
Branching written with cf.br, cf.cond_br
func.func @simple(i64, i1) -> i64 {
^bb0(%a: i64, %cond: i1): // Code dominated by ^bb0 may refer to %a
  cf.cond_br %cond, ^bb1, ^bb2

  cf.br ^bb3(%a: i64)    // Branch passes %a as the argument

  %b = arith.addi %a, %a : i64
  cf.br ^bb3(%b: i64)    // Branch passes %b as the argument

// ^bb3 receives an argument, named %c, from predecessors
// and passes it on to bb4 along with %a. %a is referenced
// directly from its defining operation and is not passed through
// an argument of ^bb3.
^bb3(%c: i64):
  cf.br ^bb4(%c, %a : i64, i64)

^bb4(%d : i64, %e : i64):
  %0 = arith.addi %d, %e : i64
  return %0 : i64   // Return is also a terminator.


Switch statement written with cf.switch
func.func @switch(%flag : i32, %caseOperand : i32) {
  cf.switch %flag : i32, [
    default: ^bb1(%caseOperand : i32),
    42: ^bb2(%caseOperand : i32),
    43: ^bb3(%caseOperand : i32)

  ^bb1(%bb1arg : i32):
  ^bb2(%bb2arg : i32):
  ^bb3(%bb3arg : i32):


Simple for-loop written with scf.for
func.func @for_loop_with_increasing_arg() -> i1 {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
  %c16 = arith.constant 16 : index
  %0 = scf.for %arg0 = %c0 to %c4 step %c1 iter_args(%arg1 = %c0) -> index {
      %10 = arith.addi %arg0, %arg1 : index
      scf.yield %10 : index
  %1 = arith.cmpi ule, %0, %c16 : index
  func.return %1 : i1


Nested for-loop written using scf.for
func.func @std_for(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
  scf.for %i0 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 {
    scf.for %i1 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 {
      %min_cmp = arith.cmpi slt, %i0, %i1 : index
      %min = arith.select %min_cmp, %i0, %i1 : index
      %max_cmp = arith.cmpi sge, %i0, %i1 : index
      %max = arith.select %max_cmp, %i0, %i1 : index
      scf.for %i2 = %min to %max step %i1 {


Conditional written with scf.if and scf.yield
func.func @std_if_yield(%arg0: i1, %arg1: f32)
  %x, %y = scf.if %arg0 -> (f32, f32) {
    %0 = arith.addf %arg1, %arg1 : f32
    %1 = arith.subf %arg1, %arg1 : f32
    scf.yield %0, %1 : f32, f32
  } else {
    %0 = arith.subf %arg1, %arg1 : f32
    %1 = arith.addf %arg1, %arg1 : f32
    scf.yield %0, %1 : f32, f32


Switch statement using scf.index_switch
func.func @switch(%arg0: index) -> i32 {
  %0 = scf.index_switch %arg0 -> i32
  case 2 {
    %c10_i32 = arith.constant 10 : i32
    scf.yield %c10_i32 : i32
  case 5 {
    %c20_i32 = arith.constant 20 : i32
    scf.yield %c20_i32 : i32
  default {
    %c30_i32 = arith.constant 30 : i32
    scf.yield %c30_i32 : i32

  scf.index_switch %arg0
  default {

  return %0 : i32


Parallel for-loop and reduction using scf.parallel and scf.reduce
func.func @single_iteration_reduce(%A: index, %B: index) -> (index, index) {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
  %c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
  %c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
  %0:2 = scf.parallel (%i0, %i1) = (%c1, %c3) to (%c2, %c6) step (%c1, %c3) init(%A, %B) -> (index, index) {
    scf.reduce(%i0) : index {
    ^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index):
      %1 = arith.addi %lhs, %rhs : index
      scf.reduce.return %1 : index
    scf.reduce(%i1) : index {
    ^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index):
      %2 = arith.muli %lhs, %rhs : index
      scf.reduce.return %2 : index
  return %0#0, %0#1 : index, index

func.func @single_iteration_some(%A: memref<?x?x?xi32>) {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
  %c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
  %c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
  %c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
  %c10 = arith.constant 10 : index
  scf.parallel (%i0, %i1, %i2) = (%c0, %c3, %c7) to (%c1, %c6, %c10) step (%c1, %c2, %c3) {
    %c42 = arith.constant 42 : i32
    memref.store %c42, %A[%i0, %i1, %i2] : memref<?x?x?xi32>


