {}

void g() {
  TriviallyCopyable obj;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj' of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: f(obj);

  TrivialAlias obj2;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj2' of the trivially-copyable type 'TrivialAlias' (aka 'TriviallyCopyable') has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: f(obj2);

int f1() {
  return std::move(42);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: return 42;

int f2(int x2) {
  return std::move(x2);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 'x2' of the trivially-copyable type 'int'
  // CHECK-FIXES: return x2;

int *f3(int *x3) {
  return std::move(x3);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 'x3' of the trivially-copyable type 'int *'
  // CHECK-FIXES: return x3;

A f4(A x4) { return std::move(x4); }

AlsoA f4_a(AlsoA x4) { return std::move(x4); }

A f5(const A x5) {
  return std::move(x5);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the const variable 'x5' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: return x5;

AlsoA f5_a(const AlsoA x5) {
  return std::move(x5);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the const variable 'x5' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: return x5;

template <typename T>
T f6(const T x6) {
  return std::move(x6);

void f7() { int a = f6(10); }

#define M1(x) x
void f8() {
  const A a;
  M1(A b = std::move(a);)
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: warning: std::move of the const variable 'a' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const
  // CHECK-FIXES: M1(A b = a;)

#define M2(x) std::move(x)
int f9() { return M2(1); }

template <typename T>
T f_unknown_target(const int x10) {
  return std::move(x10);

void f11() {

A&& f_return_right_ref() {
  static A a{};
  return std::move(a);

class NoMoveSemantics {
  NoMoveSemantics(const NoMoveSemantics &);

  NoMoveSemantics &operator=(const NoMoveSemantics &);

using NoMoveSemanticsAlias = NoMoveSemantics;

void callByConstRef(const NoMoveSemantics &);
void callByConstRef(int i, const NoMoveSemantics &);

void moveToConstReferencePositives() {
  NoMoveSemantics obj;

  // Basic case.
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: passing result of std::move() as
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(obj);

  // Also works for second argument.
  callByConstRef(1, std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:21: warning: passing result of std::move() as
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(1, obj);

  // Works if std::move() applied to a temporary.
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: passing result of std::move() as
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(NoMoveSemantics());

  // Works if calling a copy constructor.
  NoMoveSemantics other(std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:25: warning: passing result of std::move() as
  // CHECK-FIXES: NoMoveSemantics other(obj);

  // Works if calling assignment operator.
  other = std::move(obj);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:11: warning: passing result of std::move() as
  // CHECK-FIXES: other = obj;

void moveToConstReferencePositivesAlias() {
  NoMoveSemanticsAlias obj;

  // Basic case.
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(obj);

  // Also works for second argument.
  callByConstRef(1, std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:21: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(1, obj);

  // Works if std::move() applied to a temporary.
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: callByConstRef(NoMoveSemanticsAlias());

  // Works if calling a copy constructor.
  NoMoveSemanticsAlias other(std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:30: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: NoMoveSemanticsAlias other(obj);

  // Works if calling assignment operator.
  other = std::move(obj);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:11: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: other = obj;

class MoveSemantics {
  MoveSemantics(MoveSemantics &&);

  MoveSemantics &operator=(MoveSemantics &&);

using MoveSemanticsAlias = MoveSemantics;

void callByValue(MoveSemantics);

void callByRValueRef(MoveSemantics &&);

template <class T>
void templateFunction(T obj) {
  T other = std::move(obj);

#define M3(T, obj)            \
  do {                        \
    T other = std::move(obj); \
  } while (true)

#define CALL(func) (func)()

void moveToConstReferenceNegatives() {
  // No warning when actual move takes place.
  MoveSemantics move_semantics;
  MoveSemantics other(std::move(move_semantics));
  other = std::move(move_semantics);

  // No warning if std::move() not used.
  NoMoveSemantics no_move_semantics;

  // No warning if instantiating a template.

  // No warning inside of macro expansions.
  M3(NoMoveSemantics, no_move_semantics);

  // No warning inside of macro expansion, even if the macro expansion is inside
  // a lambda that is, in turn, an argument to a macro.
  CALL([no_move_semantics] { M3(NoMoveSemantics, no_move_semantics); });

  auto lambda = [] {};
  auto lambda2 = std::move(lambda);

void moveToConstReferenceNegativesAlias() {
  // No warning when actual move takes place.
  MoveSemanticsAlias move_semantics;
  MoveSemanticsAlias other(std::move(move_semantics));
  other = std::move(move_semantics);

  // No warning if std::move() not used.
  NoMoveSemanticsAlias no_move_semantics;

  // No warning if instantiating a template.

