//===-- NVVMOps.td - NVVM IR dialect op definition file ----*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is the NVVM IR operation definition file.
#ifndef NVVMIR_OPS
#define NVVMIR_OPS
include "mlir/IR/EnumAttr.td"
include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/CompilationAttrInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMOpBase.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/BasicPtxBuilderInterface.td"
def LLVM_PointerGeneric : LLVM_PointerInAddressSpace<0>;
def LLVM_PointerGlobal : LLVM_PointerInAddressSpace<1>;
def LLVM_PointerShared : LLVM_PointerInAddressSpace<3>;
// NVVM dialect definitions
def NVVM_Dialect : Dialect {
let name = "nvvm";
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
let dependentDialects = ["LLVM::LLVMDialect"];
let hasOperationAttrVerify = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate external kernel
/// functions.
static StringRef getKernelFuncAttrName() { return "nvvm.kernel"; }
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate max threads required
/// per CTA for kernel functions.
static StringRef getMaxntidAttrName() { return "nvvm.maxntid"; }
/// Get the name of the metadata names for each dimension
static StringRef getMaxntidXName() { return "maxntidx"; }
static StringRef getMaxntidYName() { return "maxntidy"; }
static StringRef getMaxntidZName() { return "maxntidz"; }
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate exact threads required
/// per CTA for kernel functions.
static StringRef getReqntidAttrName() { return "nvvm.reqntid"; }
/// Get the name of the metadata names for each dimension
static StringRef getReqntidXName() { return "reqntidx"; }
static StringRef getReqntidYName() { return "reqntidy"; }
static StringRef getReqntidZName() { return "reqntidz"; }
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate min CTA required
/// per SM for kernel functions.
static StringRef getMinctasmAttrName() { return "nvvm.minctasm"; }
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate max number of
/// registers that can be allocated per thread.
static StringRef getMaxnregAttrName() { return "nvvm.maxnreg"; }
/// Get the name of the attribute used to annotate kernel arguments that
/// are grid constants.
static StringRef getGridConstantAttrName() { return "nvvm.grid_constant"; }
/// Verify an attribute from this dialect on the argument at 'argIndex' for
/// the region at 'regionIndex' on the given operation. Returns failure if
/// the verification failed, success otherwise. This hook may optionally be
/// invoked from any operation containing a region.
LogicalResult verifyRegionArgAttribute(Operation *op,
unsigned regionIndex,
unsigned argIndex,
NamedAttribute argAttr) override;
let useDefaultAttributePrinterParser = 1;
// NVVM op definitions
class NVVM_Op<string mnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []> :
LLVM_OpBase<NVVM_Dialect, mnemonic, traits> {
/// Base class that defines BasicPtxBuilderOpInterface.
class NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<string mnemonic,
list<Trait> traits = [DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<BasicPtxBuilderOpInterface>]> :
LLVM_OpBase<NVVM_Dialect, mnemonic, traits> {
// NVVM attribute definitions
class NVVM_Attr<string attrName, string attrMnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []>
: AttrDef<NVVM_Dialect, attrName, traits> {
let mnemonic = attrMnemonic;
// NVVM intrinsic operations
class NVVM_IntrOp<string mnem, list<Trait> traits,
int numResults>
: LLVM_IntrOpBase<NVVM_Dialect, mnem, "nvvm_" # !subst(".", "_", mnem),
/*list<int> overloadedResults=*/[],
/*list<int> overloadedOperands=*/[],
traits, numResults>;
// NVVM special register op definitions
class NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<string mnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []> :
NVVM_IntrOp<mnemonic, !listconcat(traits, [Pure]), 1> {
let arguments = (ins);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict `:` type($res)";
// Lane index and range
def NVVM_LaneIdOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.laneid">;
def NVVM_WarpSizeOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.warpsize">;
// Thread index and range
def NVVM_ThreadIdXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.tid.x">;
def NVVM_ThreadIdYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.tid.y">;
def NVVM_ThreadIdZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.tid.z">;
def NVVM_BlockDimXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ntid.x">;
def NVVM_BlockDimYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ntid.y">;
def NVVM_BlockDimZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ntid.z">;
// Block index and range
def NVVM_BlockIdXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ctaid.x">;
def NVVM_BlockIdYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ctaid.y">;
def NVVM_BlockIdZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.ctaid.z">;
def NVVM_GridDimXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nctaid.x">;
def NVVM_GridDimYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nctaid.y">;
def NVVM_GridDimZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nctaid.z">;
// CTA Cluster index and range
def NVVM_ClusterIdXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.clusterid.x">;
def NVVM_ClusterIdYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.clusterid.y">;
def NVVM_ClusterIdZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.clusterid.z">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nclusterid.x">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nclusterid.y">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.nclusterid.z">;
// CTA index and range within Cluster
def NVVM_BlockInClusterIdXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.ctaid.x">;
def NVVM_BlockInClusterIdYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.ctaid.y">;
def NVVM_BlockInClusterIdZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.ctaid.z">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimBlocksXOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.nctaid.x">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimBlocksYOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.nctaid.y">;
def NVVM_ClusterDimBlocksZOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.nctaid.z">;
// CTA index and across Cluster dimensions
def NVVM_ClusterId : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.ctarank">;
def NVVM_ClusterDim : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.cluster.nctarank">;
// Clock registers
def NVVM_ClockOp : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.clock">;
def NVVM_Clock64Op : NVVM_SpecialRegisterOp<"read.ptx.sreg.clock64">;
// NVVM approximate op definitions
def NVVM_RcpApproxFtzF32Op : NVVM_IntrOp<"rcp.approx.ftz.f", [Pure], 1> {
let arguments = (ins F32:$arg);
let results = (outs F32:$res);
let assemblyFormat = "$arg attr-dict `:` type($res)";
// NVVM redux op definitions
def ReduxKindNone : I32EnumAttrCase<"NONE", 0, "none">;
def ReduxKindAdd : I32EnumAttrCase<"ADD", 1, "add">;
def ReduxKindAnd : I32EnumAttrCase<"AND", 2, "and">;
def ReduxKindMax : I32EnumAttrCase<"MAX", 3, "max">;
def ReduxKindMin : I32EnumAttrCase<"MIN", 4, "min">;
def ReduxKindOr : I32EnumAttrCase<"OR", 5, "or">;
def ReduxKindUmax : I32EnumAttrCase<"UMAX", 6, "umax">;
def ReduxKindUmin : I32EnumAttrCase<"UMIN", 7, "umin">;
def ReduxKindXor : I32EnumAttrCase<"XOR", 8, "xor">;
/// Enum attribute of the different kinds.
def ReduxKind : I32EnumAttr<"ReduxKind", "NVVM redux kind",
[ReduxKindAdd, ReduxKindAnd, ReduxKindMax, ReduxKindMin, ReduxKindOr,
ReduxKindUmax, ReduxKindUmin, ReduxKindXor]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def ReduxKindAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, ReduxKind, "redux_kind">;
def NVVM_ReduxOp :
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_Type:$val,
I32:$mask_and_clamp)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = getReduxIntrinsicId($_resultType, $kind);
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, {$val, $mask_and_clamp});
let assemblyFormat = [{
$kind $val `,` $mask_and_clamp attr-dict `:` type($val) `->` type($res)
// NVVM Split arrive/wait barrier
/// mbarrier.init instruction with generic pointer type
def NVVM_MBarrierInitOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.init">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, I32:$count, PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_init, {$addr, $count});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $count (`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
bool hasIntrinsic() { if(getPredicate()) return false; return true; }
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("mbarrier.init.b64 [%0], %1;"); }
/// mbarrier.init instruction with shared pointer type
def NVVM_MBarrierInitSharedOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.init.shared">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, I32:$count, PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_init_shared, {$addr, $count});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $count (`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDeclaration = "bool hasIntrinsic() { return !getPredicate(); }";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("mbarrier.init.shared.b64 [%0], %1;"); }
def NVVM_MBarrierInvalOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.inval">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_inval, {$addr});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
def NVVM_MBarrierInvalSharedOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.inval.shared">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_inval_shared, {$addr});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.arrive">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_arrive, {$addr});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` type($addr) `->` type($res)";
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveSharedOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.arrive.shared">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_arrive_shared, {$addr});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` qualified(type($addr)) `->` type($res)";
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveNocompleteOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.arrive.nocomplete">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, I32:$count)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_arrive_noComplete, {$addr, $count});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $count attr-dict `:` type(operands) `->` type($res)";
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveNocompleteSharedOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.arrive.nocomplete.shared">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, I32:$count)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_arrive_noComplete_shared, {$addr, $count});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $count attr-dict `:` type(operands) `->` type($res)";
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveExpectTxOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, I32:$txcount, PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $txcount (`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx.b64 _, [%0], %1;"); }
def NVVM_MBarrierArriveExpectTxSharedOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx.shared">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, I32:$txcount, PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $txcount (`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx.shared.b64 _, [%0], %1;"); }
def NVVM_MBarrierTryWaitParityOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.try_wait.parity">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, I32:$phase, I32:$ticks)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $phase `,` $ticks attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
return std::string(
".reg .pred P1; \n\t"
"LAB_WAIT: \n\t"
"mbarrier.try_wait.parity.b64 P1, [%0], %1, %2; \n\t"
"@P1 bra.uni DONE; \n\t"
"bra.uni LAB_WAIT; \n\t"
"DONE: \n\t"
def NVVM_MBarrierTryWaitParitySharedOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"mbarrier.try_wait.parity.shared">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, I32:$phase, I32:$ticks)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $phase `,` $ticks attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
return std::string(
".reg .pred P1; \n\t"
"LAB_WAIT: \n\t"
"mbarrier.try_wait.parity.shared.b64 P1, [%0], %1, %2; \n\t"
"@P1 bra.uni DONE; \n\t"
"bra.uni LAB_WAIT; \n\t"
"DONE: \n\t"
def NVVM_MBarrierTestWaitOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.test.wait">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, LLVM_Type:$state)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_test_wait, {$addr, $state});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $state attr-dict `:` type(operands) `->` type($res)";
def NVVM_MBarrierTestWaitSharedOp : NVVM_Op<"mbarrier.test.wait.shared">,
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, LLVM_Type:$state)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mbarrier_test_wait_shared, {$addr, $state});
let assemblyFormat = "$addr `,` $state attr-dict `:` type(operands) `->` type($res)";
// NVVM synchronization op definitions
def NVVM_Barrier0Op : NVVM_Op<"barrier0"> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier0);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def NVVM_BarrierOp : NVVM_Op<"barrier", [AttrSizedOperandSegments]> {
let arguments = (ins
string llvmBuilder = [{
if ($numberOfThreads && $barrierId) {
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier,
{$barrierId, $numberOfThreads});
} else if($barrierId) {
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_n,
} else {
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier0);
let hasVerifier = 1;
let assemblyFormat = "(`id` `=` $barrierId^)? (`number_of_threads` `=` $numberOfThreads^)? attr-dict";
def NVVM_BarrierArriveOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"barrier.arrive">
let arguments = (ins Optional<I32>:$barrierId, I32:$numberOfThreads);
let description = [{
Thread that executes this op announces their arrival at the barrier with
given id and continue their execution.
