
//===-- sanitizer_symbolizer_internal.h -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Header for internal classes and functions to be used by implementations of
// symbolizers.

#include "sanitizer_file.h"
#include "sanitizer_symbolizer.h"
#include "sanitizer_vector.h"

namespace __sanitizer {

// Parsing helpers, 'str' is searched for delimiter(s) and a string or uptr
// is extracted. When extracting a string, a newly allocated (using
// InternalAlloc) and null-terminated buffer is returned. They return a pointer
// to the next characted after the found delimiter.
const char *ExtractToken(const char *str, const char *delims, char **result);
const char *ExtractInt(const char *str, const char *delims, int *result);
const char *ExtractUptr(const char *str, const char *delims, uptr *result);
const char *ExtractTokenUpToDelimiter(const char *str, const char *delimiter,
                                      char **result);

const char *DemangleSwiftAndCXX(const char *name);

// SymbolizerTool is an interface that is implemented by individual "tools"
// that can perform symbolication (external llvm-symbolizer, libbacktrace,
// Windows DbgHelp symbolizer, etc.).
class SymbolizerTool {};

// SymbolizerProcess encapsulates communication between the tool and
// external symbolizer program, running in a different subprocess.
// SymbolizerProcess may not be used from two threads simultaneously.
class SymbolizerProcess {};

class LLVMSymbolizerProcess;

// This tool invokes llvm-symbolizer in a subprocess. It should be as portable
// as the llvm-symbolizer tool is.
class LLVMSymbolizer final : public SymbolizerTool {};

// Parses one or more two-line strings in the following format:
//   <function_name>
//   <file_name>:<line_number>[:<column_number>]
// Used by LLVMSymbolizer, Addr2LinePool and InternalSymbolizer, since all of
// them use the same output format.  Returns true if any useful debug
// information was found.
void ParseSymbolizePCOutput(const char *str, SymbolizedStack *res);

// Parses a two-line string in the following format:
//   <symbol_name>
//   <start_address> <size>
// Used by LLVMSymbolizer and InternalSymbolizer.
void ParseSymbolizeDataOutput(const char *str, DataInfo *info);

// Parses repeated strings in the following format:
//   <function_name>
//   <var_name>
//   <file_name>:<line_number>[:<column_number>]
//   [<frame_offset>|??] [<size>|??] [<tag_offset>|??]
// Used by LLVMSymbolizer and InternalSymbolizer.
void ParseSymbolizeFrameOutput(const char *str,
                               InternalMmapVector<LocalInfo> *locals);

}  // namespace __sanitizer