
//===- llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h - A sorted interval map -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file implements a coalescing interval map for small objects.
/// KeyT objects are mapped to ValT objects. Intervals of keys that map to the
/// same value are represented in a compressed form.
/// Iterators provide ordered access to the compressed intervals rather than the
/// individual keys, and insert and erase operations use key intervals as well.
/// Like SmallVector, IntervalMap will store the first N intervals in the map
/// object itself without any allocations. When space is exhausted it switches
/// to a B+-tree representation with very small overhead for small key and
/// value objects.
/// A Traits class specifies how keys are compared. It also allows IntervalMap
/// to work with both closed and half-open intervals.
/// Keys and values are not stored next to each other in a std::pair, so we
/// don't provide such a value_type. Dereferencing iterators only returns the
/// mapped value. The interval bounds are accessible through the start() and
/// stop() iterator methods.
/// IntervalMap is optimized for small key and value objects, 4 or 8 bytes
/// each is the optimal size. For large objects use std::map instead.
// Synopsis:
// template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
// class IntervalMap {
// public:
//   typedef KeyT key_type;
//   typedef ValT mapped_type;
//   typedef RecyclingAllocator<...> Allocator;
//   class iterator;
//   class const_iterator;
//   explicit IntervalMap(Allocator&);
//   ~IntervalMap():
//   bool empty() const;
//   KeyT start() const;
//   KeyT stop() const;
//   ValT lookup(KeyT x, Value NotFound = Value()) const;
//   const_iterator begin() const;
//   const_iterator end() const;
//   iterator begin();
//   iterator end();
//   const_iterator find(KeyT x) const;
//   iterator find(KeyT x);
//   void insert(KeyT a, KeyT b, ValT y);
//   void clear();
// };
// template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
// class IntervalMap::const_iterator {
// public:
//   using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
//   using value_type = ValT;
//   using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
//   using pointer = value_type *;
//   using reference = value_type &;
//   bool operator==(const const_iterator &) const;
//   bool operator!=(const const_iterator &) const;
//   bool valid() const;
//   const KeyT &start() const;
//   const KeyT &stop() const;
//   const ValT &value() const;
//   const ValT &operator*() const;
//   const ValT *operator->() const;
//   const_iterator &operator++();
//   const_iterator &operator++(int);
//   const_iterator &operator--();
//   const_iterator &operator--(int);
//   void goToBegin();
//   void goToEnd();
//   void find(KeyT x);
//   void advanceTo(KeyT x);
// };
// template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
// class IntervalMap::iterator : public const_iterator {
// public:
//   void insert(KeyT a, KeyT b, Value y);
//   void erase();
// };


#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RecyclingAllocator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <new>
#include <utility>

namespace llvm {

//---                              Key traits                              ---//
// The IntervalMap works with closed or half-open intervals.
// Adjacent intervals that map to the same value are coalesced.
// The IntervalMapInfo traits class is used to determine if a key is contained
// in an interval, and if two intervals are adjacent so they can be coalesced.
// The provided implementation works for closed integer intervals, other keys
// probably need a specialized version.
// The point x is contained in [a;b] when !startLess(x, a) && !stopLess(b, x).
// It is assumed that (a;b] half-open intervals are not used, only [a;b) is
// allowed. This is so that stopLess(a, b) can be used to determine if two
// intervals overlap.

template <typename T>
struct IntervalMapInfo {};

template <typename T>
struct IntervalMapHalfOpenInfo {};

/// IntervalMapImpl - Namespace used for IntervalMap implementation details.
/// It should be considered private to the implementation.
namespace IntervalMapImpl {


//---                    IntervalMapImpl::NodeBase                         ---//
// Both leaf and branch nodes store vectors of pairs.
// Leaves store ((KeyT, KeyT), ValT) pairs, branches use (NodeRef, KeyT).
// Keys and values are stored in separate arrays to avoid padding caused by
// different object alignments. This also helps improve locality of reference
// when searching the keys.
// The nodes don't know how many elements they contain - that information is
// stored elsewhere. Omitting the size field prevents padding and allows a node
// to fill the allocated cache lines completely.
// These are typical key and value sizes, the node branching factor (N), and
// wasted space when nodes are sized to fit in three cache lines (192 bytes):
//   T1  T2   N Waste  Used by
//    4   4  24   0    Branch<4> (32-bit pointers)
//    8   4  16   0    Leaf<4,4>, Branch<4>
//    8   8  12   0    Leaf<4,8>, Branch<8>
//   16   4   9  12    Leaf<8,4>
//   16   8   8   0    Leaf<8,8>

template <typename T1, typename T2, unsigned N>
class NodeBase {};

