
//===- IRModule.cpp - IR pybind module ------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "IRModule.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "PybindUtils.h"

#include "mlir-c/Bindings/Python/Interop.h"
#include "mlir-c/Support.h"

#include <optional>
#include <vector>

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::python;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PyGlobals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PyGlobals *PyGlobals::instance = nullptr;

PyGlobals::PyGlobals() {
  assert(!instance && "PyGlobals already constructed");
  instance = this;
  // The default search path include {mlir.}dialects, where {mlir.} is the
  // package prefix configured at compile time.

PyGlobals::~PyGlobals() { instance = nullptr; }

bool PyGlobals::loadDialectModule(llvm::StringRef dialectNamespace) {
  if (loadedDialectModules.contains(dialectNamespace))
    return true;
  // Since re-entrancy is possible, make a copy of the search prefixes.
  std::vector<std::string> localSearchPrefixes = dialectSearchPrefixes;
  py::object loaded = py::none();
  for (std::string moduleName : localSearchPrefixes) {
    moduleName.append(dialectNamespace.data(), dialectNamespace.size());

    try {
      loaded = py::module::import(moduleName.c_str());
    } catch (py::error_already_set &e) {
      if (e.matches(PyExc_ModuleNotFoundError)) {

  if (loaded.is_none())
    return false;
  // Note: Iterator cannot be shared from prior to loading, since re-entrancy
  // may have occurred, which may do anything.
  return true;

void PyGlobals::registerAttributeBuilder(const std::string &attributeKind,
                                         py::function pyFunc, bool replace) {
  py::object &found = attributeBuilderMap[attributeKind];
  if (found && !replace) {
    throw std::runtime_error((llvm::Twine("Attribute builder for '") +
                              attributeKind +
                              "' is already registered with func: " +
                              py::str(found).operator std::string())
  found = std::move(pyFunc);

void PyGlobals::registerTypeCaster(MlirTypeID mlirTypeID,
                                   pybind11::function typeCaster,
                                   bool replace) {
  pybind11::object &found = typeCasterMap[mlirTypeID];
  if (found && !replace)
    throw std::runtime_error("Type caster is already registered with caster: " +
                             py::str(found).operator std::string());
  found = std::move(typeCaster);

void PyGlobals::registerValueCaster(MlirTypeID mlirTypeID,
                                    pybind11::function valueCaster,
                                    bool replace) {
  pybind11::object &found = valueCasterMap[mlirTypeID];
  if (found && !replace)
    throw std::runtime_error("Value caster is already registered: " +
  found = std::move(valueCaster);

void PyGlobals::registerDialectImpl(const std::string &dialectNamespace,
                                    py::object pyClass) {
  py::object &found = dialectClassMap[dialectNamespace];
  if (found) {
    throw std::runtime_error((llvm::Twine("Dialect namespace '") +
                              dialectNamespace + "' is already registered.")
  found = std::move(pyClass);

void PyGlobals::registerOperationImpl(const std::string &operationName,
                                      py::object pyClass, bool replace) {
  py::object &found = operationClassMap[operationName];
  if (found && !replace) {
    throw std::runtime_error((llvm::Twine("Operation '") + operationName +
                              "' is already registered.")
  found = std::move(pyClass);

PyGlobals::lookupAttributeBuilder(const std::string &attributeKind) {
  const auto foundIt = attributeBuilderMap.find(attributeKind);
  if (foundIt != attributeBuilderMap.end()) {
    assert(foundIt->second && "attribute builder is defined");
    return foundIt->second;
  return std::nullopt;

std::optional<py::function> PyGlobals::lookupTypeCaster(MlirTypeID mlirTypeID,
                                                        MlirDialect dialect) {
  // Try to load dialect module.
  const auto foundIt = typeCasterMap.find(mlirTypeID);
  if (foundIt != typeCasterMap.end()) {
    assert(foundIt->second && "type caster is defined");
    return foundIt->second;
  return std::nullopt;

std::optional<py::function> PyGlobals::lookupValueCaster(MlirTypeID mlirTypeID,
                                                         MlirDialect dialect) {
  // Try to load dialect module.
  const auto foundIt = valueCasterMap.find(mlirTypeID);
  if (foundIt != valueCasterMap.end()) {
    assert(foundIt->second && "value caster is defined");
    return foundIt->second;
  return std::nullopt;

PyGlobals::lookupDialectClass(const std::string &dialectNamespace) {
  // Make sure dialect module is loaded.
  if (!loadDialectModule(dialectNamespace))
    return std::nullopt;
  const auto foundIt = dialectClassMap.find(dialectNamespace);
  if (foundIt != dialectClassMap.end()) {
    assert(foundIt->second && "dialect class is defined");
    return foundIt->second;
  // Not found and loading did not yield a registration.
  return std::nullopt;

PyGlobals::lookupOperationClass(llvm::StringRef operationName) {
  // Make sure dialect module is loaded.
  auto split = operationName.split('.');
  llvm::StringRef dialectNamespace = split.first;
  if (!loadDialectModule(dialectNamespace))
    return std::nullopt;

  auto foundIt = operationClassMap.find(operationName);
  if (foundIt != operationClassMap.end()) {
    assert(foundIt->second && "OpView is defined");
    return foundIt->second;
  // Not found and loading did not yield a registration.
  return std::nullopt;