While loop written using scf.while and scf.condition
func.func @while_cond_true() -> i1 {
  %0 = scf.while () : () -> i1 {
    %condition = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
    scf.condition(%condition) %condition : i1
  } do {
  ^bb0(%arg0: i1):
    "test.use"(%arg0) : (i1) -> ()
  return %0 : i1

func.func @while_unused_arg(%x : i32, %y : f64) -> i32 {
  %0 = scf.while (%arg1 = %x, %arg2 = %y) : (i32, f64) -> (i32) {
    %condition = "test.condition"(%arg1) : (i32) -> i1
    scf.condition(%condition) %arg1 : i32
  } do {
  ^bb0(%arg1: i32):
    %next = "test.use"(%arg1) : (i32) -> (i32)
    scf.yield %next, %y : i32, f64
  return %0 : i32

func.func @infinite_while() {
  %true = arith.constant true
  scf.while : () -> () {
  } do {


affine.for with attribute aliseses
#map_simple0 = affine_map<()[] -> (10)>
#map_simple1 = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0)>
#map_non_simple0 = affine_map<(d0)[] -> (d0)>
#map_non_simple1 = affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0)>
#map_non_simple2 = affine_map<()[s0, s1] -> (s0 + s1)>
#map_non_simple3 = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 + 3)>
func.func @funcsimplemap(%arg0: index, %arg1: index) -> () {
  affine.for %i0 = 0 to #map_simple0()[] {
    affine.for %i1 = 0 to #map_simple1()[%arg1] {
      affine.for %i2 = 0 to #map_non_simple0(%i0)[] {
        affine.for %i3 = 0 to #map_non_simple1(%i0)[%arg1] {
          affine.for %i4 = 0 to #map_non_simple2()[%arg1, %arg0] {
            affine.for %i5 = 0 to #map_non_simple3()[%arg0] {
              %c42_i32 = arith.constant 42 : i32


affine.if and affine.yield
func.func @affine_if() -> f32 {
  %zero = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
  %0 = affine.if affine_set<() : ()> () -> f32 {
    affine.yield %zero : f32
  } else {
    affine.yield %zero : f32
  return %0 : f32


Parallel for loop written using affine.parallel
func.func @parallel(%A : memref<100x100xf32>, %N : index) {
  affine.parallel (%i0, %j0) = (0, 0) to (symbol(%N), 100) step (10, 10) {
    %0:2 = affine.parallel (%i1, %j1) = (%i0, %j0) to (%i0 + 10, %j0 + 10)
      reduce ("minf", "maxf") -> (f32, f32) {
      %2 = affine.load %A[%i0 + %i0, %j0 + %j1] : memref<100x100xf32>
      affine.yield %2, %2 : f32, f32

func.func @parallel_min_max(%a: index, %b: index, %c: index, %d: index) {
  affine.parallel (%i, %j, %k) = (max(%a, %b), %b, max(%a, %c))
                              to (%c, min(%c, %d), %b) {


Execution of a region using scf.execute_region
func.func @execute_region() -> i64 {
  %res = scf.execute_region -> i64 {
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i64
    scf.yield %c1 : i64

  %res2:2 = scf.execute_region -> (i64, i64) {
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i64
    scf.yield %c1, %c1 : i64, i64
  return %res : i64


Parallel loop written using scf.forall and scf.forall.in_parallel
func.func @normalized_forall(%in: tensor<100xf32>, %out: tensor<100xf32>) {
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %num_threads = arith.constant 100 : index
  %result = scf.forall (%thread_idx) in (%num_threads) shared_outs(%o = %out) -> tensor<100xf32> {
      %1 = tensor.extract_slice %in[%thread_idx][1][1] : tensor<100xf32> to tensor<1xf32>
      scf.forall.in_parallel {
        tensor.parallel_insert_slice %1 into %o[%thread_idx][1][1] :
          tensor<1xf32> into tensor<100xf32>

func.func @explicit_loop_bounds_forall(%in: tensor<100xf32>,
    %out: tensor<100xf32>) {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %num_threads = arith.constant 100 : index
  %result = scf.forall (%thread_idx) =  (%c0) to (%num_threads) step (%c1) shared_outs(%o = %out) -> tensor<100xf32> {
      %1 = tensor.extract_slice %in[%thread_idx][1][1] : tensor<100xf32> to tensor<1xf32>
      scf.forall.in_parallel {
        tensor.parallel_insert_slice %1 into %o[%thread_idx][1][1] :
          tensor<1xf32> into tensor<100xf32>
      } {mapping = [#gpu.thread<x>]}

func.func @normalized_forall_elide_terminator() -> () {
  %num_threads = arith.constant 100 : index
  scf.forall (%thread_idx) in (%num_threads) {
    scf.forall.in_parallel {
  } {mapping = [#gpu.thread<x>]}

