# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
import lit
import libcxx.test.config as config
import lit.formats
import os
import re
def _getTempPaths(test):
Return the values to use for the %T and %t substitutions, respectively.
The difference between this and Lit's default behavior is that we guarantee
that %T is a path unique to the test being run.
tmpDir, _ = lit.TestRunner.getTempPaths(test)
_, testName = os.path.split(test.getExecPath())
tmpDir = os.path.join(tmpDir, testName + ".dir")
tmpBase = os.path.join(tmpDir, "t")
return tmpDir, tmpBase
def _checkBaseSubstitutions(substitutions):
substitutions = [s for (s, _) in substitutions]
for s in ["%{cxx}", "%{compile_flags}", "%{link_flags}", "%{flags}", "%{exec}"]:
assert s in substitutions, "Required substitution {} was not provided".format(s)
def _executeScriptInternal(test, litConfig, commands):
Returns (stdout, stderr, exitCode, timeoutInfo, parsedCommands)
TODO: This really should be easier to access from Lit itself
parsedCommands = parseScript(test, preamble=commands)
_, tmpBase = _getTempPaths(test)
execDir = os.path.dirname(test.getExecPath())
res = lit.TestRunner.executeScriptInternal(
test, litConfig, tmpBase, parsedCommands, execDir, debug=False
except lit.TestRunner.ScriptFatal as e:
res = ("", str(e), 127, None)
(out, err, exitCode, timeoutInfo) = res
return (out, err, exitCode, timeoutInfo, parsedCommands)
def _validateModuleDependencies(modules):
for m in modules:
if m not in ("std", "std.compat"):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Invalid module dependency '{m}', only 'std' and 'std.compat' are valid"
def parseScript(test, preamble):
Extract the script from a test, with substitutions applied.
Returns a list of commands ready to be executed.
- test
The lit.Test to parse.
- preamble
A list of commands to perform before any command in the test.
These commands can contain unexpanded substitutions, but they
must not be of the form 'RUN:' -- they must be proper commands
once substituted.
# Get the default substitutions
tmpDir, tmpBase = _getTempPaths(test)
substitutions = lit.TestRunner.getDefaultSubstitutions(test, tmpDir, tmpBase)
# Check base substitutions and add the %{build}, %{verify} and %{run} convenience substitutions
# Note: We use -Wno-error with %{verify} to make sure that we don't treat all diagnostics as
# errors, which doesn't make sense for clang-verify tests because we may want to check
# for specific warning diagnostics.
("%{build}", "%{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} %{link_flags} -o %t.exe")
"%{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} -fsyntax-only -Wno-error -Xclang -verify -Xclang -verify-ignore-unexpected=note -ferror-limit=0",
substitutions.append(("%{run}", "%{exec} %t.exe"))
# Parse the test file, including custom directives
additionalCompileFlags = []
fileDependencies = []
modules = [] # The enabled modules
moduleCompileFlags = [] # The compilation flags to use modules
parsers = [
# Add conditional parsers for ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_FLAGS. This should be replaced by first
# class support for conditional keywords in Lit, which would allow evaluating arbitrary
# Lit boolean expressions instead.
for feature in test.config.available_features:
parser = lit.TestRunner.IntegratedTestKeywordParser(
scriptInTest = lit.TestRunner.parseIntegratedTestScript(
test, additional_parsers=parsers, require_script=not preamble
if isinstance(scriptInTest, lit.Test.Result):
return scriptInTest
script = []
# For each file dependency in FILE_DEPENDENCIES, inject a command to copy
# that file to the execution directory. Execute the copy from %S to allow
# relative paths from the test directory.
for dep in fileDependencies:
script += ["%dbg(SETUP) cd %S && cp {} %T".format(dep)]
