//===-- TestTypeDefs.td - Test dialect type definitions ----*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// TableGen data type definitions for Test dialect.
// To get the test dialect def.
include "TestDialect.td"
include "TestAttrDefs.td"
include "TestInterfaces.td"
include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.td"
include "mlir/Interfaces/DataLayoutInterfaces.td"
// All of the types will extend this class.
class Test_Type<string name, list<Trait> traits = []>
: TypeDef<Test_Dialect, name, traits>;
def SimpleTypeA : Test_Type<"SimpleA"> {
let mnemonic = "smpla";
// A more complex parameterized type.
def CompoundTypeA : Test_Type<"CompoundA"> {
let mnemonic = "cmpnd_a";
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (
// This is special syntax since ArrayRefs require allocation in the
// constructor.
"int", // The parameter C++ type.
"An example of an array of ints" // Parameter description.
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
struct SomeCppStruct {};
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
// A more complex and nested parameterized type.
def CompoundNestedInnerType : Test_Type<"CompoundNestedInner"> {
let mnemonic = "cmpnd_inner";
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $some_int $cmpdA `>`";
def CompoundNestedOuterType : Test_Type<"CompoundNestedOuter"> {
let mnemonic = "cmpnd_nested_outer";
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (ins CompoundNestedInnerType:$inner);
let assemblyFormat = "`<` `i` $inner `>`";
def CompoundNestedOuterTypeQual : Test_Type<"CompoundNestedOuterQual"> {
let mnemonic = "cmpnd_nested_outer_qual";
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (
let assemblyFormat = "`<` `i` qualified($inner) `>`";
// An example of how one could implement a standard integer.
def IntegerType : Test_Type<"TestInteger"> {
let mnemonic = "int";
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let parameters = (
// SignednessSemantics is defined below.
// Indicate we use a custom format.
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
// Define custom builder methods.
let builders = [
TypeBuilder<(ins "unsigned":$width,
CArg<"SignednessSemantics", "Signless">:$signedness), [{
return $_get($_ctxt, width, signedness);
let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
// Any extra code one wants in the type's class declaration.
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Signedness semantics.
enum SignednessSemantics {
Signless, /// No signedness semantics
Signed, /// Signed integer
Unsigned, /// Unsigned integer
/// Return true if this is a signless integer type.
bool isSignless() const { return getSignedness() == Signless; }
/// Return true if this is a signed integer type.
bool isSigned() const { return getSignedness() == Signed; }
/// Return true if this is an unsigned integer type.
bool isUnsigned() const { return getSignedness() == Unsigned; }
// A parent type for any type which is just a list of fields (e.g. structs,
// unions).
class FieldInfo_Type<string name> : Test_Type<name> {
let parameters = (
// An ArrayRef of something which requires allocation in the storage
// constructor.
"::test::FieldInfo", // FieldInfo is defined/declared in TestTypes.h.
"Models struct fields">: $fields
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
def StructType : FieldInfo_Type<"Struct"> {
let mnemonic = "struct";
def TestType : Test_Type<"Test", [
]> {
let mnemonic = "test_type";
def TestTypeWithLayoutType : Test_Type<"TestTypeWithLayout", [
DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<DataLayoutTypeInterface, ["getIndexBitwidth",
]> {
let mnemonic = "test_type_with_layout";
let parameters = (ins "unsigned":$key);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
::llvm::LogicalResult verifyEntries(::mlir::DataLayoutEntryListRef params,
::mlir::Location loc) const;
uint64_t extractKind(::mlir::DataLayoutEntryListRef params,
::llvm::StringRef expectedKind) const;
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
def TestMemRefElementType : Test_Type<"TestMemRefElementType",
[MemRefElementTypeInterface]> {
let mnemonic = "memref_element";
def TestTypeTrait : NativeTypeTrait<"TestTypeTrait">;
// The definition of a singleton type that has a trait.
def TestTypeWithTrait : Test_Type<"TestTypeWithTrait", [TestTypeTrait]> {
let mnemonic = "test_type_with_trait";
// Type with assembly format.
