// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,cxx98,cxx98-11,cxx98-14,cxx98-17 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,cxx98-11,cxx98-14,cxx98-17,cxx11-14 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,cxx98-14,cxx98-17,cxx11-14 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx17,cxx98-17 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx17 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++23 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify=expected,since-cxx11,since-cxx17 -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
#if __cplusplus == 199711L
#define static_assert(...) __extension__ _Static_assert(__VA_ARGS__)
// cxx98-error@-1 {{variadic macros are a C99 feature}}
#if __cplusplus == 199711L
#define __enable_constant_folding(x) (__builtin_constant_p(x) ? (x) : (x))
#define __enable_constant_folding
namespace cwg100 { // cwg100: yes
template<const char (*)[4]> struct A {}; // #cwg100-A
template<const char (&)[4]> struct B {}; // #cwg100-B
template<const char *> struct C {}; // #cwg100-C
template<const char &> struct D {}; // #cwg100-D
A<&"foo"> a; // #cwg100-a
// cxx98-14-error@#cwg100-a {{non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg100-A {{template parameter is declared here}}
// since-cxx17-error@#cwg100-a {{pointer to string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
B<"bar"> b; // #cwg100-b
// cxx98-14-error@#cwg100-b {{non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg100-B {{template parameter is declared here}}
// since-cxx17-error@#cwg100-b {{reference to string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
C<"baz"> c; // #cwg100-c
// cxx98-14-error@#cwg100-c {{non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg100-C {{template parameter is declared here}}
// since-cxx17-error@#cwg100-c {{pointer to subobject of string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
D<*"quux"> d; // #cwg100-d
// cxx98-14-error@#cwg100-d {{non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg100-D {{template parameter is declared here}}
// since-cxx17-error@#cwg100-d {{reference to subobject of string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
namespace cwg101 { // cwg101: 3.5
extern "C" void cwg101_f();
typedef unsigned size_t;
namespace X {
extern "C" void cwg101_f();
typedef unsigned size_t;
using X::cwg101_f;
using X::size_t;
extern "C" void cwg101_f();
typedef unsigned size_t;
namespace cwg102 { // cwg102: yes
namespace A {
template<typename T> T f(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
// expected-error@-1 {{call to function 'operator+' that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup}}
// expected-note@#cwg102-instantiation {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'cwg102::A::f<cwg102::B::S>' requested here}}
// expected-note@#cwg102-operator-plus {{'operator+' should be declared prior to the call site or in namespace 'cwg102::B'}}
namespace B {
struct S {};
B::S operator+(B::S, B::S); // #cwg102-operator-plus
template B::S A::f(B::S, B::S); // #cwg102-instantiation
// cwg103: na
// cwg104: na lib
// cwg105: na
namespace cwg106 { // cwg106: sup 540
typedef int &r1;
typedef r1 &r1;
typedef const r1 r1;
// expected-warning@-1 {{'const' qualifier on reference type 'r1' (aka 'int &') has no effect}}
typedef const r1 &r1;
// expected-warning@-1 {{'const' qualifier on reference type 'r1' (aka 'int &') has no effect}}
typedef const int &r2;
typedef r2 &r2;
typedef const r2 r2;
// expected-warning@-1 {{'const' qualifier on reference type 'r2' (aka 'const int &') has no effect}}
typedef const r2 &r2;
// expected-warning@-1 {{'const' qualifier on reference type 'r2' (aka 'const int &') has no effect}}
namespace cwg107 { // cwg107: yes
struct S {};
extern "C" S operator+(S, S) { return S(); }
namespace cwg108 { // cwg108: 2.9
template<typename T> struct A {
struct B { typedef int X; };
B::X x;
// cxx98-17-error@-1 {{missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name B::X; implicit 'typename' is a C++20 extension}}
struct C : B { X x; };
// expected-error@-1 {{unknown type name 'X'}}
template<> struct A<int>::B { int X; };
namespace cwg109 { // cwg109: yes
struct A { template<typename T> void f(T); };
template<typename T> struct B : T {
using T::template f;
// expected-error@-1 {{'template' keyword not permitted here}}
using T::template f<int>;
// expected-error@-1 {{'template' keyword not permitted here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
// FIXME: We shouldn't suggest using the 'template' keyword in a location where it's not valid.
using T::f<int>;
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'f' as a dependent template name}}
// expected-error@-2 {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
void g() { this->f<int>(123); }
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'f' as a dependent template name}}
namespace cwg110 { // cwg110: 2.8
template <typename T>
void f(T);
class f {};
template <typename T>
void f(T, T);
class f g;
void (*h)(int) = static_cast<void(*)(int)>(f);
void (*i)(int, int) = static_cast<void(*)(int, int)>(f);
} // namespace cwg110
namespace cwg111 { // cwg111: dup 535
struct A { A(); A(volatile A&, int = 0); A(A&, const char * = "foo"); };
struct B : A { B(); }; // #cwg111-B
const B b1;
B b2(b1);
// expected-error@-1 {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg111-B {{candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: 1st argument ('const B') would lose const qualifier}}
// expected-note@#cwg111-B {{candidate constructor not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided}}
namespace cwg112 { // cwg112: yes
struct T { int n; };
typedef T Arr[1];
const T a1[1] = {}; // #cwg112-a1
volatile T a2[1] = {};
const Arr a3 = {}; // #cwg112-a3
volatile Arr a4 = {};
template<const volatile T*> struct X {};
// FIXME: Test this somehow in C++11 and on.