script += preamble
script += scriptInTest
# Add compile flags specified with ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_FLAGS.
# Modules need to be built with the same compilation flags as the
# test. So add these flags before adding the modules.
substitutions = config._appendToSubstitution(
substitutions, "%{compile_flags}", " ".join(additionalCompileFlags)
if modules:
# The moduleCompileFlags are added to the %{compile_flags}, but
# the modules need to be built without these flags. So expand the
# %{compile_flags} eagerly and hardcode them in the build script.
compileFlags = config._getSubstitution("%{compile_flags}", test.config)
# Building the modules needs to happen before the other script
# commands are executed. Therefore the commands are added to the
# front of the list.
if "std.compat" in modules:
"%dbg(MODULE std.compat) %{cxx} %{flags} "
f"{compileFlags} "
"-Wno-reserved-module-identifier -Wno-reserved-user-defined-literal "
"-fmodule-file=std=%T/std.pcm " # The std.compat module imports std.
"--precompile -o %T/std.compat.pcm -c %{module-dir}/std.compat.cppm",
["-fmodule-file=std.compat=%T/std.compat.pcm", "%T/std.compat.pcm"]
# Make sure the std module is built before std.compat. Libc++'s
# std.compat module depends on the std module. It is not
# known whether the compiler expects the modules in the order of
# their dependencies. However it's trivial to provide them in
# that order.
"%dbg(MODULE std) %{cxx} %{flags} "
f"{compileFlags} "
"-Wno-reserved-module-identifier -Wno-reserved-user-defined-literal "
"--precompile -o %T/std.pcm -c %{module-dir}/std.cppm",
moduleCompileFlags.extend(["-fmodule-file=std=%T/std.pcm", "%T/std.pcm"])
# Add compile flags required for the modules.
substitutions = config._appendToSubstitution(
substitutions, "%{compile_flags}", " ".join(moduleCompileFlags)
# Perform substitutions in the script itself.
script = lit.TestRunner.applySubstitutions(
script, substitutions, recursion_limit=test.config.recursiveExpansionLimit
return script
class CxxStandardLibraryTest(lit.formats.FileBasedTest):
Lit test format for the C++ Standard Library conformance test suite.
Lit tests are contained in files that follow a certain pattern, which determines the semantics of the test.
Under the hood, we basically generate a builtin Lit shell test that follows the ShTest format, and perform
the appropriate operations (compile/link/run). See
for a complete description of those semantics.
Substitution requirements
The test format operates by assuming that each test's configuration provides
the following substitutions, which it will reuse in the shell scripts it
%{cxx} - A command that can be used to invoke the compiler
%{compile_flags} - Flags to use when compiling a test case
%{link_flags} - Flags to use when linking a test case
%{flags} - Flags to use either when compiling or linking a test case
%{exec} - A command to prefix the execution of executables
Note that when building an executable (as opposed to only compiling a source
file), all three of %{flags}, %{compile_flags} and %{link_flags} will be used
in the same command line. In other words, the test format doesn't perform
separate compilation and linking steps in this case.
Additional provided substitutions and features
The test format will define the following substitutions for use inside tests:
Expands to a command-line that builds the current source
file with the %{flags}, %{compile_flags} and %{link_flags}
substitutions, and that produces an executable named %t.exe.
Expands to a command-line that builds the current source
file with the %{flags} and %{compile_flags} substitutions
and enables clang-verify. This can be used to write .sh.cpp
tests that use clang-verify. Note that this substitution can
only be used when the 'verify-support' feature is available.
Equivalent to `%{exec} %t.exe`. This is intended to be used
in conjunction with the %{build} substitution.
def getTestsForPath(self, testSuite, pathInSuite, litConfig, localConfig):
sourcePath = testSuite.getSourcePath(pathInSuite)
filename = os.path.basename(sourcePath)
# Ignore dot files, excluded tests and tests with an unsupported suffix
hasSupportedSuffix = lambda f: any([re.search(ext, f) for ext in SUPPORTED_SUFFIXES])
if filename.startswith(".") or filename in localConfig.excludes or not hasSupportedSuffix(filename):