The default barrier id is 0 that is similar to `nvvm.barrier` Op. When
`barrierId` is not present, the default barrier id is used.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "(`id` `=` $barrierId^)? `number_of_threads` `=` $numberOfThreads attr-dict";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
std::string ptx = "bar.arrive ";
if (getBarrierId()) { ptx += "%0, %1;"; }
else { ptx += "0, %0;"; }
return ptx;
def NVVM_ClusterArriveOp : NVVM_Op<"cluster.arrive"> {
let arguments = (ins OptionalAttr<UnitAttr>:$aligned);
let summary = "Cluster Barrier Arrive Op";
let description = [{
The `cluster.arrive` can be used by the threads within the cluster for synchronization and
communication. The `cluster.arrive` instruction marks the warps' arrival at the barrier
without causing the executing thread to wait for other participating threads.
The `aligned` attribute, when provided, generates the .aligned version of the PTX instruction.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
if ($aligned)
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_arrive_aligned);
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_arrive);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def NVVM_ClusterArriveRelaxedOp : NVVM_Op<"cluster.arrive.relaxed"> {
let arguments = (ins OptionalAttr<UnitAttr>:$aligned);
let summary = "Cluster Barrier Relaxed Arrive Op";
let description = [{
The `cluster.arrive` can be used by the threads within the cluster for synchronization and
communication. The `cluster.arrive` instruction marks the warps' arrival at the barrier
without causing the executing thread to wait for other participating threads.
The `aligned` attribute, when provided, generates the .aligned version of the PTX instruction.
The .relaxed qualifier on `cluster.arrive` specifies that there are no memory
ordering and visibility guarantees provided for the memory accesses performed prior to
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
if ($aligned)
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_arrive_relaxed_aligned);
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_arrive_relaxed);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def NVVM_ClusterWaitOp : NVVM_Op<"cluster.wait"> {
let arguments = (ins OptionalAttr<UnitAttr>:$aligned);
let summary = "Cluster Barrier Wait Op";
let description = [{
The `cluster.wait` causes the executing thread to wait for all non-exited threads
of the cluster to perform `cluster.arrive`. The `aligned` attribute, when provided,
generates the .aligned version of the PTX instruction.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
if ($aligned)
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_wait_aligned);
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_barrier_cluster_wait);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def NVVM_FenceScClusterOp : NVVM_Op<"fence.sc.cluster"> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_fence_sc_cluster);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def SharedSpaceCTA : I32EnumAttrCase<"shared_cta", 0, "cta">;
def SharedSpaceCluster : I32EnumAttrCase<"shared_cluster", 1, "cluster">;
def SharedSpace : I32EnumAttr<"SharedSpace", "Shared memory space",
[SharedSpaceCTA, SharedSpaceCluster]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def SharedSpaceAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, SharedSpace, "shared_space"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def ProxyAlias : I32EnumAttrCase<"alias", 0, "alias">;
def ProxyAsync : I32EnumAttrCase<"async", 1, "async">;
def ProxyAsyncGlobal : I32EnumAttrCase<"async_global", 2, "async.global">;
def ProxyAsyncShared : I32EnumAttrCase<"async_shared", 3, "async.shared">;
def ProxyTensorMap : I32EnumAttrCase<"TENSORMAP", 4, "tensormap">;
def ProxyGeneric : I32EnumAttrCase<"GENERIC", 5, "generic">;
def ProxyKind : I32EnumAttr<"ProxyKind", "Proxy kind",
[ProxyAlias, ProxyAsync, ProxyAsyncGlobal, ProxyAsyncShared, ProxyTensorMap, ProxyGeneric]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def ProxyKindAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, ProxyKind, "proxy_kind"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def NVVM_FenceProxyOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"fence.proxy">,
Arguments<(ins ProxyKindAttr:$kind,
OptionalAttr<SharedSpaceAttr>:$space)> {
let description = [{
Fence operation with proxy to establish an ordering between memory accesses
that may happen through different proxies.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
std::string ptx = "fence.proxy.";
ptx += stringifyProxyKind(getKind());
if(getKind() == NVVM::ProxyKind::async_shared)
{ ptx += "::"; ptx += stringifySharedSpace(getSpace().value()); }
ptx += ";";
return ptx;
let hasVerifier = 1;
// Attrs describing the scope of the Memory Operation
def MemScopeKindCTA : I32EnumAttrCase<"CTA", 0, "cta">;
def MemScopeKindCluster : I32EnumAttrCase<"CLUSTER", 1, "cluster">;
def MemScopeKindGPU : I32EnumAttrCase<"GPU", 2, "gpu">;
def MemScopeKindSYS : I32EnumAttrCase<"SYS", 3, "sys">;
def MemScopeKind : I32EnumAttr<"MemScopeKind", "NVVM Memory Scope kind",
[MemScopeKindCTA, MemScopeKindCluster, MemScopeKindGPU, MemScopeKindSYS]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MemScopeKindAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MemScopeKind, "mem_scope"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def NVVM_FenceProxyAcquireOp : NVVM_Op<"fence.proxy.acquire">,
Arguments<(ins MemScopeKindAttr:$scope, LLVM_PointerGeneric:$addr, I32:$size,
"ProxyKind::TENSORMAP">:$toProxy)> {
let summary = "Uni-directional proxy fence operation with acquire semantics";
let description = [{
`fence.proxy.acquire` is a uni-directional fence used to establish ordering
between a prior memory access performed via the generic proxy and a
subsequent memory access performed via the tensormap proxy
The address operand `addr` and the operand `size` together specify the
memory range `[addr, addr+size)` on which the ordering guarantees on the
memory accesses across the proxies is to be provided. The only supported
value for the `size` operand is 128 and must be an immediate. Generic Addressing
is used unconditionally, and the address specified by the operand `addr` must
fall within the `.global` state space. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "$scope $addr `,` $size (`from_proxy` `=` $fromProxy^)? (`to_proxy` `=` $toProxy^)? attr-dict";
let llvmBuilder = [{
getUnidirectionalFenceProxyID($fromProxy, $toProxy, $scope, false),
{$addr, $size});
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_FenceProxyReleaseOp : NVVM_Op<"fence.proxy.release">,
Arguments<(ins MemScopeKindAttr:$scope,
"ProxyKind::TENSORMAP">:$toProxy)> {
let summary = "Uni-directional proxy fence operation with release semantics";
let description = [{
`fence.proxy.release` is a uni-directional fence used to establish ordering
between a prior memory access performed via the generic proxy and a
subsequent memory access performed via the tensormap proxy. `fence.proxy.release`
operation can form a release sequence that synchronizes with an acquire
sequence that contains the fence.proxy.acquire proxy fence operation
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "$scope (`from_proxy` `=` $fromProxy^)? (`to_proxy` `=` $toProxy^)? attr-dict";
let llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, getUnidirectionalFenceProxyID(
$fromProxy, $toProxy, $scope, true));
let hasVerifier = 1;
def SetMaxRegisterActionIncrease : I32EnumAttrCase<"increase", 0>;
def SetMaxRegisterActionDecrease : I32EnumAttrCase<"decrease", 1>;
def SetMaxRegisterAction : I32EnumAttr<"SetMaxRegisterAction", "NVVM set max register action",
[SetMaxRegisterActionDecrease, SetMaxRegisterActionIncrease]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def SetMaxRegisterActionAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, SetMaxRegisterAction, "action">;
def NVVM_SetMaxRegisterOp : NVVM_Op<"setmaxregister"> {
let arguments = (ins I32Attr:$regCount, SetMaxRegisterActionAttr:$action);
let assemblyFormat = "$action $regCount attr-dict";
let hasVerifier = 1;
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = (op.getAction() == NVVM::SetMaxRegisterAction::increase) ?
llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_setmaxnreg_inc_sync_aligned_u32 :
createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, builder.getInt32($regCount));
def NVVM_FenceMbarrierInitOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"fence.mbarrier.init"> {
let arguments = (ins );
let description = [{
Fence operation that applies on the prior nvvm.mbarrier.init
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
return std::string("fence.mbarrier_init.release.cluster;");
def ShflKindBfly : I32EnumAttrCase<"bfly", 0>;
def ShflKindUp : I32EnumAttrCase<"up", 1>;
def ShflKindDown : I32EnumAttrCase<"down", 2>;
def ShflKindIdx : I32EnumAttrCase<"idx", 3>;
/// Enum attribute of the different shuffle kinds.
def ShflKind : I32EnumAttr<"ShflKind", "NVVM shuffle kind",
[ShflKindBfly, ShflKindUp, ShflKindDown, ShflKindIdx]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def ShflKindAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, ShflKind, "shfl_kind">;
def NVVM_ShflOp :
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins I32:$thread_mask,
OptionalAttr<UnitAttr>:$return_value_and_is_valid)> {
let summary = "NVVM Dialect Op for shfl.sync";
let description = [{
The `shfl.sync` Op implements data shuffle within threads of a warp.
The `thread_mask` denotes the threads participating in the Op where
the bit position corresponds to a particular thread’s laneid.
The `offset` specifies a source lane or source lane offset
(depending on `kind`). The `val` is the input value to be copied from
the source. The `mask_and_clamp` contains two packed values specifying
a mask for logically splitting warps into sub-segments and an upper bound
for clamping the source lane index.
[For more information, refer PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = getShflIntrinsicId(
$_resultType, $kind, static_cast<bool>($return_value_and_is_valid));
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder,
intId, {$thread_mask, $val, $offset, $mask_and_clamp});
let assemblyFormat = [{
$kind $thread_mask `,` $val `,` $offset `,` $mask_and_clamp attr-dict
`:` type($val) `->` type($res)
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_VoteBallotOp :
Results<(outs LLVM_Type:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_Type:$mask, LLVM_Type:$pred)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder,
llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_vote_ballot_sync, {$mask, $pred});
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
def NVVM_SyncWarpOp :
Arguments<(ins LLVM_Type:$mask)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_bar_warp_sync, {$mask});
let assemblyFormat = "$mask attr-dict `:` type($mask)";
def NVVM_ElectSyncOp : NVVM_Op<"elect.sync",
let results = (outs I1:$pred);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict `->` type(results)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
return std::string(
"{ \n"
".reg .u32 rx; \n"
".reg .pred px; \n"
" mov.pred %0, 0; \n"
" elect.sync rx | px, 0xFFFFFFFF;\n"
"@px mov.pred %0, 1; \n"
def LoadCacheModifierCA : I32EnumAttrCase<"CA", 0, "ca">;
def LoadCacheModifierCG : I32EnumAttrCase<"CG", 1, "cg">;
def LoadCacheModifierCS : I32EnumAttrCase<"CS", 2, "cs">;
def LoadCacheModifierLU : I32EnumAttrCase<"LU", 3, "lu">;
def LoadCacheModifierCV : I32EnumAttrCase<"CV", 4, "cv">;
/// Enum attribute of the different kinds.
def LoadCacheModifierKind : I32EnumAttr<"LoadCacheModifierKind",
"NVVM load cache modifier kind",
[LoadCacheModifierCA, LoadCacheModifierCG, LoadCacheModifierCS,
LoadCacheModifierLU, LoadCacheModifierCV]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
let description = [{
Enum attribute of the different kinds of cache operators for load instructions.
[For more information, see PTX ISA](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/#id62)
def LoadCacheModifierAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, LoadCacheModifierKind, "load_cache_modifier">;
def NVVM_CpAsyncOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"cp.async.shared.global">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$dst,
Optional<LLVM_Type>:$cpSize)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
llvm::Intrinsic::ID id;
switch ($size) {
case 4:
id = llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_ca_shared_global_4;
case 8:
id = llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_ca_shared_global_8;
case 16:
if($modifier == NVVM::LoadCacheModifierKind::CG)
id = llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_cg_shared_global_16;
else if($modifier == NVVM::LoadCacheModifierKind::CA)
id = llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_ca_shared_global_16;
llvm_unreachable("unsupported cache modifier");
llvm_unreachable("unsupported async copy size");
createIntrinsicCall(builder, id, {$dst, $src});
let assemblyFormat = "$dst `,` $src `,` $size `,` `cache` `=` $modifier (`,` $cpSize^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let hasVerifier = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
bool hasIntrinsic() { if(getCpSize()) return false; return true; }
void getAsmValues(RewriterBase &rewriter,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<mlir::Value, mlir::NVVM::PTXRegisterMod>> &asmValues) {
asmValues.push_back({getDst(), PTXRegisterMod::Read});
asmValues.push_back({getSrc(), PTXRegisterMod::Read});
asmValues.push_back({makeConstantI32(rewriter, getSize()), PTXRegisterMod::Read});
asmValues.push_back({getCpSize(), PTXRegisterMod::Read});
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
if(getModifier() == NVVM::LoadCacheModifierKind::CG)
return std::string("cp.async.cg.shared.global [%0], [%1], %2, %3;\n");
if(getModifier() == NVVM::LoadCacheModifierKind::CA)
return std::string("cp.async.ca.shared.global [%0], [%1], %2, %3;\n");
llvm_unreachable("unsupported cache modifier");
def NVVM_CpAsyncCommitGroupOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.commit.group"> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_commit_group);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
def NVVM_CpAsyncWaitGroupOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.wait.group">,
Arguments<(ins I32Attr:$n)> {
string llvmBuilder = [{
let assemblyFormat = "$n attr-dict";
def NVVM_CpAsyncMBarrierArriveOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.mbarrier.arrive"> {
let summary = "NVVM Dialect Op for cp.async.mbarrier.arrive";
let description = [{
The `cp.async.mbarrier.arrive` Op makes the mbarrier object track
all prior cp.async operations initiated by the executing thread.
The `addr` operand specifies the address of the mbarrier object
in generic address space. The `noinc` attr impacts how the
mbarrier's state is updated.
[For more information, refer PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let arguments = (ins
LLVM_AnyPointer:$addr, DefaultValuedAttr<I1Attr, "0">:$noinc);
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = $noinc ?
llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_mbarrier_arrive_noinc :
createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, {$addr});
def NVVM_CpAsyncMBarrierArriveSharedOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.mbarrier.arrive.shared"> {
let summary = "NVVM Dialect Op for cp.async.mbarrier.arrive.shared";
let description = [{
The `cp.async.mbarrier.arrive.shared` Op makes the mbarrier object
track all prior cp.async operations initiated by the executing thread.
The `addr` operand specifies the address of the mbarrier object in
shared memory. The `noinc` attr impacts how the mbarrier's state
is updated. [For more information, refer PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "$addr attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let arguments = (ins
LLVM_PointerShared:$addr, DefaultValuedAttr<I1Attr, "0">:$noinc);
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = $noinc ?
llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_mbarrier_arrive_noinc_shared :
createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, {$addr});
/// Helpers to instantiate different version of wmma intrinsics.
/// This matches the hierarchy used in IntrinsicsNVVM.td to define all the
/// combinations of the intrinsics.
class GEOM<int M, int N, int K> {
int m = M;
int n = N;
int k = K;
/// Class containing information about valid mma matrix types.
class WMMA_REGS<GEOM Geom, string Frag, string PtxEltType> {
int m = Geom.m;
int n = Geom.n;
int k = Geom.k;
string geom = "m"#Geom.m#"n"#Geom.n#"k"#Geom.k;
string frag = Frag;
string ptx_elt_type = PtxEltType;
string gft = geom#":"#Frag#":"#ptx_elt_type;
//// Generate enum value of the mma.load/mma.store intrinsic.
class WMMA_NAME_LDST<string Op, WMMA_REGS Frag, string Layout, int WithStride> {
string id = "llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_wmma"
# "_" # Frag.geom
# "_" # Op
# "_" # Frag.frag
# "_" # Frag.ptx_elt_type
# "_" # Layout
# !if(WithStride, "_stride", "");
/// Generate the signature part of the mma intrinsic name.
list<WMMA_REGS> id_frags = !cond(
// FP16 ops are identified by accumulator & result type.
!eq(A.ptx_elt_type, "f16") : [D, C],
// other ops are identified by input types.
!ne(A.ptx_elt_type, B.ptx_elt_type): [A, B],
true: [A]
string ret = !foldl("", id_frags, a, b, !strconcat(a, "_", b.ptx_elt_type));
/// Generate enum value of the wmma.mma intrinsic.
class WMMA_NAME<string Op, string ALayout, string BLayout, WMMA_REGS A,
string signature = MMA_SIGNATURE<A, B, C, D>.ret;
string id = "llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_wmma"
# "_" # A.geom
# "_" # Op
# "_" # ALayout
# "_" # BLayout
# signature;
// Generates list of 4-tuples of WMMA_REGS representing a valid MMA op.