/// IntervalMapImpl::adjustSiblingSizes - Move elements between sibling nodes.
/// @param Node  Array of pointers to sibling nodes.
/// @param Nodes Number of nodes.
/// @param CurSize Array of current node sizes, will be overwritten.
/// @param NewSize Array of desired node sizes.
template <typename NodeT>
void adjustSiblingSizes(NodeT *Node[], unsigned Nodes,
                        unsigned CurSize[], const unsigned NewSize[]) {}

/// IntervalMapImpl::distribute - Compute a new distribution of node elements
/// after an overflow or underflow. Reserve space for a new element at Position,
/// and compute the node that will hold Position after redistributing node
/// elements.
/// It is required that
///   Elements == sum(CurSize), and
///   Elements + Grow <= Nodes * Capacity.
/// NewSize[] will be filled in such that:
///   sum(NewSize) == Elements, and
///   NewSize[i] <= Capacity.
/// The returned index is the node where Position will go, so:
///   sum(NewSize[0..idx-1]) <= Position
///   sum(NewSize[0..idx])   >= Position
/// The last equality, sum(NewSize[0..idx]) == Position, can only happen when
/// Grow is set and NewSize[idx] == Capacity-1. The index points to the node
/// before the one holding the Position'th element where there is room for an
/// insertion.
/// @param Nodes    The number of nodes.
/// @param Elements Total elements in all nodes.
/// @param Capacity The capacity of each node.
/// @param CurSize  Array[Nodes] of current node sizes, or NULL.
/// @param NewSize  Array[Nodes] to receive the new node sizes.
/// @param Position Insert position.
/// @param Grow     Reserve space for a new element at Position.
/// @return         (node, offset) for Position.
IdxPair distribute(unsigned Nodes, unsigned Elements, unsigned Capacity,
                   const unsigned *CurSize, unsigned NewSize[],
                   unsigned Position, bool Grow);

//---                   IntervalMapImpl::NodeSizer                         ---//
// Compute node sizes from key and value types.
// The branching factors are chosen to make nodes fit in three cache lines.
// This may not be possible if keys or values are very large. Such large objects
// are handled correctly, but a std::map would probably give better performance.

enum {};

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT>
struct NodeSizer {};

//---                     IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef                         ---//
// B+-tree nodes can be leaves or branches, so we need a polymorphic node
// pointer that can point to both kinds.
// All nodes are cache line aligned and the low 6 bits of a node pointer are
// always 0. These bits are used to store the number of elements in the
// referenced node. Besides saving space, placing node sizes in the parents
// allow tree balancing algorithms to run without faulting cache lines for nodes
// that may not need to be modified.
// A NodeRef doesn't know whether it references a leaf node or a branch node.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to use the correct types.
// Nodes are never supposed to be empty, and it is invalid to store a node size
// of 0 in a NodeRef. The valid range of sizes is 1-64.

class NodeRef {};

//---                      IntervalMapImpl::LeafNode                       ---//
// Leaf nodes store up to N disjoint intervals with corresponding values.
// The intervals are kept sorted and fully coalesced so there are no adjacent
// intervals mapping to the same value.
// These constraints are always satisfied:
// - Traits::stopLess(start(i), stop(i))    - Non-empty, sane intervals.
// - Traits::stopLess(stop(i), start(i + 1) - Sorted.
// - value(i) != value(i + 1) || !Traits::adjacent(stop(i), start(i + 1))
//                                          - Fully coalesced.

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
class LeafNode : public NodeBase<std::pair<KeyT, KeyT>, ValT, N> {};

/// insertFrom - Add mapping of [a;b] to y if possible, coalescing as much as
/// possible. This may cause the node to grow by 1, or it may cause the node
/// to shrink because of coalescing.
/// @param Pos  Starting index = insertFrom(0, size, a)
/// @param Size Number of elements in node.
/// @param a    Interval start.
/// @param b    Interval stop.
/// @param y    Value be mapped.
/// @return     (insert position, new size), or (i, Capacity+1) on overflow.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
unsigned LeafNode<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
insertFrom(unsigned &Pos, unsigned Size, KeyT a, KeyT b, ValT y) {}

//---                   IntervalMapImpl::BranchNode                        ---//
// A branch node stores references to 1--N subtrees all of the same height.
// The key array in a branch node holds the rightmost stop key of each subtree.
// It is redundant to store the last stop key since it can be found in the
// parent node, but doing so makes tree balancing a lot simpler.
// It is unusual for a branch node to only have one subtree, but it can happen
// in the root node if it is smaller than the normal nodes.
// When all of the leaf nodes from all the subtrees are concatenated, they must
// satisfy the same constraints as a single leaf node. They must be sorted,
// sane, and fully coalesced.