X<a1> x1;
// cxx98-error@-1 {{non-type template argument referring to object 'a1' with internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
// cxx98-note@#cwg112-a1 {{non-type template argument refers to object here}}
X<a2> x2;
X<a3> x3;
// cxx98-error@-1 {{non-type template argument referring to object 'a3' with internal linkage is a C++11 extension}}
// cxx98-note@#cwg112-a3 {{non-type template argument refers to object here}}
X<a4> x4;
namespace cwg113 { // cwg113: yes
extern void (*p)();
void f() {
// expected-error@-1 {{use of undeclared identifier 'no_such_function'}}
void g();
void (*p)() = &g;
namespace cwg114 { // cwg114: yes
struct A {
virtual void f(int) = 0; // #cwg114-A-f
struct B : A {
template<typename T> void f(T);
void g() { f(0); }
} b;
// expected-error@-1 {{variable type 'struct B' is an abstract class}}
// expected-note@#cwg114-A-f {{unimplemented pure virtual method 'f' in 'B'}}
namespace cwg115 { // cwg115: 3.0
template<typename T> int f(T); // #cwg115-f
template<typename T> int g(T); // #cwg115-g
template<typename T> int g(T, int); // #cwg115-g-int
int k1 = f(&f);
// expected-error@-1 {{no matching function for call to 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-f {{candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'}}
int k2 = f(&f<int>);
int k3 = f(&g<int>);
// expected-error@-1 {{no matching function for call to 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-f {{candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'}}
void h() {
// expected-error@-1 {{address of overloaded function 'f' cannot be cast to type 'void'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-f {{candidate function template}}
// expected-error@-1 {{address of overloaded function 'g' cannot be cast to type 'void'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-g-int {{candidate function template}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-g {{candidate function template}}
// expected-error@-1 {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-f {{possible target for call}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{expression result unused}}
// expected-error@-1 {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-g-int {{possible target for call}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-g {{possible target for call}}
struct S {
template<typename T> static int f(T);
template<typename T> static int g(T);
template<typename T> static int g(T, int);
} s;
int k4 = f(&s.f);
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
int k5 = f(&s.f<int>);
int k6 = f(&s.g<int>);
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
void i() {
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{expression result unused}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
struct T {
template<typename T> int f(T);
template<typename T> int g(T);
template<typename T> int g(T, int);
} t;
int k7 = f(&s.f);
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
int k8 = f(&s.f<int>);
int k9 = f(&s.g<int>);
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
void j() {
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{expression result unused}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// Special case kicks in only if a template argument list is specified.
template<typename T=int> void with_default(); // #cwg115-with-default
int k10 = f(&with_default);
// expected-error@-1 {{no matching function for call to 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-f {{candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'}}
int k11 = f(&with_default<>);
void k() {
// expected-error@-1 {{address of overloaded function 'with_default' cannot be cast to type 'void'}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-with-default {{candidate function template}}
// expected-error@-1 {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}}
// expected-note@#cwg115-with-default {{possible target for call}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{expression result unused}}
namespace cwg116 { // cwg116: yes
template<int> struct A {};
template<int N> void f(A<N>) {} // #cwg116-f-N
template<int M> void f(A<M>) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{redefinition of 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg116-f-N {{previous definition is here}}
template<typename T> void f(A<sizeof(T)>) {} // #cwg116-f-T
template<typename U> void f(A<sizeof(U)>) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{redefinition of 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg116-f-T {{previous definition is here}}
// cwg117: na
// cwg118 is in cwg118.cpp
// cwg119: na
// cwg120: na
namespace cwg121 { // cwg121: yes
struct X {
template<typename T> struct Y {};
template<typename T> struct Z {
X::Y<T> x;
T::Y<T> y;
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'Y' as a dependent template name}}
// cxx98-17-error@-2 {{missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name T::Y; implicit 'typename' is a C++20 extension}}
Z<X> z;
namespace cwg122 { // cwg122: yes
template<typename T> void f();
void g() { f<int>(); }
// cwg123: na
// cwg124 is in cwg124.cpp
// cwg125: yes
struct cwg125_A { struct cwg125_B {}; }; // #cwg125_B
cwg125_A::cwg125_B cwg125_C();
namespace cwg125_B { cwg125_A cwg125_C(); }
namespace cwg125 {
struct X {
friend cwg125_A::cwg125_B (::cwg125_C)(); // ok
friend cwg125_A (::cwg125_B::cwg125_C)(); // ok
friend cwg125_A::cwg125_B::cwg125_C(); // #cwg125_C
// expected-error@#cwg125_C {{missing return type for function 'cwg125_C'; did you mean the constructor name 'cwg125_B'?}}
// cxx98-error@#cwg125_C {{'cwg125_B' is missing exception specification 'throw()'}}
// cxx98-note@#cwg125_B {{previous declaration is here}}
// since-cxx11-error@#cwg125_C {{'cwg125_B' is missing exception specification 'noexcept'}}
// since-cxx11-note@#cwg125_B {{previous declaration is here}}
namespace cwg126 { // cwg126: partial
// FIXME: We do not yet generate correct code for this change:
// eg:
// catch (void*&) should catch void* but not int*
// catch (void*) and catch (void*const&) should catch both
// Likewise:
// catch (Base *&) should catch Base* but not Derived*
// catch (Base *) should catch both
// In each case, we emit the same code for both catches.