// Geom: list of supported geometries.
// TypeN: PTX type of the corresponding fragment's element.
// TypeB and TypeD may be empty if it must match that of TypeA or TypeC.
class MMA_OPS<list<GEOM> Geom, list<string> TypeA, list<string> TypeB,
list<string> TypeC, list<string> TypeD> {
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> ret =
!foldl([]<list<WMMA_REGS>>, Geom, t1, geom, !listconcat(t1,
!foldl([]<list<WMMA_REGS>>, TypeA, t2, type_a, !listconcat(t2,
!foldl([]<list<WMMA_REGS>>, !if(!size(TypeB), TypeB, [type_a]), t3, type_b, !listconcat(t3,
!foldl([]<list<WMMA_REGS>>, TypeC, t4, type_c, !listconcat(t4,
!foldl([]<list<WMMA_REGS>>, !if(!size(TypeD), TypeD, [type_c]), t5, type_d, !listconcat(t5,
[[WMMA_REGS<geom, "a", type_a>,
WMMA_REGS<geom, "b", type_b>,
WMMA_REGS<geom, "c", type_c>,
WMMA_REGS<geom, "d", type_d>]]))))))))));
// Debugging aid for readable representation of the list above.
list<list<string>> ops = !foreach(x, ret, [x[0].gft, x[1].gft, x[2].gft, x[3].gft]);
/// Creates a list of combinations of load/store operations supported.
class MMA_LDST_OPS<list<GEOM> Geom, list<string> Frags, list<string> Types> {
list<WMMA_REGS> ret =
!foldl([]<WMMA_REGS>, Geom, t1, geom, !listconcat(t1,
!foldl([]<WMMA_REGS>, Frags, t2, frag, !listconcat(t2,
!foldl([]<WMMA_REGS>, Types, t3, type, !listconcat(t3,
[WMMA_REGS<geom, frag, type>]))))));
// Debugging aid for readable representation of the list above.
list<string> ops = !foreach(x, ret, x.gft);
// Creates list of valid combinations of fragments. This is a subset of what
// llvm supports and can be extended as needed.
class NVVM_MMA_OPS {
// "wmma" operations
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> tf32_wmma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 8>],
["tf32"], [], ["f32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> fp_wmma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 16>, GEOM<32, 8, 16>, GEOM<8, 32, 16>],
["f16"], [], ["f16", "f32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> i8_wmma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 16>, GEOM<32, 8, 16>, GEOM<8, 32, 16>],
["s8","u8"], [], ["s32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> all_wmma_ops = !listconcat(
list<WMMA_REGS> ldst_ab_ops = MMA_LDST_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 16>, GEOM<32, 8, 16>, GEOM<8, 32, 16>],
["a", "b"], ["f16","s8","u8"]>.ret;
list<WMMA_REGS> ldst_cd_ops = MMA_LDST_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 16>, GEOM<32, 8, 16>, GEOM<8, 32, 16>],
["c", "d"], ["f16", "f32","s32"]>.ret;
list<WMMA_REGS> ldst_tf32_ab_ops = MMA_LDST_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 8>],
["a", "b"], ["tf32"]>.ret;
list<WMMA_REGS> ldst_tf32_cd_ops = MMA_LDST_OPS<
[GEOM<16, 16, 8>],
["c", "d"], ["f32"]>.ret;
list<WMMA_REGS> all_ldst_ops = !listconcat(ldst_ab_ops, ldst_cd_ops,
// Separate A/B/C fragments (loads) from D (stores).
list<WMMA_REGS> all_ld_ops = !filter(op, all_ldst_ops, !ne(op.frag, "d"));
list<WMMA_REGS> all_st_ops = !filter(op, all_ldst_ops, !eq(op.frag, "d"));
// "mma_sync" operations
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> tf32_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<16,8,4>, GEOM<16,8,8>],
["tf32"], [], ["f32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> bf16_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<16,8,16>, GEOM<16,8,8>],
["bf16"], [], ["f32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> f64_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
["f64"], [], ["f64"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> fp_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<8,8,4>, GEOM<16,8,8>, GEOM<16,8,16>],
["f16"], [], ["f16", "f32"], ["f16", "f32"]>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> int_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<8,8,16>, GEOM<16,8,16>, GEOM<16,8,32>],
["s8", "u8"], ["s8", "u8"], ["s32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> subint_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<8,8,32>, GEOM<16,8,32>, GEOM<16,8,64>],
["s4", "u4"], ["s4", "u4"], ["s32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> bit_mma_ops = MMA_OPS<
[GEOM<8,8,128>, GEOM<16,8,128>, GEOM<16,8,256>],
["b1"], [], ["s32"], []>.ret;
list<list<WMMA_REGS>> all_mma_sync_ops = !listconcat(
tf32_mma_ops, bf16_mma_ops, f64_mma_ops,
fp_mma_ops, int_mma_ops, subint_mma_ops, bit_mma_ops);
/// Helper to create the mapping between the configuration and the store
/// intrinsic enum value.
class MMA_ST_INTR<string op> {
list<list<string>> cond0 = !foreach(frag, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_st_ops,
!foreach(layout, ["row", "col"],
"if (layout == \"" # layout # "\" && m == " # frag.m # " &&"
" n == " #frag.n # " && k == " # frag.k # " && \"" #
frag.ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltype)"
" return " #WMMA_NAME_LDST<op, frag, layout, 1>.id #";"));
string id = !foldl("",
!foldl([""], cond0, acc, el, !listconcat(acc, el)),
acc1, el1, acc1 # "\n" # el1);
/// Helper to map a mxk shape to a supported mxnxk matrix type. This will return
/// the n value of the supported configuration.
class MMA_ST_INFER_N<list<WMMA_REGS> ldst> {
list<string> cond = !foreach(frag, ldst,
"if (m == " # frag.m # " && k == " #frag.k # " && \"" #
frag.ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltype)"
" return "# frag.n #";");
string id = !foldl("", cond, acc, el, acc # "\n" # el);
/// Helper to map a kxn shape to a supported mxnxk matrix type. This will return
/// the m value of the supported configuration.
class MMA_ST_INFER_M<list<WMMA_REGS> ldst> {
list<string> cond = !foreach(frag, ldst,
"if (n == " # frag.n # " && k == " #frag.k # " && \"" #
frag.ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltype)"
" return "# frag.m #";");
string id = !foldl("", cond, acc, el, acc # "\n" # el);
/// Helper to map a mxn shape to a supported mxnxk matrix type. This will return
/// the k value of the supported configuration.
class MMA_ST_INFER_K<list<WMMA_REGS> ldst> {
list<string> cond = !foreach(frag, ldst,
"if (m == " # frag.m # " && n == " #frag.n # " && \"" #
frag.ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltype)"
" return "# frag.k #";");
string id = !foldl("", cond, acc, el, acc # "\n" # el);
/// Helper to create the mapping between the configuration and the load
/// intrinsic enum value.
class MMA_LD_INTR<string op> {
list<list<string>> cond0 = !foreach(frag, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_ld_ops,
!foreach(layout, ["row", "col"],
"if (layout == \"" # layout # "\" && m == " # frag.m # " &&"
" n == " #frag.n # " && k == " # frag.k # " && \"" #
frag.ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltype && frag == \""#frag.frag#"\")"
" return "# WMMA_NAME_LDST<op, frag, layout, 1>.id #";"));
string id = !foldl("",
!foldl([""], cond0, acc, el, !listconcat(acc, el)),
acc1, el1, acc1 # "\n" # el1);
/// Helper to create the mapping between the configuration and the wmma.mma
/// intrinsic enum value.
class MMA_MMA_INTR<string opName> {
list<list<list<string>>> cond0 =
!foreach(op, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_wmma_ops,
!foreach(layoutA, ["row", "col"],
!foreach(layoutB, ["row", "col"],
"if (layoutA == \"" # layoutA # "\" && layoutB == \"" # layoutB # "\" && "
" m == " # op[0].m # " && n == " #op[0].n # " && k == " # op[0].k #
" && \"" # op[0].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeA && \""
# op[3].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeB)"
" return " #
WMMA_NAME<opName, layoutA, layoutB, op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3]>.id # ";")));
list<string> f = !foldl([""],
!foldl([[""]], cond0, acc, el, !listconcat(acc, el)),
acc1, el1, !listconcat(acc1, el1));
string id = !foldl("", f, acc, el, acc # "\n" # el);
/// Enum attribute for binary (b1) MMA operation type
def MMAB1OpNone : I32EnumAttrCase<"none", 0>;
def MMAB1OpXorPopc : I32EnumAttrCase<"xor_popc", 1>;
def MMAB1OpAndPopc : I32EnumAttrCase<"and_popc", 2>;
def MMAB1Op : I32EnumAttr<"MMAB1Op", "MMA binary operations",
[MMAB1OpNone, MMAB1OpXorPopc, MMAB1OpAndPopc]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MMAB1OpAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MMAB1Op, "mma_b1op"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
/// Enum attribute type for the overflow behavior of MMA integer operations
def MMAIntOverflowWrap : I32EnumAttrCase<"wrapped", 0>;
def MMAIntOverflowSat : I32EnumAttrCase<"satfinite", 1>;
def MMAIntOverflow : I32EnumAttr<"MMAIntOverflow", "MMA overflow options",
[MMAIntOverflowSat, MMAIntOverflowWrap]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MMAIntOverflowAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MMAIntOverflow, "mma_int_overflow"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
/// Attribute to hold the MMA shape
def NVVM_MMAShapeAttr : NVVM_Attr<"MMAShape", "shape"> {
let summary = "Attribute for MMA operation shape.";
let parameters = (ins "int":$m, "int":$n, "int":$k);
let assemblyFormat = "`<` struct(params) `>`";
// Returns true if this combination of layout/satf for MMA ops is supported;
// false otherwise.