# If this is a generated test, run the generation step and add
# as many Lit tests as necessary.
if re.search('[.]gen[.][^.]+$', filename):
for test in self._generateGenTest(testSuite, pathInSuite, litConfig, localConfig):
yield test
yield lit.Test.Test(testSuite, pathInSuite, localConfig)
def execute(self, test, litConfig):
supportsVerify = "verify-support" in test.config.available_features
filename = test.path_in_suite[-1]
if re.search("[.]sh[.][^.]+$", filename):
steps = [] # The steps are already in the script
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
elif filename.endswith(".compile.pass.cpp") or filename.endswith(
steps = [
"%dbg(COMPILED WITH) %{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} -fsyntax-only"
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
elif filename.endswith(".compile.fail.cpp"):
steps = [
"%dbg(COMPILED WITH) ! %{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} -fsyntax-only"
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
elif filename.endswith(".link.pass.cpp") or filename.endswith(".link.pass.mm"):
steps = [
"%dbg(COMPILED WITH) %{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} %{link_flags} -o %t.exe"
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
elif filename.endswith(".link.fail.cpp"):
steps = [
"%dbg(COMPILED WITH) %{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} -c -o %t.o",
"%dbg(LINKED WITH) ! %{cxx} %t.o %{flags} %{link_flags} -o %t.exe",
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
elif filename.endswith(".verify.cpp"):
if not supportsVerify:
return lit.Test.Result(
"Test {} requires support for Clang-verify, which isn't supported by the compiler".format(
steps = ["%dbg(COMPILED WITH) %{verify}"]
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
# Make sure to check these ones last, since they will match other
# suffixes above too.
elif filename.endswith(".pass.cpp") or filename.endswith(".pass.mm"):
steps = [
"%dbg(COMPILED WITH) %{cxx} %s %{flags} %{compile_flags} %{link_flags} -o %t.exe",
"%dbg(EXECUTED AS) %{exec} %t.exe",
return self._executeShTest(test, litConfig, steps)
return lit.Test.Result(
lit.Test.UNRESOLVED, "Unknown test suffix for '{}'".format(filename)
def _executeShTest(self, test, litConfig, steps):
if test.config.unsupported:
return lit.Test.Result(lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED, "Test is unsupported")
script = parseScript(test, steps)
if isinstance(script, lit.Test.Result):
return script
if litConfig.noExecute:
return lit.Test.Result(
lit.Test.XFAIL if test.isExpectedToFail() else lit.Test.PASS
_, tmpBase = _getTempPaths(test)
useExternalSh = False
return lit.TestRunner._runShTest(
test, litConfig, useExternalSh, script, tmpBase
def _generateGenTest(self, testSuite, pathInSuite, litConfig, localConfig):
generator = lit.Test.Test(testSuite, pathInSuite, localConfig)
# Make sure we have a directory to execute the generator test in
generatorExecDir = os.path.dirname(testSuite.getExecPath(pathInSuite))
os.makedirs(generatorExecDir, exist_ok=True)
# Run the generator test
steps = [] # Steps must already be in the script
(out, err, exitCode, _, _) = _executeScriptInternal(generator, litConfig, steps)
if exitCode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Error while trying to generate gen test\nstdout:\n{out}\n\nstderr:\n{err}")
# Split the generated output into multiple files and generate one test for each file
for subfile, content in self._splitFile(out):
generatedFile = testSuite.getExecPath(pathInSuite + (subfile,))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(generatedFile), exist_ok=True)
with open(generatedFile, 'w') as f:
yield lit.Test.Test(testSuite, (generatedFile,), localConfig)
def _splitFile(self, input):
DELIM = r'^(//|#)---(.+)'
lines = input.splitlines()
currentFile = None
thisFileContent = []
for line in lines:
match = re.match(DELIM, line)
if match:
if currentFile is not None:
yield (currentFile, '\n'.join(thisFileContent))
currentFile = match.group(2).strip()
thisFileContent = []
assert currentFile is not None, f"Some input to split-file doesn't belong to any file, input was:\n{input}"
if currentFile is not None:
yield (currentFile, '\n'.join(thisFileContent))