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
class BranchNode : public NodeBase<NodeRef, KeyT, N> {};

//---                         IntervalMapImpl::Path                        ---//
// A Path is used by iterators to represent a position in a B+-tree, and the
// path to get there from the root.
// The Path class also contains the tree navigation code that doesn't have to
// be templatized.

class Path {};

} // end namespace IntervalMapImpl

//---                          IntervalMap                                ----//

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT,
          unsigned N = IntervalMapImpl::NodeSizer<KeyT, ValT>::LeafSize,
          typename Traits = IntervalMapInfo<KeyT>>
class IntervalMap {
  using Sizer = IntervalMapImpl::NodeSizer<KeyT, ValT>;
  using Leaf = IntervalMapImpl::LeafNode<KeyT, ValT, Sizer::LeafSize, Traits>;
  using Branch =
      IntervalMapImpl::BranchNode<KeyT, ValT, Sizer::BranchSize, Traits>;
  using RootLeaf = IntervalMapImpl::LeafNode<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>;
  using IdxPair = IntervalMapImpl::IdxPair;

  // The RootLeaf capacity is given as a template parameter. We must compute the
  // corresponding RootBranch capacity.
  enum {
    DesiredRootBranchCap = (sizeof(RootLeaf) - sizeof(KeyT)) /
      (sizeof(KeyT) + sizeof(IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef)),
    RootBranchCap = DesiredRootBranchCap ? DesiredRootBranchCap : 1

  using RootBranch =
      IntervalMapImpl::BranchNode<KeyT, ValT, RootBranchCap, Traits>;

  // When branched, we store a global start key as well as the branch node.
  struct RootBranchData {
    KeyT start;
    RootBranch node;

  using Allocator = typename Sizer::Allocator;
  using KeyType = KeyT;
  using ValueType = ValT;
  using KeyTraits = Traits;

  // The root data is either a RootLeaf or a RootBranchData instance.
  union {
    RootLeaf leaf;
    RootBranchData branchData;

  // Tree height.
  // 0: Leaves in root.
  // 1: Root points to leaf.
  // 2: root->branch->leaf ...
  unsigned height = 0;

  // Number of entries in the root node.
  unsigned rootSize = 0;

  // Allocator used for creating external nodes.
  Allocator *allocator = nullptr;

  const RootLeaf &rootLeaf() const {}
  RootLeaf &rootLeaf() {}

  const RootBranchData &rootBranchData() const {}
  RootBranchData &rootBranchData() {}

  const RootBranch &rootBranch() const {}
  RootBranch &rootBranch()             {}
  KeyT rootBranchStart() const {}
  KeyT &rootBranchStart()      {}

  template <typename NodeT> NodeT *newNode() {}

  template <typename NodeT> void deleteNode(NodeT *P) {}

  IdxPair branchRoot(unsigned Position);
  IdxPair splitRoot(unsigned Position);

  void switchRootToBranch() {}

  void switchRootToLeaf() {}

  bool branched() const {}

  ValT treeSafeLookup(KeyT x, ValT NotFound) const;
  void visitNodes(void (IntervalMap::*f)(IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef,
                  unsigned Level));
  void deleteNode(IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef Node, unsigned Level);

  explicit IntervalMap(Allocator &a) :{}

  /// NOTE: The moved-from or copied-from object's allocator needs to have a
  /// lifetime equal to or exceeding the moved-to or copied-to object to avoid
  /// undefined behaviour.
  IntervalMap(IntervalMap const &RHS) :{}
  IntervalMap &operator=(IntervalMap const &RHS) {}

  IntervalMap(IntervalMap &&RHS) :{}
  IntervalMap &operator=(IntervalMap &&RHS) {}

  ~IntervalMap() {}

  /// empty -  Return true when no intervals are mapped.
  bool empty() const {}

  /// start - Return the smallest mapped key in a non-empty map.
  KeyT start() const {}

  /// stop - Return the largest mapped key in a non-empty map.
  KeyT stop() const {}

  /// lookup - Return the mapped value at x or NotFound.
  ValT lookup(KeyT x, ValT NotFound = ValT()) const {}

  /// insert - Add a mapping of [a;b] to y, coalesce with adjacent intervals.
  /// It is assumed that no key in the interval is mapped to another value, but
  /// overlapping intervals already mapped to y will be coalesced.
  void insert(KeyT a, KeyT b, ValT y) {}