// E.g.
// if NVVM_MMA_SUPPORTED<...>.ret then
// def : FOO<>; // The record will only be defined for supported ops.
class NVVM_MMA_SUPPORTED<list<WMMA_REGS> frags, string layout_a, string layout_b, int satf> {
// MMA ops check both layouts.
string layout = layout_a # ":" # layout_b;
string a_type = frags[0].ptx_elt_type;
string b_type = frags[1].ptx_elt_type;
string c_type = frags[2].ptx_elt_type;
string d_type = frags[3].ptx_elt_type;
string geom = frags[0].geom;
// gcd is a shortcut used to identify instructions that depend on
// geom+frag_c+frag_d.
string gcd = geom # ":" # c_type # d_type;
bit ret = !cond(
// Limit satf to valid types
!and(!eq(satf, 1),
!ne(a_type, "s8"),
!ne(a_type, "u8"),
!ne(a_type, "s4"),
!ne(a_type, "u4")): false,
// m8n8k4 has no C=f32 D=f16 variant.
!eq(gcd, "m8n8k4:f32f16"): false,
// only m8n8k4 for f16 does not require row:col layout
!and(!ne(layout, "row:col"),
!or(!ne(geom, "m8n8k4"),
!ne(a_type, "f16"))) : false,
// m16n8k8 requires A and B to be the same type and C and D to be the same
// type.
!and(!eq(geom, "m16n8k8"),
!or(!ne(a_type, b_type),
!ne(c_type, d_type))): false,
// m16n8k8 requires C and D to be the same type.
!and(!eq(geom, "m16n8k8"),
!ne(c_type, d_type)): false,
// All other are OK.
true: true
// Returns a list of operation suffixes corresponding to possible b1
// multiply-and-accumulate operations for all fragments which have a
// b1 type. For all other fragments, the list returned holds a list
// containing the empty string.
class NVVM_MMA_B1OPS<list<WMMA_REGS> frags> {
list<string> ret = !cond(
!eq(frags[0].ptx_elt_type, "b1") : ["xor_popc", "and_popc"],
true: [""]
/// Generate enum value of the mma.sync intrinsic.
class MMA_SYNC_NAME<string ALayout, string BLayout, string b1op, int Satfinite,
string signature = MMA_SIGNATURE<A, B, C, D>.ret;
string id = "llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_mma"
# !if(!ne(b1op, ""), "_" # b1op, "")
# "_" # A.geom
# "_" # ALayout
# "_" # BLayout
# !if(Satfinite, "_satfinite", "")
# signature;
/// Helper to create the mapping between the configuration and the mma.sync
/// intrinsic enum value.
list<list<list<list<list<string>>>>> cond0 =
!foreach(op, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_mma_sync_ops,
!foreach(layoutA, ["row", "col"],
!foreach(layoutB, ["row", "col"],
!foreach (sat, [0, 1],
!foreach (b1op, NVVM_MMA_B1OPS<op>.ret,
!if(NVVM_MMA_SUPPORTED<[op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3]],
layoutA, layoutB, sat>.ret,
"if (layoutA == \"" # layoutA # "\" && layoutB == \"" # layoutB # "\" && "
" m == " # op[0].m # " && n == " # op[0].n # " && k == " # op[0].k #
" && \"" # op[0].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeA && \""
# op[1].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeB && "
# " \"" # op[2].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeC && "
# " \"" # op[3].ptx_elt_type # "\" == eltypeD "
# " && (sat.has_value() ? " # sat # " == static_cast<int>(*sat) : true)"
# !if(!ne(b1op, ""), " && (b1Op.has_value() ? MMAB1Op::" # b1op # " == *b1Op : true)", "") # ")\n"
# " return " #
MMA_SYNC_NAME<layoutA, layoutB, b1op, sat, op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3]>.id # ";",
"") // if supported
) // b1op
) // sat
) // layoutB
) // layoutA
); // all_mma_sync_ops
list<list<list<string>>> f1 = !foldl([[[""]]],
!foldl([[[[""]]]], cond0, acc, el,
!listconcat(acc, el)),
acc1, el1, !listconcat(acc1, el1));
list<list<string>> f2 = !foldl([[""]], f1, acc1, el1, !listconcat(acc1, el1));
list<string> f3 = !foldl([""], f2, acc, el, !listconcat(acc, el));
string id = !foldl("", f3, acc, el, acc # "\n" # el);
def MMALayoutRow : I32EnumAttrCase<"row", 0>;
def MMALayoutCol : I32EnumAttrCase<"col", 1>;
/// Enum attribute of the different matrix layout.
def MMALayout : I32EnumAttr<"MMALayout", "NVVM MMA layout",
[MMALayoutRow, MMALayoutCol]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MMALayoutAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MMALayout, "mma_layout"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
/// Enum attribute of the different PTX element types used for MMA operands.
def MMATypeF16 : I32EnumAttrCase<"f16", 0>;
def MMATypeF32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"f32", 1>;
def MMATypeTF32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"tf32", 2>;
def MMATypeU8 : I32EnumAttrCase<"u8", 3>;
def MMATypeS8 : I32EnumAttrCase<"s8", 4>;
def MMATypeS32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"s32", 5>;
def MMATypeB1 : I32EnumAttrCase<"b1", 6>;
def MMATypeU4 : I32EnumAttrCase<"u4", 7>;
def MMATypeS4 : I32EnumAttrCase<"s4", 8>;
def MMATypeBF16 : I32EnumAttrCase<"bf16", 9>;
def MMATypeF64 : I32EnumAttrCase<"f64", 10>;
def MMATypes : I32EnumAttr<"MMATypes", "NVVM MMA types",
[MMATypeF16, MMATypeF32, MMATypeTF32,
MMATypeBF16, MMATypeS8, MMATypeU8,
MMATypeS32, MMATypeS4, MMATypeU4,
MMATypeB1, MMATypeF64]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MMATypesAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MMATypes, "mma_type"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def MMAFragA : I32EnumAttrCase<"a", 0>;
def MMAFragB : I32EnumAttrCase<"b", 1>;
def MMAFragC : I32EnumAttrCase<"c", 2>;
/// Enum attribute of the different frag types.
def MMAFrag: I32EnumAttr<"MMAFrag", "NVVM MMA frag type",
[MMAFragA, MMAFragB, MMAFragC]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def MMAFragAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, MMAFrag, "mma_frag"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def NVVM_WMMALoadOp: NVVM_Op<"wmma.load">,
Results<(outs LLVM_AnyStruct:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer: $ptr, I32: $stride, I32Attr:$m,
I32Attr:$n, I32Attr:$k, MMALayoutAttr:$layout,
MMATypesAttr:$eltype, MMAFragAttr:$frag)> {
let summary = "Warp synchronous matrix load";
// Since LLVM intrinsic IDs are enum that cannot be dynamically generated in
// C++ we instanciate a function in tablegen to map the valide configuration
// to the corresponsding intrinsic ID.
// Because we want a single source of truth, this mean the source of truth
// about valid combinations needs to be in tablgen, therefore we generate
// extra helpers to query valid configurations based on the shapes of
// load/store operations.
let extraClassDeclaration =
"static llvm::Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicID("
"int m, int n, int k, mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutEnum,"
"mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum,mlir::NVVM::MMAFrag fragEnum) {"
"llvm::StringRef layout = stringifyEnum(layoutEnum);"
"llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
"llvm::StringRef frag = stringifyEnum(fragEnum);"
#MMA_LD_INTR<"load">.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
"/// Helpers to find valid n dimension based on mxk load shape.\n"
"static int inferNDimension(int m, int k, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum) {"
" llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
#MMA_ST_INFER_N<!filter(op, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_ld_ops, !eq(op.frag, "a"))>.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
"/// Helpers to find valid m dimension based on kxn load shape.\n"
"static int inferMDimension(int k, int n, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum) {"
" llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
#MMA_ST_INFER_M<!filter(op, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_ld_ops, !eq(op.frag, "b"))>.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
"/// Helpers to find valid k dimension based on mxn load shape.\n"
"static int inferKDimension(int m, int n, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum) {"
" llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
#MMA_ST_INFER_K<!filter(op, NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_ld_ops, !eq(op.frag, "c"))>.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto operands = moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
auto intId = mlir::NVVM::WMMALoadOp::getIntrinsicID(
$m, $n, $k, $layout, $eltype, $frag);
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, operands, {operands[0]->getType()});
string baseDescription = [{
The `nvvm.wmma.load` operation loads a matrix collectively using all the
threads in a warp.
The operation takes two arguments, the address from where the matrix
elements are to be loaded from and a stride. The stride argument
represents the leading dimension of the source matrix. The address and
the stride are required to be the same across all threads in the warp.
Each thread in a warp holds a certain number of elements. The Op returns
a LLVMStruct which holds the elements of the matrix held by this thread.