def TestTypeWithFormat : Test_Type<"TestTypeWithFormat"> {
let parameters = (
let mnemonic = "type_with_format";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $one `,` struct($three, $two) `>`";
// Test dispatch to parseField
def TestTypeNoParser : Test_Type<"TestTypeNoParser"> {
let parameters = (
let mnemonic = "no_parser";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $one `,` `[` $two `]` `,` $three `,` $four `>`";
def TestTypeStructCaptureAll : Test_Type<"TestStructTypeCaptureAll"> {
let parameters = (
let mnemonic = "struct_capture_all";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` struct(params) `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalParam : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalParam"> {
let parameters = (ins
let mnemonic = "optional_param";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $a `,` $b ( `,` $c^)? `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalParams : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalParams"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "optional_params";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` params `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalParamsAfterRequired
: Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalParamsAfterRequired"> {
let parameters = (ins StringRefParameter<>:$a,
let mnemonic = "optional_params_after";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` params `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalStruct : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalStruct"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "optional_struct";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` struct(params) `>`";
def TestTypeAllOptionalParams : Test_Type<"TestTypeAllOptionalParams"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "all_optional_params";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` params `>`";
def TestTypeAllOptionalStruct : Test_Type<"TestTypeAllOptionalStruct"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "all_optional_struct";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` struct(params) `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalGroup : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalGroup"> {
let parameters = (ins "int":$a, OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$b);
let mnemonic = "optional_group";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`(` $b^ `)`) : (`x`)? $a `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalGroupParams : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalGroupParams"> {
let parameters = (ins DefaultValuedParameter<"std::optional<int>", "10">:$a,
let mnemonic = "optional_group_params";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`(` params^ `)`) : (`x`)? `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalGroupStruct : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalGroupStruct"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "optional_group_struct";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`(` struct(params)^ `)`) : (`x`)? `>`";
def TestTypeSpaces : Test_Type<"TestTypeSpaceS"> {
let parameters = (ins "int":$a, "int":$b);
let mnemonic = "spaces";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` ` ` $a `\\n` `(` `)` `` `(` `)` $b `>`";
class DefaultValuedAPFloat<string value>
: DefaultValuedParameter<"llvm::APFloat", "llvm::APFloat(" # value # ")"> {
let comparator = "$_lhs.bitwiseIsEqual($_rhs)";
let parser = [{ [&]() -> mlir::FailureOr<llvm::APFloat> {
mlir::FloatAttr attr;
auto result = $_parser.parseOptionalAttribute(attr);
if (result.has_value() && mlir::succeeded(*result))
return attr.getValue();
if (!result.has_value())
return llvm::APFloat(}] # value # [{);
return mlir::failure();
}() }];
def TestTypeAPFloat : Test_Type<"TestTypeAPFloat"> {
let parameters = (ins
let mnemonic = "ap_float";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $a `>`";
def TestTypeOptionalValueType : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalValueType"> {
let parameters = (ins
let mnemonic = "optional_value_type";
let assemblyFormat = "(`<` $value^ `>`)?";
def TestTypeDefaultValuedType : Test_Type<"TestTypeDefaultValuedType"> {
let parameters = (ins
"mlir::IntegerType::get($_ctxt, 32)">:$type
let mnemonic = "default_valued_type";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`(` $type^ `)`)? `>`";
def TestTypeCustom : Test_Type<"TestTypeCustom"> {
let parameters = (ins "int":$a, OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$b);
let mnemonic = "custom_type";
let assemblyFormat = [{ `<` custom<CustomTypeA>($a) ``
custom<CustomTypeB>(ref($a), $b) `>` }];
def TestTypeCustomSpacing : Test_Type<"TestTypeCustomSpacing"> {
let parameters = (ins "int":$a, "int":$b);
let mnemonic = "custom_type_spacing";
let assemblyFormat = [{ `<` custom<CustomTypeA>($a)
custom<CustomTypeA>($b) `>` }];
def TestTypeCustomString : Test_Type<"TestTypeCustomString"> {
let parameters = (ins StringRefParameter<>:$foo);
let mnemonic = "custom_type_string";
let assemblyFormat = [{ `<` custom<FooString>($foo)
custom<BarString>(ref($foo)) `>` }];
def TestTypeOptionalString : Test_Type<"TestTypeOptionalString"> {
let parameters = (ins StringRefParameter<"description", [{"default"}]>:$str);
let mnemonic = "optional_type_string";
let assemblyFormat = [{ (`<` $str^ `>`)? }];
def TestTypeElseAnchor : Test_Type<"TestTypeElseAnchor"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a);
let mnemonic = "else_anchor";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`?`) : ($a^)? `>`";
def TestTypeElseAnchorStruct : Test_Type<"TestTypeElseAnchorStruct"> {
let parameters = (ins OptionalParameter<"std::optional<int>">:$a,
let mnemonic = "else_anchor_struct";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` (`?`) : (struct($a, $b)^)? `>`";
def TestI32 : Test_Type<"TestI32"> {
let mnemonic = "i32";
def TestRecursiveAlias
: Test_Type<"TestRecursiveAlias", [NativeTypeTrait<"IsMutable">]> {
let mnemonic = "test_rec_alias";
let storageClass = "TestRecursiveTypeStorage";
let storageNamespace = "test";
let genStorageClass = 0;
let parameters = (ins "llvm::StringRef":$name);
let hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
Type getBody() const;
void setBody(Type type);
def TestTypeVerification : Test_Type<"TestTypeVerification"> {
let parameters = (ins AnyTypeOf<[I16, I32]>:$param);
let mnemonic = "type_verification";
let assemblyFormat = "`<` $param `>`";