  /// clear - Remove all entries.
  void clear();

  class const_iterator;
  class iterator;
  friend class const_iterator;
  friend class iterator;

  const_iterator begin() const {}

  iterator begin() {}

  const_iterator end() const {}

  iterator end() {}

  /// find - Return an iterator pointing to the first interval ending at or
  /// after x, or end().
  const_iterator find(KeyT x) const {}

  iterator find(KeyT x) {}

  /// overlaps(a, b) - Return true if the intervals in this map overlap with the
  /// interval [a;b].
  bool overlaps(KeyT a, KeyT b) const {}

/// treeSafeLookup - Return the mapped value at x or NotFound, assuming a
/// branched root.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
ValT IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
treeSafeLookup(KeyT x, ValT NotFound) const {}

// branchRoot - Switch from a leaf root to a branched root.
// Return the new (root offset, node offset) corresponding to Position.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
IntervalMapImpl::IdxPair IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
branchRoot(unsigned Position) {}

// splitRoot - Split the current BranchRoot into multiple Branch nodes.
// Return the new (root offset, node offset) corresponding to Position.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
IntervalMapImpl::IdxPair IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
splitRoot(unsigned Position) {}

/// visitNodes - Visit each external node.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
visitNodes(void (IntervalMap::*f)(IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef, unsigned Height)) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
deleteNode(IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef Node, unsigned Level) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
clear() {}

//---                   IntervalMap::const_iterator                       ----//

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
class IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::const_iterator {};

/// pathFillFind - Complete path by searching for x.
/// @param x Key to search for.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
const_iterator::pathFillFind(KeyT x) {}

/// treeFind - Find in a branched tree.
/// @param x Key to search for.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
const_iterator::treeFind(KeyT x) {}

/// treeAdvanceTo - Find position after the current one.
/// @param x Key to search for.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
const_iterator::treeAdvanceTo(KeyT x) {}

//---                       IntervalMap::iterator                         ----//

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
class IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::iterator : public const_iterator {};

/// canCoalesceLeft - Can the current interval coalesce to the left after
/// changing start or value?
/// @param Start New start of current interval.
/// @param Value New value for current interval.
/// @return True when updating the current interval would enable coalescing.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
bool IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::canCoalesceLeft(KeyT Start, ValT Value) {}

/// canCoalesceRight - Can the current interval coalesce to the right after
/// changing stop or value?
/// @param Stop New stop of current interval.
/// @param Value New value for current interval.
/// @return True when updating the current interval would enable coalescing.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
bool IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::canCoalesceRight(KeyT Stop, ValT Value) {}

/// setNodeStop - Update the stop key of the current node at level and above.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::setNodeStop(unsigned Level, KeyT Stop) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::setStart(KeyT a) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::setStop(KeyT b) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::setValue(ValT x) {}

/// insertNode - insert a node before the current path at level.
/// Leave the current path pointing at the new node.
/// @param Level path index of the node to be inserted.
/// @param Node The node to be inserted.
/// @param Stop The last index in the new node.
/// @return True if the tree height was increased.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
bool IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::insertNode(unsigned Level, IntervalMapImpl::NodeRef Node, KeyT Stop) {}

// insert
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::insert(KeyT a, KeyT b, ValT y) {}

template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::treeInsert(KeyT a, KeyT b, ValT y) {}

/// erase - erase the current interval and move to the next position.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::erase() {}

/// treeErase - erase() for a branched tree.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::treeErase(bool UpdateRoot) {}

/// eraseNode - Erase the current node at Level from its parent and move path to
/// the first entry of the next sibling node.
/// The node must be deallocated by the caller.
/// @param Level 1..height, the root node cannot be erased.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
void IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::eraseNode(unsigned Level) {}

/// overflow - Distribute entries of the current node evenly among
/// its siblings and ensure that the current node is not full.
/// This may require allocating a new node.
/// @tparam NodeT The type of node at Level (Leaf or Branch).
/// @param Level path index of the overflowing node.
/// @return True when the tree height was changed.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValT, unsigned N, typename Traits>
template <typename NodeT>
bool IntervalMap<KeyT, ValT, N, Traits>::
iterator::overflow(unsigned Level) {}

//---                       IntervalMapOverlaps                           ----//

/// IntervalMapOverlaps - Iterate over the overlaps of mapped intervals in two
/// IntervalMaps. The maps may be different, but the KeyT and Traits types
/// should be the same.
/// Typical uses:
/// 1. Test for overlap:
///    bool overlap = IntervalMapOverlaps(a, b).valid();
/// 2. Enumerate overlaps:
///    for (IntervalMapOverlaps I(a, b); I.valid() ; ++I) { ... }
template <typename MapA, typename MapB>
class IntervalMapOverlaps {};

} // end namespace llvm