This op is meant to be used along with `nvvm.wmma.store` and
%2 = nvvm.wmma.load %0, %1
{eltype = "f16", frag = "a", k = 16 : i32, layout = "row", m = 16 : i32, n = 16 : i32}
: (!llvm.ptr<3>) -> !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
let assemblyFormat = "$ptr `,` $stride attr-dict `:` functional-type($ptr, $res)";
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_WMMAStoreOp : NVVM_Op<"wmma.store">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer: $ptr,
I32Attr:$m, I32Attr:$n, I32Attr:$k, MMALayoutAttr:$layout,
MMATypesAttr:$eltype, Variadic<LLVM_Type>:$args, I32: $stride)>{
let summary = "Warp synchronous matrix store";
let extraClassDeclaration =
"static llvm::Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicID("
"int m, int n, int k, mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutEnum,"
"mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum) {"
" llvm::StringRef layout = stringifyEnum(layoutEnum);"
" llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
#MMA_ST_INTR<"store">.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
"/// Helpers to find valid k dimension based on mxn store shape.\n"
"static int inferKDimension(int m, int n, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeEnum) {"
" llvm::StringRef eltype = stringifyEnum(eltypeEnum);"
#MMA_ST_INFER_K<NVVM_MMA_OPS.all_st_ops>.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto operands = moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
auto intId =
mlir::NVVM::WMMAStoreOp::getIntrinsicID($m, $n, $k, $layout, $eltype);
createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, operands, {operands[0]->getType()});
string baseDescription = [{
The `nvvm.wmma.store` operation stores a matrix collectively using
all the threads in a warp.
The operation takes as arguments the address to where the matrix elements are
to be stored, a stride and the elements to store, held by the current thread.
The stride argument represents the leading dimension of the destination matrix.
The address and the stride are required to be the same across all threads in the
This op is meant to be used along with `nvvm.wmma.m16n16k16.load` and
nvvm.wmma.store %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5
{eltype = "f16", k = 16 : i32, layout = "row", m = 16 : i32, n = 16 : i32}
: !llvm.ptr<3>, vector<2 x f16>, vector<2 x f16>, vector<2 x f16>, vector<2 x f16>
let assemblyFormat = [{
$ptr `,` $stride `,` $args attr-dict `:` qualified(type($ptr)) `,`
let hasVerifier = 1;
// Base class for all the variants of WMMA mmaOps that may be defined.
def NVVM_WMMAMmaOp : NVVM_Op<"wmma.mma">,
Results<(outs LLVM_AnyStruct:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins I32Attr:$m, I32Attr:$n, I32Attr:$k, MMALayoutAttr:$layoutA,
MMALayoutAttr:$layoutB, MMATypesAttr:$eltypeA,
MMATypesAttr:$eltypeB, Variadic<LLVM_Type>:$args)>{
let summary = "Warp synchronous matrix-multiply accumulate using tensor cores.";
let extraClassDeclaration =
"static llvm::Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicID("
"int m, int n, int k, mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutAEnum,"
"mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutBEnum, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeAEnum,"
"mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeBEnum) {"
"llvm::StringRef layoutA = stringifyEnum(layoutAEnum);"
"llvm::StringRef layoutB = stringifyEnum(layoutBEnum);"
"llvm::StringRef eltypeA = stringifyEnum(eltypeAEnum);"
"llvm::StringRef eltypeB = stringifyEnum(eltypeBEnum);"
#MMA_MMA_INTR<"mma">.id# "\n"
"return 0;"
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto operands = moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
auto intId = mlir::NVVM::WMMAMmaOp::getIntrinsicID(
$m, $n, $k, $layoutA, $layoutB, $eltypeA, $eltypeB);
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, operands);
string baseDescription = [{
The `nvvm.wmma.mma` operation performs a matrix-multiply accumulate
(mma) operation using all the threads in a warp.
The operation performed is represented as `D = A * B + C`. The operation takes
as arguments the elements of the matrices `A`, `B`, `C` and `D`, held by the
current thread. The op returns a LLVM struct which holds a part of the result
held by the current thread.
This op is meant to be used along with `nvvm.wmma.load` and
%16 = nvvm.wmma.mma %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15
{eltypeA = "tf32", eltypeB = "f32", k = 8 : i32, layoutA = "row", layoutB = "row", m = 16 : i32, n = 16 : i32}
: (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32)
-> !llvm.struct<(f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32)>
let assemblyFormat = "$args attr-dict `:` functional-type($args, $res)";
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_StMatrixOp: NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"stmatrix">,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$ptr,
MMALayoutAttr:$layout)> {
let summary = "cooperative matrix store";
let description = [{
Collectively store one or more matrices across all threads in a warp to the
location indicated by the address operand $ptr in shared memory.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = "$ptr `,` $sources attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
int d = getSources().size();
std::string ptx = "stmatrix.sync.aligned";
ptx += ".x" + std::to_string(d);
if (getLayout() == NVVM::MMALayout::col)
ptx += ".trans";
if(d == 1) ptx += ".m8n8.shared.b16 [%0], {%1};";
if(d == 2) ptx += ".m8n8.shared.b16 [%0], {%1, %2};";
if(d == 4) ptx += ".m8n8.shared.b16 [%0], {%1, %2, %3, %4};";
return ptx;
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_LdMatrixOp: NVVM_Op<"ldmatrix">,
Results<(outs AnyType:$res)>,
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer: $ptr, I32Attr:$num, MMALayoutAttr:$layout)> {
let summary = "cooperative matrix load";
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto operands = moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
auto intId = getLdMatrixIntrinsicId($layout, $num);
$res = createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, operands, {operands[0]->getType()});
string baseDescription = [{
The `nvvm.ldmatrix` operation collectively loads one or more matrices across
all threads in a warp from the location indicated by the address operand
`ptr` from shared memory.
The attribute `num` indicates how many 8x8 16-bit matrices are to be loaded.
All the threads in the warp must execute the same ldmatrix operations.
Each row of 8 elements needs to be consecutive in memory. Each lane of the
warp contains the start address of a row of 8 elements laid out as below:
num | lane 0--7 | Threads 8--15 | Threads 16--31
1 | addr0--addr7 | |
2 | addr0--addr7 | addr8--addr15 |
4 | addr0--addr7 | addr8--addr15 | addr16--addr31
%l1 = nvvm.ldmatrix %ptr {num = 1 : i32, layout = #nvvm.mma_layout<row>} :
(!llvm.ptr<3>) -> i32
%l2 = nvvm.ldmatrix %ptr {num = 4 : i32, layout = #nvvm.mma_layout<row>} :
(!llvm.ptr<3>) -> !llvm.struct<(i32, i32, i32, i32)>
let assemblyFormat = "$ptr attr-dict `:` functional-type($ptr, $res)";
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_MmaOp : NVVM_Op<"mma.sync", [AttrSizedOperandSegments]> {
let summary = "cooperative matrix-multiply and accumulate";
let description = [{
The `nvvm.mma.sync` operation collectively performs the operation
`D = matmul(A, B) + C` using all threads in a warp.
All the threads in the warp must execute the same `mma.sync` operation.
For each possible multiplicand PTX data type, there are one or more possible
instruction shapes given as "mMnNkK". The below table describes the posssibilities
as well as the types required for the operands. Note that the data type for
C (the accumulator) and D (the result) can vary independently when there are
multiple possibilities in the "C/D Type" column.
When an optional attribute cannot be immediately inferred from the types of
the operands and the result during parsing or validation, an error will be
`b1Op` is only relevant when the binary (b1) type is given to
`multiplicandDataType`. It specifies how the multiply-and-acumulate is
performed and is either `xor_popc` or `and_poc`. The default is `xor_popc`.
`intOverflowBehavior` is only relevant when the `multiplicandType` attribute
is one of `u8, s8, u4, s4`, this attribute describes how overflow is handled
in the accumulator. When the attribute is `satfinite`, the accumulator values
are clamped in the int32 range on overflow. This is the default behavior.
Alternatively, accumulator behavior `wrapped` can also be specified, in
which case overflow wraps from one end of the range to the other.
