
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 5
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV32I
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+zbb -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV32ZBB

define i32 @orc_b_i32_mul255(i32 %x) nounwind {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_mul255:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 4112
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 8
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_mul255:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 4112
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 16843009
  %mul = mul nuw nsw i32 %and, 255
  ret i32 %mul

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb(i32  %x)  {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 4112
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 8
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 4112
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 16843009
  %sub = mul nuw i32 %and, 255
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb_preshifted(i32 %x){
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb_preshifted:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 11
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 16
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 8
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_lsb_preshifted:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 11
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 16
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %shr = lshr i32 %x, 11
  %and = and i32 %shr, 16843009
  %sub = mul nuw i32 %and, 255
  ret i32 %sub

define  i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1(i32  %x)  {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 8224
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 514
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 7
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 1
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 8224
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 514
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 33686018
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 7
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 1
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define  i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b2(i32  %x)  {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b2:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 16448
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 1028
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 6
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 2
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b2:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 16448
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 1028
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 67372036
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 6
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 2
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b3(i32  %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b3:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 24672
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 1542
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 5
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 3
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 101058054
  %shl = shl nuw i32 %and, 5
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 3
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define  i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b4(i32  %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b4:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 32897
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, -2040
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 4
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 4
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 134744072
  %shl = shl nuw i32 %and, 4
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 4
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define  i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b5(i32  %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b5:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 65793
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 16
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 3
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 5
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 269488144
  %shl = shl nuw i32 %and, 3
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 5
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b6(i32 %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b6:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 131586
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 32
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 2
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 6
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 538976288
  %shl = shl nuw i32 %and, 2
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 6
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b7(i32 %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b7:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 263172
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 64
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 1
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 7
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 1077952576
  %shl = shl nuw i32 %and, 1
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 7
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_shl_used(i32 %x, ptr %arr) {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_shl_used:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a2, 8224
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 514
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a2, a0, 7
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a3, a0, 1
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a2, a3
; RV32I-NEXT:    sw a3, 0(a1)
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_shl_used:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a2, 8224
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 514
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    srli a2, a0, 1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    sw a2, 0(a1)
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 33686018
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 7
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 1
  store i32 %shr, ptr %arr, align 4
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_srl_used(i32  %x, ptr %arr) {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_srl_used:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a2, 8224
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 514
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a2, a0, 7
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 1
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a2, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    sw a2, 0(a1)
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_srl_used:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a2, 8224
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 514
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    slli a2, a0, 7
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    sw a2, 0(a1)
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 33686018
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 7
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 1
  store i32 %shl, ptr %arr, align 4
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_not_used(i32  %x, ptr %arr) {
; RV32I-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_not_used:
; RV32I:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32I-NEXT:    lui a1, 8224
; RV32I-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 514
; RV32I-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32I-NEXT:    slli a1, a0, 7
; RV32I-NEXT:    srli a0, a0, 1
; RV32I-NEXT:    sub a0, a1, a0
; RV32I-NEXT:    ret
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_not_used:
; RV32ZBB:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    lui a1, 8224
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 514
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 33686018
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 7
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 1
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_shl_used(i32  %x, ptr %arr){
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_shl_used:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a2, 4112
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 257
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a2, a0, 8
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a2, a0
; CHECK-NEXT:    sw a2, 0(a1)
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 16843009
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 8
  store i32 %shl, ptr %arr, align 4
  %sub = mul nuw i32 %and, 255
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_both_used(i32  %x, ptr %arr) {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_shl8x_x_b1_both_used:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a2, 8224
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a2, a2, 514
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a2
; CHECK-NEXT:    slli a2, a0, 7
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a3, a0, 1
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a2, a3
; CHECK-NEXT:    sw a2, 0(a1)
; CHECK-NEXT:    sw a3, 4(a1)
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 33686018
  %shl = shl i32 %and, 7
  %shr = lshr exact i32 %and, 1
  store i32 %shl, ptr %arr, align 4
  %arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %arr, i32 4
  store i32 %shr, ptr %arrayidx1, align 4
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %shl, %shr
  ret i32 %sub

define i32 @orc_b_i32_sub_x_shr8x(i32 %x)  {
; CHECK-LABEL: orc_b_i32_sub_x_shr8x:
; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
; CHECK-NEXT:    lui a1, 4112
; CHECK-NEXT:    addi a1, a1, 257
; CHECK-NEXT:    and a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    srli a1, a0, 8
; CHECK-NEXT:    sub a0, a0, a1
; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
  %and = and i32 %x, 16843009
  %shr = lshr i32 %and, 8
  %sub = sub nsw i32 %and, %shr
  ret i32 %sub