# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
import os
def _getSubstitution(substitution, config):
for (orig, replacement) in config.substitutions:
if orig == substitution:
return replacement
raise ValueError("Substitution {} is not in the config.".format(substitution))
def _appendToSubstitution(substitutions, key, value):
return [(k, v + " " + value) if k == key else (k, v) for (k, v) in substitutions]
def configure(parameters, features, config, lit_config):
note = lambda s: lit_config.note("({}) {}".format(config.name, s))
config.environment = dict(os.environ)
# Apply the actions supplied by parameters to the configuration first, since
# parameters are things that we request explicitly and which might influence
# what features are implicitly made available next.
for param in parameters:
actions = param.getActions(config, lit_config.params)
for action in actions:
if lit_config.debug:
"Applied '{}' as a result of parameter '{}'".format(
action.pretty(config, lit_config.params),
param.pretty(config, lit_config.params),
# Then, apply the automatically-detected features.
for feature in features:
actions = feature.getActions(config)
for action in actions:
if lit_config.debug:
"Applied '{}' as a result of implicitly detected feature '{}'".format(
action.pretty(config, lit_config.params), feature.pretty(config)
# Print the basic substitutions
for sub in ("%{cxx}", "%{flags}", "%{compile_flags}", "%{link_flags}", "%{exec}"):
note("Using {} substitution: '{}'".format(sub, _getSubstitution(sub, config)))
# Print all available features
note("All available features: {}".format(", ".join(sorted(config.available_features))))