`layoutA` and `layoutB` are required and should generally be set to
`#nvvm.mma_layout<row>` and `#nvvm.mma_layout<col>` respectively, but other
combinations are possible for certain layouts according to the table below.
| A/B Type | Shape | ALayout | BLayout | A Type | B Type | C/D Type |
| f64 | .m8n8k4 | row | col | 1x f64 | 1x f64 | 2x f64 |
| f16 | .m8n8k4 | row/col | row/col | 2x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 | 4x f16x2 or 8xf32 |
| | .m16n8k8 | row | col | 2x f16x2 | 1x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 or 4 f32 |
| | .m16n8k16 | row | col | 4x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 or 4 f32 |
| bf16 | .m16n8k8 | row | col | 2x f16x2 | 1x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 or 4 f32 |
| | .m16n8k16 | row | col | 4x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 | 2x f16x2 or 4 f32 |
| tf32 | .m16n8k4 | row | col | 2x i32 | 1x i32 | 4x f32 |
| | .m16n8k8 | row | col | 4x i32 | 2x i32 | 2x f16x2 or 4 f32 |
| u8/s8 | .m8n8k16 | row | col | 1x i32 | 1x i32 | 2x i32 |
| | .m16n8k16 | row | col | 2x i32 | 1x i32 | 4x i32 |
| | .m16n8k32 | row | col | 4x i32 | 2x i32 | 4x i32 |
| u4/s4 | .m8n8k32 | row | col | 1x i32 | 1x i32 | 2x i32 |
| | m16n8k32 | row | col | 2x i32 | 1x i32 | 4x i32 |
| | m16n8k64 | row | col | 4x i32 | 2x i32 | 4x i32 |
| b1 | m8n8k128 | row | col | 1x i32 | 1x i32 | 2x i32 |
| | m16n8k128 | row | col | 2x i32 | 1x i32 | 4x i32 |
%128 = nvvm.mma.sync A[%120, %121, %122, %123]
B[%124, %125]
C[%126, %127]
{layoutA = #nvvm.mma_layout<row>,
layoutB = #nvvm.mma_layout<col>,
shape = {k = 16 : i32, m = 16 : i32, n = 8 : i32}}
: (vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)
-> !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
let results = (outs LLVM_AnyStruct:$res);
let arguments = (ins NVVM_MMAShapeAttr:$shape,
let extraClassDeclaration = !strconcat([{
static llvm::Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicID(
int64_t m, int64_t n, uint64_t k,
std::optional<MMAB1Op> b1Op,
std::optional<MMAIntOverflow> sat,
mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutAEnum, mlir::NVVM::MMALayout layoutBEnum,
mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeAEnum, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeBEnum,
mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeCEnum, mlir::NVVM::MMATypes eltypeDEnum) {
llvm::StringRef layoutA = stringifyEnum(layoutAEnum);
llvm::StringRef layoutB = stringifyEnum(layoutBEnum);
llvm::StringRef eltypeA = stringifyEnum(eltypeAEnum);
llvm::StringRef eltypeB = stringifyEnum(eltypeBEnum);
llvm::StringRef eltypeC = stringifyEnum(eltypeCEnum);
llvm::StringRef eltypeD = stringifyEnum(eltypeDEnum);
MMA_SYNC_INTR<>.id, [{
return 0;
static std::optional<mlir::NVVM::MMATypes> inferOperandMMAType(Type operandElType,
bool isAccumulator);
MMATypes accumPtxType();
MMATypes resultPtxType();
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Type":$resultType, "ValueRange":$operandA,
"ValueRange":$operandB, "ValueRange":$operandC,
"ArrayRef<int64_t>":$shape, "std::optional<MMAB1Op>":$b1Op,
"std::optional<std::array<MMATypes, 2>>":$multiplicandPtxTypes,
"std::optional<std::array<MMALayout, 2>>":$multiplicandLayouts)>
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto operands = moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
auto intId = mlir::NVVM::MmaOp::getIntrinsicID(
$shape.getM(), $shape.getN(), $shape.getK(),
$b1Op, $intOverflowBehavior,
$layoutA, $layoutB,
$res = createIntrinsicCall(
builder, intId, operands);
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_CpAsyncBulkCommitGroupOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.bulk.commit.group">,
Arguments<(ins )> {
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let description = [{
This Op commits all prior initiated but uncommitted cp.async.bulk
instructions into a cp.async.bulk-group.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
createIntrinsicCall(builder, llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_bulk_commit_group);
def NVVM_CpAsyncBulkWaitGroupOp : NVVM_Op<"cp.async.bulk.wait_group">,
ConfinedAttr<I32Attr, [IntMinValue<0>]>:$group,
OptionalAttr<UnitAttr>:$read)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$group attr-dict";
let description = [{
Op waits for completion of the most recent bulk async-groups.
The `$group` operand tells waiting has to be done until for $group or fewer
of the most recent bulk async-groups. If `$group` is 0, the op wait until
all the most recent bulk async-groups have completed.
The `$read` indicates that the waiting has to be done until all the bulk
async operations in the specified bulk async-group have completed reading
from their source locations.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
string llvmBuilder = [{
auto intId = op.getRead() ?
llvm::Intrinsic::nvvm_cp_async_bulk_wait_group_read :
createIntrinsicCall(builder, intId, builder.getInt32($group));
def NVVM_CpAsyncBulkTensorGlobalToSharedClusterOp :
Arguments<(ins LLVM_PointerShared:$dstMem,
PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
let description = [{
Initiates an asynchronous copy operation on the tensor data from global
memory to shared memory.
The Op operates has two load modes:
1) Tiled Mode: It's the default mode. The source multi-dimensional tensor
layout is preserved at the destination.
2) Im2col Mode: This mode is used when `im2colOffsets` operands are present.
the elements in the Bounding Box of the source tensor are rearranged into
columns at the destination. In this mode, the tensor has to be at least
The `multicastMask` operand is optional. When it is present, the Op copies
data from global memory to shared memory of multiple CTAs in the cluster.
Operand `multicastMask` specifies the destination CTAs in the cluster such
that each bit position in the 16-bit `multicastMask` operand corresponds to
the `nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ctaid` of the destination CTA.
The `l2CacheHint` operand is optional, and it is used to specify cache
eviction policy that may be used during the memory access.
[For more information, see PTX ISA]
let assemblyFormat = [{
$dstMem `,`
$tmaDescriptor `,`
$mbar `,`
`box` `[`$coordinates `]`
(`im2col` `[` $im2colOffsets^ `]` )?
(`multicast_mask` `=` $multicastMask^ )?
(`l2_cache_hint` `=` $l2CacheHint^ )?
(`predicate` `=` $predicate^)?
attr-dict `:` type($dstMem) `,` type($tmaDescriptor)
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
int im2colDim = getIm2colOffsets().size();
int dim = getCoordinates().size();
std::string ptx = "cp.async.bulk.tensor.";
ptx += std::to_string(dim) + "d.";
ptx += "shared::cluster.global.mbarrier::complete_tx::bytes";
if(im2colDim) ptx += ".im2col";
if(getMulticastMask()) ptx += ".multicast::cluster";
if(getL2CacheHint()) ptx += ".L2::cache_hint";
auto preg = [](int r) { return "%" + std::to_string(r); };
// Build Registers
ptx += " [%0], [%1, {";
int r = 2;
for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) ptx += preg(r+i) + ",";
ptx.pop_back(); r += dim;
ptx += "} ], [%" + std::to_string(r++) + "]";
if(im2colDim) {
ptx += ",{";
for(int i = 0; i < im2colDim; i++) ptx += preg(r+i) + ",";
ptx.pop_back(); r += im2colDim;
ptx += "}";
if(getMulticastMask()) ptx += ", " + preg(r++);
if(getL2CacheHint()) ptx += ", " + preg(r++);
ptx += ";";
return ptx;
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_CpAsyncBulkTensorSharedCTAToGlobalOp :
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$tmaDescriptor,
PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
let assemblyFormat = [{
$tmaDescriptor `,`
$srcMem `,`
`box` `[`$coordinates `]`
(`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)?
attr-dict `:` type(operands)
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
int dim = getCoordinates().size();
std::string ptx = "cp.async.bulk.tensor.";
ptx += std::to_string(dim) + "d.";
ptx += "global.shared::cta.bulk_group";
if(dim == 1) ptx += " [%0, {%2} ], [%1];";
if(dim == 2) ptx += " [%0, {%2, %3} ], [%1];";
if(dim == 3) ptx += " [%0, {%2, %3, %4} ], [%1];";
if(dim == 4) ptx += " [%0, {%2, %3, %4, %5} ], [%1];";
if(dim == 5) ptx += " [%0, {%2, %3, %4, %5, %6} ], [%1];";
return ptx;
let hasVerifier = 1;
def NVVM_PrefetchTensorMapOp : NVVM_Op<"prefetch.tensormap",
Arguments<(ins LLVM_AnyPointer:$tmaDescriptor, PtxPredicate:$predicate)> {
let assemblyFormat = "$tmaDescriptor (`,` `predicate` `=` $predicate^)? attr-dict `:` type(operands)";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() {
return std::string("prefetch.tensormap [%0];");
// NVVM Wgmma Ops
def NVVM_WgmmaFenceAlignedOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"wgmma.fence.aligned"> {
let arguments = (ins);
let description = [{
Enforce an ordering of register accesses between warpgroup level matrix
multiplication and other operations.
[For more information, see PTX ISA](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#asynchronous-warpgroup-level-matrix-instructions-wgmma-fence)
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("wgmma.fence.sync.aligned;"); }
def NVVM_WgmmaGroupSyncAlignedOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"wgmma.commit.group.sync.aligned">,
Arguments<(ins )> {
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let description = [{
Commits all prior uncommitted warpgroup level matrix multiplication operations.
[For more information, see PTX ISA](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#asynchronous-warpgroup-level-matrix-instructions-wgmma-commit-group)
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("wgmma.commit_group.sync.aligned;"); }
def NVVM_WgmmaWaitGroupSyncOp : NVVM_PTXBuilder_Op<"wgmma.wait.group.sync.aligned">{
let arguments = (ins I32Attr:$group);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict $group";
let description = [{
Signal the completion of a preceding warpgroup operation.