// The ABI does not let us represent the language rule in the unwind tables.
// So, when catching by non-const (or volatile) reference to pointer, we
// should compare the exception type to the caught type and only accept an
// exact match.
struct C {};
struct D : C {};
struct E : private C { friend class A; friend class B; };
struct F : protected C {};
struct G : C {};
struct H : D, G {};
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L
struct A {
virtual void cp() throw(C*);
virtual void dp() throw(C*);
virtual void ep() throw(C*); // #cwg126-ep
virtual void fp() throw(C*); // #cwg126-fp
virtual void gp() throw(C*);
virtual void hp() throw(C*); // #cwg126-hp
virtual void cr() throw(C&);
virtual void dr() throw(C&);
virtual void er() throw(C&); // #cwg126-er
virtual void fr() throw(C&); // #cwg126-fr
virtual void gr() throw(C&);
virtual void hr() throw(C&); // #cwg126-hr
virtual void pv() throw(void*);
virtual void np() throw(C*);
virtual void npm() throw(int C::*);
virtual void nr() throw(C*&); // #cwg126-nr
virtual void ncr() throw(C*const&);
virtual void ref1() throw(C *const&);
virtual void ref2() throw(C *);
virtual void v() throw(int);
virtual void w() throw(const int);
virtual void x() throw(int*); // #cwg126-x
virtual void y() throw(const int*);
virtual void z() throw(int); // #cwg126-z
struct B : A {
virtual void cp() throw(C*);
virtual void dp() throw(D*);
virtual void ep() throw(E*);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-ep {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void fp() throw(F*);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-fp {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void gp() throw(G*);
virtual void hp() throw(H*);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-hp {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void cr() throw(C&);
virtual void dr() throw(D&);
virtual void er() throw(E&);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-er {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void fr() throw(F&);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-fr {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void gr() throw(G&);
virtual void hr() throw(H&);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-hr {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void pv() throw(C*);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr);
virtual void np() throw(nullptr_t);
virtual void npm() throw(nullptr_t&);
virtual void nr() throw(nullptr_t);
// cxx11-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx11-14-note@#cwg126-nr {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void ncr() throw(nullptr_t);
#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L
virtual void ref1() throw(D *const &);
virtual void ref2() throw(D *);
virtual void v() throw(const int);
virtual void w() throw(int);
virtual void x() throw(const int*);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-x {{overridden virtual function is here}}
virtual void y() throw(int*); // ok
virtual void z() throw(long);
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg126-z {{overridden virtual function is here}}
#endif // __cplusplus <= 201402L
void f() throw(int);
// since-cxx17-error@-1 {{ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications}}
// since-cxx17-note@-2 {{use 'noexcept(false)' instead}}
namespace cwg127 { // cwg127: 2.9
__extension__ typedef __decltype(sizeof(0)) size_t;
template<typename T> struct A {
A() { throw 0; }
void *operator new(size_t, const char * = 0);
void operator delete(void *, const char *) { T::error; } // #cwg127-delete-const-char
// expected-error@#cwg127-delete-const-char {{type 'void' cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members}}
// expected-note@#cwg127-p {{in instantiation of member function 'cwg127::A<void>::operator delete' requested here}}
// expected-error@#cwg127-delete-const-char {{type 'int' cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members}}
// expected-note@#cwg127-q {{in instantiation of member function 'cwg127::A<int>::operator delete' requested here}}
void operator delete(void *) { T::error; }
A<void> *p = new A<void>; // #cwg127-p
A<int> *q = new ("") A<int>; // #cwg127-q
namespace cwg128 { // cwg128: yes
enum E1 { e1 } x = e1;
enum E2 { e2 } y = static_cast<E2>(x), z = static_cast<E2>(e1);
// cwg129: dup 616
// cwg130: na
namespace cwg131 { // cwg131: sup P1949
const char *a_with_\u0e8c = "\u0e8c";
const char *b_with_\u0e8d = "\u0e8d";
const char *c_with_\u0e8e = "\u0e8e";
namespace cwg132 { // cwg132: no
void f() {
extern struct {} x; // ok
extern struct S {} y; // FIXME: This is invalid.