  // No warning inside of macro expansions.
  M3(NoMoveSemanticsAlias, no_move_semantics);

  // No warning inside of macro expansion, even if the macro expansion is inside
  // a lambda that is, in turn, an argument to a macro.
  CALL([no_move_semantics] { M3(NoMoveSemanticsAlias, no_move_semantics); });

  auto lambda = [] {};
  auto lambda2 = std::move(lambda);

class MoveOnly {
  MoveOnly(const MoveOnly &other) = delete;
  MoveOnly &operator=(const MoveOnly &other) = delete;
  MoveOnly(MoveOnly &&other) = default;
  MoveOnly &operator=(MoveOnly &&other) = default;
template <class T>
void Q(T);
void moveOnlyNegatives(MoveOnly val) {

using MoveOnlyAlias = MoveOnly;

void fmovable(MoveSemantics);

void lambda1() {
  auto f = [](MoveSemantics m) {

template<class T> struct function {};

template<typename Result, typename... Args>
class function<Result(Args...)> {
  function() = default;
  void operator()(Args... args) const {

void functionInvocation() {
  function<void(MoveSemantics)> callback;
  MoveSemantics m;

void functionInvocationAlias() {
  function<void(MoveSemanticsAlias)> callback;
  MoveSemanticsAlias m;

void lambda2() {
  function<void(MoveSemantics)> callback;

  auto f = [callback = std::move(callback)](MoveSemantics m) mutable {
    // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:24: warning: std::move of the variable 'callback' of the trivially-copyable type 'function<void (MoveSemantics)>' has no effect; remove std::move()
    // CHECK-FIXES: auto f = [callback = callback](MoveSemantics m) mutable {

void lambda2Alias() {
  function<void(MoveSemanticsAlias)> callback;

  auto f = [callback = std::move(callback)](MoveSemanticsAlias m) mutable {
    // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:24: warning: std::move of the variable 'callback' of the trivially-copyable type 'function<void (MoveSemanticsAlias)>' (aka 'function<void (MoveSemantics)>') has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
    // CHECK-FIXES: auto f = [callback = callback](MoveSemanticsAlias m) mutable {

void showInt(int &&v);
void showInt(int v1, int &&v2);
void showPointer(const char *&&s);
void showPointer2(const char *const &&s);
void showTriviallyCopyable(TriviallyCopyable &&obj);
void showTriviallyCopyablePointer(const TriviallyCopyable *&&obj);
void testFunctions() {
  int a = 10;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:11: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-10]]:20: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showInt' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  showInt(a, std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:14: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-13]]:28: note: consider changing the 2nd parameter of 'showInt' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  const char* s = "";
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: std::move of the variable 's' of the trivially-copyable type 'const char *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-16]]:32: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showPointer' from 'const char *&&' to 'const char *'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:16: warning: std::move of the variable 's' of the trivially-copyable type 'const char *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-18]]:39: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showPointer2' from 'const char *const &&' to 'const char *const'
  TriviallyCopyable *obj = new TriviallyCopyable();
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:25: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-21]]:48: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTriviallyCopyable' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:32: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj' of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-23]]:62: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTriviallyCopyablePointer' from 'const TriviallyCopyable *&&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable *'
  TrivialAlias* obj2 = new TrivialAlias();
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:25: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-28]]:48: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTriviallyCopyable' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:32: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj' of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-30]]:62: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTriviallyCopyablePointer' from 'const TriviallyCopyable *&&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable *'
template <class T>
void forwardToShowInt(T && t) {
  showInt(static_cast<T &&>(t));
void testTemplate() {
  int a = 10;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:20: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]

struct Tmp {
  Tmp(int &&a);
  Tmp(int v1, int &&a);
  Tmp(const char *&&s);
  Tmp(TriviallyCopyable&& obj);
  Tmp(const TriviallyCopyable *&&obj);
  void showTmp(TriviallyCopyable&& t);
  static void showTmpStatic(TriviallyCopyable&& t);
using TmpAlias = Tmp;

