
//===- OptTable.cpp - Option Table Implementation -------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/OptSpecifier.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" // for expandResponseFiles
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>


namespace llvm {
namespace opt {

// Ordering on Info. The ordering is *almost* case-insensitive lexicographic,
// with an exception. '\0' comes at the end of the alphabet instead of the
// beginning (thus options precede any other options which prefix them).
static int StrCmpOptionNameIgnoreCase(StringRef A, StringRef B) {}

#ifndef NDEBUG
static int StrCmpOptionName(StringRef A, StringRef B) {
  if (int N = StrCmpOptionNameIgnoreCase(A, B))
    return N;
  return A.compare(B);

static inline bool operator<(const OptTable::Info &A, const OptTable::Info &B) {
  if (&A == &B)
    return false;

  if (int N = StrCmpOptionName(A.getName(), B.getName()))
    return N < 0;

  for (size_t I = 0, K = std::min(A.Prefixes.size(), B.Prefixes.size()); I != K;
    if (int N = StrCmpOptionName(A.Prefixes[I], B.Prefixes[I]))
      return N < 0;

  // Names are the same, check that classes are in order; exactly one
  // should be joined, and it should succeed the other.
  assert(((A.Kind == Option::JoinedClass) ^ (B.Kind == Option::JoinedClass)) &&
         "Unexpected classes for options with same name.");
  return B.Kind == Option::JoinedClass;

// Support lower_bound between info and an option name.
static inline bool operator<(const OptTable::Info &I, StringRef Name) {}

} // end namespace opt
} // end namespace llvm

OptSpecifier::OptSpecifier(const Option *Opt) :{}

OptTable::OptTable(ArrayRef<Info> OptionInfos, bool IgnoreCase)

void OptTable::buildPrefixChars() {}

OptTable::~OptTable() = default;

const Option OptTable::getOption(OptSpecifier Opt) const {}

static bool isInput(const ArrayRef<StringLiteral> &Prefixes, StringRef Arg) {}

/// \returns Matched size. 0 means no match.
static unsigned matchOption(const OptTable::Info *I, StringRef Str,
                            bool IgnoreCase) {}

// Returns true if one of the Prefixes + In.Names matches Option
static bool optionMatches(const OptTable::Info &In, StringRef Option) {}

// This function is for flag value completion.
// Eg. When "-stdlib=" and "l" was passed to this function, it will return
// appropiriate values for stdlib, which starts with l.
OptTable::suggestValueCompletions(StringRef Option, StringRef Arg) const {}

OptTable::findByPrefix(StringRef Cur, Visibility VisibilityMask,
                       unsigned int DisableFlags) const {}

unsigned OptTable::findNearest(StringRef Option, std::string &NearestString,
                               Visibility VisibilityMask,
                               unsigned MinimumLength,
                               unsigned MaximumDistance) const {}

unsigned OptTable::findNearest(StringRef Option, std::string &NearestString,
                               unsigned FlagsToInclude, unsigned FlagsToExclude,
                               unsigned MinimumLength,
                               unsigned MaximumDistance) const {}

unsigned OptTable::internalFindNearest(
    StringRef Option, std::string &NearestString, unsigned MinimumLength,
    unsigned MaximumDistance,
    std::function<bool(const Info &)> ExcludeOption) const {}

// Parse a single argument, return the new argument, and update Index. If
// GroupedShortOptions is true, -a matches "-abc" and the argument in Args will
// be updated to "-bc". This overload does not support VisibilityMask or case
// insensitive options.
std::unique_ptr<Arg> OptTable::parseOneArgGrouped(InputArgList &Args,
                                                  unsigned &Index) const {}

std::unique_ptr<Arg> OptTable::ParseOneArg(const ArgList &Args, unsigned &Index,
                                           Visibility VisibilityMask) const {}

std::unique_ptr<Arg> OptTable::ParseOneArg(const ArgList &Args, unsigned &Index,
                                           unsigned FlagsToInclude,
                                           unsigned FlagsToExclude) const {}

std::unique_ptr<Arg> OptTable::internalParseOneArg(
    const ArgList &Args, unsigned &Index,
    std::function<bool(const Option &)> ExcludeOption) const {}

InputArgList OptTable::ParseArgs(ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
                                 unsigned &MissingArgIndex,
                                 unsigned &MissingArgCount,
                                 Visibility VisibilityMask) const {}

InputArgList OptTable::ParseArgs(ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
                                 unsigned &MissingArgIndex,
                                 unsigned &MissingArgCount,
                                 unsigned FlagsToInclude,
                                 unsigned FlagsToExclude) const {}

InputArgList OptTable::internalParseArgs(
    ArrayRef<const char *> ArgArr, unsigned &MissingArgIndex,
    unsigned &MissingArgCount,
    std::function<bool(const Option &)> ExcludeOption) const {}

InputArgList OptTable::parseArgs(int Argc, char *const *Argv,
                                 OptSpecifier Unknown, StringSaver &Saver,
                                 std::function<void(StringRef)> ErrorFn) const {}

static std::string getOptionHelpName(const OptTable &Opts, OptSpecifier Id) {}

namespace {
struct OptionInfo {};
} // namespace

static void PrintHelpOptionList(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Title,
                                std::vector<OptionInfo> &OptionHelp) {}

static const char *getOptionHelpGroup(const OptTable &Opts, OptSpecifier Id) {}

void OptTable::printHelp(raw_ostream &OS, const char *Usage, const char *Title,
                         bool ShowHidden, bool ShowAllAliases,
                         Visibility VisibilityMask) const {}

void OptTable::printHelp(raw_ostream &OS, const char *Usage, const char *Title,
                         unsigned FlagsToInclude, unsigned FlagsToExclude,
                         bool ShowAllAliases) const {}

void OptTable::internalPrintHelp(
    raw_ostream &OS, const char *Usage, const char *Title, bool ShowHidden,
    bool ShowAllAliases, std::function<bool(const Info &)> ExcludeOption,
    Visibility VisibilityMask) const {}

GenericOptTable::GenericOptTable(ArrayRef<Info> OptionInfos, bool IgnoreCase)