static enum { E } e;
// cwg133: dup 87
// cwg134: na
namespace cwg135 { // cwg135: yes
struct A {
A f(A a) { return a; }
friend A g(A a) { return a; }
static A h(A a) { return a; }
namespace cwg136 { // cwg136: 3.4
void f(int, int, int = 0); // #cwg136-f
void g(int, int, int); // #cwg136-g
struct A {
friend void f(int, int = 0, int);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-f {{previous declaration is here}}
friend void g(int, int, int = 0);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-g {{previous declaration is here}}
friend void h(int, int, int = 0);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be a definition}}
friend void i(int, int, int = 0) {} // #cwg136-A-i
friend void j(int, int, int = 0) {}
operator int();
void i(int, int, int);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-A-i {{previous declaration is here}}
void q() {
j(A(), A()); // ok, has default argument
extern "C" void k(int, int, int, int); // #cwg136-k
namespace NSA {
struct A {
friend void cwg136::k(int, int, int, int = 0);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-k {{previous declaration is here}}
namespace NSB {
struct A {
friend void cwg136::k(int, int, int = 0, int); // #cwg136-friend-k
// expected-error@#cwg136-friend-k {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-k {{previous declaration is here}}
// expected-error@#cwg136-friend-k {{missing default argument on parameter}}
struct B {
void f(int); // #cwg136-B-f
struct C {
friend void B::f(int = 0);
// expected-error@-1 {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg136-B-f {{previous declaration is here}}
namespace cwg137 { // cwg137: yes
extern void *p;
extern const void *cp;
extern volatile void *vp;
extern const volatile void *cvp;
int *q = static_cast<int*>(p);
int *qc = static_cast<int*>(cp);
// expected-error@-1 {{static_cast from 'const void *' to 'int *' casts away qualifiers}}
int *qv = static_cast<int*>(vp);
// expected-error@-1 {{static_cast from 'volatile void *' to 'int *' casts away qualifiers}}
int *qcv = static_cast<int*>(cvp);
// expected-error@-1 {{static_cast from 'const volatile void *' to 'int *' casts away qualifiers}}
const int *cq = static_cast<const int*>(p);
const int *cqc = static_cast<const int*>(cp);
const int *cqv = static_cast<const int*>(vp);
// expected-error@-1 {{static_cast from 'volatile void *' to 'const int *' casts away qualifiers}}
const int *cqcv = static_cast<const int*>(cvp);
// expected-error@-1 {{static_cast from 'const volatile void *' to 'const int *' casts away qualifiers}}
const volatile int *cvq = static_cast<const volatile int*>(p);
const volatile int *cvqc = static_cast<const volatile int*>(cp);
const volatile int *cvqv = static_cast<const volatile int*>(vp);
const volatile int *cvqcv = static_cast<const volatile int*>(cvp);
namespace cwg138 { // cwg138: partial
namespace example1 {
void foo(); // #cwg138-ex1-foo
namespace A {
using example1::foo; // #cwg138-ex1-using
class X {
static const int i = 10;
// This friend declaration is using neither qualified-id nor template-id,
// so name 'foo' is not looked up, which means the using-declaration has no effect.
// Target scope of this declaration is A, so this is grating friendship to
// (hypothetical) A::foo instead of 'example1::foo' using declaration refers to.
// A::foo corresponds to example1::foo named by the using declaration,
// and since A::foo is a different entity, they potentially conflict.
// FIXME: This is ill-formed, but not for the reason diagnostic says.
friend void foo();
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot befriend target of using declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg138-ex1-foo {{target of using declaration}}
// expected-note@#cwg138-ex1-using {{using declaration}}
} // namespace example1
namespace example2 {
void f();
void g();
class B {
void g();
class A : public B {
static const int i = 10;
void f();
// Both friend declaration are not using qualified-ids or template-ids,
// so 'f' and 'g' are not looked up, which means that presence of A::f
// and base B have no effect.
// Both target scope of namespace 'example2', and grant friendship to
// example2::f and example2::g respectively.
friend void f();
friend void g();
void f() {
int i2 = A::i;
void g() {
int i3 = A::i;
} // namespace example2
namespace example3 {
struct Base {
static const int i = 10; // #cwg138-ex3-Base-i
struct Data;
// Elaborated type specifier is not the sole constituent of declaration,
// so 'Data' undergoes unqualified type-only lookup, which finds Base::Data.
