
# Check that the coverage statistics for template functions are calculated as expected.

RUN: rm -rf %t
RUN: mkdir %t
RUN: cd %t
RUN: cp %p/Inputs/tmpl* .

RUN: llvm-cov gcov tmpl.cpp -f | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=F
RUN: llvm-cov gcov tmpl.cpp -t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=T

F:      Function '_Z4testILi1EEiv'
F-NEXT: Lines executed:100.00% of 1
F:      Function '_Z4testILi2EEiv'
F-NEXT: Lines executed:100.00% of 1

T:      -: 1:template <int N>
T-NEXT: 2: 2:int test() { return N; }
T-NEXT: -: 3:
T-NEXT: 1: 4:int main() { return test<1>() + test<2>(); }