[For more information, see PTX ISA](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#asynchronous-warpgroup-level-matrix-instructions-wgmma-wait-group)
let extraClassDefinition = [{
std::string $cppClass::getPtx() { return std::string("wgmma.wait_group.sync.aligned %0;"); }
/// Enum attribute type for the negating of input operands
def WGMMAScaleInNeg : I32EnumAttrCase<"neg", -1>;
def WGMMAScaleInOne : I32EnumAttrCase<"one", 1>;
def WGMMAScaleIn : I32EnumAttr<"WGMMAScaleIn", "WGMMA overflow options",
[WGMMAScaleInOne, WGMMAScaleInNeg]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def WGMMAScaleInAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, WGMMAScaleIn, "wgmma_scale_in"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
/// Enum attribute type for the output operand
def WGMMAScaleOutZero : I32EnumAttrCase<"zero", 0>;
def WGMMAScaleOutOne : I32EnumAttrCase<"one", 1>;
def WGMMAScaleOut : I32EnumAttr<"WGMMAScaleOut", "WGMMA input predicate",
[WGMMAScaleOutZero, WGMMAScaleOutOne]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def WGMMAScaleOutAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, WGMMAScaleOut, "wgmma_scale_out"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
/// Enum attribute of the different PTX element types used for WGMMA operands.
def WGMMATypeF16 : I32EnumAttrCase<"f16", 0>;
def WGMMATypeTF32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"tf32", 1>;
def WGMMATypeU8 : I32EnumAttrCase<"u8", 2>;
def WGMMATypeS8 : I32EnumAttrCase<"s8", 3>;
def WGMMATypeB1 : I32EnumAttrCase<"b1", 4>;
def WGMMATypeBF16 : I32EnumAttrCase<"bf16", 5>;
def WGMMATypeF8E4M3 : I32EnumAttrCase<"e4m3", 6>;
def WGMMATypeF8E5M2 : I32EnumAttrCase<"e5m2", 7>;
def WGMMATypeF32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"f32", 8>;
def WGMMATypeS32 : I32EnumAttrCase<"s32", 9>;
def WGMMATypes : I32EnumAttr<"WGMMATypes", "NVVM WGMMA types",
WGMMATypeF8E5M2, WGMMATypeF32, WGMMATypeS32]> {
let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::NVVM";
def WGMMATypesAttr : EnumAttr<NVVM_Dialect, WGMMATypes, "wgmma_type"> {
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $value `>`";
def NVVM_WgmmaMmaAsyncOp : NVVM_Op<"wgmma.mma_async",
PredOpTrait<"input struct and result struct must be the same type",
TCresIsSameAsOpBase<0, 0>>,]>
let results = (outs LLVM_AnyStruct:$results);
let arguments = (ins
let assemblyFormat = [{
$descriptorA `,` $descriptorB `,` $inouts `,` $shape `,`
`D` `[` $typeD `,` $scaleD (`,` $satfinite^)? `]` `,`
`A` `[` $typeA `,` $scaleA `,` $layoutA `]` `,`
`B` `[` $typeB `,` $scaleB `,` $layoutB `]`
attr-dict `:`
type($inouts) `->` type($results)
let description = [{
The warpgroup (128 threads) level matrix multiply and accumulate operation
has either of the following forms, where matrix D is called accumulator:
D = A * B + D
D = A * B, where the input from accumulator D is disabled.
Supported shapes:
| | | | |f16+=e4m3*e4m3 |
| | | | |f16+=e5m2*e5m2 |
|f32+=tf32*tf32|f16+=f16 *f16 | s32+=s8*s8 |s32 += b1 * b1|f16+=e5m2*e4m3 |
| |f32+=f16 *f16 | s32+=u8*u8 | |f16+=e4m3*e5m2 |
| |f32+=bf16*bf16| s32+=u8*u8 | |f16+=e4m3*e5m2 |
| |f32+=bf16*bf16| s32+=s8*u8 | |f32+=e4m3*e4m3 |
| | | s32+=u8*s8 | |f32+=e5m2*e5m2 |
| | | | |f32+=e4m3*e5m2 |
| | | | |f32+=e4m3*e5m2 |
| .m64n8k8 | .m64n8k16 | .m64n8k32 | .m64n8k256 | .m64n8k32 |
| .m64n16k8 | .m64n16k16 | .m64n16k32 | .m64n16k256 | .m64n16k32 |
| .m64n24k8 | .m64n24k16 | .m64n24k32 | .m64n24k256 | .m64n24k32 |
| .m64n32k8 | .m64n32k16 | .m64n32k32 | .m64n32k256 | .m64n32k32 |
| .m64n40k8 | .m64n40k16 | .m64n48k32 | .m64n48k256 | .m64n40k32 |
| .m64n48k8 | .m64n48k16 | .m64n64k32 | .m64n64k256 | .m64n48k32 |
| .m64n56k8 | .m64n56k16 | .m64n80k32 | .m64n80k256 | .m64n56k32 |
| .m64n64k8 | .m64n64k16 | .m64n96k32 | .m64n96k256 | .m64n64k32 |
| .m64n72k8 | .m64n72k16 | .m64n112k32| .m64n112k256 | .m64n72k32 |
| .m64n80k8 | .m64n80k16 | .m64n128k32| .m64n128k256 | .m64n80k32 |
| .m64n88k8 | .m64n88k16 | .m64n144k32| .m64n144k256 | .m64n88k32 |
| .m64n96k8 | .m64n96k16 | .m64n160k32| .m64n160k256 | .m64n96k32 |
| .m64n104k8 | .m64n104k16 | .m64n176k32| .m64n176k256 | .m64n104k32 |
| .m64n112k8 | .m64n112k16 | .m64n192k32| .m64n192k256 | .m64n112k32 |
| .m64n120k8 | .m64n120k16 | .m64n208k32| .m64n208k256 | .m64n120k32 |
| .m64n128k8 | .m64n128k16 | .m64n224k32| .m64n224k256 | .m64n128k32 |
| .m64n136k8 | .m64n136k16 | .m64n240k32| .m64n240k256 | .m64n136k32 |
| .m64n144k8 | .m64n144k16 | .m64n256k32| .m64n256k256 | .m64n144k32 |
| .m64n152k8 | .m64n152k16 | | | .m64n152k32 |
| .m64n160k8 | .m64n160k16 | | | .m64n160k32 |
| .m64n168k8 | .m64n168k16 | | | .m64n168k32 |
| .m64n176k8 | .m64n176k16 | | | .m64n176k32 |
| .m64n184k8 | .m64n184k16 | | | .m64n184k32 |
| .m64n192k8 | .m64n192k16 | | | .m64n192k32 |
| .m64n200k8 | .m64n200k16 | | | .m64n200k32 |
| .m64n208k8 | .m64n208k16 | | | .m64n208k32 |
| .m64n216k8 | .m64n216k16 | | | .m64n216k32 |
| .m64n224k8 | .m64n224k16 | | | .m64n224k32 |
| .m64n232k8 | .m64n232k16 | | | .m64n232k32 |
| .m64n240k8 | .m64n240k16 | | | .m64n240k32 |
| .m64n248k8 | .m64n248k16 | | | .m64n248k32 |
| .m64n256k8 | .m64n256k16 | | | .m64n256k32 |
[For more information, see PTX ISA](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/index.html#asynchronous-warpgroup-level-matrix-instructions)
let hasVerifier = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void getAsmValues(RewriterBase &rewriter,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<mlir::Value, mlir::NVVM::PTXRegisterMod>> &asmValues);
// NVVM target attribute.
def NVVM_TargettAttr : NVVM_Attr<"NVVMTarget", "target"> {
let description = [{
GPU target attribute for controlling compilation of NVIDIA targets. All
parameters decay into default values if not present.
1. Target with default values.
gpu.module @mymodule [#nvvm.target] attributes {...} {
2. Target with `sm_90` chip and fast math.
gpu.module @mymodule [#nvvm.target<chip = "sm_90", flags = {fast}>] {
let parameters = (ins
DefaultValuedParameter<"int", "2", "Optimization level to apply.">:$O,
StringRefParameter<"Target triple.", "\"nvptx64-nvidia-cuda\"">:$triple,
StringRefParameter<"Target chip.", "\"sm_50\"">:$chip,
StringRefParameter<"Target chip features.", "\"+ptx60\"">:$features,
OptionalParameter<"DictionaryAttr", "Target specific flags.">:$flags,
OptionalParameter<"ArrayAttr", "Files to link to the LLVM module.">:$link
let assemblyFormat = [{
(`<` struct($O, $triple, $chip, $features, $flags, $link)^ `>`)?
let builders = [
AttrBuilder<(ins CArg<"int", "2">:$optLevel,
CArg<"StringRef", "\"nvptx64-nvidia-cuda\"">:$triple,
CArg<"StringRef", "\"sm_50\"">:$chip,
CArg<"StringRef", "\"+ptx60\"">:$features,
CArg<"DictionaryAttr", "nullptr">:$targetFlags,
CArg<"ArrayAttr", "nullptr">:$linkFiles), [{
return Base::get($_ctxt, optLevel, triple, chip, features, targetFlags, linkFiles);
let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
bool hasFlag(StringRef flag) const;
bool hasFastMath() const;
bool hasFtz() const;
let extraClassDefinition = [{
bool $cppClass::hasFlag(StringRef flag) const {
if (DictionaryAttr flags = getFlags())
return flags.get(flag) != nullptr;
return false;
bool $cppClass::hasFastMath() const {
return hasFlag("fast");
bool $cppClass::hasFtz() const {
return hasFlag("ftz");
#endif // NVVMIR_OPS