friend class Data;
struct Data {
void f() {
int i2 = Base::i;
struct Data {
void f() {
int i2 = Base::i;
// expected-error@-1 {{'i' is a private member of 'cwg138::example3::Base'}}
// expected-note@#cwg138-ex3-Base-i {{declared private here}}
} // namespace example3
} // namespace cwg138
namespace cwg139 { // cwg139: yes
namespace example1 {
typedef int f; // #cwg139-typedef-f
struct A {
friend void f(A &);
// expected-error@-1 {{redefinition of 'f' as different kind of symbol}}
// expected-note@#cwg139-typedef-f {{previous definition is here}}
namespace example2 {
typedef int f;
namespace N {
struct A {
friend void f(A &);
operator int();
void g(A a) { int i = f(a); } // ok, f is typedef not friend function
namespace cwg140 { // cwg140: yes
void f(int *const) {} // #cwg140-f-first
void f(int[3]) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{redefinition of 'f'}}
// expected-note@#cwg140-f-first {{previous definition is here}}
void g(const int);
void g(int n) { n = 2; }
namespace cwg141 { // cwg141: 3.1
template<typename T> void f();
template<typename T> struct S { int n; }; // #cwg141-S
struct A : S<int> {
template<typename T> void f();
template<typename T> struct S {}; // #cwg141-A-S
} a;
struct B : S<int> {} b;
void g() {
(void)a.S<int>::n; // #cwg141-a
// cxx98-error@#cwg141-a {{lookup of 'S' in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of 'struct A'}}
// cxx98-note@#cwg141-A-S {{lookup in the object type 'struct A' refers here}}
// cxx98-note@#cwg141-S {{lookup from the current scope refers here}}
// expected-error@#cwg141-a {{no member named 'n' in 'cwg141::A::S<int>'; did you mean '::cwg141::S<int>::n'?}}
// expected-note@#cwg141-S {{'::cwg141::S<int>::n' declared here}}
// FIXME: we issue a useful diagnostic first, then some bogus ones.
// expected-error@-1 {{no member named 'f' in 'cwg141::B'}}
// expected-error@-2 +{{}}
template<typename T> struct C {
T t;
void g() {
// expected-error@-1 {{use 'template' keyword to treat 'f' as a dependent template name}}
void h() {
(void)t.S<int>::n; // ok
void i() {
(void)t.S<int>(); // ok!
void h() { C<B>().h(); } // ok
struct X {
template<typename T> void S();
void i() { C<X>().i(); } // ok!!
namespace cwg142 { // cwg142: 2.8
class B { // #cwg142-B
int mi; // #cwg142-B-mi
static int si; // #cwg142-B-si
class D : private B { // #cwg142-D
class DD : public D {
void f();
void DD::f() {
mi = 3;
// expected-error@-1 {{'mi' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B-mi {{member is declared here}}
si = 3;
// expected-error@-1 {{'si' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B-si {{member is declared here}}
B b_old;
// expected-error@-1 {{'B' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B {{member is declared here}}
cwg142::B b;
b.mi = 3;
b.si = 3;
B::si = 3;
// expected-error@-1 {{'B' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B {{member is declared here}}
cwg142::B::si = 3;
B *bp1_old = this; // #cwg142-bp1_old
// expected-error@#cwg142-bp1_old {{'B' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B {{member is declared here}}
// expected-error@#cwg142-bp1_old {{cannot cast 'cwg142::DD' to its private base class 'B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{declared private here}}
cwg142::B *bp1 = this;
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot cast 'cwg142::DD' to its private base class 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{declared private here}}
B *bp2_old = (B*)this; // #cwg142-bp2_old
// expected-error@#cwg142-bp2_old {{'B' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B {{member is declared here}}
// expected-error@#cwg142-bp2_old {{'B' is a private member of 'cwg142::B'}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-D {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg142-B {{member is declared here}}
cwg142::B *bp2 = (cwg142::B*)this;
bp2->mi = 3;
namespace cwg143 { // cwg143: yes
namespace A { struct X; }
namespace B { void f(A::X); }
namespace A {
struct X { friend void B::f(X); };
void g(A::X x) {
// expected-error@-1 {{use of undeclared identifier 'f'}}
namespace cwg145 { // cwg145: yes
void f(bool b) {
// cxx98-14-warning@-1 {{incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++17}}
// since-cxx17-error@-2 {{ISO C++17 does not allow incrementing expression of type bool}}
// cxx98-14-warning@-1 {{incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++17}}
// since-cxx17-error@-2 {{ISO C++17 does not allow incrementing expression of type bool}}
namespace cwg147 { // cwg147: yes
namespace example1 {
template<typename> struct A {
template<typename T> A(T);
// Per core issue 1435, this is ill-formed because A<int>::A<int> does not
// name the injected-class-name. (A<int>::A does, though.)
