# RUN: %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
# This is just a smoke test that the dialect is functional.
from mlir.ir import *
from mlir.dialects import ml_program, arith, builtin
def constructAndPrintInModule(f):
print("\nTEST:", f.__name__)
with Context(), Location.unknown():
module = Module.create()
with InsertionPoint(module.body):
return f
# CHECK-LABEL: testFuncOp
def testFuncOp():
# CHECK: ml_program.func @foobar(%arg0: si32) -> si32
f = ml_program.FuncOp(
name="foobar", type=([IntegerType.get_signed(32)], [IntegerType.get_signed(32)])
block = f.add_entry_block()
with InsertionPoint(block):
# CHECK: ml_program.return
# CHECK-LABEL: testGlobalStoreOp
def testGlobalStoreOp():
# CHECK: %cst = arith.constant 4.242000e+01 : f32
cst = arith.ConstantOp(value=42.42, result=F32Type.get())
m = builtin.ModuleOp()
m.sym_name = StringAttr.get("symbol1")
m.sym_visibility = StringAttr.get("public")
# CHECK: module @symbol1 attributes {sym_visibility = "public"} {
# CHECK: ml_program.global public mutable @symbol2 : f32
# CHECK: }
with InsertionPoint(m.body):
ml_program.GlobalOp("symbol2", F32Type.get(), is_mutable=True)
# CHECK: ml_program.global_store @symbol1::@symbol2 = %cst : f32
ml_program.GlobalStoreOp(["symbol1", "symbol2"], cst)