
//===- llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h - 'Normally small' vectors --------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file defines the SmallVector class.


#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

namespace llvm {

template <typename T> class ArrayRef;

template <typename IteratorT> class iterator_range;


/// This is all the stuff common to all SmallVectors.
/// The template parameter specifies the type which should be used to hold the
/// Size and Capacity of the SmallVector, so it can be adjusted.
/// Using 32 bit size is desirable to shrink the size of the SmallVector.
/// Using 64 bit size is desirable for cases like SmallVector<char>, where a
/// 32 bit size would limit the vector to ~4GB. SmallVectors are used for
/// buffering bitcode output - which can exceed 4GB.
template <class Size_T> class SmallVectorBase {};


/// Figure out the offset of the first element.
template <class T, typename = void> struct SmallVectorAlignmentAndSize {};

/// This is the part of SmallVectorTemplateBase which does not depend on whether
/// the type T is a POD. The extra dummy template argument is used by ArrayRef
/// to avoid unnecessarily requiring T to be complete.
template <typename T, typename = void>
class SmallVectorTemplateCommon
    : public SmallVectorBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>> {};

/// SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = false> - This is where we put
/// method implementations that are designed to work with non-trivial T's.
/// We approximate is_trivially_copyable with trivial move/copy construction and
/// trivial destruction. While the standard doesn't specify that you're allowed
/// copy these types with memcpy, there is no way for the type to observe this.
/// This catches the important case of std::pair<POD, POD>, which is not
/// trivially assignable.
template <typename T, bool = (std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value) &&
                             (std::is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value) &&
class SmallVectorTemplateBase : public SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> {};

// Define this out-of-line to dissuade the C++ compiler from inlining it.
template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
void SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, TriviallyCopyable>::grow(size_t MinSize) {}

template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
T *SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, TriviallyCopyable>::mallocForGrow(
    size_t MinSize, size_t &NewCapacity) {}

// Define this out-of-line to dissuade the C++ compiler from inlining it.
template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
void SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, TriviallyCopyable>::moveElementsForGrow(
    T *NewElts) {}

// Define this out-of-line to dissuade the C++ compiler from inlining it.
template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
void SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, TriviallyCopyable>::takeAllocationForGrow(
    T *NewElts, size_t NewCapacity) {}

/// SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = true> - This is where we put
/// method implementations that are designed to work with trivially copyable
/// T's. This allows using memcpy in place of copy/move construction and
/// skipping destruction.
SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, true>;

/// This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to
/// reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter.
template <typename T>
class SmallVectorImpl : public SmallVectorTemplateBase<T> {};

template <typename T>
void SmallVectorImpl<T>::swap(SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {}

template <typename T>
SmallVectorImpl<T> &SmallVectorImpl<T>::
  operator=(const SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {}

template <typename T>
SmallVectorImpl<T> &SmallVectorImpl<T>::operator=(SmallVectorImpl<T> &&RHS) {}

/// Storage for the SmallVector elements.  This is specialized for the N=0 case
/// to avoid allocating unnecessary storage.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct SmallVectorStorage {};

/// We need the storage to be properly aligned even for small-size of 0 so that
/// the pointer math in \a SmallVectorTemplateCommon::getFirstEl() is
/// well-defined.
SmallVectorStorage<T, 0>;

/// Forward declaration of SmallVector so that
/// calculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements can reference
/// `sizeof(SmallVector<T, 0>)`.
template <typename T, unsigned N> class LLVM_GSL_OWNER SmallVector;

/// Helper class for calculating the default number of inline elements for
/// `SmallVector<T>`.
/// This should be migrated to a constexpr function when our minimum
/// compiler support is enough for multi-statement constexpr functions.
template <typename T> struct CalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements {};

/// This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized
/// for the case when the array is small.  It contains some number of elements
/// in-place, which allows it to avoid heap allocation when the actual number of
/// elements is below that threshold.  This allows normal "small" cases to be
/// fast without losing generality for large inputs.
/// \note
/// In the absence of a well-motivated choice for the number of inlined
/// elements \p N, it is recommended to use \c SmallVector<T> (that is,
/// omitting the \p N). This will choose a default number of inlined elements
/// reasonable for allocation on the stack (for example, trying to keep \c
/// sizeof(SmallVector<T>) around 64 bytes).
/// \warning This does not attempt to be exception safe.
/// \see https://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html#llvm-adt-smallvector-h
template <typename T,
          unsigned N = CalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements<T>::value>
class LLVM_GSL_OWNER SmallVector : public SmallVectorImpl<T>,
                                   SmallVectorStorage<T, N> {};

template <typename T, unsigned N>
inline size_t capacity_in_bytes(const SmallVector<T, N> &X) {}


/// Given a range of type R, iterate the entire range and return a
/// SmallVector with elements of the vector.  This is useful, for example,
/// when you want to iterate a range and then sort the results.
template <unsigned Size, typename R>
SmallVector<ValueTypeFromRangeType<R>, Size> to_vector(R &&Range) {}
template <typename R>
SmallVector<ValueTypeFromRangeType<R>> to_vector(R &&Range) {}

template <typename Out, unsigned Size, typename R>
SmallVector<Out, Size> to_vector_of(R &&Range) {}

template <typename Out, typename R> SmallVector<Out> to_vector_of(R &&Range) {}

// Explicit instantiations
extern template class llvm::SmallVectorBase<uint32_t>;
extern template class llvm::SmallVectorBase<uint64_t>;

} // end namespace llvm

namespace std {

  /// Implement std::swap in terms of SmallVector swap.
  template<typename T>
  inline void
  swap(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<T> &LHS, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {}

  /// Implement std::swap in terms of SmallVector swap.
  template<typename T, unsigned N>
  inline void
  swap(llvm::SmallVector<T, N> &LHS, llvm::SmallVector<T, N> &RHS) {}

} // end namespace std