template<> template<> A<int>::A<int>(int) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{out-of-line constructor for 'A' cannot have template arguments}}
template<> template<> A<float>::A(float) {}
namespace example2 {
struct A { A(); };
struct B : A { B(); };
A::A a1;
// expected-error@-1 {{qualified reference to 'A' is a constructor name rather than a type in this context}}
B::A a2;
namespace example3 {
template<typename> struct A {
template<typename T> A(T);
static A a;
template<> A<int>::A<int>(A<int>::a);
// expected-error@-1 {{qualified reference to 'A' is a constructor name rather than a template name in this context}}
namespace cwg148 { // cwg148: yes
struct A { int A::*p; };
static_assert(__is_pod(int(A::*)), "");
static_assert(__is_pod(A), "");
// cwg149: na
namespace cwg150 { // cwg150: 19
namespace p1 {
template <class T, class U = int>
class ARG { };
template <class X, template <class Y> class PARM>
void f(PARM<X>) { }
void g() {
ARG<int> x;
} // namespace p1
namespace p2 {
template <template <class T, class U = int> class PARM>
class C {
PARM<int> pi;
} // namespace p2
namespace n1 {
struct Dense { static const unsigned int dim = 1; };
template <template <typename> class View,
typename Block>
void operator+(float, View<Block> const&);
template <typename Block,
unsigned int Dim = Block::dim>
class Lvalue_proxy { operator float() const; };
void test_1d (void) {
Lvalue_proxy<Dense> p;
float b;
b + p;
} // namespace n1
namespace cwg151 { // cwg151: 3.1
struct X {};
typedef int X::*p;
static_assert(__enable_constant_folding(p() == 0), "");
namespace cwg152 { // cwg152: yes
struct A {
A(); // #cwg152-A-ctor
explicit A(const A&); // #cwg152-A-explicit-ctor
A a1 = A();
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'A'}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg152-A-explicit-ctor {{explicit constructor is not a candidate}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg152-A-ctor {{candidate constructor not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided}}
A a2((A()));
A &f();
A a3 = f();
// expected-error@-1 {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'A'}}
// expected-note@#cwg152-A-explicit-ctor {{explicit constructor is not a candidate}}
// expected-note@#cwg152-A-ctor {{candidate constructor not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided}}
A a4(f());
// cwg153: na
namespace cwg154 { // cwg154: yes
union { int a; };
// expected-error@-1 {{nonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static'}}
namespace {
union { int b; };
static union { int c; };
namespace cwg155 { // cwg155: dup 632
struct S { int n; } s = { { 1 } };
// expected-warning@-1 {{braces around scalar initializer}}
// cwg158 is in cwg158.cpp
namespace cwg159 { // cwg159: 3.5
namespace X { void f(); }
void f();
void cwg159::f() {}
// expected-warning@-1 {{extra qualification on member 'f'}}
void cwg159::X::f() {}
// cwg160: na
namespace cwg161 { // cwg161: 3.1
class A {
struct B { int n; } b; // #cwg161-B
static B bs;
void f(); // #cwg161-f
static void sf();
struct C : A {};
struct D : A {
void g(C c) {
B b1;
C::B b2; // ok, accessible as a member of A
// expected-error@-1 {{'b' is a protected member of 'cwg161::A'}}
// expected-note@#cwg161-B {{declared protected here}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'b' is a protected member of 'cwg161::A'}}
// expected-note@#cwg161-B {{declared protected here}}
// expected-error@-1 {{protected}}
// expected-note@#cwg161-f {{declared protected here}}
namespace cwg162 { // cwg162: 19
struct A {
char &f(char);
static int &f(int);
void g() {
int &a = (&A::f)(0);
char &b = (&A::f)('0');
// expected-error@-1 {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'char' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int'}}
int &c = (&A::f)(0);
char &d = (&A::f)('0');
// expected-error@-1 {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'char' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int'}}
// cwg163: na
namespace cwg164 { // cwg164: yes
void f(int);
template <class T> int g(T t) { return f(t); }
enum E { e };
int f(E);
int k = g(e);
namespace cwg165 { // cwg165: no
namespace N {
struct A { friend struct B; };
void f() { void g(); }
// FIXME: cwg1477 says this is ok, cwg165 says it's ill-formed
struct N::B {};
// FIXME: cwg165 says this is ill-formed, but the argument in cwg1477 says it's ok
void N::g() {}
namespace cwg166 { // cwg166: 2.9
namespace A { class X; }
template<typename T> int f(T t) { return t.n; }
int g(A::X);
template<typename T> int h(T t) { return t.n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{'n' is a private member of 'cwg166::A::X'}}
// expected-note@#cwg166-h-instantiation {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'cwg166::h<cwg166::A::X>' requested here}}
// expected-note@#cwg166-X-n {{implicitly declared private here}}
int i(A::X);
namespace A {
class X {
friend int f<X>(X);
friend int cwg166::g(X);
friend int h(X);
friend int i(X);
int n; // #cwg166-X-n
int h(X x) { return x.n; }
int i(X x) { return x.n; }
template int f(A::X);
int g(A::X x) { return x.n; }
template int h(A::X); // #cwg166-h-instantiation
int i(A::X x) { return x.n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{'n' is a private member of 'cwg166::A::X'}}
// expected-note@#cwg166-X-n {{implicitly declared private here}}
// cwg167: sup 1012
namespace cwg168 { // cwg168: no
extern "C" typedef int (*p)();
extern "C++" typedef int (*q)();
struct S {
static int f();
p a = &S::f; // FIXME: this should fail.
