
; RUN: llvm-profdata show --sample --hot-func-list %S/Inputs/sample-hot-func-list.proftext | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace

;      CHECK:8 out of 10 functions with profile (80.00%) are considered hot functions (max sample >= 470).
; CHECK-NEXT:355251 out of 356026 profile counts (99.78%) are from hot functions.
; CHECK-NEXT: Total sample (%)       Max sample        Entry sample    Function name
; CHECK-NEXT: 184019 (51.69%)        2300              534             main
; CHECK-NEXT: 97401 (27.36%)         10640             3035            Func3
; CHECK-NEXT: 20305 (5.70%)          1000              1000            _Z3bazi
; CHECK-NEXT: 20301 (5.70%)          1437              1437            _Z3bari
; CHECK-NEXT: 17043 (4.79%)          3105              1594            Func2
; CHECK-NEXT: 7711 (2.17%)           610               610             _Z3fooi
; CHECK-NEXT: 6948 (1.95%)           3507              470             Func5
; CHECK-NEXT: 1523 (0.43%)           563               169             Func1

; RUN: llvm-profdata show --sample --hot-func-list %S/Inputs/cs-sample.proftext | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace --check-prefix=CS

;      CS:2 out of 8 functions with profile (25.00%) are considered hot functions (max sample >= 23324).
; CS-NEXT:1968152 out of 1968919 profile counts (99.96%) are from hot functions.
; CS-NEXT: Total sample (%)       Max sample        Entry sample    Function name
; CS-NEXT: 1467299 (74.52%)       287884            11              main:3 @ _Z5funcAi:1 @ _Z8funcLeafi
; CS-NEXT: 500853 (25.44%)        74946             20              main:3.1 @ _Z5funcBi:1 @ _Z8funcLeafi

; RUN: llvm-profdata show --sample --topn=2 %S/Inputs/sample-hot-func-list.proftext | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace --check-prefix=TOPN

;      TOPN:8 out of 10 functions with profile (80.00%) are considered hot functions (max sample >= 470).
; TOPN-NEXT:355251 out of 356026 profile counts (99.78%) are from hot functions.
; TOPN-NEXT: Total sample (%)       Max sample        Entry sample    Function name
; TOPN-NEXT: 184019 (51.69%)        2300              534             main
; TOPN-NEXT: 97401 (27.36%)         10640             3035            Func3

; RUN: llvm-profdata show --sample --topn=1 %S/Inputs/cs-sample.proftext | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace --check-prefix=CS-TOPN

;      CS-TOPN:2 out of 8 functions with profile (25.00%) are considered hot functions (max sample >= 23324).
; CS-TOPN-NEXT:1968152 out of 1968919 profile counts (99.96%) are from hot functions.
; CS-TOPN-NEXT: Total sample (%)       Max sample        Entry sample    Function name
; CS-TOPN-NEXT: 1467299 (74.52%)       287884            11              main:3 @ _Z5funcAi:1 @ _Z8funcLeafi