void testMethods() {
  Tmp t;
  int a = 10;
  Tmp t1(std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-15]]:13: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  Tmp t2(a, std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:13: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-17]]:21: note: consider changing the 2nd parameter of 'Tmp' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  const char* s = "";
  Tmp t3(std::move(s));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 's' of the trivially-copyable type 'const char *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-20]]:21: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'const char *&&' to 'const char *'
  TriviallyCopyable *obj = new TriviallyCopyable();
  Tmp t4(std::move(*obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-23]]:27: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  Tmp t5(std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj' of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-25]]:34: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'const TriviallyCopyable *&&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable *'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:13: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-27]]:36: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTmp' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:22: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TriviallyCopyable' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-29]]:49: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTmpStatic' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'

void testMethodsAlias() {
  TmpAlias t;
  int a = 10;
  TmpAlias t1(std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-43]]:13: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  TmpAlias t2(a, std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-45]]:21: note: consider changing the 2nd parameter of 'Tmp' from 'int &&' to 'const int &'
  const char* s = "";
  TmpAlias t3(std::move(s));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: std::move of the variable 's' of the trivially-copyable type 'const char *' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-48]]:21: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'const char *&&' to 'const char *'
  TrivialAlias *obj = new TrivialAlias();
  TmpAlias t4(std::move(*obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TrivialAlias' (aka 'TriviallyCopyable') has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-51]]:27: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  TmpAlias t5(std::move(obj));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: std::move of the variable 'obj' of the trivially-copyable type 'TrivialAlias *' (aka 'TriviallyCopyable *') has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-53]]:34: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'Tmp' from 'const TriviallyCopyable *&&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable *'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:13: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TrivialAlias' (aka 'TriviallyCopyable') has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-55]]:36: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTmp' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:27: warning: std::move of the expression of the trivially-copyable type 'TrivialAlias' (aka 'TriviallyCopyable') has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-57]]:49: note: consider changing the 1st parameter of 'showTmpStatic' from 'TriviallyCopyable &&' to 'const TriviallyCopyable &'

void showA(A &&v) {}
void testA() {
  A a;

void testAAlias() {
  AlsoA a;

void testFuncPointer() {
  int a = 10;
  void (*choice)(int, int &&);
  choice = showInt;
  choice(std::move(a), std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-FIXES: choice(a, std::move(a));
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:24: warning: std::move of the variable 'a' of the trivially-copyable type 'int' has no effect [performance-move-const-arg]

namespace issue_62550 {

struct NonMoveConstructable {
  NonMoveConstructable(const NonMoveConstructable&);
  NonMoveConstructable& operator=(const NonMoveConstructable&);
  NonMoveConstructable& operator=(NonMoveConstructable&&);

void testNonMoveConstructible() {
  NonMoveConstructable t1;
  NonMoveConstructable t2{std::move(t1)};
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:27: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-11]]:8: note: 'NonMoveConstructable' is not move constructible

struct NonMoveAssignable {
  NonMoveAssignable(const NonMoveAssignable&);

  NonMoveAssignable& operator=(const NonMoveAssignable&);

void testNonMoveAssignable() {
  NonMoveAssignable t1;
  NonMoveAssignable t2;

  t2 = std::move(t1);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-14]]:8: note: 'NonMoveAssignable' is not move assignable

struct NonMoveable {
  NonMoveable(const NonMoveable&);
  NonMoveable& operator=(const NonMoveable&);

void testNonMoveable() {
  NonMoveable t1;
  NonMoveable t2{std::move(t1)};
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-10]]:8: note: 'NonMoveable' is not move assignable/constructible

  t1 = std::move(t2);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-14]]:8: note: 'NonMoveable' is not move assignable/constructible

using AlsoNonMoveable = NonMoveable;

void testAlsoNonMoveable() {
  AlsoNonMoveable t1;
  AlsoNonMoveable t2{std::move(t1)};
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:22: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-23]]:8: note: 'NonMoveable' is not move assignable/constructible

  t1 = std::move(t2);
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-27]]:8: note: 'NonMoveable' is not move assignable/constructible

} // namespace issue_62550

namespace GH111450 {
struct Status;

struct Error {
    Error(const Status& S);

struct Result {
  Error E;
  Result(Status&& S) : E(std::move(S)) {}
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
} // namespace GH111450