q b = &S::f;
namespace cwg169 { // cwg169: yes
template<typename> struct A { int n; };
struct B {
template<typename> struct C;
template<typename> void f();
template<typename> static int n;
// cxx98-11-error@-1 {{variable templates are a C++14 extension}}
struct D : A<int>, B {
using A<int>::n;
using B::C<int>;
// expected-error@-1 {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
using B::f<int>;
// expected-error@-1 {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
using B::n<int>;
// expected-error@-1 {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
namespace { // cwg171: 3.4
int cwg171a;
int cwg171b; // #cwg171b-int
namespace cwg171 {
extern "C" void cwg171a();
extern "C" void cwg171b();
// expected-error@-1 {{declaration of 'cwg171b' with C language linkage conflicts with declaration in global scope}}
// expected-note@#cwg171b-int {{declared in global scope here}}
namespace cwg172 { // cwg172: yes
enum { zero };
static_assert(-1 < zero, "");
enum { x = -1, y = (unsigned int)-1 };
static_assert(sizeof(x) > sizeof(int), "");
enum { a = (unsigned int)-1 / 2 };
static_assert(sizeof(a) == sizeof(int), "");
static_assert(-a < 0, "");
enum { b = (unsigned int)-1 / 2 + 1 };
static_assert(sizeof(b) == sizeof(unsigned int), "");
static_assert(-b > 0, "");
enum { c = (unsigned long)-1 / 2 };
static_assert(sizeof(c) == sizeof(long), "");
static_assert(-c < 0, "");
enum { d = (unsigned long)-1 / 2 + 1 };
static_assert(sizeof(d) == sizeof(unsigned long), "");
static_assert(-d > 0, "");
enum { e = (unsigned long long)-1 / 2 };
// cxx98-error@-1 {{'long long' is a C++11 extension}}
static_assert(sizeof(e) == sizeof(long), "");
static_assert(-e < 0, "");
enum { f = (unsigned long long)-1 / 2 + 1 };
// cxx98-error@-1 {{'long long' is a C++11 extension}}
static_assert(sizeof(f) == sizeof(unsigned long), "");
static_assert(-f > 0, "");
namespace cwg173 { // cwg173: yes
static_assert('0' + 1 == '1' && '0' + 2 == '2' && '0' + 3 == '3' &&
'0' + 4 == '4' && '0' + 5 == '5' && '0' + 6 == '6' &&
'0' + 7 == '7' && '0' + 8 == '8' && '0' + 9 == '9', "");
// cwg174: sup 1012
namespace cwg175 { // cwg175: 2.8
struct A {}; // #cwg175-A
struct B : private A {}; // #cwg175-B
struct C : B {
A a;
// expected-error@-1 {{'A' is a private member of 'cwg175::A'}}
// expected-note@#cwg175-B {{constrained by private inheritance here}}
// expected-note@#cwg175-A {{member is declared here}}
cwg175::A b;
namespace cwg176 { // cwg176: 3.1
template<typename T> class Y;
template<> class Y<int> {
void f() {
typedef Y A; // #cwg176-A-first
typedef Y<char> A;
// expected-error@-1 {{typedef redefinition with different types ('Y<char>' vs 'Y<int>')}}
// expected-note@#cwg176-A-first {{previous definition is here}}
template<typename T> struct Base {}; // #cwg176-Base
template<typename T> struct Derived : public Base<T> {
void f() {
typedef typename Derived::template Base<T> A;
typedef typename Derived::Base A;
template struct Derived<int>;
template<typename T> struct Derived2 : Base<int>, Base<char> {
typename Derived2::Base b;
// expected-error@-1 {{member 'Base' found in multiple base classes of different types}}
// expected-note@#cwg176-Base {{member type 'cwg176::Base<int>' found by ambiguous name lookup}}
// expected-note@#cwg176-Base {{member type 'cwg176::Base<char>' found by ambiguous name lookup}}
typename Derived2::Base<double> d;
template<typename T> class X { // #cwg176-X
X *p1;
X<T> *p2;
X<int> *p3;
cwg176::X *p4; // #cwg176-p4
// cxx98-14-error@#cwg176-p4 {{use of class template 'cwg176::X' requires template arguments}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg176-X {{template is declared here}}
// since-cxx17-error@#cwg176-p4 {{use of class template 'cwg176::X' requires template arguments; argument deduction not allowed in non-static class member}}
// since-cxx17-note@#cwg176-X {{template is declared here}}
namespace cwg177 { // cwg177: yes
struct B {};
struct A {
A(A &); // #cwg177-A-copy-ctor
A(const B &); // #cwg177-A-ctor-from-B
B b;
A a = b;
// cxx98-14-error@-1 {{no viable constructor copying variable of type 'A'}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg177-A-copy-ctor {{candidate constructor not viable: expects an lvalue for 1st argument}}
// cxx98-14-note@#cwg177-A-ctor-from-B {{candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from 'A' to 'const B &' for 1st argument}}
struct C { C(C&); }; // #cwg177-C-copy-ctor
struct D : C {};
struct E { operator D(); };
E e;
C c = e;
// expected-error@-1 {{no viable constructor copying variable of type 'D'}}
// expected-note@#cwg177-C-copy-ctor {{candidate constructor not viable: expects an lvalue for 1st argument}}
namespace cwg178 { // cwg178: yes
static_assert(int() == 0, "");
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
static_assert(int{} == 0, "");
struct S { int a, b; };
static_assert(S{1}.b == 0, "");
struct T { constexpr T() : n() {} int n; };
static_assert(T().n == 0, "");
struct U : S { constexpr U() : S() {} };
static_assert(U().b == 0, "");
namespace cwg179 { // cwg179: yes
void f();
int n = &f - &f;
// expected-error@-1 {{arithmetic on pointers to the function type 'void ()'}}
namespace cwg180 { // cwg180: 2.8
template<typename T> struct X : T, T::some_base {
X() : T::some_type_that_might_be_T(), T::some_base() {}
friend class T::some_class;
void f() {
enum T::some_enum e;
namespace cwg181 { // cwg181: yes
namespace X {
template <template X<class T> > struct A { };
// expected-error@-1 +{{}}
template <template X<class T> > void f(A<X>) { }
// expected-error@-1 +{{}}
namespace Y {
template <template <class T> class X> struct A { };
template <template <class T> class X> void f(A<X>) { }
namespace cwg182 { // cwg182: 14
template <class T> struct C {
void f();
void g();
template <class T> void C<T>::f() {}
template <class T> void C<T>::g() {}
class A {
class B {};
void f();
template void C<A::B>::f();
template <> void C<A::B>::g();
void A::f() {
C<B> cb;
namespace cwg183 { // cwg183: sup 382
template<typename T> struct A {};
template<typename T> struct B {
typedef int X;
template<> struct A<int> {
typename B<int>::X x;
// cxx98-error@-1 {{'typename' occurs outside of a template}}
namespace cwg184 { // cwg184: yes
template<typename T = float> struct B {};
template<template<typename TT = float> class T> struct A {
void f();
void g();
template<template<typename TT> class T> void A<T>::f() { // #cwg184-T
T<> t;
// expected-error@-1 {{too few template arguments for template template parameter 'T'}}
// expected-note@#cwg184-T {{template is declared here}}
template<template<typename TT = char> class T> void A<T>::g() {
T<> t;
typedef T<> X;
typedef T<char> X;
void h() { A<B>().g(); }
// cwg185 is in cwg185.cpp
namespace cwg187 { // cwg187: sup 481
const int Z = 1;
template<int X = Z, int Z = X> struct A;
typedef A<> T;
typedef A<1, 1> T;
namespace cwg188 { // cwg188: yes
char c[10];
static_assert(sizeof(0, c) == 10, "");
// cwg190 FIXME: add codegen test for tbaa
// or implement C++20 std::is_layout_compatible and test it this way
int cwg191_j;
namespace cwg191 { // cwg191: yes
namespace example1 {
struct outer {
static int i;
struct inner {
void f() {
struct local {
void g() {
i = 5;
namespace example2 {
struct S {
void f() {
struct local2 {
void g() {
cwg191_j = 5;
// cwg193 is in cwg193.cpp
namespace cwg194 { // cwg194: yes
struct A {
void A();
// expected-error@-1 {{constructor cannot have a return type}}
struct B {
void B();
// expected-error@-1 {{constructor cannot have a return type}}
struct C {
inline explicit C(int) {}
namespace cwg195 { // cwg195: yes
void f();
int *p = (int*)&f;
// cxx98-error@-1 {{cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension}}
void (*q)() = (void(*)())&p;
// cxx98-error@-1 {{cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension}}
namespace cwg197 { // cwg197: yes
char &f(char);
template <class T> void g(T t) {
char &a = f(1);
char &b = f(T(1));
// expected-error@-1 {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'char' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int'}}
// expected-note@#cwg197-g-e-call {{in instantiation of function template specialization 'cwg197::g<cwg197::E>' requested here}}
char &c = f(t);
// expected-error@-1 {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'char' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int'}}
void f(int);
enum E { e };
int &f(E);
void h() {
g(e); // #cwg197-g-e-call
namespace cwg198 { // cwg198: yes
struct A {
int n;
struct B {
int m[sizeof(n)];
// cxx98-error@-1 {{invalid use of non-static data member 'n'}}
int f() { return n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{use of non-static data member 'n' of 'A' from nested type 'B'}}
struct C;
struct D;
struct A::C {
int m[sizeof(n)];
// cxx98-error@-1 {{invalid use of non-static data member 'n'}}
int f() { return n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{use of non-static data member 'n' of 'A' from nested type 'C'}}
struct A::D : A {
int m[sizeof(n)];
// cxx98-error@-1 {{invalid use of non-static data member 'n'}}
int f() { return n; }
// cwg199 is in cwg199.cpp